11 research outputs found

    The hybrid lattice of K x Fe 2-y Se 2: Where superconductivity and magnetism coexist

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    Much remains unknown of the microscopic origin of superconductivity in atomically disordered systems of amorphous alloys or in crystals riddled with defects. A manifestation of this conundrum is envisaged in the highly defective superconductor of K x Fe 2-y Se 2. How can superconductivity survive under such crude conditions that call for strong electron localization? Here, we show that the Fe sublattice is locally distorted and accommodates two kinds of Fe valence environments giving rise to a bimodal bond-distribution, with short and long Fe bonds. The bimodal bonds are present even as the system becomes superconducting in the presence of antiferromagnetism, with the weight continuously shifting from the short to the long with increasing K content. Such a hybrid state is most likely found in cuprates as well while our results point to the importance of the local atomic symmetry by which exchange interactions between local moments materialize.1

    Revealing the relationship between liquid fragility and medium-range order in silicate glasses

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    Despite decades of studies, the nature of the glass transition remains elusive. In particular, the sharpness of the dynamical arrest of a melt at the glass transition is captured by its fragility. Here, we reveal that fragility is governed by the medium-range order structure. Based on neutron-diffraction data for a series of aluminosilicate glasses, we propose a measurable structural parameter that features a strong inverse correlation with fragility, namely, the average medium-range distance (MRD). We use in-situ high-temperature neutron-scattering data to discuss the physical origin of this correlation. We argue that glasses exhibiting low MRD values present an excess of small network rings. Such rings are unstable and deform more readily with changes in temperature, which tends to increase fragility. These results reveal that the sharpness of the dynamical arrest experienced by a silicate glass at the glass transition is surprisingly encoded into the stability of rings in its network

    Probing spin waves in Co3O4 nanoparticles for magnonics applications

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    The magnetic properties of spinel nanoparticles can be controlled by synthesizing particles of a specific shape and size. The synthesized nanorods, nanodots and cubic nanoparticles have different crystal planes selectively exposed on the surface. The surface effects on the static magnetic properties are well documented, while their influence on spin waves dispersion is still being debated. Our ability to manipulate spin waves using surface and defect engineering in magnetic nanoparticles is the key to designing magnonic devices. We synthesized cubic and spherical nanoparticles of a classical antiferromagnetic material Co3O4 to study the shape and size effects on their static and dynamic magnetic proprieties. Using a combination of experimental methods, we probed the magnetic and crystal structures of our samples and directly measured spin wave dispersions using inelastic neutron scattering. We found a weak, but unquestionable, increase in exchange interactions for the cubic nanoparticles as compared to spherical nanoparticle and bulk powder reference samples. Interestingly, the exchange interactions in spherical nanoparticles have bulk-like properties, despite a ferromagnetic contribution from canted surface spins