1,387 research outputs found

    Moving opportunities : The impact of mixed-income public housing regenerations on student achievement

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    The author acknowledges financial support from the Royal Economic Society, United Kingdom and Queen Mary College.I use mixed-income public housing regenerations in London as a natural experiment to identify how schools affect low-income students’ educational achievement when affluent households flow into their neighborhood. I compare student achievement in schools in the same neighborhood located at different distances from a regeneration before and after its completion. I employ a grandfathering instrument for enrollment in treated schools to address potential endogenous mobility. Students exposed to regenerations have higher test scores at the end of primary school. I estimate that schools explain 65–81% of the overall achievement effects, which are mediated by changes in the student body’s composition.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    A framework for audit quality: Critical analysis

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    Audit quality plays an essential role in maintaining an efficient market environment. External audits performed in accordance with high quality auditing standards provide a fundamental contribution in the implementation of accounting standards by reporting entities. This paper analyze the critical view of previous literature on audit quality and deeply examines the standard setters proposal on audit quality in order to verify if they created a coherent approach that could be used in the generation of a unique Audit quality framework. A specific focus is on the PCAOB and IAASB projects on audit quality that try to identify the purpose, characteristics, and indicators of the audit quality, setting off two different perspectives in the audit quality debate. At the end of the review and of the analysis, we deem that regulators and academic researches should consider also the pivotal role of the stakeholders to link the audit quality not only to input, process or output issues, but also to those audit quality drivers outside the direct control of audit firms

    Corporate governance, risk disclosure practices, and market liquidity: Comparative evidence from the UK and Italy

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    Research Question/Issue: This paper examines the influence of corporate governance on risk disclosure practices in the UK and Italy and also studies the impact of those practices on market liquidity. Research Findings/Insights: We find that governance factors principally influence the decisions of UK (Italian) firms over whether to exhibit risk information voluntarily (mandatorily) in their annual report narratives. When we distinguish between firms with strong and weak governance (in terms of board efficiency) in each country, we find that the factors that affect mandatory and voluntary risk disclosure appear to be driven more by strongly governed firms in both countries. Furthermore, strongly governed firms in the UK tend to provide more meaningful risk information to their investors than weakly governed firms. In Italy, however, we find that strongly rather than weakly governed firms exhibiting risk information voluntarily rather than mandatorily improves market liquidity significantly. Theoretical/Academic Implications: This paper emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between mandatory and voluntary risk disclosure when studying the impact of corporate governance. Our findings differ across strongly and weakly governed firms, in terms of both the factors that influence risk disclosure practices and the exact informativeness of those practices. Practitioner/Policy Implications: The results support the current regulatory trend in risk reporting within the UK that emphasizes the importance of directors and encourages rather than mandates risk disclosure. However, the results generally signal a need for further improvements in the Italian context. Our evidence also supports the value of the confidence in the UK governance system, compared to that in Italy, which motivates British firms to provide highly informative risk information more often than Italian firms

    Colonic polyps: inheritance, susceptibility, risk evaluation, and diagnostic management

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third-ranked neoplasm in order of incidence and mortality, worldwide, and the second cause of cancer death in industrialized countries. One of the most important environmental risk factors for CRC is a Western-type diet, which is characterized by a low-fiber and high-fat content. Up to 25% of patients with CRC have a family history for CRC, and a fraction of these patients are affected by hereditary syndromes, such as familial adenomatous polyposis, Gardner or Turcot syndromes, or hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer. The onset of CRC is triggered by a well-defined combination of genetic alterations, which form the bases of the adenoma-carcinoma sequence hypothesis and justify the set-up of CRC screening techniques. Several screening and diagnostic tests for CRC are illustrated, including rectosigmoidoscopy, optical colonoscopy (OC), double contrast barium enema (DCBE), and computed tomography colonography (CTC). The strengths and weaknesses of each technique are discussed. Particular attention is paid to CTC, which has evolved from an experimental technique to an accurate and mature diagnostic approach, and gained wide acceptance and clinical validation for CRC screening. This success of CTC is due mainly to its ability to provide cross-sectional analytical images of the entire colon and secondarily detect extracolonic findings, with minimal invasiveness and lower cost than OC, and with greater detail and diagnostic accuracy than DCBE. Moreover, especially with the advent and widespread availability of modern multidetector CT scanners, excellent quality 2D and 3D reconstructions of the large bowel can be obtained routinely with a relatively low radiation dose. Computer-aided detection systems have also been developed to assist radiologists in reading CTC examinations, improving overall diagnostic accuracy and potentially speeding up the clinical workflow of CTC image interpretation

