144 research outputs found

    Methods for point source analysis in high energy neutrino telescopes

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    Neutrino telescopes are moving steadily toward the goal of detecting astrophysical neutrinos from the most powerful galactic and extragalactic sources. Here we describe analysis methods to search for high energy point-like neutrino sources using detectors deep in the ice or sea. We simulate an ideal cubic kilometer detector based on real world performance of existing detectors such as AMANDA, IceCube, and ANTARES. An unbinned likelihood ratio method is applied, making use of the point spread function and energy distribution of simulated neutrino signal events to separate them from the background of atmospheric neutrinos produced by cosmic ray showers. The unbinned point source analyses are shown to perform better than binned searches and, depending on the source spectral index, the use of energy information is shown to improve discovery potential by almost a factor of two.Comment: pdfLaTeX, 16 pages, 12 figures. Submitted to Astroparticle Physic

    Ueber die Peritonitis der kleinen Mädchen

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    The classification of normalizing groups

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    Let X be a finite set such that |X|=n. Let Tn and Sn denote the transformation monoid and the symmetric group on n points, respectively. Given a∈Tn∖Sn, we say that a group G⩽Sn is a-normalizing if ,where a, G and g−1ag | g ∈ G denote the subsemigroups of Tn generated by the sets {a} ∪ G and {g−1ag | g ∈ G}, respectively. If G is a-normalizing for all a ∈ Tn \ Sn, then we say that G is normalizing.The goal of this paper is to classify the normalizing groups and hence answer a question of Levi, McAlister, and McFadden. The paper ends with a number of problems for experts in groups, semigroups and matrix theory

    ,,Offene" und „geschlossene" Transformation:: Von peripheren und noch periphereren Kapitalismen in Osteuropa

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    The article examines different modes of peripheralisation in Eastern Europe in the process of transformation. While in both, the EU candidate countries and in Russia, patterns of peripheral capitalism can be observed, pursued by and in the interest of transnational political and economic interest coalitions, these take different forms. The EU candidate countries undergo a more coherent variant of transformation, structured by the pressures of the accession process and a subordinated integration into European production networks. On the contrary, Russia has seen a much more open and unstructured process of integration into the global economy, expressed so far mainly in capital fiight, export of raw materials and import of vast amount of industrial goods
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