1,027 research outputs found

    Managing strategic improvement programs: the XPS program management framework

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    Multinational corporations are introducing holistic company-specific production systems (XPSs) in order to improve the productivity of their global manufacturing networks. XPSs are multi-plant improvement programs that are coordinated from the corporate headquarters and implemented in all subsidiaries of the firm. However, research and practice show that the implementation of process improvement programs is a challenging task that often ends up unsuccessful despite good intentions and substantial resource investments. In this paper, I investigate how program management theory can help provide deployment guidelines for successful XPS implementation in global firms. I am proposing an XPS program management framework, which has been developed through merging program management theory with descriptions of real-life XPSs. It is suggested that the structured approach found in project-based program management literature can be partly adapted to strategic programs such as the XPS. This paper contributes to program management theory by enhancing our understanding of how strategic programs, such as XPSs, differ from other more project-based types of programs. Secondly, it contributes to the process improvement literature with practical management guidelines for XPS deployment adapted from program management theory.

    Clinical recurrent events after incident stroke or transient ischemic attack

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    Ischemic stroke survivors are at high risk of experiencing new or re-expressed focal neurological symptoms. This may be due to a recurrent stroke or due to other medical conditions, known as stroke mimics. Long-term outcomes after ischemic stroke are scarcely studied. In addition, distinguishing recurrent stroke from stroke mimics is challenging. Admissions with stroke mimics are resource-consuming and may be troublesome for the patients. Knowledge on recurrence, its associated factors, mortality and stroke mimics after ischemic stroke is of value in clinical decision-making. The present study investigated incidence, predictors and impact of recurrent stroke in a hospital-based ischemic stroke population. In addition, we investigated the burden of stroke mimics after ischemic stroke. This thesis is based on a hospital-based cohort of patients registered in the Norwegian Stroke Research Registry (NORSTROKE) at the stroke unit at the Department of Neurology, Haukeland University Hospital. A total of 1874 surviving patients who were admitted with ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA) between July 1, 2007, and December 31, 2013 were followed for new hospital admissions with recurrent ischemic stroke/TIA or stroke mimics. The 30-day recurrence rate was 1.8%. Patients with large artery atherosclerosis and stroke of other etiology had increased risk of 30-day recurrence. The long-term recurrence rates were modest, being 5.4% and 11.3% at 1 and 5 years respectively. Hypertension, prior symptomatic stroke, chronic infarcts on MRI and increasing age were independently associated with long-term recurrence. Recurrence more than doubled the all-cause mortality. Stroke mimics were more common than recurrence after ischemic stroke or TIA. Stroke mimics were multi-etiological and unspecific diagnoses were most frequent directly after index stroke

    Natural Theology and Religious Diversity

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    Citing first publication

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    I hvilken grad kan et tillitsbasert sikkerhetsregime på norsk sokkel møte dagens utfordringer?

