13 research outputs found

    Hydroponic Production Systems in Greenhouses

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    Hydroponic production means the growing of vegetables, herbs and ornamental plants and fruits in a nutrient solution (a solution of water and macro- and micronutrients) with or without the use of a substrate that gives the mechanical support to plant. The most important advantages of hydroponics are as follows: continuous cultivation of one crop, better control and supply of plants with water and plant nutrients, reduced occurrence of plant pests and minimized environmental impact and increased water use efficiency. The main hydroponic cultivation technique of fruit vegetables is cultivation on substrates, often called soilless system. Growing substrate (organic, inorganic or synthetic) provides an aseptic environment, good oxygenation and an adequate nutrient solution flow, so the most important substrate properties are biological and chemical inert, porosity and capillarity. Its choice depends on climatic conditions, the type of equipment in the greenhouse and the plant requirements. Hydroponics is also suitable for growing crops with a shorter growing period such as leafy vegetables and herbs. Plants are grown by different growing techniques in a nutrient solution without a substrate (nutrient film technique, floating hydroponics, ebb and flow and aeroponics). These are closed hydroponic systems, which means that drainage nutrient solution is collected, sterilized and reused

    Microgreens as a functional food

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    Među funkcionalnim namirnicama posljednjih godina često se ističu microgreens različitog povrća, aromatičnog bilja i žitarica kao izvor polifenola, vitamina i minerala, koji pokazuju pozitivan utjecaj na ljudsko zdravlje. Microgreens se konzumiraju u fazi kotiledona i nepotpuno razvijenih prvih pravih listova u svježem stanju pa ne dolazi do gubitka hranjivih tvari tijekom obrade. Nutricionisti preporučuju konzumaciju microgreensa zbog veće količine vitamina i minerala, odnosno, manje količine nitrata u odnosu na potpuno razvijene biljke. U radu je, na temelju pregleda literature, prikazan izbor vrsta, nutritivna vrijednost, tehnologija uzgoja i upotreba microgreensa.Among functional foods, microgreens of different vegetables, aromatic herbs and grains are highlighted as a source of polyphenols, vitamins and minerals. Their consummation has a positive effect on human health. Microgreens are consumed raw, in the cotyledon phase with not fully developed first real leaves, therefore there is no nutrient loss during thermal processing. Nutritionists recommend the microgreens due to a higher content of vitamins and minerals, i.e. lower content of nitrates, compared to mature plants. This paper provides an overview about the selection of species, nutritional value, production technology and use of microgreens according to the recent studies

