4,996 research outputs found

    The role of impulse parameters in force variability

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    One of the principle limitations of the human motor system is the ability to produce consistent motor responses. When asked to repeatedly make the same movement, performance outcomes are characterized by a considerable amount of variability. This occurs whether variability is expressed in terms of kinetics or kinematics. Variability in performance is of considerable importance because for tasks requiring accuracy it is a critical variable in determining the skill of the performer. What has long been sought is a description of the parameter or parameters that determine the degree of variability. Two general experimental protocals were used. One protocal is to use dynamic actions and record variability in kinematic parameters such as spatial or temporal error. A second strategy was to use isometric actions and record kinetic variables such as peak force produced. What might be the important force related factors affecting variability is examined and an experimental approach to examine the influence of each of these variables is provided

    An Analysis of Kinetic Response Variability

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    Studies evaluating variability of force as a function of absolute force generated are synthesized. Inconsistencies in reported estimates of this relationship are viewed as a function of experimental constraints imposed. Typically, within-subject force variability increases at a negative accelerating rate with equal increments in force produced. Current pulse-step and impulse variability models are unable to accommodate this description, although the notion of efficiency is suggested as a useful construct to explain the description outlined

    Hamara Healthy Living Centre - an evaluation

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    Hamara is a Healthy Living Centre which aims to improve health and well-being through providing a range of culturally appropriate activities and services. Hamara has a vision of 'bringing communities together' and since it was established in 2004, the Centre has provided a valuable community resource in South Leeds. Partnership work between Hamara and Leeds Met goes back to 2002. In 2007, the Centre for Health Promotion Research carried out an evaluation of Hamara in partnership with Hamara staff and Leeds Met Community Partnerships and Volunteering. This was followed by a highly successful community cohesion conference 'One Community' which was held at Hamara on 10th October 2008, and was supported through a Leeds Met public engagement grant. The event attracted over a hundred people from diverse communities and organisations across Leeds. A packed audience heard Hilary Benn, local MP and Patron of Hamara, talk about the importance of working in collaboration around community cohesion. Jane South, Centre for Health Promotion Research, presented the main evaluation results and set out the some challenges for the future. The proceedings concluded with the presentation of awards to a number of for local community champions who work to bring people together and make a real difference in the city of Leeds

    Human resources needs for universal access to antiretroviral therapy in South Africa: a time and motion study

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    <p>Background - Although access to life-saving treatment for patients infected with HIV in South Africa has improved substantially since 2004, treating all eligible patients (universal access) remains elusive. As the prices of antiretroviral drugs have dropped over the past years, availability of human resources may now be the most important barrier to achieving universal access to HIV treatment in Africa. We quantify the number of HIV health workers (HHWs) required to be added to the current HIV workforce to achieve universal access to HIV treatment in South Africa, under different eligibility criteria.</p> <p>Methods - We performed a time and motion study in three HIV clinics in a rural, primary care-based HIV treatment program in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, to estimate the average time per patient visit for doctors, nurses, and counselors. We estimated the additional number of HHWs needed to achieve universal access to HIV treatment within one year.</p> <p>Results - For universal access to HIV treatment for all patients with a CD4 cell count of ≤350 cells/μl, an additional 2,200 nurses, 3,800 counselors, and 300 doctors would be required, at additional annual salary cost of 929 million South African rand (ZAR), equivalent to US141million.Foruniversaltreatment(‘treatmentasprevention’),anadditional6,000nurses,11,000counselors,and800doctorswouldberequired,atanadditionalannualsalarycostofZAR2.6billion(US 141 million. For universal treatment (‘treatment as prevention’), an additional 6,000 nurses, 11,000 counselors, and 800 doctors would be required, at an additional annual salary cost of ZAR 2.6 billion (US 400 million).</p> <p>Conclusions - Universal access to HIV treatment for patients with a CD4 cell count of ≤350 cells/μl in South Africa may be affordable, but the number of HHWs available for HIV treatment will need to be substantially increased. Treatment as prevention strategies will require considerable additional financial and human resources commitments.</p&gt

    Derivation of Amplitude Equations by Renormalization Group Method

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    A proper formulation in the perturbative renormalization group method is presented to deduce amplitude equations. The formulation makes it possible not only avoiding a serious difficulty in the previous reduction to amplitude equations by eliminating all of the secular terms but also consistent derivation of higher-order correction to amplitude equations.Comment: 6 page, revte

    Renormalization Group Method and Reductive Perturbation Method

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    It is shown that the renormalization group method does not necessarily eliminate all secular terms in perturbation series to partial differential equations and a functional subspace of renormalizable secular solutions corresponds to a choice of scales of independent variables in the reductive perturbation method.Comment: 5 pages, late

