4,182 research outputs found

    Review of \u3ci\u3eA Nation in Transition: Douglas Henry Johnston and the Chickasaws, 1898-1939\u3c/i\u3e by Michael W. Lovegrove

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    What happens when a Native American nation is gradually and purposefully dismantled in order to make way for a new state government? How do tribal leaders meet the challenges of an impending dissolution of their own government and simultaneously fight against the erosion of their tribal sovereignty? These compelling questions inform A Nation in Transition: Douglas Henry Johnston and the Chickasaws, 1898-1939, a new history of the Chickasaw Nation of Oklahoma and its leadership under Governor Douglas Henry Johnston (1898-1902; 1904-1939), whose tenure, according to author Michael W. Lovegrove, was longer than that of any other American Indian executive. Pointing to the paucity of records about Johnston and the Chickasaw Nation, Lovegrove nonetheless charts a fascinating history of the complex political negotiations, legal maneuvering, and difficult choices that characterized Johnston\u27s administration in the face of the transition of Indian Territory to Oklahoma statehood in 1907

    Review of \u3ci\u3eA Nation in Transition: Douglas Henry Johnston and the Chickasaws, 1898-1939\u3c/i\u3e by Michael W. Lovegrove

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    What happens when a Native American nation is gradually and purposefully dismantled in order to make way for a new state government? How do tribal leaders meet the challenges of an impending dissolution of their own government and simultaneously fight against the erosion of their tribal sovereignty? These compelling questions inform A Nation in Transition: Douglas Henry Johnston and the Chickasaws, 1898-1939, a new history of the Chickasaw Nation of Oklahoma and its leadership under Governor Douglas Henry Johnston (1898-1902; 1904-1939), whose tenure, according to author Michael W. Lovegrove, was longer than that of any other American Indian executive. Pointing to the paucity of records about Johnston and the Chickasaw Nation, Lovegrove nonetheless charts a fascinating history of the complex political negotiations, legal maneuvering, and difficult choices that characterized Johnston\u27s administration in the face of the transition of Indian Territory to Oklahoma statehood in 1907

    Effect of predator management on snowy plovers in Monterey Bay, California

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    From Clean Water to Casinos: Why Sovereignty is Important to Native Americans

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    Lisa Neuman’s commentary provides a further perspective on Native American sovereignty, focusing especially on how the situation in Maine compares with that of tribes elsewhere in the United States

    Quantum description of surface-enhanced resonant Raman scattering within a hybrid-optomechanical model

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    Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) allows for detection and identification of molecular vibrational fingerprints in minute sample quantities. The SERS process can be also exploited for optical manipulation of molecular vibrations. We present a quantum description of Surface-Enhanced Resonant Raman scattering (SERRS), in analogy to hybrid cavity optomechanics, and compare the resonant situation with the off-resonant SERS. Our model predicts the existence of a regime of coherent interaction between electronic and vibrational degrees of freedom of a molecule, mediated by a plasmonic nanocavity. This coherent mechanism can be achieved by parametrically tuning the frequency and intensity of the incident pumping laser and is related to the optomechanical pumping of molecular vibrations. We find that vibrational pumping is able to selectively activate a particular vibrational mode, thus providing a mechanism to control its population and drive plasmon-assisted chemistry

    Contextos da prática docente: (re)pensando o papel do contexto em intervenções com professores da educação infantil e novas abordagens para a leitura compartilhada

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    Although the randomized controlled trial has been regarded as the sine qua non in recent years, we argue that understanding contexts for teacher practice is a critical factor in the implementation of intervention, but has often been overlooked in educational research design. In this paper, we argue that randomized trials may not be ideal for educational contexts that are multi-faceted, complex and often part of other community-based initiatives. To make this argument, we describe a study from “the context out,” a different lens than is typical in education research. In doing so, we consider how varied contexts create both constraints and affordances for teachers to engage in an intervention. Examining how teachers engage with new curricular practices, we focus closely on five early childhood centers in high poverty neighborhoods, using mixed methods to understand both the influence of the intervention as well as the conditions that either supported or thwarted changes in practice. Our findings suggest that context plays a major role in educational practice, which has important implications for approaches to research in the future. Given this reality, we argue that an understanding of the context in which an intervention takes place must be considered in any calculation of “what works” in classrooms.Aunque los experimentos controlados aleatorios han sido considerados como condición sine qua non en los últimos años, argumentamos que la comprensión de los contextos de la práctica docente es un factor crítico en la implementación de intervenciones, pero a menudo se han pasado por alto en los diseños de investigación educativa. En este trabajo, argumentamos que los experimentos controlados aleatorios pueden no ser ideales para los contextos educativos que son de facetas múltiples, complejas y con frecuencia parte de otras iniciativas basadas en la comunidad. Para sustentar este argumento, describimos un estudio "fuera de contexto," un objetivo no típico en la investigación en educación. Tenemos en cuenta como contextos variados crean tanto restricciones como posibilidades para que docentes participen en una intervención. Examinamos cómo los docentes se comprometen con nuevas prácticas curriculares, focalizando particularmente en cinco centros para la primera infancia en barrios con altos niveles de pobreza, usando métodos mixtos para entender tanto la influencia de la intervención, así como las condiciones para favorecer o dificultar cambios en las prácticas. Nuestros hallazgos sugieren que el contexto juega un papel importante en la práctica educativa, lo que tiene importantes implicaciones para pensar investigaciones futuras. Dados nuestros resultados argumentamos que la comprensión del contexto en el que se lleva a cabo una intervención debe ser considerada en el cálculo de "lo que funciona" en las aulas.Apesar de experimentos controlados randomizados foram considerados como condição sine qua non, nos últimos anos, argumentamos que a compreensão dos contextos de prática de ensino é um fator crítico para a implementação de intervenções, mas têm sido muitas vezes negligenciado em projetos de investigação educacional. Neste artigo, argumentamos que os experimentos controlados randomizados podem não ser ideal para contextos educativos que são múltiplos, complexos e muitas vezes parte de outras iniciativas facetas de base comunitária. Para sustentar esse argumento, descrevemos um estudo "fora de contexto", um objetivo que não é típica na pesquisa em educação. Consideramos como variados contextos criar ambos os constrangimentos e oportunidades para os professores a participar de uma intervenção. Examinamos como os professores se envolver com novas práticas curriculares, com particular incidência em cinco centros para a primeira infância nos bairros com altos níveis de pobreza, uso de métodos mistos para entender tanto a influência da intervenção, bem como as condições para favorecer ou dificultar mudanças as praticas. Nossos resultados sugerem que o contexto desempenha um papel importante na prática educativa, que tem implicações importantes para o futuro pensamento pesquisa. Dadas nossas descobertas sustentamos que a compreensão do contexto em que é realizada uma intervenção deve ser considerado no cálculo do "o que funciona" em sala de aula