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    Med denne masteroppgaven blir det gitt et innblikk i hvordan sikkerhetsregimet i Norge er bygget opp og hvilke utfordringer det står ovenfor i dagens «trussel» situasjon vi har i Nordsjøen. Problemstillingen jeg har valgt å forske på er: I hvilken grad kan et tillitsbasert sikkerhetsregime på norsk sokkel møte dagens utfordringer? Formålet med denne oppgaven er å finne ut om dagens sikkerhetsregimet er bærekraftig. Jeg vil ta et historisk tilbakeblikk og si noe om hvordan utviklingen på sokkelen har vært og se på sentrale tema som, hvem har ansvar for sikkerheten, hvordan er sikkerhetsnivået i norsk petroleumsvirksomhet, hvem er Ptil og hvem kan drive petroleumsviksomhet i Nordsjøen? Sentrale teorier vil bli gjennomgått for å kunne få et overordnet bilde og se sammenheng mellom risiko og konsekvenser av en så kompleks jobb som blir utført på plattformer og på rigger. Eksempler på dette er teorier om ulykker og katastrofer, mennesklige feil og latente feil og litt om den berømte sveitserostmodellen for ulykker i komplekse systemer utarbeidet av James Reason (1990). Videre blir det en utdyping av sentrale definisjoner og begrep innen sikkerhetsregimet som f.eks HMS og kulur. Hvilke forhold som kan påvirket dette, Økonomiske forhold, naturressurser, Politiske retningslinjer, teknologi og kunnskap. Trepartssamarbeidet som er en av de sentrale forutsetningene for at HMS-regimet i petroleumssektoren eksisterer, litt om regelverket som er bygget opp over lengre tid og stadig må revideres, myndighetskrav og forklaring av internkontrollprinsippet som et viktig fundament. Når det gjelder metode, så er kvalitativ metode brukt som er en forskningsmetode som brukes ved innsamling og analyse av kvalitative data som i denne oppgaven. Det vil si det er data som foreligger i form av tekst og er i motsetning til kvantitative data som utrykkes i form av tall eller andre mengdetermer. I Diskusjonsavsnittet blir det sett på om det norske regimet er robust og om regimets særegenhet og styrker/svakheter. På bakgrunn av utarbeidet masteroppgave med gjennomgang av teorier, drøftinger, erfaringer og analyse av rapporter er det kommet frem til noen funn som: Å ta i bruk ny teknologi er essensielt for å sikre seg effektiv og sikker drift samtidig som kunnskap må kontinuerlig oppdateres. Partssamarbeidet er en viktig bærebjelke i regimet, og må videreutvikles, samtidig må næringen fortsatt støtte opp om arbeidet med og videreutvikle RNNP som utgjør det viktigste grunnlaget for felles virkelighetsforståelse.With this master's thesis, an insight is given into how the security regime in Norway is built and what challenges it faces in the current "threat" situation we have in the North Sea. The problem I have chosen to research is: To what extent can a trust-based security regime on the NCS meet today's challenges? The purpose of this task is to find out whether the current security regime is sustainable. I want to take a historical look back and say something about how the development on the continental shelf has been and look at key topics such as, who is responsible for safety, what is the level of safety in Norwegian petroleum activities, who is Ptil and who can operate petroleum fraud in the North Sea? Central theories will be reviewed in order to get an overall picture and see the connection between risks and consequences of such a complex job that is carried out on platforms and on rigs. Examples of this are theories about accidents and catastrophes, human errors and latent errors and a bit about the famous Swiss cheese model for accidents in complex systems developed by James Reason (1990). Furthermore, there will be an elaboration of key definitions and concepts within the safety regime, such as HSE and culture. What conditions can affect this, Economic conditions, natural resources, Political guidelines, technology and knowledge. The tripartite cooperation, which is one of the central prerequisites for the HSE regime in the petroleum sector to exist, a little about the regulations that have been built up over a long period of time and must constantly be revised, authority requirements and an explanation of the internal control principle as an important foundation. When it comes to method, the qualitative method is used, which is a research method that is used in the collection and analysis of qualitative data as in this thesis. That is to say, it is data that is available in the form of text and is in contrast to quantitative data that is expressed in the form of numbers or other quantity terms. In the Discussion section, it is looked at whether the Norwegian regime is robust and about the regime's distinctive features and strengths/weaknesses. On the basis of a prepared master's thesis with a review of theories, discussions, experiences and analysis of reports, some findings have been reached such as: Adopting new technology is essential to ensure efficient and safe operation, while knowledge must be continuously updated. The cooperation between the parties is an important pillar of the regime, and must be further developed, at the same time the industry must continue to support the work with and further develop the RNNP, which forms the most important basis for a shared understanding of reality

    Land Consolidation Court ́s assessments of environmental effects and their consideration for sustainable development