    Kako povećati nutritivnu kakvoću koprive kontroliranom ishranom

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    Research background. As food production faces major challenges, modern agricultural practices are increasingly focused on conserving resources, reducing negative environmental impacts and sustainably producing food with a high content of health-promoting phytochemicals. During production, many factors can affect the quality and chemical composition of a final food product. Proper selection of cultivating conditions, especially a balanced nutrition, can significantly increase nutritional value and result in foods with strong biological and functional properties. Stinging nettle is a rich source of minerals, vitamins, pigments, phenols and other bioactive compounds and can be consumed as a green leafy vegetable with beneficial effects on human health. Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine the nutritional quality and antioxidant capacity of stinging nettle leaves under the influence of different nutrient solution (NS) treatments and three harvest cycles. Experimental approach. The experiment was conducted in a floating hydroponic system in which treatments with different nutrient solutions were applied and three harvest cycles were carried out. After each harvest, the following treatments were applied: treatment 1 – depletion of nutrient solution by adding water, treatment 2 – supplementation of nutrient solution by adding initial nutrient solution and treatment 3 – correction of nutrient solution by adding nutrients. Among the bioactive compounds, minerals, ascorbic acid, phenols and photosynthetic pigments content, as well as antioxidant capacity were analysed spectrophotometrically, while individual phenols were determined by liquid chromatography. Results and conclusions. Different nutrition solution treatments and the number of harvest cycles had a significant effect on the content of the analysed bioactive compounds. The highest mass fraction (on fresh mass basis) of total phenols expressed as gallic acid equivalents (377.04 mg/100 g), total flavonoids expressed as catechol equivalents (279.54 mg/100 g), ascorbic acid (112.37 mg/100 g) and pigments (total chlorophylls 1.84, and total carotenoids 0.36 mg/g) as well as the highest antioxidant capacity expressed as Trolox equivalents (35.47 µmol/g) were recorded in the samples supplemented with nutrient solution (treatment NS2) and analysed after the third harvest. Novelty and scientific contribution. This is the first time that stinging nettle leaves have been produced in a floating hydroponic system by controlled plant nutrition. We have set this type of nutritional manipulation with multiple harvest cycles as an innovative technique for the production of novel food with improved nutritional value that can be consumed as green leafy vegetables.Pozadina istraživanja. Budući da se proizvodnja hrane suočava s velikim izazovima, suvremene poljoprivredne prakse sve su više usmjerene na očuvanje resursa, smanjenje negativnog učinka na okoliš i održivu proizvodnju hrane s velikim udjelom fitokemikalija koje pozitivno utječu na ljudsko zdravlje. Tijekom uzgoja, brojni čimbenici mogu utjecati na kakvoću i kemijski sastav konačnog proizvoda. Pravilnim odabirom uvjeta uzgoja, posebice uravnoteženom ishranom (gnojidbom), može se znatno povećati nutritivna kakvoća sirovine te pozitivno utjecati na njezina biološka i funkcionalna svojstva. Kopriva je bogat izvor mineralnih tvari, vitamina, pigmenata, fenola i drugih bioaktivnih spojeva, a može se konzumirati kao zeleno lisnato povrće blagotvornog učinka na zdravlje ljudi. Stoga je svrha ovog istraživanja bila odrediti nutritivnu kakvoću i antioksidacijski kapacitet lista koprive tretirane različitim hranjivim otopinama tijekom tri ciklusa berbe. Eksperimentalni pristup. Pokus je proveden u plutajućem hidroponskom sustavu u kojem su biljke tretirane različitim hranjivim otopinama tijekom tri ciklusa berbe. Korišteni su sljedeći postupci: tretman 1 – iscrpljivanje hranjive otopine vodom, tretman 2 – prihrana standardnom hranjivom otopinom i tretman 3 – korekcija sastava hranjive otopine dodatkom nutrijenata. Od bioaktivnih spojeva ispitani su maseni udjeli mineralnih tvari, askorbinske kiseline, ukupnih fenola i fotosintetskih pigmenata, te je utvrđen antioksidacijski kapacitet pomoću spektrofotometrije, dok su udjeli pojedinih fenola određeni tekućinskom kromatografijom. Rezultati i zaključci. Različiti tretmani hranjivim otopinama i broj ciklusa berbe bitno su utjecali na udjele ispitanih bioaktivnih spojeva u listu koprive. Najveći udjel (u svježoj masi lista) ukupnih fenola izražen kao ekvivalent galne kiseline (377,04 mg/100 g), ukupnih flavonoida izražen kao ekvivalent katehola (279,54 mg/100 g), askorbinske kiseline (112,37 mg/100 g) i pigmenata (ukupni klorofili 1,84, ukupni karotenoidi 0,36 mg/g), te najveći antioksidacijski kapacitet izražen kao ekvivalent Troloxa (35,47 µmol/g) zabilježeni su u uzorcima prihranjenim standardnom hranjivom otopinom, ispitanim nakon treće berbe. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. Kopriva je prvi put uzgojena u plutajućem hidroponskom sustavu s kontroliranom ishranom biljaka. Ovaj način uzgoja uz višestruke cikluse berbe je postavljen kao inovativna tehnika proizvodnje nove hrane, poboljšane nutritivne vrijednosti, koja se može konzumirati kao zeleno lisnato povrće