    The art of HIV elimination: past and present science

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    Introduction: Remarkable strides have been made in controlling the HIV epidemic, although not enough to achieve epidemic control. More recently, interest in biomedical HIV control approaches has increased, but substantial challenges with the HIV cascade of care hinder successful implementation. We summarise all available HIV prevention methods and make recommendations on how to address current challenges. Discussion: In the early days of the epidemic, behavioural approaches to control the HIV dominated, and the few available evidence-based interventions demonstrated to reduce HIV transmission were applied independently from one another. More recently, it has become clear that combination prevention strategies targeted to high transmission geographies and people at most risk of infections are required to achieve epidemic control. Biomedical strategies such as male medical circumcision and antiretroviral therapy for treatment in HIV-positive individuals and as preexposure prophylaxis in HIV-negative individuals provide immense promise for the future of HIV control. In resourcerich settings, the threat of HIV treatment optimism resulting in increased sexual risk taking has been observed and there are concerns that as ART roll-out matures in resource-poor settings and the benefits of ART become clearly visible, behavioural disinhibition may also become a challenge in those settings. Unfortunately, an efficacious vaccine, a strategy which could potentially halt the HIV epidemic, remains elusive. Conclusion: Combination HIV prevention offers a logical approach to HIV control, although what and how the available options should be combined is contextual. Therefore, knowledge of the local or national drivers of HIV infection is paramount. Problems with the HIV care continuum remain of concern, hindering progress towards the UNAIDS target of 90-90-90 by 2020. Research is needed on combination interventions that address all the steps of the cascade as the steps are not independent of each other. Until these issues are addressed, HIV elimination may remain an unattainable goal

    Using the Fluvial-Lacustrine Interface in a Glaciodeltaic Deposit to Redefine the Valparaiso Moraine, Berrien County, Michigan, USA

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    The Valparaiso morainic system in eastern Berrien County, southwestern Michigan, is a 10-18 km-wide continuous belt of collapsed glacial landforms. Previously, the composition of the moraine belt was inferred to be of unsorted materials, including coarse- to fine-textured tills, and some stratified deposits. The moraine boundary was defined primarily on classical geomorphic evidence of relative high elevation, "kettled" or "swell & sag" topography, presence of boulders at the surface, steep ice-contact face, etc. Recent mapping, which included well records, geophysics, and test drilling, revealed the moraine to be composed of glacial meltwater deposits, commonly 30 m thick. The deposits include >50 separate glaciodeltaic morphosequences, mostly ice-marginal deltas, graded to proglacial Lakes Madron (new name) and Dowagiac. Both Lake Madron and younger Lake Dowagiac were dammed to the south by the older Kalamazoo moraine and to the west by the retreating edge of the Michigan ice lobe. Each delta grades from ice-contact landforms underlain by coarse-grained facies at its head to non-collapsed landforms underlain distally by fine-grained facies. Proximal deltaic deposits are coarse grained, locally containing boulders and lenses of poorly sorted flowtill with zones of collapsed bedding along ice-contact slopes. A composite section of a delta, derived from a gravel pit exposure extended by a drillhole showed, from top to bottom: 6 m glaciofluvial sand and gravel; 4.5 m deltaic foreset sand, silt, and gravel, dipping 10o SSE; 9 m pebbly sand; 10.5 m ft coarse to medium sand; 8 m medium to very fine sand and silt at the base; overlying 1.7 m of gray silty diamicton. Deltaic glaciofluvial plains of Lake Madron grade from 256 m altitude to distal distributary plains at 241 m, controlled by the lake level and spillway at 239 m. Lake Dowagiac deltas have fluvial plains as high as 250 m graded to distal plain altitudes of 225 m. The Lake Dowagiac spillway crossed older deposits south of Niles, MI. Both lakes discharged through the St. Joseph River valley south across the regional drainage divide. Wide heads of deltas trending ENE within the Valparaiso moraine belt document ice-margin retreat positions, similar to older ice margins within the outer Kalamazoo Moraine. Correlating the elevations of the heads of deltas and the fluvial/lacustrine interface allowed us to group glaciodeltaic morphosequences by outlet/proglacial lake level and therefore, infer the location of nine ice margins at various stages during construction of the Valparaiso Moraine. The resulting map shows shingled deposits from a highly undulating ice margin, rather than the single, linear margin shown on older maps

    Seismic-reflection study in Rice County, Kansas

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    During the summer of 1983, a MiniSOSIE seismic-reflection study was conducted in Rice County in which an 11.2-km (7-mi) 12-fold common depth point (CDP) profile was shot to investigate several local structural and stratigraphic features. The seismic line was oriented east-west, perpendicular to the local structural grain. Several units, ranging from the Arbuckle through the Mississippian limestones, subcrop beneath the basal Pennsylvanian angular unconformity in this area. The subcrop pattern is dominantly north-south and is related to the eastward dip of these units off the Central Kansas uplift. Reflectors in excess of 1,070-m (3,500-ft) depth are detectable on the seismic profile. The deepest reflectors (0.850 secs) correspond to the Precambrian Rice Formation. Good reflectors occur in the lower Paleozoic section corresponding to a local limestone in the Chattanooga Shale and the subjacent Maquoketa-Viola formations. Several limestones in the Upper Pennsylvanian and Permian section also are good reflectors of seismic energy. Stratigraphic features such as local thinning or thickening and channel cuts can be detected in this part of the stratigraphic section. The Lyons anticline, a local north-south-trending structure currently used for gas storage, also is expressed on the seismic line. The seismic profile shows the structural history of this anticline to be long and complex. Initially, the anticline was a broad, symmetric feature possibly related to the formation of the Precambrian Keweenawan rift. Minor growth may have occurred prior to the deposition of the Chattanooga Shale. A third major period of movement occurred during Late Mississippian to Early Pennsylvanian time when a reverse fault developed on the west flank of the structure, thereby making the structure an asymmetric anticline. Minor structural movement occurred again subsequent to the development of the basal Pennsylvanian angular unconformity
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