13 research outputs found

    Geochemical characterization of sediments from paleosaline environment of the Lopare basin ( Bosnia and Herzegovina)

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    Proučavanja sedimenata imaju ekonomsku važnost i na njima se temelje geohemijska i geološka istraživanja. Medjutim, iako su Neogene formacije najrasprostranjenije geološke formacije na Balkanskom poluostrvu i nosioci značajnih ležišta uglja, gasa i drugih mineralnih sirovina, geohemijski su nedovoljno proučene. To se posebno odnosi na istovremeno ispitivanje njihovog neorganskog i organskog dela. U ovom radu analizirana su 46 uzorka Loparskog basena (Bosna i Hercegovina) iz dve istražne bušotine POT 1 (dubina do 193 m) i POT 3 (dubina do 344 m). Loparski basen je tokom Oligocena i donjeg i srednjeg Miocena bio deo istog sedimentacionog prostora kao i Tuzlanski basen koji sadrži slanu formaciju koja se eksploatiše već decenijama. Nedavna geološka istraživanja pokazala su da se iste geološke jedinice javljaju u Tuzlanskom i Loparskom basenu. Za sada komercijalni depoziti halita nisu pronađeni u Loparama. Međutim, s fundamentalnog aspekta proučavanje Loparskog basena je značajno, budući da je on pogodan model za geohemijsku karakterizaciju sedimenata iz slane sredine sedimentacije. Zbog visokog nivoa saliniteta, slana/hiperslana okruženja se često odlikuju karakterističnim mikrobiološkim zajednicama koje mogu da tolerišu veliki sadržaj soli. Kao rezultat toga, postoje biomarkeri tipični za slana/hiperslana okruženja. Dosadašnja geološka i prospekciona istraživanja neogenih sedimenata unutrašnjih Dinarida, odnosno Loparskog basena, nisu obuhvatala istovremeno detaljno geohemijsko ispitivanje neorganskog i organskog dela. U ovom radu su ispitivani uzorci sedimenata iz dve istražne bušotine u cilju rekonstrukcije uslova koji su vladali tokom taloženja, odnosno tokom stvaranja sedimenata. Pored toga, cilj rada je bio da se utvrdi koji su biomarkeri najosetljiviji na promene u sedimentacionoj sredini. Proučavan je i potencijalni uticaj istražnog područja na životnu sredinu, a posebno na vodu i zemljište. Odredjena je količina i detaljno je ispitan sastav neorganskog dela, kao i količina, sastav, tip i stepen maturisanosti organske supstance sedimenata. Kvalitativni sastav mineralnog dela sedimenta je određen rendgenskom difraktometrijskom analizom (XRD), a sadržaj makro-, mikroelemenata i elemenata retkih zemalja, atomskom emisionom spektrometrijom sa induktivno kuplovanom plazmom (ICP-AES). Grupni...The sediments studies have economic importance, and they are the basis for the geochemical and geological investigations. Although the Neogene formations are the most widespread geological formations of the Balkan Peninsula and also carrier of significant deposits of coal, gas and other mineral resources, they are insufficiently studied from geochemical point of view. In particular, this applies to detailed simultaneously investigation of their inorganic and organic part. In this paper, the 46 samples of Lopare Basin (Bosnia and Herzegovina) from two exploration boreholes POT 1 (depth up to 193 m) and POT 3 (depth up to 344 m) were analyzed. Lopare Basin during the Oligocene and Lower and Middle Miocene was part of the same sedimentary area as well as Tuzla basin that contains salt formation, that has been exploited for decades. Recent geological studies have shown that the same geological units occurring in Tuzla and Lopare Basin. So far, the commercial halite deposits are not found in Lopare. However, fundamental investigation of the Lopare Basin is important, because it is a suitable model for the geochemical characterization of sediments from the saline sedimentation environment. Due to high levels of salinity, saline/hypersaline environments are often characterized by typical microbial communities that can tolerate high salt content. As a result, there are parameters typical for the saline/hypersaline environments. Previous geological and prospection studies of Neogene sediments from Internal Dinarides and also from the Lopare Basin, are not also included detailed geochemical investigation of inorganic and organic part. In this paper the sediments samples from two exploration boreholes were investigated, in order to reconstruct the conditions that prevailed in the depositional environment, during the period of its creation. In addition, the aim of this study was to determine which biomarkers and biomarker parameters are most sensitive to changes in sedimentation environment. The potential impact from the investigative areas on the environment, especially water and soil, was also investigated. The qualitative composition of the mineral part of the sediment was determined by X-ray diffractometer analysis (eng. X-Ray Diffraction, XRD), and the content of macro-, trace- and rare earth elements by atomic emission spectrometry with inductively..

