6 research outputs found

    A High Temperature Calcium Vapor Cell for Spectroscopy on the 4s^2 1S0 to 4s4p 3P1 Intercombination Line

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    We have demonstrated a high temperature vapor cell for absorption spectroscopy on the Ca intercombination line. The cell uses a dual chamber design to achieve the high temperatures necessary for an optically dense vapor while avoiding the necessity of high temperature vacuum valves and glass-to-metal seals. We have observed over 50 percent absorption in a single pass through the cell. Although pressure broadening in the cell prevented us from performing saturated-absorption spectroscopy, the broadening resulted in higher signal-to-noise ratios by allowing us to probe the atoms with intensities much greater than the 0.2 uW/cm^2 saturation intensity of the unbroadened transition.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Rev. Sci. Instru

    Observation of prethermalization in long-range interacting spin chains

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    Although statistical mechanics describes thermal equilibrium states, these states may or may not emerge dynamically for a subsystem of an isolated quantum many-body system. For instance, quantum systems that are near-integrable usually fail to thermalize in an experimentally realistic time scale, and instead relax to quasi-stationary prethermal states that can be described by statistical mechanics, when approximately conserved quantities are included in a generalized Gibbs ensemble (GGE). We experimentally study the relaxation dynamics of a chain of up to 22 spins evolving under a long-range transverse-field Ising Hamiltonian following a sudden quench. For sufficiently long-range interactions, the system relaxes to a new type of prethermal state that retains a strong memory of the initial conditions. However, the prethermal state in this case cannot be described by a standard GGE; it rather arises from an emergent double-well potential felt by the spin excitations. This result shows that prethermalization occurs in a broader context than previously thought, and reveals new challenges for a generic understanding of the thermalization of quantum systems, particularly in the presence of long-range interactions