    Organic protection of vegetables based on medicinal plants

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    Ljekovite i aromatične vrste tradicijski i generacijski nezaobilazni su dio svakog ekološkog povrtnjaka, a njihova višestruka funkcija sve je češći predmet znanstvenih istraživanja. Osim što svojim intenzivnim mirisom i raskošnim izgledom obogaćuju povrtnjak, privlače korisne kukce i oprašivače čime se održava prirodna ravnoteža i potiče bioraznolikost. Posijane ili posađene u blizini povrtnih vrsta kroz združivanje usjeva ili konsocijacije, mogu poticajno djelovati na njihov rast i razvoj, što se očituje kroz pozitivne alelopatske odnose i repelenciju štetnih organizama tla, štetnika na biljkama i uzročnika bolesti (gljivice i bakterije). Premda, zbog alelokemikalija koje aromatične vrste izlučuju mogu djelovati i inhibirajuće na rast i razvoj drugih vrsta u blizini. Zbog toga je prilikom združivanja potrebno poznavati karakter susjedskih odnosa aromatičnih i povrtnih vrsta. Od nekih ljekovitih i aromatičnih biljaka mogu se pripremati botanički pripravci, koji stimulativno djeluju na rast i razvoj biljaka te jačanje njihove otpornosti (bio-gnojiva) ili se koriste u svrhu suzbijanja bolesti i štetnika (bio-insekticidi).Medicinal and aromatic plants of traditional and generational types are part of every organic vegetable garden, and their multiple functions are increasingly the subject of scientific research. Not only do they enrich the vegetable garden with their intense fragrances and luxurious appearance, but they also attract beneficial insects and pollinators, which maintains the natural balance and promotes biodiversity. When sown or planted near vegetable gardens (association of plants or associations), they can stimulate their growth and development, which is manifested by positive allelopathic relationships and repellency of soil pests, then insects on plants and pathogenic microorganisms (fungi and bacteria). However, allelochemicals secreted by aromatic plants can also affect the growth of other species growing nearby. Therefore, when combining, it is necessary to know the neighborly relations of aromatic and plant species. Some medicinal and aromatic plants can be used to produce botanical preparations that stimulate the growth and development of plants and strengthen their resistance (biofertilizers) or for control of diseases and pests (bioinsecticides)

    The effect of biostimulants and cultivar on the nutritive value of butternut squash

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    Muškatna tikva (Cucurbita moschata Duch. ex Poir) je posljednjih godina sve popularnija povrtna kultura zbog izražene nutritivne vrijednosti. Na količinu minerala i bioaktivnih tvari muškatne tikve mogu utjecati mnogi abiotski i biotski čimbenici te je potrebno analizirati nutritivni sastav plodova sorti muškatne tikve dostupnih na hrvatskom tržištu. U suvremenoj poljoprivredi sve je češća upotreba biostimulatora, tvari prirodnog porijekla koje povećavaju prinos i kvalitetu uzgajane kulture te štite biljke od stresa bez negativnog utjecaja na okoliš. U svrhu istraživanja učinka biostimulatora ('Actiwave', 'Bioplex' i 'Megafol') na količinu minerala i β-karotena u plodovima različitih sorti muškatne tikve ('Argenta', 'Futsu' i 'Blue boy') proveden je poljski pokus na pokušalištu Agronomskog fakulteta u Zagrebu u ljetno-jesenskom roku uzgoja 2015. godine. Najveće količine sirovih proteina (26,72 %), fosfora (1,24 % P), kalija (4,68 % K), željeza (89,29 mg Fe/kg suhe tvari), cinka (52,42 mg Zn/kg suhe tvari), mangana (14,28 mg Mn/kg suhe tvari) i bakra (16,60 mg Cu/kg suhe tvari) utvrđene su u plodovima sorte 'Futsu'. Tretiranje biljaka biostimulatorima negativno je utjecalo na akumulaciju suhe tvari i sintezu β-karotena u plodovima muškatne tikve jer su statistički najveće vrijednosti ovih svojstava (7,77 % i 2725 μg β-karotena/100 g svježe tvari) utvrđene na kontrolnim parcelama. Kombinacija 'Futsu' × 'Bioplex' rezultirala je količinom fosfora, kalija, željeza, cinka, mangana, bakra i sirovih proteina u rangu najvećih vrijednosti. Prosječne količine fosfora i kalija u svježoj tvari plodova muškatne tikve iznosile su 54,44 mg P/100 g i 245,59 mg K/100 g, dok je prosječna količina mikroelemenata (željezo, cink, mangan i bakar) iznosila 0,404 mg Fe/100 g, 0,254 mg Zn/100 g, 0,064 mg Mn/100 g i 0,078 mg Cu/100 g.Due to its high nutritive value, the butternut squash (Cucurbita moschata Duch. ex Poir) has, in the past several years, become an ever more popular vegetable. Many abiotic and biotic factors can influence the quantity of minerals and bioactive substances in the butternut squash, which makes it necessary to analyse the nutritive content of butternut squash cultivars offered on the Croatian market. Contemporary agriculture is seeing a rise in the use of biostimulants, natural substances which increase yield and quality of the cultivated plant and protect it from stress without any negative effect on the environment. In order to research the effect of biostimulants ('Actiwave', 'Bioplex' and 'Megafol') on the quantity of minerals and β-carotene in the fruit of various butternut squash cultivars ('Argenta', 'Futsu' and 'Blue boy') a field experiment was conducted on the experimental field of the Faculty of Agriculture in Zagreb, during the summer-autumn cultivation period of 2015. The highest content of crude proteins (26.72 %), phosphorus (1.24 % P), potassium (4.68 % K), iron (89.29 mg Fe/kg dry weight), zinc (52.42 mg Zn/kg dry weight), manganese (14.28 mg Mn/kg dry weight) and copper (16.60 mg Cu/kg dry weight) were determined in the fruit of the 'Futsu' cultivar. Treating plants with biostimulants had a negative effect on dry weight accumulation and β- carotene synthesis in the butternut squash fruits, since the statistically highest values of these properties (7.77 % and 2725 μg β-carotene/100 g fresh weight) were found on control plots. The 'Futsu' × 'Bioplex' combination resulted in phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc, manganese, copper and crude protein values comparable to the highest ones. The average phosphorus and potassium quantities in the fresh weight of butternut squash fruits were 54.44 mg P/100 g and 245.59 mg K/100 g, while the average quantities of microelements (iron, zinc, manganese and copper) were 0.404 mg Fe/100 g, 0.254 mg Zn/100 g, 0.064 mg Mn/100 g and 0.078 mg Cu/100 g

