13 research outputs found

    Хмари слів як дидактичний засіб літературної освіти молодших школярів

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    The study reveals the possibilities of using the words’ cloud in the literary education of primary school children. The authors consider the possibility of using a cloud of words to visualize the keywords of the text for the translation of the work of art, the interpretation of the main idea and the characteristics of the artistic image. The words’ cloud can also be used as a reference summary to answer questions about the content of the work or to present the results of a school project by students. Moreover, in reading lessons, this tool can be used as a tool to identify the topic of the lesson. The study reveals the possibilities of the didactic tool of the words’ cloud for the development of speech of primary school children, in particular, in composing their own texts and editing them, the ability to explore words that the student uses too often and avoid tautology. Using the method of a problem situation and visually demonstrating information through a cloud of words, the teacher pro-motes the activation of students’ mental activity, the development of creative abilities and critical thinking. The study tested the use of the electronic resource WordArt in primary school – a website for creating a “word’s cloud” and proved its effectiveness in reflection, as well as creating an image of the main idea of the lesson, general conversation, its use as didactic material. The authors used the technology of learning using a cloud office package Google Drive to write a draft of their own statement of primary school children. The authors investigated the use of the service in the lesson of literary reading during the organization of reading activities in the following areas: in the “cloud of words” to encrypt the topic of the lesson; using the cloud as visual material or as basic information to explain new material; encrypt certain words from the text in the cloud, students’ task to guess the work; create a cloud of words of positive and negative characters of the work; write a story on the topic; create an “encrypted postcard” to the writer or hero of the work. In the course of experimental work, the effectiveness of the use of this didactic tool in the lessons of literary reading in primary school during the analysis of texts in order to identify the most important associations of students was confirmed.Дослідження розкриває можливості використання хмари слів у літературній освіті молодших школярів. Автори розглядають можливість використання хмари слів для візуалізації ключових слів тексту для перекладу художнього твору, інтерпретації основної думки та характеристики художнього образу. Хмара слів також може використовуватися як довідковий конспект, щоб відповісти на запитання про зміст роботи або представити результати шкільного проекту учнями. Більше того, на уроках читання цей інструмент можна використовувати як інструмент для визначення теми уроку. Дослідження виявляє можливості дидактичного засобу хмари слів для розвитку мовлення молодших школярів, зокрема у складанні власних текстів та їх редагуванні, вміння досліджувати слова, які учень занадто часто вживає, та уникати тавтології. Використовуючи метод проблемної ситуації та наочно демонструючи інформацію через хмару слів, учитель сприяє активізації розумової діяльності учнів, розвитку творчих здібностей та критичного мислення. У дослідженні було перевірено використання електронного ресурсу WordArt у початковій школі – веб-сайту для створення «хмари слів» та доведено його ефективність у відображенні, а також створенні образу основної думки уроку, загальної бесіди, її використання як дидактичний матеріал. Автори використали технологію навчання за допомогою хмарного офісного пакету Google Drive, щоб написати чернетку власного висловлювання молодших школярів. Автори дослідили використання сервісу на уроці літературного читання під час організації читацької діяльності за такими напрямками: у «хмарі слів» для шифрування теми уроку; використання хмари як візуального матеріалу або як базової інформації для пояснення нового матеріалу; зашифрувати окремі слова з тексту в хмарі, завдання учнів відгадати твір; створити хмару слів позитивних і негативних героїв твору; написати розповідь на тему; створити «зашифровану листівку» письменнику чи герою твору. У ході експериментальної роботи підтверджено ефективність використання цього дидактичного засобу на уроках літературного читання в початковій школі під час аналізу текстів з метою виявлення найважливіших асоціацій учнів

    Clouds of words as a didactic tool in literary education of primary school children

