26 research outputs found

    Airborne measurement of peroxy radicals using chemical amplification coupled with cavity ring-down spectroscopy: the PeRCEAS instrument

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    Hydroperoxyl (HO2) and organic peroxy (RO2) radicals have an unpaired spin and are highly reactive free radicals. Measurements of the sum of HO2 and RO2 provide unique information about the chemical processing in an air mass. This paper describes the experimental features and capabilities of the Peroxy Radical Chemical Enhancement and Absorption Spectrometer (PeRCEAS). This is an instrument designed to make measurements on aircraft from the boundary layer to the lower stratosphere. PeRCEAS combines the amplified conversion of peroxy radicals to nitrogen dioxide (NO2) with the sensitive detection of NO2 using cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) at 408 nm. PeRCEAS is a dual-channel instrument, with two identical reactor–detector lines working out of phase with one another at a constant and defined pressure lower than ambient at the aircraft altitude. The suitability of PeRCEAS for airborne measurements in the free troposphere was evaluated by extensive characterisation and calibration under atmospherically representative conditions in the laboratory. The use of alternating modes of the two instrumental channels successfully captures short-term variations in the sum of peroxy radicals, defined as RO∗2 (RO∗2=HO2+∑RO2+OH+∑RO, with R being an organic chain) in ambient air. For a 60 s measurement, the RO∗2 detection limit is < 2 pptv for a minimum (2σ) NO2 detectable mixing ratio < 60 pptv, under laboratory conditions in the range of atmospheric pressures and temperatures expected in the free troposphere. PeRCEAS has been successfully deployed within the OMO (Oxidation Mechanism Observations) and EMeRGe (Effect of Megacities on the transport and transformation of pollutants on the Regional and Global scales) missions in different airborne campaigns aboard the High Altitude LOng range research aircraft (HALO) for the study of the composition of the free troposphere

    The problem of hygienic education of the female population on the prevention of breast cancer

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    The purposeof the study is to assess women’s awareness of risk factors for the occurrence and development of breast cancer.Цель исследования – оценить осведомленность женщин о факторах риска возникновения и развития рака молочной железы

    A new airborne broadband radiometer system and an efficient method to correct dynamic thermal offsets

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    The instrumentation of the High Altitude and Long Range (HALO) research aircraft is extended by the new Broadband AirCrAft RaDiometer Instrumentation (BACARDI) to quantify the radiative energy budget. Two sets of pyranometers and pyrgeometers are mounted to measure upward and downward solar (0.3–3 µm) and thermal–infrared (3–100 µm) irradiances. The radiometers are installed in a passively ventilated fairing to reduce the effects of the dynamic environment, e.g., fast changes in altitude and temperature. The remaining thermal effects range up to 20 W m−2 for the pyranometers and 10 W m−2 for the pyrgeometers. Using data collected by BACARDI during a night flight, it is demonstrated that the dynamic components of the offsets can be parameterized by the rate of change of the radiometer sensor temperatures, providing a greatly simplifying correction of the dynamic thermal effects. The parameterization provides a linear correction function (200–500 W m−2 K−1 s) that depends on the radiometer type and the mounting position of the radiometer on HALO. Furthermore, BACARDI measurements from the EUREC4A (Elucidating the Role of Clouds—Circulation Coupling in Climate) field campaign are analyzed to characterize the performance of the radiometers and to evaluate all corrections applied in the data processing. Vertical profiles of irradiance measurements up to 10 km altitude show that the thermal offset correction limits the bias due to temperature changes to values below 10 W m−2. Measurements with BACARDI during horizontal, circular flight patterns in cloud-free conditions demonstrate that the common geometric attitude correction of the solar downward irradiance provides reliable measurements in this typical flight section of EUREC4A, even without active stabilization of the radiometer.</p