    Chemistry in Teaching: Models of the Atom in the 20th and 21st Centuries

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    O modelu atoma razmišljalo se još od antičke Grčke pa sve do polovine 20. stoljeća te bi se lako moglo pomisliti da se o atomima zna sve što se uopće može znati. Mnoge činjenice usvoje se već u srednjoj školi, a studenti kemije ili fizike zapravo malo mare kako se to točno gibaju elektroni u atomu ili odakle atomima masa. Doista, kako to da atomi uopće postoje, koji su preduvjeti postojanja atoma onakvih kakvi jesu? U članku je dan pregled osnovnih spoznaja o atomu danas, povijest modela atoma u proteklih stotinjak godina kao i nekih još neodgovorenih pitanja. Ovo djelo je dano na korištenje pod licencom Creative Commons Imenovanje 4.0 međunarodna.The model of the atom has been contemplated since ancient Greece up to, roughly, the first half of the 20th century and one might even say that we know everything there is to know about atoms. Many facts are learned already in high school, but the average Physics or Chemistry student thinks little of how the electrons move inside the atom, or from where atoms get their mass. Indeed, how do atoms exist at all? What are the conditions of their stability? Here, we give a survey of what we know about the atom today, of the history of the models of the atom in the past hundred years or so, as well as some still unanswered questions about the atom. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Heavy metals in Neogene sedimentary rocks as a potential geogenic hazard for sediment, soil, and surface and groundwater contamination (eastern Posavina and the Lopare Basin, Bosnia and Herzegovina)

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    The influence of geochemical processes (weathering, erosion and dilution) of the Internal Dinarides to the Posavina Neogene Basin and their implication to the pollution of the Sava River sediments at four sampling sites in the Eastern Posavina (Zupanja, Brcko, Bosanska Raca and Sremska Mitrovica) was studied.(similar to)For this purpose, comparison of contents of heavy metals (Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, Cd, As and Hg) of the Eastern Posavina sediments with local background values was performed. Sediments from two boreholes of the Lopare Basin considered as non-polluted and representative for specific geologic and hydrogeologic system were used for the calculation of local background values. The aim was to assess whether the observed heavy metals concentrations at four sampling sites along the Sava River represent background/natural or anthropogenic contamination. This task was performed using the geo-accumulation index and total enrichment factor. According to values of the total enrichment factor (0.25-0.71), the anthropogenic impact on the investigated area was quite low. The heavy metals contents in river sediments, soil and groundwater were mainly controlled by geochemical processes, particularly weathering (chemical proxy of alteration value approximate to 60). The results also offer novel insights into the elevated geogenic levels of Cr and Ni in the Eastern Posavina region

    Characterization of natural zeolite (clinoptilolite) as one of the high cation exchange capacity geopolymer material

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    The aim of this research is to subject one of the specific and locally used natural zeolite (clinoptilolite) from Vranjska Banja, Serbia with high cation exchange capacity. Mineralogical - X-Ray Diffraction Analysis (XRD), Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and determination of cation exchange capacity (CEC) were investigated. Results showed homogenous structure with dominant clinoptilolite - heulandite type zeolites as most abundant minerals. The important aspect of this research is possibility of wider usage of natural zeolite-clinoptilolite due to cost-efficiency aspects of this natural material that can be exploited in large amount from several Serbian deposits e.g. “Zlatokop” (Vranjska Banja) and “Igroš Vidojević” (Brus), Serbia. The present of higher, but also extremely concentration of heavy metals in Pannonian, Internal Dinarides and wider European region lead us to boost novel high performance but economically viable techniques. The starting points are geochemical characterization of novel geo- materials before further water-treatment implementation

    Geochemical characterization of sediments from paleosaline environment of the Lopare basin ( Bosnia and Herzegovina)

