293 research outputs found

    Gravitational-wave astrophysics with effective-spin measurements: asymmetries and selection biases

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    Gravitational waves emitted by coalescing compact objects carry information about the spin of the individual bodies. However, with present detectors only the mass-weighted combination of the components of the spin along the orbital angular momentum can be measured accurately. This quantity, the effective spin χeff\chi_{\mathrm{eff}}, is conserved up to at least the second post-Newtonian order. The measured distribution of χeff\chi_{\mathrm{eff}} values from a population of detected binaries, and in particular whether this distribution is symmetric about zero, encodes valuable information about the underlying compact-binary formation channels. In this paper we focus on two important complications of using the effective spin to study astrophysical population properties: (i) an astrophysical distribution for χeff\chi_{\mathrm{eff}} values which is symmetric does not necessarily lead to a symmetric distribution for the detected effective spin values, leading to a \emph{selection bias}; and (ii) the posterior distribution of χeff\chi_{\mathrm{eff}} for individual events is \emph{asymmetric} and it cannot usually be treated as a Gaussian. We find that the posterior distributions for χeff\chi_{\mathrm{eff}} systematically show fatter tails toward larger positive values, unless the total mass is large or the mass ratio m2/m1m_2/m_1 is smaller than 1/2\sim 1/2. Finally we show that uncertainties in the measurement of χeff\chi_{\mathrm{eff}} are systematically larger when the true value is negative than when it is positive. All these factors can bias astrophysical inference about the population when we have more than 100\sim 100 events and should be taken into account when using gravitational-wave measurements to characterize astrophysical populations.Comment: An online generator for synthetic χeff\chi_{\mathrm{eff}} posteriors can be found at: http://superstring.mit.edu/welcome.html Comments are welcom

    Stellar Populations in the Phoenix Dwarf (dIrr/dSph) Galaxy as Observed by HST/WFPC2

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    We present HST/WFPC2 photometry of the central regions of the Phoenix dwarf. Accurate photometry allows us to: 1) confirm the existence of the horizontal branch previously detected by ground-based observations, and use it to determine a distance to Phoenix, 2) clearly detect the existence of multiple ages in the stellar population of Phoenix, 3) determine a mean metallicity of the old red giant branch stars in Phoenix, and suggest that Phoenix has evolved chemically over its lifetime, 4) extract a rough star formation history for the central regions which suggests that Phoenix has been forming stars roughly continuously over its entire lifetime.Comment: Accepted by AJ, 22 pages including 6 figures + 1 figure in JPEG forma

    Who Ordered That? Unequal-Mass Binary Black Hole Mergers Have Larger Effective Spins

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    Hierarchical analysis of the binary black hole (BBH) detections by the Advanced LIGO and Virgo detectors has offered an increasingly clear picture of their mass, spin, and redshift distributions. Fully understanding the formation and evolution of BBH mergers will require not just the characterization of these marginal distributions, though, but the discovery of any correlations that exist between the properties of BBHs. Here, we hierarchically analyze the ensemble of BBHs discovered by the LIGO and Virgo with a model that allows for intrinsic correlations between their mass ratios qq and effective inspiral spins χeff\chi_\mathrm{eff}. At 98.7%98.7\% credibility, we find that the mean of the χeff\chi_\mathrm{eff} distribution varies as a function of qq, such that more unequal-mass BBHs exhibit systematically larger χeff\chi_\mathrm{eff}. We find Bayesian odds ratio of 10.510.5 in favor of a model that allows for such a correlation over one that does not. Finally, we use simulated signals to verify that our results are robust against degeneracies in the measurements of qq and χeff\chi_\mathrm{eff} for individual events. While many proposed astrophysical formation channels predict some degree correlation between spins and mass ratio, these predicted correlations typically act in an opposite sense to the trend we observationally identify in the data.Comment: Accepted in ApJL. New version includes edits made during productio

    Experimental comparison of two methods to study barley responses to partial submergence

