34 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT. This paper presents the results of a screening of nine different extracts from the plant parts (leaves, flowers and stems) of Euphorbia cyparissias for total phenolic content, concentration of flavonoids and in vitro antioxidant activity. Мain reason for this study is the determination of these parameters and their variability among plant parts and plant extracts obtained by different solvents, respectively. Obtained amounts for total phenolic content ranged from 10.76 to 40.72 mg GA/g. The concentration of flavonoids varied from 34.32 to 134.34 mg Ru/g. The IC 50 values of antioxidant activity varied from 88.48 to 2891.08 µg/ml. Results obtained from the different plant parts were of uneven value. Great variability of the studied parameters was observed when comparing the effectiveness of the used solvents. The acetone extracts from stems contain the greatest concentrations of phenolic compounds, especially flavonoids, and showed high antioxidant activity. According to our research, plant parts from E. cyparissias can be regarded as promising candidates for natural plant sources with high value of biological compounds

    Health risk assessment of natural and artificial radionuclides in medicinal plants

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    In the present work, we determined activity concentrations of ten Medicinal herbs using gamma spectrometry. The radioactivity concentration of 226 Ra, 232 Th, 40 K and 137 Cs were 2.82, 0.63, 984.32, 0.28 Bq/kg, respectively. These doses are not hazardous to the general public's health. The mean values of radium equivalent activity (Raeq), absorbed dose rates (D), annual effective dose (De) and external hazard index (Hex) are 79.51 Bq/kg, 42.73 nGy-1 , 52.40 µSv and 0.21, respectively. Medicinal plants used to make tea do not contain a concentration of tested radionuclides that would cause negative consequences to one's health.Publishe

    Antioxidant and Anticancer Properties of Leaf and Fruit Extracts of the Wild Raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.)

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    In this study the leaves and fruits of wild raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) populations from the central Balkan region were examined to determine the level of secondary metabolites and related antioxidant activity, as well as biological activity, upon existing ethnobotanical evidence, primarily linked to gastrointestinal disorders. The values obtained for total phenols ranged from 59.68 to 96.83 mg GA g(-1) and 24.29 to 38.71 mg GA g(-1) in leaf and fruit extracts, respectively. The highest values of tannins and anthocyanins were determined for leaf extracts from a population of east Serbia at a level of 1.27 mg mL(-1) and 9.00 mg mL(-1). Antioxidant activity was evaluated by measuring the scavenging capacity of the extracts on DPPH. Higher antioxidant activity was detected in the leaf extracts than in the fruit extracts. Leaf and fruit extract were the most effective against Escherichia coli (ATCC 8739). Anticancer activity was studied on a human colorectal cancer cell line HCT-116. Leaf extracts exhibited anticancer activity with IC50/24 h 162.38 mu g mL(-1) and IC50/48 h 95.69 mu g mL(-1). Wild raspberry leaf and fruit extracts contain numerous secondary metabolites providing marked antioxidant, antimicrobial and anticancer activity

    Variability of sesquiterpenes in essential oils of the species Teucrium montanum l.

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    Cilj prikazanog istraživanja je utvrđivanje kvalitativne varijabilnosti i relativne zastupljenosti seskviterpenskih ugljovodonika u uzorcima vrste Teucrium montanum L. prikupljenih sa dva različita tipa podloge. Četiri uzorka etarskih ulja sa serpentinita i četiri sa krečnjaka dobijeno je metodom hidrodestilacije od nadzemnih biljnih delova. Na osnovu rezultata, pokazano je da populacije sa serpentinitskih staništa sintetišu 2 puta više seskviterpena nego sa krečnjačkih, dok je jedinjenje 6-epi-β-kubeben detektovan samo u populacijama sa krečnjaka. Edafske karakteristike staništa utiču na kvalitativni sastav i relativnu zastupljenost seskviterpena u etarskim uljima što ima značajnu primenu u biotehnologiji.The aim of this study is to determine the qualitative variability and relative presence of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons in essential oils samples of Teucrium montanum L. collected from two different substrate types. Four samples of essential oils from serpentinite and four from calcareous were obtained by the method of hydrodistillation from aboveground plant parts. Based on the results, it was shown that populations from serpentinite habitats synthesize 2 times more sesquiterpenes than from calcareous ones, while the compound 6-epi-β-cubeben was detected only in populations from calcareous. Edaphic characteristics of habitats affect the qualitative composition and relative presence of sesquiterpenes in essential oils, which has a significant application in biotechnology


