87 research outputs found

    Динамика развития партийной системы современной России: тенденции и проблемы

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    As you know, last year there were almost 70 new political parties and more than a hundred waiting for registration and institutionalization. The article focuses on the dynamics of the party system in modern Russia, identifies key trends and issues. It was at this time gradually evolved a unique situation, which largely contributed to the accumulation of protest consciousness in a certain part of Russian society, the real protest ignited political behavior during the last federal election, the legislature and the head of state.Как известно, за 2013 г. было зарегистрировано почти 70 новых политических партий и еще более ста ждут регистрации и институционализации. В статье делается акцент на динамике партийной системы современной России в 2000-е гг., выявляются основные тенденции и проблемы. Именно в это время постепенно складывалась своеобразная ситуация, которая во многом способствовала накоплению протестного сознания у определенной части российского общества, вылившегося в реальное протестное политическое поведение в период последних федеральных выборов законодательной власти и главы государства

    Информационная составляющая гибридных войн

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    The war of the new generation - hybrid war, the information component which is directed not so much on the direct destruction of the enemy, how to achieve the goals without warfare. Fighting in the information field is no less important than immediate military action.Война нового поколения - гибридная война, информационная составляющая которой направлена не столько на непосредственное уничтожение противника, сколько на достижение целей без ведения боевых действий. Борьба на информационном поле является не менее важной, чем непосредственные боевые действия

    Homobivalent Lamellarin-Like Schiff Bases: In Vitro Evaluation of Their Cancer Cell Cytotoxicity and Multitargeting Anti-Alzheimer's Disease Potential

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    Marine alkaloids belonging to the lamellarins family, which incorporate a 5,6-dihydro-1-phenylpyrrolo[2,1-a]isoquinoline (DHPPIQ) moiety, possess various biological activities, spanning from antiviral and antibiotic activities to cytotoxicity against tumor cells and the reversal of multidrug resistance. Expanding a series of previously reported imino adducts of DHPPIQ 2-carbaldehyde, novel aliphatic and aromatic Schiff bases were synthesized and evaluated herein for their cytotoxicity in five diverse tumor cell lines. Most of the newly synthesized compounds were found noncytotoxic in the low micromolar range (<30 μM). Based on a Multi-fingerprint Similarity Search aLgorithm (MuSSeL), mainly conceived for making protein drug target prediction, some DHPPIQ derivatives, especially bis-DHPPIQ Schiff bases linked by a phenylene bridge, were prioritized as potential hits addressing Alzheimer's disease-related target proteins, such as cholinesterases (ChEs) and monoamine oxidases (MAOs). In agreement with MuSSeL predictions, homobivalent para-phenylene DHPPIQ Schiff base 14 exhibited a noncompetitive/mixed inhibition of human acetylcholinesterase (AChE) with Ki in the low micromolar range (4.69 μM). Interestingly, besides a certain inhibition of MAO A (50% inhibition of the cell population growth (IC50) = 12 μM), the bis-DHPPIQ 14 showed a good inhibitory activity on self-induced β-amyloid (Aβ)1-40 aggregation (IC50 = 13 μM), which resulted 3.5-fold stronger than the respective mono-DHPPIQ Schiff base 9

    Systematic analysis of the literature in search of defining systemic sclerosis subsets

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    OBJECTIVE: Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a multisystem disease with heterogeneity in presentation and prognosis. An international collaboration to develop new SSc subset criteria is underway. Our objectives were to identify systems of SSc subset classification and synthesize novel concepts to inform development of new criteria. METHODS: Medline, Cochrane MEDLINE, the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, EMBASE, and Web of Science were searched from their inceptions to December 2019 for studies related to SSc subclassification, limited to humans and without language or sample size restrictions. RESULTS: Of 5686 citations, 102 studies reported original data on SSc subsets. Subset classification systems relied on extent of skin involvement and/or SSc-specific autoantibodies (n = 61), nailfold capillary patterns (n = 29), and molecular, genomic, and cellular patterns (n = 12). While some systems of subset classification confer prognostic value for clinical phenotype, severity, and mortality, only subsetting by gene expression signatures in tissue samples has been associated with response to therapy. CONCLUSION: Subsetting on extent of skin involvement remains important. Novel disease attributes including SSc-specific autoantibodies, nailfold capillary patterns, and tissue gene expression signatures have been proposed as innovative means of SSc subsetting