    The effect of biostimulants and cultivar on the nutritive value of butternut squash

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    Muškatna tikva (Cucurbita moschata Duch. ex Poir) je posljednjih godina sve popularnija povrtna kultura zbog izražene nutritivne vrijednosti. Na količinu minerala i bioaktivnih tvari muškatne tikve mogu utjecati mnogi abiotski i biotski čimbenici te je potrebno analizirati nutritivni sastav plodova sorti muškatne tikve dostupnih na hrvatskom tržištu. U suvremenoj poljoprivredi sve je češća upotreba biostimulatora, tvari prirodnog porijekla koje povećavaju prinos i kvalitetu uzgajane kulture te štite biljke od stresa bez negativnog utjecaja na okoliš. U svrhu istraživanja učinka biostimulatora ('Actiwave', 'Bioplex' i 'Megafol') na količinu minerala i β-karotena u plodovima različitih sorti muškatne tikve ('Argenta', 'Futsu' i 'Blue boy') proveden je poljski pokus na pokušalištu Agronomskog fakulteta u Zagrebu u ljetno-jesenskom roku uzgoja 2015. godine. Najveće količine sirovih proteina (26,72 %), fosfora (1,24 % P), kalija (4,68 % K), željeza (89,29 mg Fe/kg suhe tvari), cinka (52,42 mg Zn/kg suhe tvari), mangana (14,28 mg Mn/kg suhe tvari) i bakra (16,60 mg Cu/kg suhe tvari) utvrđene su u plodovima sorte 'Futsu'. Tretiranje biljaka biostimulatorima negativno je utjecalo na akumulaciju suhe tvari i sintezu β-karotena u plodovima muškatne tikve jer su statistički najveće vrijednosti ovih svojstava (7,77 % i 2725 μg β-karotena/100 g svježe tvari) utvrđene na kontrolnim parcelama. Kombinacija 'Futsu' × 'Bioplex' rezultirala je količinom fosfora, kalija, željeza, cinka, mangana, bakra i sirovih proteina u rangu najvećih vrijednosti. Prosječne količine fosfora i kalija u svježoj tvari plodova muškatne tikve iznosile su 54,44 mg P/100 g i 245,59 mg K/100 g, dok je prosječna količina mikroelemenata (željezo, cink, mangan i bakar) iznosila 0,404 mg Fe/100 g, 0,254 mg Zn/100 g, 0,064 mg Mn/100 g i 0,078 mg Cu/100 g.Due to its high nutritive value, the butternut squash (Cucurbita moschata Duch. ex Poir) has, in the past several years, become an ever more popular vegetable. Many abiotic and biotic factors can influence the quantity of minerals and bioactive substances in the butternut squash, which makes it necessary to analyse the nutritive content of butternut squash cultivars offered on the Croatian market. Contemporary agriculture is seeing a rise in the use of biostimulants, natural substances which increase yield and quality of the cultivated plant and protect it from stress without any negative effect on the environment. In order to research the effect of biostimulants ('Actiwave', 'Bioplex' and 'Megafol') on the quantity of minerals and β-carotene in the fruit of various butternut squash cultivars ('Argenta', 'Futsu' and 'Blue boy') a field experiment was conducted on the experimental field of the Faculty of Agriculture in Zagreb, during the summer-autumn cultivation period of 2015. The highest content of crude proteins (26.72 %), phosphorus (1.24 % P), potassium (4.68 % K), iron (89.29 mg Fe/kg dry weight), zinc (52.42 mg Zn/kg dry weight), manganese (14.28 mg Mn/kg dry weight) and copper (16.60 mg Cu/kg dry weight) were determined in the fruit of the 'Futsu' cultivar. Treating plants with biostimulants had a negative effect on dry weight accumulation and β- carotene synthesis in the butternut squash fruits, since the statistically highest values of these properties (7.77 % and 2725 μg β-carotene/100 g fresh weight) were found on control plots. The 'Futsu' × 'Bioplex' combination resulted in phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc, manganese, copper and crude protein values comparable to the highest ones. The average phosphorus and potassium quantities in the fresh weight of butternut squash fruits were 54.44 mg P/100 g and 245.59 mg K/100 g, while the average quantities of microelements (iron, zinc, manganese and copper) were 0.404 mg Fe/100 g, 0.254 mg Zn/100 g, 0.064 mg Mn/100 g and 0.078 mg Cu/100 g

