1,595 research outputs found

    Time for Cloud? Design and implementation of a time-based cloud resource management system

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    The current pay-per-use model adopted by public cloud service providers has influenced the perception on how a cloud should provide its resources to end-users, i.e. on-demand and access to an unlimited amount of resources. However, not all clouds are equal. While such provisioning models work for well-endowed public clouds, they may not always work well in private clouds with limited budget and resources such as research and education clouds. Private clouds also stand to be impacted greatly by issues such as user resource hogging and the misuse of resources for nefarious activities. These problems are usually caused by challenges such as (1) limited physical servers/ budget, (2) growing number of users and (3) the inability to gracefully and automatically relinquish resources from inactive users. Currently, cloud resource management frameworks used for private cloud setups, such as OpenStack and CloudStack, only uses the pay-per-use model as the basis when provisioning resources to users. In this paper, we propose OpenStack Café, a novel methodology adopting the concepts of 'time' and booking systems' to manage resources of private clouds. By allowing users to book resources over specific time-slots, our proposed solution can efficiently and automatically help administrators manage users' access to resource, addressing the issue of resource hogging and gracefully relinquish resources back to the pool in resource-constrained private cloud setups. Work is currently in progress to adopt Café into OpenStack as a feature, and results of our prototype show promises. We also present some insights to lessons learnt during the design and implementation of our proposed methodology in this paper

    Quantile regression analysis of visitor spending: An example of mainland Chinese tourists in Hong Kong: Working paper series--09-06

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    A common approach to market segmentation based on visitor expenditures is to use the least-squares regression analysis to determine statistically significant variables upon which key market segments are identified for marketing purposes. This was done by Wang (2004) for survey data based on expenditures by Mainland Chinese visitors to Hong Kong. We use this same dataset to demonstrate the benefits of using the quantile regression analysis approach to better identify tourist spending patterns and market segments. The quantile regression measures tourist spending in different categories against a fixed range of dependent variable, which distinguished between lower, medium, and higher spenders. The results show that quantile regression is less susceptible to influence by outlier values and is better able to target finer tourist spending market segments

    Big data optical music recognition with multi images and multi recognisers

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    In this paper we describe work in progress towards Multi-OMR, an approach to Optical Music Recognition (OMR) which aims to significantly improve the accuracy of musical score digitisation. There are a large number of scores available in public databases, as well as a range of different commercial and open source OMR tools. Using these resources, we are exploring a Big Data approach to harnessing datasets by aligning and combining the results of multiple versions of the same score, processed with multiple technologies. It is anticipated that this approach will yield high quality results, opening up large datasets to researchers in the field of digital musicology

    The Assessment of Physiotherapy Practice tool provides informative assessments of clinical and professional dimensions of student performance in undergraduate placements: a longitudinal validity and reliability study

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    © 2020 Australian Physiotherapy Association Questions: Do one or two factors best represent clinical performance scores obtained via the Assessment of Physiotherapy Practice (APP) and what is the nature of their characterisation? To what extent are the same number of factors and their interpretation, and item scaling captured equally over time and across contexts (eg, clinical subdisciplines) for assessments of clinical performance via the APP? Design: Archival and longitudinal study of undergraduate students’ clinical performances for each of four final-year clinical placements. Participants: A total of 561 undergraduate physiotherapy students from one Australian university who were enrolled to complete their final-year clinical placements between 2014 and 2017. Outcome measures: Clinical educators’ assessments of student performance across seven key domains of clinical practice: professional behaviour, communication, assessment, analysis and planning, intervention, evidence-based practice and risk management. Results: Factor analyses supported the superiority of a two-factor representation of the APP, including dimensions characterised by professional and clinical domains, when compared with a unidimensional structure of an overarching ‘clinical performance’ factor. It was also found that the two-factor representation and item scaling was consistent across four clinical placements covering typical areas of physiotherapy practice. In other words, the same constructs are being assessed equally well across context and time. Conclusions: The APP is the nationally adopted assessment tool that is used to evaluate clinical competence to practise as a physiotherapist in Australia and New Zealand. These findings provide new evidence for an updated scoring protocol in which clinical factors are distinguished from professional competencies