    Проблема активности при системной склеродермии

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    The problem of systemic scleroderma (SSD) activity enters into the view of standardized patient examination and it is important for choosing a therapeutic complex, for determining the dose of drugs, and for monitoring therapy. Great difficulties in the determination of activity in SSD are caused by the pathogenetic and morphogenetic features of the disease. It should be emphasized that there are no clearly defined exacerbation and remission periods. It is difficult to differentiate the potentially reversible inflammatory changes determining the activity of SSD from the irreversible fibrous changes characterizing the severity of the disease. The laboratory parameters of inflammatory activity are also of little informative value. The complicated problem of activity in SSD is to be further investigated both to improve and modify existing indices and to search for a common specific marker and/or key pathogenetically and clinically relevant markers of disease activity.Проблема активности системной склеродермии (ССД) непосредственно связана со стандартизацией обследования больных и важна для выбора лечебного комплекса, определения дозы лекарственных препаратов, контроля терапии. Большие трудности в определении активности при ССД обусловлены особенностями патогенеза и морфогенеза заболевания. Следует подчеркнуть, что при ССД нет четко очерченных периодов обострения и ремиссии. Разграничить потенциально обратимые воспалительные изменения, определяющие «активность» ССД, от необратимых фиброзных, характеризующих тяжесть заболевания, сложно. Лабораторные показатели воспалительной активности также мало информативны. Непростая проблема активности при ССД подлежит дальнейшему изучению в отношении как совершенствования и модификации имеющихся индексов, так и поиска единого специфического и/или «ключевых» патогенетически и клинически значимых маркеров активности заболевания


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    Objective. To compare disease history data and clinical and laboratory parameters in patients with scleroderma systematica (SDS) with high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT)-verified interstitial lung lesion (ILL) versus those without lung involvement. Subjects and methods. An examination was made in 138 patients with SDS who had been consecutively admitted in 2006-2008, female/male ratio, 124 : 14; limited : diffuse : mixed forms, 78 : 40 : 20; mean age, 47±13 years; median disease duration, 6 (2.5 11) years. The history data (occupational hazards, smoking, respiratory diseases) and clinical manifestations of SDS and laboratory data were studied. The diagnosis of ILL was established on the basis of chest HRCT. Results. According to HRCT data, the signs of varying ILL were found in 82% of the patients with SDS. The duration of SDS was similar in the patients with and without lung involvement; but the latter were younger at the time of disease onset. There were no significant differences between the groups compared in history data, clinical forms of SDS, the frequency of involvement of visceral organs and systems. Crepitation was heard only in the patients with ILL. The frequency of respiratory manifestations increased with a larger number of the involved lung segments. The prevalence of ILL was found to be positively correlated with age at the onset of SDS (r=0.29;

    Дифференциация и субпопуляционный состав VEGFR2+ моноцитов крови и костного мозга при ишемической кардиомиопатии