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    The aim of this study is to determine the qualitative variability and relative presence of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons in essential oils samples of Teucrium montanum L. collected from two different substrate types. Four samples of essential oils from serpentinite and four from calcareous were obtained by the method of hydrodistillation from aboveground plant parts. Based on the results, it was shown that populations from serpentinite habitats synthesize 2 times more sesquiterpenes than from calcareous ones, while the compound 6-epi-β-cubeben was detected only in populations from calcareous. Edaphic characteristics of habitats affect the qualitative composition and relative presence of sesquiterpenes in essential oils, which has a significant application in biotechnology.Publishe

    Traditional use of plants in Kuršumlija

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    Plants as a source of active phytochemistry are the basis of nutrition. However, man uses them in traditional medicine and veterinary medicine, but also as raw materials in many branches of industry (textile, construction…). The need and role of traditional medicines in the health care system havе been growing in recent decades. The aim of the research is to determine the list of plants that are traditionally used by the local population on the territory of the municipality of Kuršumlija, and the way of their application in folk medicine, veterinary medicine, customs. Data on knowledge of plants and their use were collected through interviews in the period from May to September 2020. A total of 49 people were interviewed (37.5% men and 62.5% women), aged between 21 and 81, mostly from urban areas (79.2% of respondents are from the city and 20.8% from rural areas). Respondents have different education: 6.3% have a primary school, 58.3% have a secondary school and 35.4% have higher education. During the research, it was stated that the largest number of plant species used for therapeutic purposes belongs to families: Lamiaceae (20.5%), Asteraceae (12.8%), Rosaceae (5.1%) and the most commonly used species are: Mentha piperita (47.9% of respondents), Matricaria chamomilla (37.5% of respondents); Urtica dioica (31.2% of respondents); Hypericum perforatum (27% of respondents), Salvia officinalis (22.9% of respondents); Achillea millefolium (14.5% of respondents); Ocimum basilicum (12.5% ​​of respondents). For therapeutic purposes, teas (infusion, decoction), tinctures, and oils are prepared for oral use, and for external use, compresses and ointments. The largest number of respondents reported the use of herbal medicines for the treatment of gastrointestinal and respiratory organs. In the customs related to religious holidays, the largest number of respondents use oak.Publishe

    Variability of sesquiterpenes in essential oils of the species Teucrium montanum l.

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    Cilj prikazanog istraživanja je utvrđivanje kvalitativne varijabilnosti i relativne zastupljenosti seskviterpenskih ugljovodonika u uzorcima vrste Teucrium montanum L. prikupljenih sa dva različita tipa podloge. Četiri uzorka etarskih ulja sa serpentinita i četiri sa krečnjaka dobijeno je metodom hidrodestilacije od nadzemnihbiljnih delova. Na osnovu rezultata, pokazano je da populacije sa serpentinitskih staništa sintetišu 2 puta više seskviterpena nego sa krečnjačkih, dok je jedinjenje 6-epi-β-kubeben detektovan samo u populacijama sa krečnjaka. Edafske karakteristikestaništa utiču na kvalitativni sastav i relativnu zastupljenost seskviterpena u etarskim uljima što ima značajnu primenu u biotehnologiji.The aim of this study is to determine the qualitative variability and relative presence of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons in essential oils samples of Teucrium montanum L. collected from two different substrate types. Four samples of essential oils from serpentinite and four from calcareous were obtained by the method of hydrodistillation from aboveground plant parts. Based on the results, it was shown that populations from serpentinite habitats synthesize 2 times more sesquiterpenes than from calcareous ones, while the compound 6-epi-β-cubeben was detected only in populations from calcareous. Edaphic characteristics of habitats affect the qualitative composition and relative presence of sesquiterpenes in essential oils, which has a significant application in biotechnology

    Ekological differentiation of Teucrim montanum L. (Lamiaceae) on habitats with calcareous and serpentine geological substrates