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    FNs organisasjon for ernæring og landbruk (FAO) presenterte juni 2020 sin juridiske veileder for hvordan jordskifte skal gjennomføres. Veilederen la sikte på at jordskifteretten skulle behandle saker som bidro til bærekraftig utvikling etter FNs bærekraftsmål. I tilknytning til veilederen ble det også gitt en anbefaling om at jordskiftelovgivningen skulle utarbeides slik at den kunne bidra til å nå målene. Fra rettspraksis er det lite som tyder på at bærekraftig utvikling og andre miljømessige hensyn blir prioritert når saker for jordskifteretten blir behandlet og avgjort. Formålet med denne masteroppgaven er å undersøke effektene av rettsendrende saker for jordskifteretten, der hensikten blir å studere hvilke hensyn jordskifterettene vektlegger i deres arbeid. Med bakgrunn i FNs bærekraftsmål og bærekraftig utvikling, vil oppgavens fokus ligge til de miljømessige effektene. For å begrense oppgaven, er det valgt å fokusere på sakstypene arealbytte, jf. jordskifteloven § 3-4 og fellestiltak, jf. jordskifteloven § 3-9. På denne måten vil man kunne undersøke både de fysiske og de organisatoriske sidene ved jordskifte. For å besvare oppgavens problemstillinger det det blitt benyttet samfunnsvitenskapelig metode, der kvalitative virkemiddel er benyttet. Det har blitt gjennomført dokumentstudier, samt dybdeintervjuer med nåværende og tidligere jordskiftedommere som alle har behandlet saker etter § 3-4 og § 3-9. For å avgrense oppgaven er sakene og informantene hentet fra Vestre Viken jordskifterett og Oslo og Østre Viken jordskifterett. Det har også blitt plukket ut ni jordskiftesaker som vil behjelpe med undersøkelsen av problemstillingen. Hovedfunnene i studien viser at jordskifteretten i liten grad tar hensyn til bærekraftig utvikling og miljømessige vurderinger i deres jordskifteavgjørelser. Flere av informantene viste til kravet om tillatelse fra forvaltninger etter jordskifteloven § 3-17, og at miljøhensynene ivaretas av forvaltningen. Det er også manglende fokus på FNs bærekraftsmål blant jordskifterettene. Informantene opplyser om manglende kompetanse til å ta miljørettslige hensyn, og at andre hensyn dermed blir mer vektlagt. Studien belyser imidlertid at jordskifteretten gjennom sine vurderinger kan bidra til bærekraftig planlegging.In June 2020 UN´s organization for nutrition and agriculture (FAO) presented it´s legal guidance on how land consolidation should be implemented. The guidance aimed for that the Land Consolidation Court should process affairs that contributed to sustainable development according to UN´s sustainability goals. In affiliation to the guidance, it was recommended that the Land Consolidation Act should be prepared so that it could contribute to achieve the goals. From case law´s point of view there is little that suggests that sustainable development and other environmental considerations are being prioritized when matters in the Land Consolidation Court is being processed and settled. The purpose of this master´s thesis is to examine the effect of law-changing cases presented in the Land Consolidation Court, and my purpose is to study which considerations the various Land Consolidation Courts emphasize in their execution. Bearing in mind UN´s sustainability goals and development, the thesis´ focus will be on the environmental effects. To narrow the thesis, I have chosen to focus on the case types land exchange according to the Land Consolidation act, section 3-4 and joint initiatives according to the Land Consolidation act, section 3-9. By doing this I will be able to examine both the physical and organizational aspects of land division.M-EI

    Subjectivity, nature, existence: Foundational issues for enactive phenomenology

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    This thesis explores and discusses foundational issues concerning the relationship between phenomenological philosophy and the enactive approach to cognitive science, with the aim of clarifying, developing, and promoting the project of enactive phenomenology. This project is framed by three general ideas: 1) that the sciences of mind need a phenomenological grounding, 2) that the enactive approach is the currently most promising attempt to provide mind science with such a grounding, and 3) that this attempt involves both a naturalization of phenomenology and a phenomenologization of the concept of nature. More specifically, enactive phenomenology is the project of pursuing mutually illuminative exchanges between, on the one hand, phenomenological investigations of the structures of lived experience and embodied existence and, on the other, scientific accounts of mind and life – in particular those framed by theories of biological self-organization. The thesis consists of two parts. Part one is an introductory essay that seeks to clarify some of enactive phenomenology’s overarching philosophical commitments by tracing some of its historical roots. Part two is a compilation of four articles, each of which intervenes in a different contemporary debate relevant to the dissertation’s project

    Fra "lempe og føie" til "den der jcke kong: mayst: ordinantze holde will" : reformasjonens innføring og konsolidering i Norge, med særlig henblikk på Stavanger stift og stiftssynoden i 1573

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    Master's thesis in theology, VID Specialized University, Stavanger, Decemeber 2017MV 17 S