    Neglected Potential of Wild Garlic (Allium ursinum L.)—Specialized Metabolites Content and Antioxidant Capacity of Wild Populations in Relation to Location and Plant Phenophase

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    Wild garlic (Allium ursinum L.) is one of the species widely distributed in Europe and Asia and is often nutritionally neglected, characterized by a high content of various phytochemicals with high therapeutic potential and a range of biological activities. The aim of this study was to determine the content of bioactive compounds in the leaves of wild garlic populations collected from different micro-locations, and to determine the differences in the content of phytochemicals in the vegetative and generative phases. A significant content of different specialized metabolites was detected in all analyzed leaves of wild garlic populations regardless of the different factors (location and phenophase): vitamin C content with the highest determined value of 63.31 mg/100 g fw; total phenolic content with the highest determined value of 186.18 mg GAE/100 g fw (according to gallic acid in fresh sample); and antioxidant capacity with the highest determined value of 2230.66 µmol TE/L (according to Trolox). Significant differences in all the phytochemicals analyzed were observed depending on both the location and phenophase of the plants, with the most pronounced differences depending on the phenophase. Thus, lower levels of polyphenolic compounds and vitamin C were generally observed before the flowering phase, while the trend toward higher levels of pigment compounds was observed during the flowering phase of the plants. The results suggest that the leaves of wild garlic can be considered a valuable source of a variety of specialized metabolites with high antioxidant capacity, and thus have high production potential for various functional products and food supplements of natural origin, which are important for the promotion of human health

    Nettle Cultivation Practices—From Open Field to Modern Hydroponics: A Case Study of Specialized Metabolites

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    Conventional agricultural production faces numerous challenges due to the pronounced effects of climate change, particularly global warming, and drought more than ever before in history, with the primary concern being to produce adequate yields and high-quality, nutritious plant material. Likewise, people are increasingly looking for new sources of food and are becoming aware of the importance of a varied diet and its connection to health. In this sense, stinging nettle (Urtica dioica L.) stands out as a valuable species that is neglected as a food source, as it has a significant content of specialized metabolites, and thus has an extremely high potential for use both nutritionally and pharmacologically, but is still traditionally collected from natural habitats, so it can be of questionable quality and undefined chemical composition. Therefore, sustainable agricultural practices are increasingly shifting to modern hydroponic cultivation methods in greenhouses. The advantage lies in the easier management and control of a number of factors during cultivation (air temperature and relative humidity, balanced and rational fertilization, minimization of nitrate uptake, etc.), ensuring better conditions for the growth and development of nettle according to its needs. The aim of this review is to give an overview of the technology of stinging nettle cultivation in the field and to show the possibilities of cultivation with modern hydroponic techniques to obtain a final product of consistent and uniform quality, high content of specialized metabolites and significant nutritional value. Research on this topic is still sparse but will certainly increase in the future. Therefore, this review provides all the necessary data for such future studies