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    The study reveals the possibilities of using the words’ cloud in the literary education of primary school children. The authors consider the possibility of using a cloud of words to visualize the keywords of the text for the translation of the work of art, the interpretation of the main idea and the characteristics of the artistic image. The words’ cloud can also be used as a reference summary to answer questions about the content of the work or to present the results of a school project by students. Moreover, in reading lessons, this tool can be used as a tool to identify the topic of the lesson. The study reveals the possibilities of the didactic tool of the words’ cloud for the development of speech of primary school children, in particular, in composing their own texts and editing them, the ability to explore words that the student uses too often and avoid tautology. Using the method of a problem situation and visually demonstrating information through a cloud of words, the teacher pro-motes the activation of students’ mental activity, the development of creative abilities and critical thinking. The study tested the use of the electronic resource WordArt in primary school – a website for creating a “word’s cloud” and proved its effectiveness in reflection, as well as creating an image of the main idea of the lesson, general conversation, its use as didactic material. The authors used the technology of learning using a cloud office package Google Drive to write a draft of their own statement of primary school children. The authors investigated the use of the service in the lesson of literary reading during the organization of reading activities in the following areas: in the “cloud of words” to encrypt the topic of the lesson; using the cloud as visual material or as basic information to explain new material; encrypt certain words from the text in the cloud, students’ task to guess the work; create a cloud of words of positive and negative characters of the work; write a story on the topic; create an “encrypted postcard” to the writer or hero of the work. In the course of experimental work, the effectiveness of the use of this didactic tool in the lessons of literary reading in primary school during the analysis of texts in order to identify the most important associations of students was confirmed

    Формування готовності майбутніх учителів до використання доповненої реальності у навчально-виховному процесі дошкільної та початкової освіти

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    The article substantiates the importance of training future teachers to use AR technologies in the educational process of preschool and primary education. Scientific sources on the problem of AR application in education are analyzed. Possibilities of using AR in work with preschoolers and junior schoolchildren are considered. Aspects of research of the problem of introduction of AR in education carried out by modern foreign and domestic scientists are defined, namely: use of AR-applications in education; introduction of 3D technologies, virtual and augmented reality in the educational process of preschool and primary school; 3D, virtual and augmented reality technologies in higher education; increase of the efficiency of learning and motivating students through the use of AR-applications on smartphones; formation of reading culture by means of augmented reality technology; prospects for the use of augmented reality within the linguistic and literary field of preschool and primary education. The authors analyzed the specifics of toys with AR-applications, interactive alphabets, coloring books, encyclopedias and art books of Ukrainian and foreign writers, which should be used in working with children of preschool and primary school age; the possibilities of books for preschool children created with the help of augmented reality technologies are demonstrated. The relevance of the use of AR for the effective education and development of preschoolers and primary school children is determined. Problems in the application of AR in the educational process of modern domestic preschool education institutions are outlined. A method of diagnostic research of the level and features of readiness of future teachers to use AR in the educational process of preschool and primary education has been developed. Criteria, indicators are defined, the levels of development of the main components of the studied readiness (motivational, cognitive, activity) are characterized. The insufficiency of its formation in future teachers in the field of preschool and primary education; inconsistency between the peculiarities of training future teachers to use AR in professional activities and modern requirements for the quality of the educational process; the need to develop and implement a holistic system of formation of the studied readiness of future teachers in the conditions of higher pedagogical education are proved. A model of forming the readiness of future teachers to use AR in the educational process of preschool and primary education has been developed.У статті обґрунтовано важливість навчання майбутніх педагогів використанню технологій АР у навчально -виховному процесі дошкільної та початкової освіти. Проаналізовано наукові джерела щодо проблеми застосування АР в освіті. Розглянуто можливості використання АР у роботі з дошкільнятами та молодшими школярами. Визначено аспекти дослідження проблеми впровадження АР в освіту, що проводиться сучасними зарубіжними та вітчизняними вченими, а саме: використання АР-додатків у навчанні; впровадження 3D -технологій, віртуальної та доповненої реальності у навчальний процес дошкільного та молодшого шкільного віку; Технології 3D, віртуальної та доповненої реальності у вищій школі; підвищення ефективності навчання та мотивації студентів за допомогою використання AR-додатків на смартфонах; формування культури читання за допомогою технології доповненої реальності; перспективи використання доповненої реальності в межах лінгвістичного та літературного поля дошкільної та початкової освіти. Автори проаналізували специфіку іграшок з AR-додатками, інтерактивними алфавітами, розмальовками, енциклопедіями та художніми книгами українських та зарубіжних письменників, які слід використовувати у роботі з дітьми дошкільного та молодшого шкільного віку; демонструються можливості книг для дітей дошкільного віку, створених за допомогою технологій доповненої реальності. Визначено актуальність використання АР для ефективного навчання та розвитку дошкільнят та дітей молодшого шкільного віку. Окреслено проблеми застосування АР у навчальному процесі сучасних вітчизняних закладів дошкільної освіти. Розроблено методику діагностичного дослідження рівня та особливостей готовності майбутніх учителів до використання АР у навчально -виховному процесі дошкільної та початкової освіти. Визначено критерії, показники, охарактеризовано рівні розвитку основних компонентів досліджуваної готовності (мотиваційної, пізнавальної, діяльнісної). Недостатність його формування у майбутніх педагогів у сфері дошкільної та початкової освіти; невідповідність особливостей підготовки майбутніх учителів до використання АР у професійній діяльності та сучасних вимог до якості навчального процесу; обґрунтовано необхідність розробки та впровадження цілісної системи формування вивченої готовності майбутніх учителів в умовах вищої педагогічної освіти. Розроблено модель формування готовності майбутніх учителів до використання АР у навчально -виховному процесі дошкільної та початкової освіти