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    Aim. To identify disturbances of differentiation and subpopulation composition of VEGFR2+ cells in the blood and bone marrow associated with the features of the cytokine profile in the blood and bone marrow in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) with and without ischemic cardiomyopathy (ICM).Materials and methods. The study included 74 patients with СAD with and without ICM (30 and 44 people, respectively) and 18 healthy donors. In all patients with СAD, peripheral blood sampling was performed immediately before coronary artery bypass grafting, and bone marrow samples were taken during the surgery via a sternal incision. In the healthy donors, only peripheral blood sampling was performed. In the bone marrow and blood samples, the number of VEGFR2+ cells (CD14+VEGFR2+ cells) and their immunophenotypes CD14++CD16-VEGFR2+, CD14++CD16+VEGFR2+, CD14+CD16++VEGFR2+, and CD14+CD16-VEGFR2+ was determined by flow cytometry. Using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, the levels of VЕGF-А, TNFα, M-CSF, and IL-13, as well as the content of MCP-1 (only in the blood) and the M-CSF / IL-13 ratio (only in the bone marrow) were determined.Results. The content of CD14+VEGFR2+ cells in the blood of CAD patients with and without ICM was higher than normal values due to the greater number of CD14++CD16-VEGFR2+, CD14++CD16+VEGFR2+, and CD14+CD16++VEGFR2+. In the bone marrow of the patients with ICM, the content of CD14++CD16-VEGFR2+, CD14+CD16++VEGFR2+, and CD14+CD16-VEGFR2+ was lower than in patients with CAD without ICM, and the number of CD14++CD16+VEGFR2+ cells corresponded to that in the controls. Regardless of the presence of ICM in CAD, a high concentration of TNFα and normal levels of VEGF-A and IL-13 were observed in the blood. In CAD without ICM, an excess of MCP-1 and deficiency of M-CSF were revealed in the blood. In the bone marrow, the levels of VEGF-A, TNFα, M-CSF, and IL-13 were comparable between the groups of patients against the background of a decrease in the M-CSF / IL-13 ratio in the patients with ICM.Conclusion. Unlike CAD without cardiomyopathy, in ICM, no excess of VEGFR2+ cells and MCP-1 in the blood is observed, which hinders active migration of CD14+CD16++VEGFR2+ cells from the myeloid tissue, and a decrease in the M-CSF / IL-13 ratio in the bone marrow disrupts differentiation of other forms of VEGFR2+ cells, preventing vascular repair.Цель: установить нарушения дифференцировки и субпопуляционного состава VEGFR2+ моноцитов в крови и костном мозге во взаимосвязи с особенностями цитокинового профиля крови и костного мозга у больных ишемической болезнью сердца (ИБС), страдающих и не страдающих ишемической кардиомиопатией (ИКМП).Материалы и методы. В исследование вошли 74 больных ИБС, страдающих и не страдающих ИКМП (30 и 44 человека соответственно), и 18 здоровых доноров. У всех больных ИБС забор периферической крови производился непосредственно перед операцией коронарного шунтирования, а костного мозга – из разреза грудины во время операции. У здоровых доноров забирали только периферическую кровь.  В костном мозге и крови методом проточной цитофлуориметрии определяли численность VEGFR2+ моноцитов (CD14+VЕGFR2+ клеток) и их иммунофенотипов CD14++CD16-VEGFR2+, CD14++CD16+VEGFR2+, CD14+CD16++VEGFR2+, CD14+CD16-VEGFR2+, методом иммуноферментного анализа регистрировали концентрацию VЕGF-А, TNFα, M-CSF, IL-13, а также содержание MCP-1 (только в крови) и соотношение M-CSF/IL-13 (только в костном мозге).Результаты. Содержание CD14+VEGFR2+ клеток в крови у больных ИБС без кардиомиопатии и с ИКМП было выше нормы из-за большей численности CD14++CD16-VEGFR2+, CD14++CD16+VEGFR2+ и CD14+CD16++VEGFR2+ форм. В костном мозге у больных ИКМП содержание CD14++CD16-VEGFR2+, CD14+CD16++VEGFR2+ и CD14+CD16-VEGFR2+ форм было ниже, чем у больных ИБС без кардиомиопатии, а количество CD14++CD16+VEGFR2+ клеток соответствовало их числу в группе сравнения. Вне зависимости от наличия ИКМП при ИБС в крови отмечалась высокая концентрация TNFα, нормальный уровень VEGF-А и IL-13; при ИБС без кардиомиопатии – избыток МСР-1 и дефицит M-CSF в крови. В костном мозге концентрация VЕGF-А, TNFα, M-CSF, IL-13 была сопоставимой между группами больных на фоне снижения M-CSF/IL-13 у пациентов с ИКМП.Заключение. В отличие от ИБС без кардиомиопатии при ИКМП не формируется избыток VEGFR2+ моноцитов и МСР-1 в крови, что затрудняет активную миграцию CD14+CD16++VEGFR2+ клеток из миелоидной ткани, а снижение M-CSF/IL-13 в костном мозге нарушает дифференцировку остальных форм VEGFR2+ моноцитов, препятствуя репарации сосудов