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    Proučavanja sedimenata imaju ekonomsku važnost i na njima se temelje geohemijska i geološka istraživanja. Medjutim, iako su Neogene formacije najrasprostranjenije geološke formacije na Balkanskom poluostrvu i nosioci značajnih ležišta uglja, gasa i drugih mineralnih sirovina, geohemijski su nedovoljno proučene. To se posebno odnosi na istovremeno ispitivanje njihovog neorganskog i organskog dela. U ovom radu analizirana su 46 uzorka Loparskog basena (Bosna i Hercegovina) iz dve istražne bušotine POT 1 (dubina do 193 m) i POT 3 (dubina do 344 m). Loparski basen je tokom Oligocena i donjeg i srednjeg Miocena bio deo istog sedimentacionog prostora kao i Tuzlanski basen koji sadrži slanu formaciju koja se eksploatiše već decenijama. Nedavna geološka istraživanja pokazala su da se iste geološke jedinice javljaju u Tuzlanskom i Loparskom basenu. Za sada komercijalni depoziti halita nisu pronađeni u Loparama. Međutim, s fundamentalnog aspekta proučavanje Loparskog basena je značajno, budući da je on pogodan model za geohemijsku karakterizaciju sedimenata iz slane sredine sedimentacije. Zbog visokog nivoa saliniteta, slana/hiperslana okruženja se često odlikuju karakterističnim mikrobiološkim zajednicama koje mogu da tolerišu veliki sadržaj soli. Kao rezultat toga, postoje biomarkeri tipični za slana/hiperslana okruženja. Dosadašnja geološka i prospekciona istraživanja neogenih sedimenata unutrašnjih Dinarida, odnosno Loparskog basena, nisu obuhvatala istovremeno detaljno geohemijsko ispitivanje neorganskog i organskog dela. U ovom radu su ispitivani uzorci sedimenata iz dve istražne bušotine u cilju rekonstrukcije uslova koji su vladali tokom taloženja, odnosno tokom stvaranja sedimenata. Pored toga, cilj rada je bio da se utvrdi koji su biomarkeri najosetljiviji na promene u sedimentacionoj sredini. Proučavan je i potencijalni uticaj istražnog područja na životnu sredinu, a posebno na vodu i zemljište. Odredjena je količina i detaljno je ispitan sastav neorganskog dela, kao i količina, sastav, tip i stepen maturisanosti organske supstance sedimenata. Kvalitativni sastav mineralnog dela sedimenta je određen rendgenskom difraktometrijskom analizom (XRD), a sadržaj makro-, mikroelemenata i elemenata retkih zemalja, atomskom emisionom spektrometrijom sa induktivno kuplovanom plazmom (ICP-AES). Grupni...The sediments studies have economic importance, and they are the basis for the geochemical and geological investigations. Although the Neogene formations are the most widespread geological formations of the Balkan Peninsula and also carrier of significant deposits of coal, gas and other mineral resources, they are insufficiently studied from geochemical point of view. In particular, this applies to detailed simultaneously investigation of their inorganic and organic part. In this paper, the 46 samples of Lopare Basin (Bosnia and Herzegovina) from two exploration boreholes POT 1 (depth up to 193 m) and POT 3 (depth up to 344 m) were analyzed. Lopare Basin during the Oligocene and Lower and Middle Miocene was part of the same sedimentary area as well as Tuzla basin that contains salt formation, that has been exploited for decades. Recent geological studies have shown that the same geological units occurring in Tuzla and Lopare Basin. So far, the commercial halite deposits are not found in Lopare. However, fundamental investigation of the Lopare Basin is important, because it is a suitable model for the geochemical characterization of sediments from the saline sedimentation environment. Due to high levels of salinity, saline/hypersaline environments are often characterized by typical microbial communities that can tolerate high salt content. As a result, there are parameters typical for the saline/hypersaline environments. Previous geological and prospection studies of Neogene sediments from Internal Dinarides and also from the Lopare Basin, are not also included detailed geochemical investigation of inorganic and organic part. In this paper the sediments samples from two exploration boreholes were investigated, in order to reconstruct the conditions that prevailed in the depositional environment, during the period of its creation. In addition, the aim of this study was to determine which biomarkers and biomarker parameters are most sensitive to changes in sedimentation environment. The potential impact from the investigative areas on the environment, especially water and soil, was also investigated. The qualitative composition of the mineral part of the sediment was determined by X-ray diffractometer analysis (eng. X-Ray Diffraction, XRD), and the content of macro-, trace- and rare earth elements by atomic emission spectrometry with inductively..

