2,542 research outputs found

    Polymorphic systems with arrays : decidability and undecidability

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    Polymorphic systems with arrays (PSAs) is a general class of nondeterministic reactive systems. A PSA is polymorphic in the sense that it depends on a signature, which consists of a number of type variables, and a number of symbols whose types can be built from the type variables. Some of the state variables of a PSA can be arrays, which are functions from one type to another. We present several new decidability and undecidability results for parameterised control-state reachability problems on subclasses of PSAs

    On model checking data-independent systems with arrays without reset

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    A system is data-independent with respect to a data type X iff the operations it can perform on values of type X are restricted to just equality testing. The system may also store, input and output values of type X. We study model checking of systems which are data-independent with respect to two distinct type variables X and Y, and may in addition use arrays with indices from X and values from Y . Our main interest is the following parameterised model-checking problem: whether a given program satisfies a given temporal-logic formula for all non-empty nite instances of X and Y . Initially, we consider instead the abstraction where X and Y are infinite and where partial functions with finite domains are used to model arrays. Using a translation to data-independent systems without arrays, we show that the u-calculus model-checking problem is decidable for these systems. From this result, we can deduce properties of all systems with finite instances of X and Y . We show that there is a procedure for the above parameterised model-checking problem of the universal fragment of the u-calculus, such that it always terminates but may give false negatives. We also deduce that the parameterised model-checking problem of the universal disjunction-free fragment of the u-calculus is decidable. Practical motivations for model checking data-independent systems with arrays include verification of memory and cache systems, where X is the type of memory addresses, and Y the type of storable values. As an example we verify a fault-tolerant memory interface over a set of unreliable memories.Comment: Appeared in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, vol. 4, no. 5&6, 200

    Mini-Conference on Hamiltonian and Lagrangian Methods in Fluid and Plasma Physics

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    A mini-conference on Hamiltonian and Lagrangian methods in fluid and plasma physics was held on November 14, 2002, as part of the 44th meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics of the American Physical Society. This paper summarizes the material presented during the talks scheduled during the Mini-Conference, which was held to honor Allan Kaufman on the occasion of his 75th birthday.Comment: 14 pages, conference summar

    The effect of sting interference at low speeds on the drag coefficient of an ellipsoidal body using a magnetic suspension and balance system

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    A Boltz body of revolution (fineness ratio 7.5:1) was tested in the Southampton University Magnetic Suspension and Balance System. The effects of sting interference on the drag coefficient of the model at zero angle of attack were noted as well as the effects on drag coefficient values at boundary layer trips. The drag coefficient values were compared with other sources and seemed to show agreement. The pressure distribution over the rear of the model with no sting interference was investigated including the use of boundary layer trips

    MHD Turbulence Revisited

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    Kraichnan (1965) proposed that MHD turbulence occurs as a result of collisions between oppositely directed Alfv\'en wave packets. Recent work has generated some controversy over the nature of non linear couplings between colliding Alfv\'en waves. We find that the resolution to much of the confusion lies in the existence of a new type of turbulence, intermediate turbulence, in which the cascade of energy in the inertial range exhibits properties intermediate between those of weak and strong turbulent cascades. Some properties of intermediate MHD turbulence are: (i) in common with weak turbulent cascades, wave packets belonging to the inertial range are long lived; (ii) however, components of the strain tensor are so large that, similar to the situation in strong turbulence, perturbation theory is not applicable; (iii) the breakdown of perturbation theory results from the divergence of neighboring field lines due to wave packets whose perturbations in velocity and magnetic fields are localized, but whose perturbations in displacement are not; (iv) 3--wave interactions dominate individual collisions between wave packets, but interactions of all orders n3n\geq 3 make comparable contributions to the intermediate turbulent energy cascade; (v) successive collisions are correlated since wave packets are distorted as they follow diverging field lines; (vi) in common with the weak MHD cascade, there is no parallel cascade of energy, and the cascade to small perpendicular scales strengthens as it reaches higher wave numbers; (vii) For an appropriate weak excitation, there is a natural progression from a weak, through an intermediate, to a strong cascade.Comment: 25 pages, to appear in The Astrophysical Journa

    Low Temperature Photo-oxidation of Chloroperoxidase Compound II

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    Oxidation of the heme-thiolate enzyme chloroperoxidase (CPO) from Caldariomyces fumago with peroxynitrite (PN) gave the Compound II intermediate, which was photo-oxidized with 365 nm light to give a reactive oxidizing species. Cryo-solvents at pH ≈ 6 were employed, and reactions were conducted at temperatures as low as − 50 °C. The activity of CPO as evaluated by the chlorodimedone assay was unaltered by treatment with PN or by production of the oxidizing transient and subsequent reaction with styrene. EPR spectra at 77 K gave the amount of ferric protein at each stage in the reaction sequence. The PN oxidation step gave a 6:1 mixture of Compound II and ferric CPO, the photolysis step gave an approximate 1:1 mixture of active oxidant and ferric CPO, and the final mixture after reaction with excess styrene contained ferric CPO in 80% yield. In single turnover reactions at − 50 °C, styrene was oxidized to styrene oxide in high yield. Kinetic studies of styrene oxidation at − 50 °C displayed saturation kinetics with an equilibrium constant for formation of the complex of Kbind = 3.8 × 104 M− 1 and an oxidation rate constant of kox = 0.30 s− 1. UV–Visible spectra of mixtures formed in the photo-oxidation sequence at ca. − 50 °C did not contain the signature Q-band absorbance at 690 nm ascribed to CPO Compound I prepared by chemical oxidation of the enzyme, indicating that different species were formed in the chemical oxidation and the photo-oxidation sequence

    The Hamiltonian structure and Euler-Poincar\'{e} formulation of the Vlasov-Maxwell and gyrokinetic systems

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    We present a new variational principle for the gyrokinetic system, similar to the Maxwell-Vlasov action presented in Ref. 1. The variational principle is in the Eulerian frame and based on constrained variations of the phase space fluid velocity and particle distribution function. Using a Legendre transform, we explicitly derive the field theoretic Hamiltonian structure of the system. This is carried out with a modified Dirac theory of constraints, which is used to construct meaningful brackets from those obtained directly from Euler-Poincar\'{e} theory. Possible applications of these formulations include continuum geometric integration techniques, large-eddy simulation models and Casimir type stability methods. [1] H. Cendra et. al., Journal of Mathematical Physics 39, 3138 (1998)Comment: 36 pages, 1 figur