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    peer-reviewedBackground Crop yield is dependent on climate conditions, which are becoming both more variable and extreme in some areas of the world as a consequence of global climate change. Increased precipitation and flooding events are the cause of important yield losses due to waterlogging or (partial) submergence of crops in the field. Our ability to screen efficiently and quickly for varieties that have increased tolerance to waterlogging or (partial) submergence is important. Barley, a staple crop worldwide, is particularly sensitive to waterlogging. Screening for waterlogging tolerant barley varieties has been ongoing for many years, but methods used to screen vary greatly, from the type of soil used to the time at which the treatment is applied. This variation makes it difficult to cross-compare results. Results Here, we have devised a scoring system to assess barley tolerance to waterlogging and compare two different methods when partial submergence is applied with either water or a starch solution at an early developmental stage, which is particularly sensitive to waterlogging or partial submergence. The use of a starch solution has been previously shown to result in more reducing soil conditions and has been used to screen for waterlogging tolerance. Conclusions Our results show that the two methods provide similar results to qualitatively rank varieties as tolerant or sensitive, while also affecting plants differently, in that application of a starch solution results in stronger and earlier symptoms than applying partial submergence with water

    Observations and Implications of the Star Formation History of the LMC

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    We present derivations of star formation histories based on color-magnitude diagrams of three fields in the LMC from HST/WFPC2 observations. A significant component of stars older than 4 Gyr is required to match the observed color-magnitude diagrams. Models with a dispersion-free age-metallicity relation are unable to reproduce the width of the observed main sequence; models with a range of metallicity at a given age provide a much better fit. Such models allow us to construct complete ``population boxes'' for the LMC based entirely on color-magnitude diagrams; remarkably, these qualitatively reproduce the age-metallicity relation observed in LMC clusters. We discuss some of the uncertainties in deriving star formation histories. We find, independently of the models, that the LMC bar field has a larger relative component of older stars than the outer fields. The main implications suggested by this study are: 1) the star formation history of field stars appears to differ from the age distribution of clusters, 2) there is no obvious evidence for bursty star formation, but our ability to measure bursts shorter in duration than \sim 25% of any given age is limited by the statistics of the observed number of stars, 3) there may be some correlation of the star formation rate with the last close passage of the LMC/SMC/Milky Way, but there is no dramatic effect, and 4) the derived star formation history is probably consistent with observed abundances, based on recent chemical evolution models.Comment: Accepted by AJ, 36 pages including 12 figure

    An inducible, modular system for spatio-temporal control of gene expression in stomatal guard cells

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    Stomata, flanked by pairs of guard cells, are small pores on the leaf surfaces of plants and they function to control gas exchange between plants and the atmosphere. Stomata will open when water is available to allow for the uptake of carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. During periods of drought, stomata will close to reduce desiccation stress. As such, optimal functioning of stomata will impact on water use efficiency by plants. The development of an inducible, modular system for robust and targeted gene expression in stomatal guard cells is reported here. It is shown that application of ethanol vapour to activate the gene expression system did not affect the ability of stomata to respond to ABA in bioassays to determine the promotion of stomatal closure and the inhibition of stomatal opening. The system that has been developed allows for robust spatio-temporal control of gene expression in all cells of the stomatal lineage, thereby enabling molecular engineering of stomatal function as well as studies on stomatal development

    Observation of charge-dependent azimuthal correlations and possible local strong parity violation in heavy ion collisions

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    Parity-odd domains, corresponding to non-trivial topological solutions of the QCD vacuum, might be created during relativistic heavy-ion collisions. These domains are predicted to lead to charge separation of quarks along the orbital momentum of the system created in non-central collisions. To study this effect, we investigate a three particle mixed harmonics azimuthal correlator which is a \P-even observable, but directly sensitive to the charge separation effect. We report measurements of this observable using the STAR detector in Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}}=200 and 62~GeV. The results are presented as a function of collision centrality, particle separation in rapidity, and particle transverse momentum. A signal consistent with several of the theoretical expectations is detected in all four data sets. We compare our results to the predictions of existing event generators, and discuss in detail possible contributions from other effects that are not related to parity violation.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures, as accepted for publication in Physical Review C