    Geochemical characterization of sediments from paleosaline environment of the Lopare basin ( Bosnia and Herzegovina)

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    Proučavanja sedimenata imaju ekonomsku važnost i na njima se temelje geohemijska i geološka istraživanja. Medjutim, iako su Neogene formacije najrasprostranjenije geološke formacije na Balkanskom poluostrvu i nosioci značajnih ležišta uglja, gasa i drugih mineralnih sirovina, geohemijski su nedovoljno proučene. To se posebno odnosi na istovremeno ispitivanje njihovog neorganskog i organskog dela. U ovom radu analizirana su 46 uzorka Loparskog basena (Bosna i Hercegovina) iz dve istražne bušotine POT 1 (dubina do 193 m) i POT 3 (dubina do 344 m). Loparski basen je tokom Oligocena i donjeg i srednjeg Miocena bio deo istog sedimentacionog prostora kao i Tuzlanski basen koji sadrži slanu formaciju koja se eksploatiše već decenijama. Nedavna geološka istraživanja pokazala su da se iste geološke jedinice javljaju u Tuzlanskom i Loparskom basenu. Za sada komercijalni depoziti halita nisu pronađeni u Loparama. Međutim, s fundamentalnog aspekta proučavanje Loparskog basena je značajno, budući da je on pogodan model za geohemijsku karakterizaciju sedimenata iz slane sredine sedimentacije. Zbog visokog nivoa saliniteta, slana/hiperslana okruženja se često odlikuju karakterističnim mikrobiološkim zajednicama koje mogu da tolerišu veliki sadržaj soli. Kao rezultat toga, postoje biomarkeri tipični za slana/hiperslana okruženja. Dosadašnja geološka i prospekciona istraživanja neogenih sedimenata unutrašnjih Dinarida, odnosno Loparskog basena, nisu obuhvatala istovremeno detaljno geohemijsko ispitivanje neorganskog i organskog dela. U ovom radu su ispitivani uzorci sedimenata iz dve istražne bušotine u cilju rekonstrukcije uslova koji su vladali tokom taloženja, odnosno tokom stvaranja sedimenata. Pored toga, cilj rada je bio da se utvrdi koji su biomarkeri najosetljiviji na promene u sedimentacionoj sredini. Proučavan je i potencijalni uticaj istražnog područja na životnu sredinu, a posebno na vodu i zemljište. Odredjena je količina i detaljno je ispitan sastav neorganskog dela, kao i količina, sastav, tip i stepen maturisanosti organske supstance sedimenata. Kvalitativni sastav mineralnog dela sedimenta je određen rendgenskom difraktometrijskom analizom (XRD), a sadržaj makro-, mikroelemenata i elemenata retkih zemalja, atomskom emisionom spektrometrijom sa induktivno kuplovanom plazmom (ICP-AES). Grupni...The sediments studies have economic importance, and they are the basis for the geochemical and geological investigations. Although the Neogene formations are the most widespread geological formations of the Balkan Peninsula and also carrier of significant deposits of coal, gas and other mineral resources, they are insufficiently studied from geochemical point of view. In particular, this applies to detailed simultaneously investigation of their inorganic and organic part. In this paper, the 46 samples of Lopare Basin (Bosnia and Herzegovina) from two exploration boreholes POT 1 (depth up to 193 m) and POT 3 (depth up to 344 m) were analyzed. Lopare Basin during the Oligocene and Lower and Middle Miocene was part of the same sedimentary area as well as Tuzla basin that contains salt formation, that has been exploited for decades. Recent geological studies have shown that the same geological units occurring in Tuzla and Lopare Basin. So far, the commercial halite deposits are not found in Lopare. However, fundamental investigation of the Lopare Basin is important, because it is a suitable model for the geochemical characterization of sediments from the saline sedimentation environment. Due to high levels of salinity, saline/hypersaline environments are often characterized by typical microbial communities that can tolerate high salt content. As a result, there are parameters typical for the saline/hypersaline environments. Previous geological and prospection studies of Neogene sediments from Internal Dinarides and also from the Lopare Basin, are not also included detailed geochemical investigation of inorganic and organic part. In this paper the sediments samples from two exploration boreholes were investigated, in order to reconstruct the conditions that prevailed in the depositional environment, during the period of its creation. In addition, the aim of this study was to determine which biomarkers and biomarker parameters are most sensitive to changes in sedimentation environment. The potential impact from the investigative areas on the environment, especially water and soil, was also investigated. The qualitative composition of the mineral part of the sediment was determined by X-ray diffractometer analysis (eng. X-Ray Diffraction, XRD), and the content of macro-, trace- and rare earth elements by atomic emission spectrometry with inductively..