    Impact of in vitro Tear Film Composition on Lysozyme Deposition and Denaturation

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    Purpose To study the impact of lactoferrin and lipids on the kinetic deposition and denaturation of lysozyme on contact lens materials. Methods The contact lenses investigated in this thesis included two silicone hydrogel lenses [AIR OPTIX AQUA; lotrafilcon B and ACUVUE OASYS; senofilcon A] and two conventional hydrogel lenses [ACUVUE 2; etafilcon A and PROCLEAR; omafilcon A]. All lenses were incubated in four solutions: a complex artificial tear solution (ATS); an ATS without lactoferrin; an ATS without lipids; and an ATS without lactoferrin and lipids. Following various time points, all lenses were prepared for lysozyme analysis using the methods below: ‱ To quantify the kinetic uptake of lysozyme to different contact lens materials, I125-radiolabelled lysozyme was added to each incubation solution. Total lysozyme deposition was quantified using a gamma counter. ‱ To study the activity of lysozyme deposited to contact lenses, a fluorescence-based lysozyme activity assay was compared to a turbidity assay. Potential interactions with lens materials and extraction solvents were evaluated. ‱ To investigate the kinetic denaturation of lysozyme deposited to different contact lens materials, the fluorescence-based activity assay and the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay were used. Results The presence of lactoferrin and lipids decreased lysozyme uptake to lotrafilcon B. Lysozyme deposition on senofilcon A was greater in the absence of lipids after day 21, however the opposite was seen with etafilcon A, where lysozyme uptake was lower without lipids in the ATS. Lactoferrin and/or lipids had no effect on lysozyme adsorption to omafilcon A. The fluorescence-based lysozyme activity assay demonstrated high sensitivity and a wide linear range of detection, which covers the amount of lysozyme typically extracted from contact lenses. Using this assay, lysozyme activity on both silicone hydrogel materials was lower in the presence of lipids in the ATS. In addition, lactoferrin had a protective effect on lysozyme activity for lysozyme sorbed to senofilcon A. Moreover, the presence of lactoferrin and/or lipids did not exhibit any effect on lysozyme denaturation with conventional hydrogel lenses. Conclusions The presence of lactoferrin and lipids in an artificial tear solution impacted lysozyme deposition and denaturation of lysozyme on various contact lenses. It is important for in vitro studies, when developing tear film models, to consider the effects of tear film components when investigating protein deposition and denaturation on contact lenses

    The Media Analysis of the Canadian Navy Centennial

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    This paper reports on comparative study of the treatments of the Canadian Navy Centennial celebrations of 2010 in selected Canadian military and civilian press, with the intent ofrevealing similarities and differences between the two information sources. Employing a content analysis protocol I developed for this purpose, I analyzed a sample of 50 articles from selected civilian and military publications. My intention was to identify the elements that comprised the news discourse in both information sources. The quantitative data revealed significant differences in treatment, especially with respect to amounts of\u27hard" and "soft" news reported respectively by military and civilian news sources.The high frequency ofpoliticians quoted as sources and news actors reveal that civilian publications have a stronger political standpointas reflected in news when compared to military publications. The study also showed that the historical context ofthe navy was reported with a higher percentage within civilian publications. The similarities between military news publications and civilian publications brought forth to the discussion of how the Canadian Navy\u27s Centennial navy was represented as a public relations campaign by the Canadian Armed Forces. The similar ways on how primary topics are presented within time frames, the equal amount of mentioning of military wars and operations, and the prominence of regional news being presented, were all examined within the research to observe the strategies involved in promoting this national commemorative ceremony. A range of topics surrounding journalism discourse were discussed which includes the following: nationalistic discourse, discourse ofreporting future news, targeted representation, media framing, and hybrid promotional news discourse.&nbsp

    Dimensional Analysis and Weak Turbulence

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    In the study of weakly turbulent wave systems possessing incomplete self-similarity it is possible to use dimensional arguments to derive the scaling exponents of the Kolmogorov-Zakharov spectra, provided the order of the resonant wave interactions responsible for nonlinear energy transfer is known. Furthermore one can easily derive conditions for the breakdown of the weak turbulence approximation. It is found that for incompletely self-similar systems dominated by three wave interactions, the weak turbulence approximation usually cannot break down at small scales. It follows that such systems cannot exhibit small scale intermittency. For systems dominated by four wave interactions, the incomplete self-similarity property implies that the scaling of the interaction coefficient depends only on the physical dimension of the system. These results are used to build a complete picture of the scaling properties of the surface wave problem where both gravity and surface tension play a role. We argue that, for large values of the energy flux, there should be two weakly turbulent scaling regions matched together via a region of strongly nonlinear turbulence.Comment: revtex4, 10 pages, 1 figur

    High-throughput continuous dielectrophoretic separation of neural stem cells.

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    We created an integrated microfluidic cell separation system that incorporates hydrophoresis and dielectrophoresis modules to facilitate high-throughput continuous cell separation. The hydrophoresis module consists of a serpentine channel with ridges and trenches to generate a diverging fluid flow that focuses cells into two streams along the channel edges. The dielectrophoresis module is composed of a chevron-shaped electrode array. Separation in the dielectrophoresis module is driven by inherent cell electrophysiological properties and does not require cell-type-specific labels. The chevron shape of the electrode array couples with fluid flow in the channel to enable continuous sorting of cells to increase throughput. We tested the new system with mouse neural stem cells since their electrophysiological properties reflect their differentiation capacity (e.g., whether they will differentiate into astrocytes or neurons). The goal of our experiments was to enrich astrocyte-biased cells. Sorting parameters were optimized for each batch of neural stem cells to ensure effective and consistent separations. The continuous sorting design of the device significantly improved sorting throughput and reproducibility. Sorting yielded two cell fractions, and we found that astrocyte-biased cells were enriched in one fraction and depleted from the other. This is an advantage of the new continuous sorting device over traditional dielectrophoresis-based sorting platforms that target a subset of cells for enrichment but do not provide a corresponding depleted population. The new microfluidic dielectrophoresis cell separation system improves label-free cell sorting by increasing throughput and delivering enriched and depleted cell subpopulations in a single sort
