270 research outputs found

    Unemployment Among Young Adults: Exploring Employer-Led Solutions

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    Younger workers consistently experience higher unemployment and less job stability than older workers. Yet the dramatic deterioration in employment outcomes among younger workers during and since the Great Recession creates new urgency about developing more effective bridges into full-time employment for young people, especially those with less than a bachelor's degree. Improving the employment status of young adults and helping employers meet workforce needs are complementary goals. Designing strategies to achieve them requires insight into the supply and demand sides of the labor market: both the characteristics of young people and their typical routes into employment as well as the demand for entry-level orkers and the market forces that shape employer decisions about hiring and investing in skill development. A quantitative and qualitative inquiry focused on the metropolitan areas of Chicago, Ill. and Louisville, Ky

    Determinan Struktur Modal dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Profitabilitas Perusahaan Manufaktur di Indonesia

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    Setiap perusahaan dalam menjalankan usahanya mempunyai tujuan yaitu untuk menghasilkan profit yang optimal. Profit mampu memberikan gambaran kinerja perusahaan dalam suatu periode serta menjadi daya tarik bagi investor dalam melakukan kegiatan jual beli saham. Perusahaan manufaktur merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang memberikan peranan penting bagi perekonomian nasional. Hal ini dapat terlihat dari laba perusahaan yang menunjukkan trend meningkat dibandingkan sektor lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh ukuran perusahaan, uniqueness dan tangibilitas terhadap struktur modal dan profitabilitas pada perusahaan manufaktur. Populasi dalam penelitian adalah seluruh perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di BEI periode 2010-2018 sebanyak 145 perusahaan. Sampel dalam penelitian sebanyak 96 perusahaan yang dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Teknik analisis data penelitian menggunakan bantuan program AMOS. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa ukuran perusahaan dan tangibilitas tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap struktur modal, uniqueness berpengaruh signifikan positif terhadap struktur modal, dan struktur modal berpengaruh signifikan negatif terhadap profitabilitas. Hasil penelitian mendukung pecking order theory yang menyatakan bahwa semakin rendah nilai hutang perusahaan maka akan meningkatkan profitabilitas perusahaan

    Edukasi Pengelolaan Keuangan Pribadi bagi Tenaga Pendidik dan Kependidikan SMA Santa Maria Pekanbaru

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    Pekanbaru dalam rangka seminar sehari, dengan tema ”Bijak Dalam Mengelola Keuangan Pribadi”. Tujuan dari pelaksanaan kegiatan adalah untuk memberikan edukasi kepada tenaga pendidik maupun tenaga kependidikan mengenai bagaimana cara mengelola keuangan pribadi yang tepat melalui berbagai instrumen investasi yang tersedia. Peserta kegiatan pengabdian adalah tenaga pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan SMA Santa Maria Pekanbaru sebanyak 32 orang dengan tetap mematuhi protokol kesehatan dan di laksanakan pada Aula Seminar SMA Santa Maria Pekanbaru. Bentuk kegiatan pengabdian adalah sosialisasi dengan menyampaikan materi kepada peserta kemudian dilanjutkan dengan sesi diskusi dan sesi tanya jawab mengenai langkah-langkah mengelola keuangan pribadi sampai pada cara pemilihan instrumen investasi yang tepat. Adapun capaian dari kegiatan sosialisasi yakni terlaksananya kegiatan pengabdian dengan lancar dan mendapatkan respon positif dari peserta semina

    Novel Reproductive Behavior in an Asian Frog: Sex‐Reversed Inguinal Amplexus

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    Amphibians exhibit diverse reproductive behaviors, including nine documented types of amplexus, the behavior in which male and female frogs position themselves for courtship, oviposition, and fertilization. All known forms of amplexus involve the male on top of or in line horizontally (cloacal apposition) with the female. Here, we report a novel form of amplexus observed in Lau’s leaf litter toad (Leptobrachella laui; Megophryidae) in Hong Kong, China. Termed “sex‐reversed inguinal amplexus,” the female climbs on top of a male and the male transports the female to a concealed breeding site. We were unable to determine whether this was the amplectant position in which frogs engaged during oviposition or solely during courtship and prior to oviposition, but there are a number of possible evolutionary drivers that may have given rise to this behavior, including limiting suitable oviposition sites or strong competition for males among females. Further research will be necessary to understand the evolutionary origins of this novel reproductive behavior

    Isothiourea-catalyzed enantioselective α-alkylation of esters via 1,6-conjugate addition to para-quinone methides

