7,675 research outputs found

    The revolution will be tweeted : how the internet can stimulate the public exercise of freedoms

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    This article discusses how new technologies of communication, especially the Internet and, more specifically, social network services, can interfere in social interactions and in political relations. The main objective is to problematize the concept of public liberty and verify how the new technologies can promote the reoccupation of public spaces and the recovery of public life, in opposition to the tendency to valorize the private sphere, observed in the second half of the twentieth century. The theoretical benchmark adopted for the investigation is Hannah Arendt's theory about the exercise of fundamental political capacities in order to establish a public space of freedom, as presented in “On Revolution”. The “Praia da Estação” (“Station Beach”) case is chosen to test the hypothesis. In 2010 in the Brazilian city of Belo Horizonte, different individuals articulated a movement through blogs, Twitter and facebook, in order to protest against the Mayor’s act that banned the assembling of cultural events in one of the main public places of the city, the “Praça da Estação” (Station Square). By applying Arendt's concepts to the selected case, it is possible to demonstrate that the Internet can assume an important role against governmental arbitrariness and abuse of power, as it can stimulate the public exercise of fundamental freedoms, such as freedom of assembly and manifestation

    A maioridade civil e seus reflexos penais

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    Relata a mudança no código civil a respeito da maior idade penal, destacando seus impactos na sociedade. Discute sobre a revogação penal da medida e relata os crimes de maior incidência entre jovens e suas implicações

    Análise da Emergência da TV Digital e seus Impactos na Cadeia Produtiva Eletroeletrônica Brasileira

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    The aim of this paper is to present and discuss the main technological trends concerning to the process of the introduction of Digital TV in the Brazilian market and its implications in terms of a new electro-electronic complex configuration, considering that this process could be understand a great industrial innovation. In this sense one tries to search the implications of this innovation to the inter-companies competitiveness process and to the electro-electronic productive chain re-configuration as a whole. The methodological approach involves multiple methods of research used to capture data from the stakeholders, like: the companies involved in production of integrated Digital TV or set-top boxes, Brazilian broadcasters and representatives of the government.The aim of this paper is to present and discuss the main technological trends concerning to the process of the introduction of Digital TV in the Brazilian market and its implications in terms of a new electro-electronic complex configuration, considering that this process could be understand a great industrial innovation. In this sense one tries to search the implications of this innovation to the inter-companies competitiveness process and to the electro-electronic productive chain re-configuration as a whole. The methodological approach involves multiple methods of research used to capture data from the stakeholders, like: the companies involved in production of integrated Digital TV or set-top boxes, Brazilian broadcasters and representatives of the government.O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar e discutir as principais tendências tecnológicas em relação ao processo de introdução da TV digital no mercado brasileiro e suas implicações em termos da nova configuração do complexo eletroeletrônico, considerando que esse processo pode ser entendido como uma grande inovação industrial. Nesse sentido, procura-se estudar as implicações dessa inovação no processo de competitividade inter-empresarial e na re-configuração da cadeia produtiva eletroeletrônica no geral. A abordagem metodológica envolve múltiplos métodos de pesquisa, utilizados na obtenção de informações junto aos vários parceiros de negócio, como as companhias envolvidas na produção da TV digital integrada ou set-top boxes, emissoras brasileiras de televisão e representantes do governo

    Metamodels of information technology best practices frameworks

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    This article deals with the generation and application of ontological metamodels of frameworks of best practices in IT. The ontological metamodels represent the logical structures and fundamental semantics of framework models and constitute adequate tools for the analysis, adaptation, comparison and integration of the frameworks of best practices in IT. The MetaFrame methodology for the construction of the metamodels, founded on the discipline of the conceptual metamodelling and on the extended Entity/Relationship methodology is described herein, as well as the metamodels of the best practices for the outsourcing of IT, the eSCM-SP v2.01 (eSourcing Capability Model for Service Providers) and the eSCM-CL v1.1 (eSourcing Capability Model for Client Organizations), constructed according to the MetaFrame methodology

    Supervised Topical Key Phrase Extraction of News Stories using Crowdsourcing, Light Filtering and Co-reference Normalization

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    Fast and effective automated indexing is critical for search and personalized services. Key phrases that consist of one or more words and represent the main concepts of the document are often used for the purpose of indexing. In this paper, we investigate the use of additional semantic features and pre-processing steps to improve automatic key phrase extraction. These features include the use of signal words and freebase categories. Some of these features lead to significant improvements in the accuracy of the results. We also experimented with 2 forms of document pre-processing that we call light filtering and co-reference normalization. Light filtering removes sentences from the document, which are judged peripheral to its main content. Co-reference normalization unifies several written forms of the same named entity into a unique form. We also needed a "Gold Standard" - a set of labeled documents for training and evaluation. While the subjective nature of key phrase selection precludes a true "Gold Standard", we used Amazon's Mechanical Turk service to obtain a useful approximation. Our data indicates that the biggest improvements in performance were due to shallow semantic features, news categories, and rhetorical signals (nDCG 78.47% vs. 68.93%). The inclusion of deeper semantic features such as Freebase sub-categories was not beneficial by itself, but in combination with pre-processing, did cause slight improvements in the nDCG scores.Comment: In 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2012

    Large-Area alignment of nanowires for high-performance flexible electronics

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    Inorganic semiconducting nanowires are suitable components for high-performance flexible electronics, due to their attractive and tuneable physical, chemical and electrical properties. The key requirement to attain such applications is the controlled transfer of NWs over flexible materials, which needs to ensure three critical aspects, (1) controlled location, (2) alignment and (3) density. Several techniques exist to align high-aspect ratio 1D nanostructures in a scalable, easy, fast and low-cost way, such as dielectrophoresis (DEP) that consists in an electric field induced alignment. During the current work at the University of Glasgow, a modified DEP technique was used to align V2O5 nanowires. The aim was to use a dip coating modified DEP large-scale assembly over flexible substrates. By assembling the nanowires with microelectrodes positioned through a dielectric layer, the templated nanowires could be used for fabrication of devices without interference of alignment electrodes and fabricated structures. The setup consists of electrodes over polyimide sheet with 4 arrays of different gaps. The fabricated substrate is fixed in a carrier which is dip-coated through a vertical movement in a V2O5 NW/DI water solution. An AC signal of 300 V, 1 MHz and a withdrawal speed of 100 μm/s are the optimized DEP parameters. SEM images revealed a nanowire density of 15 NW/μm with 96% alignment. Given the thermal sensitivity of V2O5, structures with aligned NWs were used as a temperature sensor with a resulting temperature coefficient of resistance of -0.97 and -0.1 % K-1 for contact and contactless setup, respectively