    Characterization of Two Soybean (Glycine max L.) LEA IV Proteins by Circular Dichroism and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry

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    Late embryogenesis-abundant (LEA) proteins, accumulating to a high level during the late stages of seed development, may play a role as osmoprotectants. However, the functions and mechanisms of LEA proteins remained to be elucidated. Five major groups of LEA proteins have been described. In the present study, we report on the characterization of two members of soybean LEA IV proteins, basic GmPM1 and acidic GmPM28, by circular dichroism and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The spectra of both proteins revealed limited defined secondary structures in the fully hydrated state. Thus, the soybean LEA IV proteins are members of ‘natively unfolded proteins’. GmPM1 or GmPM28 proteins showed a conformational change under hydrophobic or dry conditions. After fast or slow drying, the two proteins showed slightly increased proportions of defined secondary structures (α-helix and β-sheet), from 30 to 49% and from 34 to 42% for GmPM1 and GmPm28, respectively. In the dehydrated state, GmPM1 and GmPM28 interact with non-reducing sugars to improve the transition temperature of cellular glass, with poly-l-lysine to prevent dehydration-induced aggregation and with phospholipids to maintain the liquid crystal phase over a wide temperature range. Our work suggests that soybean LEA IV proteins are functional in the dry state. They are one of the important components in cellular glasses and may stabilize desiccation-sensitive proteins and plasma membranes during dehydration


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    Interstitial lung disease (ILD) is one of the major causes of death in systemic scleroderma (SSD). Treatment of these patients remains difficult and controversial. Mycophenolate mofetil (MPM) has been in vitro shown to inhibit overproduction of type I collagen and hence may be effective against SSD. Objective: to study the efficiency and safety of MPM therapy in patients with SSD and clinically relevant ILD in an open-label prospective study. Subjects and methods. Ten patients with SSD (7 and 3 with its diffuse and limited forms, respectively) and ILD were given MPM in combination with glucocorticoids (mean daily dose was 10+4 mg). The mean MPM therapy duration was 11.4+1.3 months. The Rodnan total skin thickness score, flexion index, forced vital capacity (FVC), diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide (DLCO), and European Scleroderma Study Group (EScSG) activity index were estimated and a 6-minute walk test (6MWT) was carried out before and after MPM therapy. Results. After therapy, the whole group showed a significant reduction in skin scores from 12.9+9.8 to 5.6+3.2 (p=0.036) and EScSG from 3.9+1.4 to 2.25+1.03 (p=0.015) and an increase in exercise tolerance from 446+155 to 535+78 m (p=0.03) as evidenced by 6MWT. The degree of flexion contractures decreased from 15+21 to 3.7+11.3 mm (p>0.05). FVC (77.8+18.7% versus 73.8+11.3%) and DLCO (45+14.4% versus 42+16.4%) were significantly unchanged. A 10% or more clinically significant fall was noted in FVC and DLCO in 3 and 1 patients, respectively. In the remaining patients, the lung functional test results remained stable. MPM tolerability was satisfactory. All the patients completed their course of treatment. Conclusion. Stabilization of lung function with higher exercise tolerance and significantly reduced skin density allow therapy with MPM in combination with low-dose glucocorticoids to be regarded as an effective and well-tolerated treatment in patients with ILD in the presence of SS