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    Funding: We thank the ERC under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013)/E.R.C. grant agreement n° 279850, AstraZeneca and EPSRC [EP/M506631/1 (J.N.A.)], Syngenta and the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Critical Resource Catalysis [CRITICAT, EP/L016419/1 (W.C.H.)], and EPSRC [EP/M508214/1 (C.M.)] for funding. A.D.S. thanks the Royal Society for a Wolfson Research Merit Award. We thank the EPSRC UK National Mass Spectrometry Facility at Swansea University.The isothiourea-catalyzed enantioselective 1,6-conjugate addition of para-nitrophenyl esters to 2,6-disubstituted para-quinone methides is reported. para-Nitrophenoxide, generated in situ from initial N-acylation of the isothiourea by the para-nitrophenyl ester, is proposed to facilitate catalyst turnover in this transformation. A range of para-nitrophenyl ester products can be isolated, or derivatized in situ by addition of benzylamine to give amides, in up to 99% yield. Although low diastereocontrol is observed, the diastereoisomeric ester products are separable and formed with high enantiocontrol (up to 94:6 er).Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Neuroimaging in repetitive brain trauma

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    Sports-related concussions are one of the major causes of mild traumatic brain injury. Although most patients recover completely within days to weeks, those who experience repetitive brain trauma (RBT) may be at risk for developing a condition known as chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). While this condition is most commonly observed in athletes who experience repetitive concussive and/or subconcussive blows to the head, such as boxers, football players, or hockey players, CTE may also affect soldiers on active duty. Currently, the only means by which to diagnose CTE is by the presence of phosphorylated tau aggregations post-mortem. Non-invasive neuroimaging, however, may allow early diagnosis as well as improve our understanding of the underlying pathophysiology of RBT. The purpose of this article is to review advanced neuroimaging methods used to investigate RBT, including diffusion tensor imaging, magnetic resonance spectroscopy, functional magnetic resonance imaging, susceptibility weighted imaging, and positron emission tomography. While there is a considerable literature using these methods in brain injury in general, the focus of this review is on RBT and those subject populations currently known to be susceptible to RBT, namely athletes and soldiers. Further, while direct detection of CTE in vivo has not yet been achieved, all of the methods described in this review provide insight into RBT and will likely lead to a better characterization (diagnosis), in vivo, of CTE than measures of self-report


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    Karyawan merupakan bagian penting dalam suatu organisasi yang mampu menggerakkan dan mensinergikan sumber daya lainnya untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi. Keberhasilan organisasi sangat ditentukan oleh peran dan fungsi karyawan yang ada di dalamnya. Oleh karena itu, organisasi harus memberdayakan semua komponen karyawan yang dimiliki dengan baik agar mampu meningkatkan kinerja dengan melakukan proses penilaian kompetensi karyawan berdasarkan fungsi dan jabatan yang dituju. Kegiatan asesmen kompetensi bagi karyawan Bank Perkreditan Rakyat Rokan Hulu dilaksanakan pada tanggal 16-17 Juli 2022 dengan jumlah peserta sebanyak 32 orang. Kegiatan PKM ini bertujuan untuk melakukan penilaian kompetensi karyawan berdasarkan fungsi dan jabatan yang dituju. Penilaian kompetensi karyawan akan dilakukan terhadap calon pegawai, pegawai tetap, kepala seksi, dan kepala cabang berdasar pada aspek psikologis dan aspek kompetensi manajerial. Hasil kegiatan memperlihatkan bahwa terdapat 23 peserta berada pada kategori Masih Memenuhi Syarat (MMS), 5 peserta berada pada kategori Memenuhi Syarat (MS) dan 4 peserta berada pada kategori Kurang Memenuhi Syarat (KMS). Dengan demikian secara keseluruhan terdapat 28 peserta yang disarankan untuk promosi pada jabatan yang dituju dan 4 peserta yang tidak disarankan untuk promosi pada jabatan yang dituju.Employees are an important part of organization that is able to mobilize and synergize other resources to achieve organizational goals. The success of organization is largely determined by the roles and functions of the employees in it. Therefore, the organization must empower all components of employees who are well owned in order to be able to improve performance by carrying out the employee competency assessment process based on the intended function and position. Competency assessment activities for employees of Rokan Hulu Rural Bank were carried out on 16-17 July 2022 with a total of 32 participants. This PKM activity aims to evaluate employee competence based on the intended function and position. Employee competency assessment will be carried out on prospective employees, permanent employees, section heads, and branch heads based on psychological aspects and managerial competency aspects. The PKM results showed that 23 participants were in the Still Qualified (MMS) category, 5 participants were in the Qualified (MS) category and 4 participants were in the Less Qualified (KMS) category. Thus overall there were 28 participants who were suggested for promotion to the intended position and 4 participants who were not advised to be promoted to the intended position