170 research outputs found

    Renormalization-Group Improved Prediction for Higgs Production at Hadron Colliders

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    We use renormalization-group methods in effective field theory to improve the theoretical prediction for the cross section for Higgs-boson production at hadron colliders. In addition to soft-gluon resummation at NNNLL, we also resum enhanced contributions of the form (C_A\pi\alpha_s)^n, which arise in the analytic continuation of the gluon form factor to time-like momentum transfer. This resummation is achieved by evaluating the matching corrections arising at the Higgs-boson mass scale at a time-like renormalization point \mu^2<0, followed by renormalization-group evolution to \mu^2>0. We match our resummed result to NNLO fixed-order perturbation theory and give numerical predictions for the total production cross section as a function of the Higgs-boson mass. Resummation effects are significant even at NNLO, where our improved predictions for the cross sections at the Tevatron and the LHC exceed the fixed-order predictions by about 13% and 8%, respectively, for m_H=120 GeV. We also discuss the application of our technique to other time-like processes such as Drell-Yan production, e^+ e^- --> hadrons, and hadronic decays of the Higgs boson.Comment: 35 pages, 6 figures; v2: update to MSTW2008 PDFs, detailed comparison with moment-space formalism; v3: typo in equation (A.3) correcte

    Forward-Backward and Charge Asymmetries in the Standard Model

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    This talk reviews the Standard Model predictions for the top-quark forward backward and charge asymmetries measured at the Tevatron and at the LHC.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures. Proceedings of CKM 2012, the 7th International Workshop on the CKM Unitarity Triangle, University of Cincinnati, USA, 28 September - 2 October 201

    Untersuchungen zur Etablierung eines EEG-Biomarkers im Rattenmodell der mesialen Temporallappenepilepsie mit Hippokampussklerose

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    Hintergrund: Epilepsien gehören zu den weltweit hĂ€ufigsten neurologischen Erkrankungen. Die mesiale Temporallappenepilepsie (mTLE) ist eine fokale Form der Epilepsie und stellt in Kombination mit einer Hippokampussklerose (HS) die am hĂ€ufigsten auftretende Form der fokalen Epilepsien im Erwachsenenalter dar. Sie ist hĂ€ufig therapierefraktĂ€r und durch das Auftreten spontaner epileptischer AnfĂ€lle (SpEA) gekennzeichnet. Diese AnfĂ€lle lassen sich im Elektroenzephalogramm (EEG) nachweisen. UrsĂ€chlich fĂŒr eine Epilepsie können initial schĂ€digende Ereignisse (IPI, initial precipitating injury) u.a. durch SchĂ€del-Hirn-Trauma, IschĂ€mie oder Hyperthermie sein. Nach einem IPI beginnt die Epileptogenese (EPG). Im Rahmen eines IPI können akut symptomatische AnfĂ€lle (ASA EPG) auftreten. Die EPG lĂ€sst sich nicht sicher nachweisen. Mit Auftreten des ersten SpEA besteht eine manifeste Epilepsie (MFE). Fragestellung / Ziel: Etablierung eines EEG-Biomarkers der EPG aus iktalen und nicht-iktalen EEG im mTLE-HS-Rattenmodell Methoden: Im Versuchsmodell wurden bei Ratten Stimulationselektroden in den Tractus perforans und Ableitelektroden in den Gyrus dentatus des Hippokampus implantiert. Um eine EPG auszulösen, wurde anschließend nach einer einwöchigen Erholungsphase (BL, Baseline) der Tractus perforans an zwei aufeinander folgenden Tagen fĂŒr 30 min und am dritten Tag fĂŒr 8 h stimuliert (PPS, perforant pathway stimulation). Die EEG-Aufzeichnung erfolgte ĂŒber den gesamten Zeitraum der BL, EPG und MFE. Dadurch wurden iktale EEG mit akut symptomatischen AnfĂ€llen nach Elektrodenimplantation (ASA BL), ASA EPG und SpEA sowie nicht-iktale EEG erfasst. Eine Auswahl der iktalen EEG wurde manuell segmentiert und Features anhand der Morphologie extrahiert. Weiterhin wurden aus iktalen und nicht-iktalen EEG-Intervallen Features automatisiert berechnet. Ergebnisse: Es wurden 961 AnfĂ€lle (16,6% ASA BL, 58,3% ASA EPG, 25,1% SpEA) von 32 Tieren analysiert. Von 12 dieser Tiere wurden 63 Tage nicht-iktales BL-EEG, 316 Tage EPG-EEG und 295 Tage MFE-EEG untersucht. Mit der Segmentmodellierung von 49 reprĂ€sentativen iktalen EEG gelang es nicht wesentlich besser als mit Ratewahrscheinlichkeit, zwischen ASA- und SpEA-Segmenten zu unterscheiden. Am stĂ€rksten korrelierten ASA EPG-Segmente mit Spike- und Polyspike-Mustern bei negativer PolaritĂ€t. ASA BL-Segmente korrelierten mit Slow Wave-Mustern, positiver PolaritĂ€t und geringer relativer Amplitude der Muster. SpEA-Segmente waren durch eine hohe relative Amplitude der Muster gekennzeichnet. Nach automatisierter Feature Extraction und Modellierung mit XGBoost wurden ASA EPG, die nach PPS auftraten, zu 88% korrekt als ASA EPG erkannt. Wichtigste Features fĂŒr diese Modellierung waren Coastline, Intermittency und Coherence, die mit einem frei verfĂŒgbaren Programm berechnet wurden. Die Accuracy der EPG-Erkennung nach Modellierung nicht-iktaler EEG war bei 3 Tieren sehr gut (95,5 ± 2,7%). Bei 3 Tieren zeigte sich nur zu Beginn der EPG eine gute Accuracy (84,4 ± 8,7%). Wichtigste Features fĂŒr diese Modellierungen waren Asymmetry sowie die Power-Werte von Theta 5-8 Hz, Gamma 100,1-160 Hz, Beta 14-30,9 und 20-30 Hz. Schlussfolgerung: Die prinzipielle Eignung von transformiertem iktalen und nicht-iktalen Einkanal-EEG fĂŒr die Etablierung eines Biomarkers der EPG im Tiermodell der mTLE-HS konnte gezeigt und bestĂ€tigt werden. Die Erkennungsleistungen der dafĂŒr verwendeten Klassifikationsalgorithmen variierten jedoch zwischen den Versuchstieren stark. Zur Etablierung zuverlĂ€ssiger EEG-Biomarker sollten die vorgestellten Untersuchungsmethoden erweitert und auf grĂ¶ĂŸere DatensĂ€tze angewendet werden