    Formation of readiness of future teachers to use augmented reality in the educational process of preschool and primary education

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    The article substantiates the importance of training future teachers to use AR technologies in the educational process of preschool and primary education. Scientific sources on the problem of AR application in education are analyzed. Possibilities of using AR in work with preschoolers and junior schoolchildren are considered. Aspects of research of the problem of introduction of AR in education carried out by modern foreign and domestic scientists are defined, namely: use of AR-applications in education; introduction of 3D technologies, virtual and augmented reality in the educational process of preschool and primary school; 3D, virtual and augmented reality technologies in higher education; increase of the efficiency of learning and motivating students through the use of AR-applications on smartphones; formation of reading culture by means of augmented reality technology; prospects for the use of augmented reality within the linguistic and literary field of preschool and primary education. The authors analyzed the specifics of toys with AR-applications, interactive alphabets, coloring books, encyclopedias and art books of Ukrainian and foreign writers, which should be used in working with children of preschool and primary school age; the possibilities of books for preschool children created with the help of augmented reality technologies are demonstrated. The relevance of the use of AR for the effective education and development of preschoolers and primary school children is determined. Problems in the application of AR in the educational process of modern domestic preschool education institutions are outlined. A method of diagnostic research of the level and features of readiness of future teachers to use AR in the educational process of preschool and primary education has been developed. Criteria, indicators are defined, the levels of development of the main components of the studied readiness (motivational, cognitive, activity) are characterized. The insufficiency of its formation in future teachers in the field of preschool and primary education; inconsistency between the peculiarities of training future teachers to use AR in professional activities and modern requirements for the quality of the educational process; the need to develop and implement a holistic system of formation of the studied readiness of future teachers in the conditions of higher pedagogical education are proved. A model of forming the readiness of future teachers to use AR in the educational process of preschool and primary education has been develope

    Health-Saving Competence of Future Primary School Teachers: Indicators of Development