    Airborne observations of peroxy radicals during the EMeRGe campaign in Europe

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    In this study, airborne measurements of the sum of hydroperoxyl (HO2) and organic peroxy (RO2) radicals that react with nitrogen monoxide (NO) to produce nitrogen dioxide (NO2), coupled with actinometry and other key trace gases measurements, have been used to test the current understanding of the fast photochemistry in the outflow of major population centres. The measurements were made during the airborne campaign of the EMeRGe (Effect of Megacities on the transport and transformation of pollutants on the Regional to Global scales) project in Europe on board the High Altitude and Long Range Research Aircraft (HALO). The measurements of RO on HALO were made using the in situ instrument Peroxy Radical Chemical Enhancement and Absorption Spectrometer (PeRCEAS). RO is to a good approximation the sum of peroxy radicals reacting with NO to produce NO2. RO mixing ratios up to 120 pptv were observed in air masses of different origins and composition under different local actinometric conditions during seven HALO research flights in July 2017 over Europe. Radical production rates were estimated using knowledge of the photolysis frequencies and the precursor concentrations measured on board, as well as the relevant rate coefficients. Generally, high concentrations were measured in air masses with high production rates. In the air masses investigated, is primarily produced by the reaction of O1D with water vapour and the photolysis of nitrous acid (HONO) and of the oxygenated volatile organic compounds (OVOCs, e.g. formaldehyde (HCHO) and glyoxal (CHOCHO)). Due to their short lifetime in most environments, the RO concentrations are expected to be in a photostationary steady state (PSS), i.e. a balance between production and loss rates is assumed. The production and loss rates and the suitability of PSS assumptions to estimate the mixing ratios and variability during the airborne observations are discussed. The PSS assumption for is considered robust enough to calculate mixing ratios for most conditions encountered in the air masses measured. The similarities and discrepancies between measured and PSS calculated mixing ratios are discussed. The dominant terminating processes for in the pollution plumes measured up to 2000 m are the formation of nitrous acid, nitric acid, and organic nitrates. Above 2000 m, HO2–HO2 and HO2–RO2 reactions dominate the removal. calculations by the PSS analytical expression inside the pollution plumes probed often underestimated the measurements. The underestimation is attributed to the limitations of the PSS equation used for the analysis. In particular, this expression does not account for the yields of from the oxidation and photolysis of volatile organic compounds, VOCs, and OVOCs other than those measured during the EMeRGe research flights in Europe. In air masses with NO mixing ratios ≤50 pptv and low ratios, the measured is overestimated by the analytical expression. This may be caused by the formation of H2O and O2 from OH and HO2, being about 4 times faster than the rate of the OH oxidation reaction of the dominant OVOCs considered

    Overview: On the transport and transformation of pollutants in the outflow of major population centres – observational data from the EMeRGe European intensive operational period in summer 2017

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    Megacities and other major population centres (MPCs) worldwide are major sources of air pollution, both locally as well as downwind. The overall assessment and prediction of the impact of MPC pollution on tropospheric chemistry are challenging. The present work provides an overview of the highlights of a major new contribution to the understanding of this issue based on the data and analysis of the EMeRGe (Effect of Megacities on the transport and transformation of pollutants on the Regional to Global scales) international project. EMeRGe focuses on atmospheric chemistry, dynamics, and transport of local and regional pollution originating in MPCs. Airborne measurements, taking advantage of the long range capabilities of the High Altitude and LOng Range Research Aircraft (HALO, https://www.halo-spp.de, last access: 22 March 2022), are a central part of the project. The synergistic use and consistent interpretation of observational data sets of different spatial and temporal resolution (e.g. from ground-based networks, airborne campaigns, and satellite measurements) supported by modelling within EMeRGe provide unique insight to test the current understanding of MPC pollution outflows. In order to obtain an adequate set of measurements at different spatial scales, two field experiments were positioned in time and space to contrast situations when the photochemical transformation of plumes emerging from MPCs is large. These experiments were conducted in summer 2017 over Europe and in the inter-monsoon period over Asia in spring 2018. The intensive observational periods (IOPs) involved HALO airborne measurements of ozone and its precursors, volatile organic compounds, aerosol particles, and related species as well as coordinated ground-based ancillary observations at different sites. Perfluorocarbon (PFC) tracer releases and model forecasts supported the flight planning, the identification of pollution plumes, and the analysis of chemical transformations during transport. This paper describes the experimental deployment and scientific questions of the IOP in Europe. The MPC targets – London (United Kingdom; UK), the Benelux/Ruhr area (Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Germany), Paris (France), Rome and the Po Valley (Italy), and Madrid and Barcelona (Spain) – were investigated during seven HALO research flights with an aircraft base in Germany for a total of 53 flight hours. An in-flight comparison of HALO with the collaborating UK-airborne platform Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements (FAAM) took place to assure accuracy and comparability of the instrumentation on board. Overall, EMeRGe unites measurements of near- and far-field emissions and hence deals with complex air masses of local and distant sources. Regional transport of several European MPC outflows was successfully identified and measured. Chemical processing of the MPC emissions was inferred from airborne observations of primary and secondary pollutants and the ratios between species having different chemical lifetimes. Photochemical processing of aerosol and secondary formation or organic acids was evident during the transport of MPC plumes. Urban plumes mix efficiently with natural sources as mineral dust and with biomass burning emissions from vegetation and forest fires. This confirms the importance of wildland fire emissions in Europe and indicates an important but discontinuous contribution to the European emission budget that might be of relevance in the design of efficient mitigation strategies. The present work provides an overview of the most salient results in the European context, with these being addressed in more detail within additional dedicated EMeRGe studies. The deployment and results obtained in Asia will be the subject of separate publications