    Updated Predictions for Higgs Production at the Tevatron and the LHC

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    We present updated predictions for the total cross section for Higgs boson production through gluon fusion at hadron colliders. In addition to renormalization-group improvement at next-to-next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy, we incorporate the two-loop electroweak corrections, which leads to the most precise predictions at present. Numerical results are given for Higgs masses between 115 GeV and 200 GeV at the Tevatron with \sqrt{s}=1.96 TeV and the LHC with \sqrt{s}=7-14 TeV.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures. v2: combined PDF+alpha_s uncertainties included; results using NNPDF2.0 added; upgrade CTEQ6.6->CT1

    Analysis of Blue Corona Discharges at the Top of Tropical Thunderstorm Clouds in Different Phases of Convection

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    We report on observations of corona discharges at the uppermost region of clouds characterized by emissions in a blue band of nitrogen molecules at 337 nm, with little activity in the red band of lightning leaders at 777.4 nm. Past work suggests that they are generated in cloud tops reaching the tropopause and above. Here we explore their occurrence in two convective environments of the same storm: one is developing with clouds reaching above the tropopause, and one is collapsing with lower cloud tops. We focus on those discharges that form a distinct category with rise times below 20 ÎŒs, implying that they are at the very top of the clouds. The discharges are observed in both environments. The observations suggest that a range of storm environments may generate corona discharges and that they may be common in convective surges.publishedVersio

    Mechanical stress induce PG-E2 in murine synovial fibroblasts originating from the temporomandibular joint

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    Genetic predisposition, traumatic events, or excessive mechanical exposure provoke arthritic changes in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). We analysed the impact of mechanical stress that might be involved in the development and progression of TMJ osteoarthritis (OA) on murine synovial fibroblasts (SFs) of temporomandibular origin. SFs were subjected to different protocols of mechanical stress, either to a high-frequency tensile strain for 4 h or to a tensile strain of varying magnitude for 48 h. The TMJ OA induction was evaluated based on the gene and protein secretion of inflammatory factors (Icam-1, Cxcl-1, Cxcl-2, Il-1ß, Il-1ra, Il-6, Ptgs-2, PG-E2), subchondral bone remodelling (Rankl, Opg), and extracellular matrix components (Col1a2, Has-1, collagen and hyaluronic acid deposition) using RT-qPCR, ELISA, and HPLC. A short high-frequency tensile strain had only minor effects on inflammatory factors and no effects on the subchondral bone remodelling induction or matrix constituent production. A prolonged tensile strain of moderate and advanced magnitude increased the expression of inflammatory factors. An advanced tensile strain enhanced the Ptgs-2 and PG-E2 expression, while the expression of further inflammatory factors were decreased. The tensile strain protocols had no effects on the RANKL/OPG expression, while the advanced tensile strain significantly reduced the deposition of matrix constituent contents of collagen and hyaluronic acid. The data indicates that the application of prolonged advanced mechanical stress on SFs promote PG-E2 protein secretion, while the deposition of extracellular matrix components is decreased

    Phagosomal signalling of the C-type lectin receptor Dectin-1 is terminated by intramembrane proteolysis

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    Dectin-1 is a critical component of the innate sensing repertoire which is involved in pattern based recognition of fungal pathogens. Here the authors show that intramembrane proteolysis is involved in the regulation of the antifungal host response by termination of the phagosomal signalling of Dectin-1. Sensing of pathogens by pattern recognition receptors (PRR) is critical to initiate protective host defence reactions. However, activation of the immune system has to be carefully titrated to avoid tissue damage necessitating mechanisms to control and terminate PRR signalling. Dectin-1 is a PRR for fungal beta-glucans on immune cells that is rapidly internalised after ligand-binding. Here, we demonstrate that pathogen recognition by the Dectin-1a isoform results in the formation of a stable receptor fragment devoid of the ligand binding domain. This fragment persists in phagosomal membranes and contributes to signal transduction which is terminated by the intramembrane proteases Signal Peptide Peptidase-like (SPPL) 2a and 2b. Consequently, immune cells lacking SPPL2b demonstrate increased anti-fungal ROS production, killing capacity and cytokine responses. The identified mechanism allows to uncouple the PRR signalling response from delivery of the pathogen to degradative compartments and identifies intramembrane proteases as part of a regulatory circuit to control anti-fungal immune responses