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    Hemijski sastav i fizička struktura geološke podloge i zemljišta utiču kao skup ekoloških faktora na rasprostranjenje biljnih vrsta i njihovu diferencijaciju. Serpentinitska zemljišta se odlikuju visokim sadržajem teških metala (Cr, Mn, Ni) i niskim sadržajem esencijalnih elemenata (Ca, K, N, P), dok je kod krečnjačkih zemljišta suprotno. Na osnovu navedenog, sprovedena su istraživanja sadržaja 20 elemenata u zemljištu i biljnom materijalu vrste Teucrium montanum (Lamiaceae) poreklom sa različitih staništa, kao i sadržaj ukupnih fenolnih jedinjenja i antioksidativne aktivnosti. Pored toga, određen je kvantitativni sastav pojedinačnih fenolnih jedinjenja u metanolnim ekstraktima biljnog materijala UHPLC/DAD/(−)HESI−MS2 metodom. U uzorcima etarskih ulja, primenom GCxGC/MS analize je ispitan kvalitativni sastav i procenat relativne zastupljenosti isparljivih jedinjenja. Metodom geometrijske morfometrije ispitani su obrasci morfološkog variranja sa aspekta postojanja diferencijacije vrste u odnosu na tip podloge. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, može se zaključiti da tip podloge na ispitivanim staništima ima značajan uticaj na ekofiziološke i morfo-anatomske karakteristike, pri čemu su neke od njih potencijalno značajne u adaptivnom odgovoru vrste Teucrium montanum na specifične edafske uslove. Regulacija intenziteta biosinteze i akumulacije sekundarnih metabolita predstavlja jedan od mehanizama prilagođavanja koji pored toga utiče i na diferenciranje edafskih ekotipova.The chemical composition and physical structure of the geological substrate and soil influence the distribution of plant species and their differentiation as a set of ecological factors. Serpentinite soils are characterized by high content of heavy metals (Cr, Mn, Ni) and low content of essential elements (Ca, K, N, P), while the opposite is for calcareous soils. Based on the above, the content of 20 elements in the soil and plant material of the species Teucrium montanum (Lamiaceae), originating from different habitats, as well as the content of total phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity were studied. In addition, the quantitative composition of each phenolic compound in methanolic extracts of the plant material was determined by the UHPLC/DAD/(−)HESI−MS2 method. In the samples of essential oils, the qualitative composition and percentage of relative representation of volatile compounds were investigated by GCxGC/MS analysis. Using the method of geometric morphometrics, the patterns of morphological variation were studied from the point of view of the presence of species differences depending on the type of substrate. Based on the obtained results it can be concluded that the type of substrate in the studied habitats has a significant influence on the ecophysiological and morpho-anatomical characteristics, where some of them are potentially important for the adaptive response of the species Teucrium montanum to specific edaphic conditions. Regulation of the intensity of biosynthesis and accumulation of secondary metabolites is one of the adaptive mechanisms that also influences the differentiation of edaphic ecotypes

    Variability of secondary metabolites of the species Cichorium intybus L. from different habitats

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    © 2017 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. The principal aim of this paper is to show the influence of soil characteristics on the quantitative variability of secondary metabolites. Analysis of phenolic content, flavonoid concentrations, and the antioxidant activity was performed using the ethanol and ethyl acetate plant extracts of the species Cichorium intybus L. (Asteraceae). The samples were collected from one saline habitat and two non-saline habitats. The values of phenolic content from the samples taken from the saline habitat ranged from 119.83 to 120.83 mg GA/g and from non-saline habitats from 92.44 to 115.10 mg GA/g. The amount of flavonoids in the samples from the saline locality varied between 144.36 and 317.62 mg Ru/g and from non-saline localities between 86.03 and 273.07 mg Ru/g. The IC50 values of antioxidant activity in the samples from the saline habitat ranged from 87.64 to 117.73 µg/mL and from 101.44 to 125.76 µg/mL in the samples from non-saline habitats. The results confirmed that soil types represent a significant influence on the quantitative content of secondary metabolites. The greatest concentrations of phenols and flavonoids and the highest level of antioxidant activity were found in the samples from saline soil. This further corroborates the importance of saline soil as an ecological factor, as it is proven to give rise to increased biosynthesis of secondary metabolites and related antioxidant activity

    Medicinal plants in the treatment of cancer

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    The purpose of this paper is to present a review of highly developed medicinal usages of plants in the treatment of cancer. In the last decades, the cancer treatment has been included in this range of plant use, due to plant active substances. Active substances or secondary metabolites are generally known for their widespread application. When it comes to the cancer treatment, these substances affect the uncontrolled cell division. Therefore, the plants which are the source of these substances are proved to be irreplaceable in this field of medicine. This paper deals with some of the most significant plants well known for their multiple aspects of beneficial medicinal influence. The group of the plants described is comprised of the following species: Taxus brevifolia (Taxaceae), Catharanthus roseus (Apocynaceae), Podophyllum peltatum (Berberidaceae), Camptotheca accuminata (Cornaceae), and Cephalotaxus harringtonia (Cephalotaxaceae). The comprehensive description of the plants in this paper includes the morphological characteristics, the features and the representation of the molecular structures of active substances, the particular influence that these active substances have and the general importance of the substances as seen from the aspect of cancer treatment mostly with reference to the impacts on cell cycle