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    Дослідження виявило зростаючий інтерес науковців до проблеми формування здоров’язбережувальної компетентності майбутніх учителів початкових класів. Ця тенденція зумовлена необхідністю проведення соціального дослідження, щоб модернізувати підготовку майбутніх освітян, удосконалити окремі сфери. Автори досліджень розробили експериментальний тест на формування здоров’язбережувальної компетентності майбутніх учителів початкових класів. Досягнення цієї мети передбачає аналіз стану розвитку проблеми в педагогічній теорії та практиці. Дослідження систематизує життєві навички фізичного, соціального та психічного здоров'я, які сприяють формуванню здоров’язбережувальної компетентності людини. У результаті дослідження була розроблена система діагностики для визначення здоров’язбережувальної компетентності майбутніх учителів початкових класів. Аналіз науково-педагогічних джерел дав змогу виявити такі структурні компоненти підготовки до організації оздоровчої діяльності молодших школярів, як мотиваційні, змістові та технологічні. Мотиваційний компонент оцінювався за критерієм позитивного ставлення до організації здоров’язбережувальної компетентності молодших школярів та формування системи внутрішніх мотивів (інтересів, цінностей, переконань). Знання теоретичного блоку діагностували за допомогою тестів, що включали завдання з виявлення рівня засвоєння інформації про сутність здоров’язбережувальної компетентності дітей. Здатність розробляти власні варіанти педагогічних оздоровчих технологій для збереження здоров’я молодших школярів оцінювали за допомогою творчих завдань.The research revealed an increasing interest of scientists to the problem of formation of health-saving competence of future primary school teachers. This tendency is due to the need for a social inquiry to modernize the training of future educators, to improve the individual areas. The authors of research developed an experimental test of the formation of health-saving competency of future primary school teachers. Achieving this goal involves the analysis of the state of development of a particular problem in pedagogical theory and practice. The study systematizes the physical, social and mental health life skills that contribute to the formation of a person’s health-saving competence. As a result of the study, a diagnostic system was developed to determine the health-saving competency of future primary school teachers. The analysis of scientific and pedagogical sources made it possible to identify such structural components of students’ preparation for the organization of health-saving activities of younger students as motivational, content, and technological ones. The motivational component was assessed according to the criterion of students’ positive attitude towards the organization of health-saving competence of younger students and the formation of a system of internal motives (interests, values, beliefs). Knowledge of the theoretical block was diagnosed with the help of tests that included the task of identifying the level of mastery of information about the essence of health-saving competence of children. The ability to develop their own variants of pedagogical health technologies for preserving younger students was assessed with the help of the creative tasks

    Study of neuroticism and extraversion as predictors of the syndrome of emotional burnout (EBS) in students

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    The aim: To investigate internal factors – neuroticism and extroversion, which can be predictors of emotional burnout syndrome and their prevalence among student youth. Materials and methods: Used a complex of methods: theoretical – theoretical analysis, synthesis, systematization; sociological method of questioning; empirical: observation, testing-Eysenck’s methods for assessing the impact of neuroticism and externality; statistical. The object of the research is the process of influence of personal characteristics (individual factors) on the development and spread of EBS among students. Subject – personal characteristics (individual factors) of students – extraversion and neuroticism. The number of respondents was 610 students. Results: A study of the personal characteristics of neuroticism and extraversion, which can be predictors in the genesis of EBS, was conducted. It has been established that several negative internal factors influence students. The significant prevalence of internal risk factors of EBS indicates the need for a comprehensive approach to its prevention and the need for the development and application of modern adequate methods, forms, and methods of prevention. Conclusions: The presence and influence of internal factors on the development of EBS have been theoretically proven. It has been established that there is a significant propagation of personal characteristics that may have signs of negative internal factors. The need for preventive measures for the development of EBS among students has been revealed

    Clouds of words as a didactic tool in literary education of primary school children

