26 research outputs found

    Experimental observation of exceptional points in coupled pendulums

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    The concept of exceptional point (EP) is demonstrated experimentally in the case of a simple mechanical system consisting of two coupled pendulums. Exceptional points correspond to specific values of the system parameters that yield defective eigenvalues. These spectral singularities which are typical of non-Hermitian system means that both the eigenvalues and their associated eigenvectors coalesce. The existence of an EP requires an adequate parameterization of the dynamical system. For this aim, the experimental device has been designed with two controllable parameters which are the length of one pendulum and a viscous-like damping which is produced via electromagnetic induction. Thanks to the observation of the free response of the coupled pendulums, most EP properties are experimentally investigated, showing good agreements with theoretical considerations. In contrast with many studies on EPs, mainly in the field of physics, the novelty of the present work is that controllable parameters are restricted to be real-valued, and this requires the use of adequate search algorithms. Furthermore, it offers the possibility of exploiting the existence of EPs in time-domain dynamic problems

    Student interaction discourse moves: characterizing and visualizing student discourse patterns

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    Abstract Student-centered instruction allows students to take ownership over their learning in the classroom. However, these settings do not always promote productive engagement. Using discourse analysis, student engagement can be analyzed based on how they are interacting with each other while completing in-class group activities. Previous analyses of student engagement in science settings have used methods that do not capture the intricacies of student group interactions such as the flow of conversation and nature of student utterances outside of argumentation or reasoning. However, these features are important to accurately assess student engagement. This study proposes a tiered analytical framework and visualization scheme for analyzing group discussion patterns that allow for a detailed analysis of student discourse moves while discussing scientific topics. This framework allows a researcher to see the flow of an entire conversation within a single schematic. The Student Interaction Discourse Moves framework can be used to extend studies using discourse analysis to determine how student groups work through problems

    Adjustable cerebrospinal fluid shunt valves in 3.0-Tesla MRI: a phantom study using explanted devices

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    Considering the rapidly increasing number of clinical high-field MR imagers and the lack of data regarding interference with magnetically adjustable cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) shunt valves, valve safety was assessed with regard to magnetic field interactions: imaging artifacts, heating, magnetic forces, and functional changes in a phantom study at 3.0 Tesla using explanted devices as a realistic model for in vivo conditions

    DTI of commissural fibers in patients with Chiari II-malformation

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    Chiari II-malformation is a complex congenital deformity of the brain which is frequently associated with hydrocephalus. Abnormalities of the corpus callosum are known to occur in the majority of patients. The objective of the present study was to study the microstructure of the corpus callosum (CC) and the anterior commissure (AC) to differentiate between different mechanisms of damage to these structures. We investigated 6 patients with Chiari II-malformation and 6 well-matched healthy volunteers employing T1-weighted 3D imaging and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to determine the fractional anisotropy (FA) and cross-sectional area of the CC and AC, as well as with neuropsychological testing. Four patients showed hydrocephalus, two patients had callosal dysplasia and four had a hypoplastic CC. The callosal FA in the patients was significantly reduced which was less pronounced for the genu alone. The area of CC was also reduced in Chiari II-patients. There was a strong correlation between the size and FA of the CC in the patients. In contrast, the thickness of the AC was significantly increased and was associated with higher FA in the patients. In psychological tests all patients showed reduced verbal memory; all but one patient showed reduced IQ as well as impaired visuo-spatial performance, indicating deficits in tasks requiring parieto-occipital integration. The existence of callosal dysplasia in two patients, the diminished FA reduction in the genu and the correlation of the cross-sectional area and FA in the patients point to a developmental white matter damage beside that exerted by hydrocephalus alone

    Cellular and behavioral effects of lipopolysaccharide treatment are dependent upon neurokinin-1 receptor activation

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    Abstract Background Several psychiatric conditions are affected by neuroinflammation and neuroimmune activation. The transcription factor nuclear factor kappa light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NFkB) plays a major role in inflammation and innate immunity. The neurokinin-1 receptor (NK1R) is the primary endogenous target of the neuroactive peptide substance P, and some data suggests that NK1R stimulation may influence NFkB activity. Both NK1R and NFkB have been shown to play a functional role in complex behaviors including stress responsivity, depression, and addiction. In this study, we test whether NFkB activity in the brain (stimulated by lipopolysaccharide administration) is dependent upon the NK1R. Methods Adult male Wistar rats were treated systemically with the NK1R antagonist L822429 followed by administration of systemic lipopolysaccharide (LPS, a strong activator of NFkB). Hippocampal extracts were used to assess expression of proinflammatory cytokines and NFkB-DNA-binding potential. For behavioral studies, rats were trained to consume 1% (w/v) sucrose solution in a continuous access two-bottle choice model. After establishment of baseline, animals were treated with L822429 and LPS and sucrose preference was measured 12 h post-treatment. Results Systemic LPS treatment causes a significant increase in proinflammatory cytokine expression and NFkB-DNA-binding activity within the hippocampus. These increases are attenuated by systemic pretreatment with the NK1R antagonist L822429. Systemic LPS treatment also led to the development of anhedonic-like behavior, evidenced by decreased sucrose intake in the sucrose preference test. This behavior was significantly attenuated by systemic pretreatment with the NK1R antagonist L822429. Conclusions Systemic LPS treatment induced significant increases in NFkB activity, evidenced by increased NFkB-DNA binding and by increased proinflammatory cytokine expression in the hippocampus. LPS also induced anhedonic-like behavior. Both the molecular and behavioral effects of LPS treatment were significantly attenuated by systemic NK1R antagonism, suggesting that NK1R stimulation lies upstream of NFkB activation following systemic LPS administration and is at least in part responsible for NFkB activation

    Increased Alcohol Consumption in Mice Lacking Sodium Bicarbonate Transporter NBCn1

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    The previous reports on an addiction vulnerability marker in the human SLC4A7 gene encoding the Na/HCO3 transporter NBCn1 suggest that this pH-regulating protein may affect alcohol-related behavior and response. Here, we examined alcohol consumption and sensitivity to the sedative effects of alcohol in male NBCn1 knockout mice. These mice displayed lower pH in neurons than wildtype controls, determined by intracellular pH in hippocampal neuronal cultures. Neurons from knockout mice had a higher action potential threshold and a more depolarized membrane potential, thus reducing membrane excitability. In a two-bottle free choice procedure, knockout mice consumed more alcohol than controls and consistently increased alcohol consumption after repeated alcohol deprivation periods. Quinine and sucrose preference was similar between genotypes. Knockout mice showed increased propensity for alcohol-induced conditioned place preference. In loss of righting reflex assessment, knockout mice revealed increased sensitivity to alcohol-induced sedation and developed tolerance to the sedation after repeated alcohol administrations. Furthermore, chronic alcohol consumption caused NBCn1 downregulation in the hippocampus and striatum of mice and humans. These results demonstrate an important role of NBCn1 in regulation of alcohol consumption and sensitivity to alcohol-induced sedation