    imaging biomarkers in upper gastrointestinal cancers

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    In parallel with the increasingly widespread availability of high performance imaging platforms and recent progresses in pathobiological characterisation and treatment of gastrointestinal malignancies, imaging biomarkers have become a major research topic due to their potential to provide additional quantitative information to conventional imaging modalities that can improve accuracy at staging and follow-up, predict outcome, and guide treatment planning in an individualised manner. The aim of this review is to briefly examine the status of current knowledge about imaging biomarkers in the field of upper gastrointestinal cancers, highlighting their potential applications and future perspectives in patient management from diagnosis onwards

    Essays on the Economics of Education

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    The first chapter studies the impact of public housing regenerations on student achievement. In London, many public housing buildings have been demolished between 1999 and 2016 to pave the way for new developments with higher housing density. The programs gener-ated little displacement of children living in the buildings slated for demolition, and the new developments were targeted mostly by more affluent households. I find that local children exhibit higher math and language test scores at the end of primary school after the regener-ation. Gains are concentrated among students with a more disadvantaged background and low baseline achievement. The second chapter (joint with Erich Battistin) shows that grading standards for primary school exams in England have triggered an inflation of quality indica-tors in the national performance tables for almost two decades. The cumulative effects have resulted in significant differences in the quality signaled to parents for otherwise identical schools. We find large housing price gains from the school quality improvements artificially signaled by inflation, as well as lower deprivation and more businesses catering to families in local neighborhoods. The effects are persistent and identifiable through to the present day. The third chapter (joint with Elisabetta Pasini) examines a 2010 UK education reform that gave schools the option to become academies, independent entities funded by the central government. Once converted, schools choose between remaining standalone academies and joining an academy chain. This paper investigates whether different conversion models af-fect student achievement. We exploit administrative records for primary school-age students and use a grandfathering instrument for attending a converted school. We find that students in academy chains have better scores with respect to standalone academies. Survey data show that academy chains are more likely to make changes related to managerial practices, whereas standalone academies favor changes related to educational practices

    Comparing Nuclear and Solar Energy: A Psychological Analysis of Preferences

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    openComprendere i meccanismi che guidano le decisioni relative alle fonti energetiche è fondamentale per promuovere una transizione verso un sistema energetico più sostenibile ed efficiente. All’interno dell’elaborato sono prima presentati i processi decisionali e l'effetto del framing, illustrando i fattori psicologici che influenzano le preferenze energetiche. Successivamente, attraverso un'analisi multidimensionale, la ricerca esamina le dinamiche decisionali e le percezioni legate alle fonti energetiche, focalizzandosi sull'energia nucleare e solare nel contesto del cambiamento climatico. Lo studio si basa su una valutazione congiunta e separata, nella quale vengono esplorate le complesse interazioni tra le due fonti di energia. Tramite un questionario strutturato, sono state analizzate le risposte degli individui su atteggiamenti, caratteristiche personali e comportamenti connessi all'energia. L'obiettivo primario di questo scritto è approfondire la comprensione dei processi decisionali e cognitivi che guidano le preferenze sulle fonti energetiche, contribuendo così a una visione informata e consapevole di questa cruciale tematica contemporanea
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