909 research outputs found

    Spirits of Capitalism and the De-alienation of Workers: a Historical Perspective on the Mauritian Garment Industry

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    Die Dissoziation des Schwefeldampfes

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    Die Dissoziationsverhältnisse im Schwefeldampf wurden durch sorgfältige Messungen nachgeprüft. Dabei ergab sich, daß die Deutung der Versuchsergebnisse im Gegensatz zu der bisherigen Annahme nur unter Berücksichtigung der Molekülart S4 möglich ist. Aus den Ergebnissen wurden die Wärmetönungen der verschiedenen Dissoziationsreaktionen sowie der thermodynamisch wichtigen Reaktion Srhomb⇄S2Dampf berechnet

    The prevalence of work-related musculoskeletal disorders in long-distance bus drivers

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    Background: Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs) contribute to poor posture and prolonged stress and strain due to work demands and the environment.Objective: The objective of the study was to determine the prevalence of WRMSDs in long-distance bus drivers.Methods: A cross-sectional survey study was conducted to determine the prevalence of WRMSDs among male long-distance bus drivers. Eighty-nine participants were selected from a reputable bus company in Pretoria to participate in the study. The Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (NMQ) was used to determine self-reported WRMSDs.Results: The average age of the participants was 45 years, with a mean height and weight of 1.69 m and 85.4 kg respectively. Participants in the study had a mean body mass index of 29.9 kg.m-2, categorising them as overweight. From the bus drivers who reported WRMSDs due to driving (22%), most of the pain was noted in the upper back (44%), followed by lower back (42%), neck (42%), shoulder (37%), and wrist/hand (31%). A strong, positive association existed between ankle and knee pain using Kendall’s tau-b correlation (τb = .71, p = .0001). A moderate and positive association was further noted between pain in the neck/shoulder (τb = .59, p = .0001) and upper back/shoulder (τb = .59, p = .0001).Conclusion: The greatest proportion of pain was experienced along the axial skeleton in long-distance bus drivers. Upper back pain was the most prevalent of the WRMSDs reported in these drivers.Keywords: maladroit postures; musculoskeletal pain; kinetic chain; axial skeleton; appendicular skeleto

    Ouerbegeleidingsbehoeftes ten aansien van die fisiek-gestremde voorskoolse kind as voorbereiding vir 'n insluitende onderwysomgewing

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    This article focuses on parents' educational needs concerning their physically disabled pre-school child with the view to placement in an inclusive learning environment. Support services include, among other things, preparation of these children to enter an inclusive learning environment, and parent education to reach this goal. Therefore parent education with a view to promoting the success of inclusion is of utmost importance, by focusing on those skills needed by physcially disabled children to perform sucessfully in the inclusive classroom milieu. The goal of parent education is to mediate those skills necessary to become an integral part of regular classroom activities and be accepted within the inclusive learning environment ; to facilitate a functional family life and educational atmosphere as basis for further growth ; to promote the least restrictive educational environment at home ; to facilitate modeling of socially acceptable behaviour patterns ; to promote a cognitively, emotionally, and socially stimulating learning environment at home ; to provide interpersonal interaction with nonhandicapped siblings and peers; and to remove stereotypes and stigmata attached to physically disabled children and to facilitate successful adjustment within the inclusive learning environment and the broader community during adulthood. (South African Journal of Education: 2002 22(4): 338-344

    Biostratigraphy of the lower Burgersdorp Formation (Beaufort Group; Karoo Supergroup) of South Africa – implications for the stratigraphic ranges of early Triassic tetrapods

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    The Beaufort Group (Karoo Supergroup) of South Africa comprises a thick sequence of fluvio-lacustrine sedimentary rocks that accumulated in a landlocked, intracratonic foreland basin in southwestern Gondwana during the Middle Permian to Middle Triassic. To the south this basin was bounded by the Cape Fold Belt, which acted as the major source of both sediment and discharge. Rocks of the Beaufort Group are renowned for their rich fossil record and eight tetrapod-based biozones are currently recognized. The uppermost two biozones of the Beaufort Group, the Lystrosaurus and Cynognathus assemblage zones, record terrestrial biotic recovery following the Permo-Triassic mass extinction event. Stratigraphic overlap between these biozones occurs in the proximal sector, but their separation by an unconformity in the distal sector reflects the incomplete preservation of the sequence in this part of the basin. Our results afford chronostratographic control that impacts on current theories on the development of the Karoo Basin, and on the relative age of the sequence.South African Council for Geoscience, the University of the Witwatersrand and the National Research Foundation

    A non-mammaliaform cynodont from the Upper Triassic of South Africa: a therapsid Lazarus taxon?

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    The tetrapod record of the ‘Stormberg Group’, including the Lower Elliot Formation, in the South African Karoo is widely dominated by archosaurian reptiles, contrasting with the therapsid dominion of the subjacent Beaufort Group. The only therapsids represented by skeletal remains in the Upper Triassic Lower Elliot Formation are the large traversodontid cynodont Scalenodontoides macrodontes and the recently described tritheledontid cynodont Elliotherium kersteni. Here we present a fragmentary lower jaw that provides evidence of a third type of cynodont for the Upper Triassic of South Africa. The fossil is tentatively assigned to the Diademodontidae. The latter representative of this family is known from the Late Anisian, and its tentative record in the Norian Lower Elliot Formation, if confirmed, will represent a case of Lazarus taxon. Thus, Diademodontidae apparently disappeared from the fossil record by the end of the Anisian and then reappeared in the Norian of South Africa, a stratigraphic interval of some 21 million years. This new cynodont record, together with the recently described Tritheledontidae, show that cynodonts are now the second most diverse tetrapod group in the Lower Elliot fauna.The University of the Witwatersrand, the National Research Foundation of South Africa, the Royal Society of London and PAST

    Barendskraal, a diverse amniote locality from the Lystrosaurus Assemblage Zone, Early Triassic of South Africa

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    Main articleA diverse amniote fauna has been recovered from Lower Triassic Lystrosaurus Assemblage Zone exposures on the farm Barendskraal, near Middelburg in Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. The fauna includes the dicynodont therapsid Lystrosaurus sp., the therocephalian therapsids Tetracynodon darti, Moschorhinus kitchingi and Ericiolacerta parva, the archosauromorph reptiles Proterosuchus fergusi and Prolacerta broomi, and the procolophonoid reptiles Owenetta kitchingorum, Sauropareion anoplus and Saurodectes rogersorum. The locality is remarkable in that although it is fossil-rich, Lystrosaurus fossils do not appear to be as abundant as elsewhere in this assemblage zone, and the diversity of taxa at Barendskraal (at least nine species) is surpassed only by that of the famous HarrismithCommonage locality in the northeastern Free State province (at least 13 species). However, the fauna at Harrismith Commonage is typical of most other Lystrosaurus biozone localities in being dominated numerically by Lystrosaurus. Study of the tetrapod taxa from Barendskraal is providing new insights into procolophonoid phylogeny and survivorship across the Permo-Triassic boundary, as well as the stratigraphic ranges of various taxa in the Lower Triassic deposits of the Karoo Basin.National Geographic Society grant number 6929-00

    'The Market'

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