    Neglected Potential of Wild Garlic (<i>Allium ursinum</i> L.)—Specialized Metabolites Content and Antioxidant Capacity of Wild Populations in Relation to Location and Plant Phenophase

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    Wild garlic (Allium ursinum L.) is one of the species widely distributed in Europe and Asia and is often nutritionally neglected, characterized by a high content of various phytochemicals with high therapeutic potential and a range of biological activities. The aim of this study was to determine the content of bioactive compounds in the leaves of wild garlic populations collected from different micro-locations, and to determine the differences in the content of phytochemicals in the vegetative and generative phases. A significant content of different specialized metabolites was detected in all analyzed leaves of wild garlic populations regardless of the different factors (location and phenophase): vitamin C content with the highest determined value of 63.31 mg/100 g fw; total phenolic content with the highest determined value of 186.18 mg GAE/100 g fw (according to gallic acid in fresh sample); and antioxidant capacity with the highest determined value of 2230.66 µmol TE/L (according to Trolox). Significant differences in all the phytochemicals analyzed were observed depending on both the location and phenophase of the plants, with the most pronounced differences depending on the phenophase. Thus, lower levels of polyphenolic compounds and vitamin C were generally observed before the flowering phase, while the trend toward higher levels of pigment compounds was observed during the flowering phase of the plants. The results suggest that the leaves of wild garlic can be considered a valuable source of a variety of specialized metabolites with high antioxidant capacity, and thus have high production potential for various functional products and food supplements of natural origin, which are important for the promotion of human health

    Application of biostimulants in nettle cultivation

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    Dvodomna kopriva (Urtica dioica L.) je u novije vrijeme nepravedno zapostavljena biljna vrsta, posebice kao prehrambena namirnica. Zbog dokazanih nutritivnih i ljekovitih svojstva, svrstava se u kategoriju funkcionalnih namirnica. U fazi intenzivnog porasta ima velike potrebe za dušičnim gnojivima što može umanjiti kvalitetu finalnog proizvoda, pa se istražuju preprati dozvoljeni i u ekološkom uzgoju. Biostimulatori su proizvodi prirodnog porijekla koji imaju efikasnu primjenu kod biljaka u stresnim uvjetima ublažavajući nepovoljne čimbenike tijekom uzgoja. U ovome radu istražene su potencijalne koristi od primjene biostimulatora na morfološke pokazatelje i osnovni kemijski sastav koprive. Monofaktorijalni poljski pokus postavljen je na dvogodišnjem usjevu koprive po metodi slučajnog bloknog rasporeda u tri repeticije. Nasad je tretiran s četiri različita biostimulatora (Humistar, Phylgreen, Aminovital, Delphan Plus) u usporedbi s kontrolnom varijantom. Biostimulatori nisu imali opravdani utjecaj na morfološke pokazatelje niti na ukupni prinos, no imali su različit utjecaj na razinu minerala i specijaliziranih metabolita u biljci, pri čemu se mogu se izdvojiti proizvodi na bazi aminokiselina (Delphan Plus) i huminskih kiselina (Humistar).The stinging nettle (Urtica dioica L.) has recently been an unjustly neglected plant species, especially as a food. Because of its proven nutritional and medicinal properties, it is classified as a functional food. In the phase of intensive growth, there is a great need for nitrogen fertilizers, which can affect the quality of the final product, which is why the preparations approved in organic farming are also studied. Biostimulants are products of natural origin that can be effectively used on crops under stress conditions by mitigating adverse factors during cultivation. In this work, the potential benefits of applying biostimulants on the morphological parameters and the basic chemical composition of nettle were investigated. A monofactorial field experiment was set up with a two-year-old stinging nettle crop using the randomized block chain method in three replicates. The plantation was treated with four different biostimulants (Humistar, Phylgreen, Aminovital, Delphan Plus) and compared with the control variant. The biostimulants had no justifiable effect on the morphological parameters or the total yield, but they had different effects on the content of minerals and specialized metabolites in the plant, with the products based on amino acids (Delphan Plus) and humic acids (Humistar)