2,172 research outputs found

    Surface Treatment of Gravel and Stone Roads

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    2022 Sumner Canary Memorial Lecture: On Being Predictably Unpredictable

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    Forage crops, grasses, clovers and small grains.

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    Sugar cane: field experiments, physical and physiological.

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    Sugar cane: field experiments, varieties of cane, and striped vs. purple.

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    Optimal Optomechanical Coupling Strength in Multi-Membrane Systems

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    We calculate the optomechanical coupling strength for a multi-membrane in a cavity system. The optimal configuration for an array of NN membranes placed near the center of a cavity is identified. This results in a coupling strength much greater than previously proposed multi-membrane configurations. We find that the coupling strength scales exponentially with the number of membranes until saturating due to complete localization of the field within the array. Furthermore we explore two sources of loss, those due to light absorption within the membrane(s) and leakage through the cavity's end-mirrors, and evaluate how they affect the possibility of achieving strong coupling.Comment: 12 Pages, 8 Figure

    Teaching Statistics with Current and Historical Events: An Analysis of Survivor Data From the Sinking of the HMT Birkenhead, the RMS Titanic, and the Korean Ferry MV Sewol

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    Citation: Lee, Y., Schumm, W. R., Lockett, L., Newsom, K. C., & Behan, K. (2016). Teaching Statistics with Current and Historical Events: An Analysis of Survivor Data From the Sinking of the HMT Birkenhead, the RMS Titanic, and the Korean Ferry MV Sewol. Comprehensive Psychology, 5, 216522281664790. https://doi.org/10.1177/2165222816647900Statistical examples can feel remote to students, especially if the variables under consideration are ambiguous. However, life or death is not ambiguous but very concrete. Three different historical shipwrecks offer an abundance of ways to demonstrate the relevance and importance of statistics. Here, we discuss statistical outcomes associated with the loss of three ships: the HMT Birkenhead in 1852, the RMS Titanic in 1912, and the Korean ferry MV Sewol in April 2014. These disasters can serve as examples for demonstrating the relevance of statistics to current events. Statistics in these historical events can help students see that the survival rates of different groups of passengers were very different, with medium to large effect sizes. Even if statistical analyses cannot answer all of the questions about why some passengers had higher survival rates than others, they can lead to further productive qualitative or quantitative research into such questions

    Hydrothermal Processes and Mobile Element Transport in Martian Impact Craters - Evidence from Terrestrial Analogue Craters

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    Hydrothermal alteration and chemical transport involving impact craters probably occurred on Mars throughout its history. Our studies of alteration products and mobile element transport in ejecta blanket and drill core samples from impact craters show that these processes may have contributed to the surface composition of Mars. Recent work on the Chicxulub Yaxcopoil-1 drill core has provided important information on the relative mobility of many elements that may be relevant to Mars. The Chicxulub impact structure in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico and offshore in the Gulf of Mexico is one of the largest impact craters identified on the Earth, has a diameter of 180-200 km, and is associated with the mass extinctions at the K/T boundary. The Yax-1 hole was drilled in 2001 and 2002 on the Yaxcopoil hacienda near Merida on the Yucatan Peninsula. Yax-1 is located just outside of the transient cavity, which explains some of the unusual characteristics of the core stratigraphy. No typical impact melt sheet was encountered in the hole and most of the Yax-1 impactites are breccias. In particular, the impact melt and breccias are only 100 m thick which is surprising taking into account the considerably thicker breccia accumulations towards the center of the structure and farther outside the transient crater encountered by other drill holes

    Raman Lidar Profiles?Temperature (RLPROFTEMP) Value-Added Product

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    The purpose of this document is to describe the Raman Lidar Profiles–Temperature (RLPROFTEMP) value-added product (VAP) and the procedures used to derive atmospheric temperature profiles from the raw RL measurements. Sections 2 and 4 describe the input and output variables, respectively. Section 3 discusses the theory behind the measurement and the details of the algorithm, including calibration and overlap correction
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