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    The study reveals the possibilities of using the words’ cloud in the literary education of primary school children. The authors consider the possibility of using a cloud of words to visualize the keywords of the text for the translation of the work of art, the interpretation of the main idea and the characteristics of the artistic image. The words’ cloud can also be used as a reference summary to answer questions about the content of the work or to present the results of a school project by students. Moreover, in reading lessons, this tool can be used as a tool to identify the topic of the lesson. The study reveals the possibilities of the didactic tool of the words’ cloud for the development of speech of primary school children, in particular, in composing their own texts and editing them, the ability to explore words that the student uses too often and avoid tautology. Using the method of a problem situation and visually demonstrating information through a cloud of words, the teacher pro-motes the activation of students’ mental activity, the development of creative abilities and critical thinking.The study tested the use of the electronic resource WordArt in primary school – a website for creating a “word’s cloud” and proved its effectiveness in reflection, as well as creating an image of the main idea of the lesson, general conversation, its use as didactic material. The authors used the technology of learning using a cloud office package Google Drive to write a draft of their own statement of primary school children. The authors investigated the use of the service in the lesson of literary reading during the organization of reading activities in the following areas: in the “cloud of words” to encrypt the topic of the lesson; using the cloud as visual material or as basic information to explain new material; encrypt certain words from the text in the cloud, students’ task to guess the work; create a cloud of words of positive and negative characters of the work; write a story on the topic; create an “encrypted postcard” to the writer or hero of the work. In the course of experimental work, the effectiveness of the use of this didactic tool in the lessons of literary reading in primary school during the analysis of texts in order to identify the most important associations of students was confirmed


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    The Russian-Ukrainian war transformed the needs of consumers of financial services, both in Ukraine and abroad. On the one hand, the civilian population and the Armed Forces of Ukraine needed immediate help from the international community. On the other hand, individual and institutional investors were concerned about threats to traditional financial investments. The purpose of the article is to identify the priority directions for the development of the cryptocurrency asset market against the background of the Russian-Ukrainian war. The article presents an analysis of the cryptocurrency asset market with an emphasis on its structural changes in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war. In the study, a survey was conducted to find out the impact of the war on the Ukrainian cryptocurrency market. The analysis of the survey results substantiates the hypothesis about the impact of increased hacking attacks by pro-Russian forces and missile attacks on the functioning of the cryptocurrency market in Ukraine. It has been confirmed that investments and payments are promising segments of the cryptocurrency market in Ukraine, in which, the most interested users and potential users of cryptocurrency are. Based on the received data, the weaknesses and strengths of the functioning of the cryptocurrency market in the conditions of war were identified. Threats and opportunities for the development of the cryptocurrency market against the background of Russian armed aggression are substantiated. The conducted research made it possible to formulate scenarios for the development of the cryptocurrency asset market in Ukraine in war conditions and the conditions for their implementation

    The Value Aspect of Student Youth Perception of Space and Time Categories

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    The article deals with the formation of the most important value orientations of modern youth. The authors substantiated the important role of the spatio-temporal component in the life of the individual, as orientation in space and time permeates all areas of human interaction with the outside world, contributing to the formation of worldview and ensuring health preservation. The results of the study of students’ perception of various aspects of the categories “space” and “time” as well as the impact of everyday life on student youth are presented. Given the exceptional importance of space and time for human life, the article aims to establish how students are aware of the value aspects of the categories “space” and “time” in the process of influencing everyday reality on them. To achieve this goal it is necessary to solve the following tasks: to investigate in pedagogical sources the state of the problem of outlining the most important values in the formation of personality and their awareness of young people in the mastery of space and time; to determine the spatial and temporal frameworks through which the surrounding human lifeworld is perceived and empirically comprehended; to survey future teachers of preschool and primary education following the awareness of the value aspects of the categories of space and tim

    Cyfrowe bezpieczeństwo informacji: wpływ kryzysu spowodowanego przez COVID 19 na szkolenie księgowych, analityków biznesowych i audytorów

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    The article considers the impact of transformation processes on business in the context of digitalization. Equally important is the study of the impact of these processes on the training of professionals whose work has had a direct impact on these transformations – accountants, business analysts and auditors. These specialists are faced with the task of analyzing the impact of the facts and determining the change in business development strategy in the context of global digitalization. The field of audit both in the world was able to adapt extremely flexibly to the new realities of functioning in the digitalized world. In this article, the authors reveal the main trends of digitalization of audit in the conditions of economic transformation and limited business practices caused by this global pandemic of 2019-2020. At the same time, the processes of digital transformation are the driving forces of the economy. Computer technology is becoming increasingly involved in reforming the audit institution and changing the trajectory of the auditor’s role in such a society