    Geochemistry of Sediments from the Lopare Basin (Bosnia and Herzegovina): Implications for Paleoclimate, Paleosalinity, Paleoredox and Provenance

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    A combined inorganic and organic geochemical study was carried out on marls and mudstones collected from the Lower Miocene Lopare Basin, Bosnia and Herzegovina. A total of 46 samples collected from two boreholes, Pot 1 (depth of 193 m) and Pot 3 (depth of 344 m), showed that element abundances like boron (B), lithium (Li), strontium (Sr), uranium (U), chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na) and calcium (Ca) are much higher than average than in the upper continental crust (UCC). Chemical composition indicates at least two sources: (i) Mesozoic ophiolites occurring in the north of the investigated area, and (ii) dacito-andesitic pyroclastics (Mesozoic to Cenozoic). Lopare Basin sedimentation was influenced by strong evaporation resulting in a partly hypersaline lake, which formed during a warm climatic period, probably during the Miocene Climatic Optimum. A brief episode of humid climate conditions resulted in the basin filling-up and deposition of felsic sediments enriched in thorium (Th). Organic geochemistry shows that the majority of studied sediments contains predominantly immature to marginally mature algal organic matter (OM). The biomarker patterns are generally in agreement with the geological history of the Lopare Basin and inorganic and mineralogical data. Conversely, the molecular distribution of n-alkanes as reliable climatic and δ-MTTC as paleosalinity indicators do not support this conclusion

    Heavy metals in neogene sedimentary rocks as a potential geogenic hazard for sediment, soil, surface and groundwater contamination (Eastern Posavina and Lopare Basin, Bosnia and Herzegovina)

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    The influence of geochemical processes (weathering, erosion and dilution) of Internal Dinarides to the Posavina Neogene Basin and their implication to the pollution of Sava River sediments of four sampling sites in the Eastern Posavina (Županja, Brčko, Bosanska Rača and Sremska Mitrovica) was studied. For this purpose, comparison of contents of heavy metals (Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, Cd, As, Hg) of the Eastern Posavina sediments with local background values was performed. Sediments from two boreholes of the Lopare Basin considered as non-polluted and representative for specific geologic and hydrogeologic system were used for calculation of local background values. The aim was to assess whether observed heavy metals concentrations of four sampling sites along the Sava River represent background/natural or anthropogenic contamination. This task is performed using the geo-accumulation index and total enrichment factor. According to values of the total enrichment factor (0.25 - 0.71), the anthropogenic impact on the investigated area is quite low. The heavy metals contents in river sediments, soil and groundwater are mainly controlled by geochemical processes, particularly weathering (Chemical Proxy of Alteration value ~ 60). The results also offer novel insights into the elevated geogenic levels of Cr and Ni in the Eastern Posavina region. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 176006

    Preservation of diagenetic products of beta-carotene in sedimentary rocks from the Lopare Basin (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

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    Sedimentary rocks from the saline formation of the Lopare Basin were investigated. Sediments contain a moderate amount of immature to marginally mature algal organic matter deposited under slightly reducing to anoxic and slightly saline to hypersaline conditions. Almost all of the samples contain beta-carotane in a relatively high quantity, and in some, it represents the most abundant compound in the total distribution of hydrocarbons. The objective of the study was to determine the conditions that are favourable to precursors of beta-carotene and/or the preservation of the carotenoid hydrocarbon skeleton. Moreover, the dominant transformation pathways of beta-carotene under different redox and salinity conditions, which lead to the formation of aromatic carotenoids were defined. Based on the content of beta-carotane, the examined sedimentary rocks are divided into groups A, B and C. Group A does not contain or contains up to 1% of beta-carotane, group B contains between 1 and 5% of beta-carotane, while group C contains more than 5% of 13-carotane in the overall distribution of hydrocarbons. The organic matter (OM) of the sediments of group A is characterized by a higher contribution of prokaryotic precursor organisms, in comparison with the other samples. The OM was deposited in a slightly saline reductive environment, with an increased erosion activity. This environment was unfavourable for the precursors of beta-carotene and/or for preservation of its hydrocarbon skeleton. Evidence for the degradation of the poliene chain in beta-carotene is the domination of monoaromatic compounds in the aromatic carotenoids distribution. The OM of sediments of groups B and C is similar, predominantly of algal origin deposited in a reducing to anoxic calm carbonate environment with salinity changes from hypersaline to saline. Such reduced to anoxic saline, but not hypersaline environments are most appropriate for precursors of beta-carotene and for the preservation of carotenoid skeleton. Cyclization and aromatization of polyene isoprenoid chain, whereby terminal groups remain the main pattern, is the main pathway of beta-carotene aromatization in anoxic hypersaline environments, whereas aromatization of terminal 1,1,5-trimethylcyclohexen-5-enyl groups and expulsion of toluene and m-xylene are typical for the reduced to anoxic saline environments. (C) 2013 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved