2,346 research outputs found

    The orbits of subdwarf-B + main-sequence binaries. II. Three eccentric systems; BD+29 3070, BD +34 1543 and Feige 87

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    The predicted orbital-period distribution of the subdwarf-B (sdB) population is bi-modal with a peak at short ( 250 days) periods. Observationally, many short-period sdB systems are known, but the predicted long period peak is missing as orbits have only been determined for a few long-period systems. As these predictions are based on poorly understood binary-interaction processes, it is of prime importance to confront the predictions with reliable observational data. We therefore initiated a monitoring program to find and characterize long-period sdB stars. In this paper we aim to determine the orbital parameters of the three long-period sdB+MS binaries BD+29 3070, BD+34 1543 and Feige 87, to constrain their absolute dimensions and the physical parameters of the components. High-resolution spectroscopic time series were obtained with HERMES at the Mercator telescope on La Palma, and analyzed to determine the radial velocities of both the sdB and MS components. Photometry from the literature was used to construct the spectral-energy distribution (SED) of the binaries. Atmosphere models were used to fit these SEDs and to determine the surface gravities and temperatures of both components of all systems. Spectral analysis was used to check the results of the SEDs. An orbital period of 1283 +- 63 d, a mass ratio of q = 0.39 +- 0.04 and a significant non-zero eccentricity of e = 0.15 +- 0.01 were found for BD+29 3070. For BD+34 1543 we determined P = 972 +- 2 d, q = 0.57 +- 0.01 and again a clear non-zero eccentricity of e = 0.16 +- 0.01. Last, for Feige 87 we found P = 936 +- 2 d, q = 0.55 +- 0.01 and e = 0.11 +- 0.01. BD+29 3070, BD+34 1543 and Feige 87 are long period sdB + MS binaries on clearly eccentric orbits. These results are in conflict with the predictions of stable Roche-lobe overflow models.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, Accepted by A&

    The population of hot subdwarf stars studied with Gaia I. The catalogue of known hot subdwarf stars

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    In preparation for the upcoming all-sky data releases of the Gaia mission we compiled a catalogue of known hot subdwarf stars and candidates drawn from the literature and yet unpublished databases. The catalogue contains 5613 unique sources and provides multi-band photometry from the ultraviolet to the far infrared, ground based proper motions, classifications based on spectroscopy and colours, published atmospheric parameters, radial velocities and light curve variability information. Using several different techniques we removed outliers and misclassified objects. By matching this catalogue with astrometric and photometric data from the Gaia mission, we will develop selection criteria to construct a homogeneous, magnitude-limited all-sky catalogue of hot subdwarf stars based on Gaia data.Comment: 11 pages, A&A accepte

    KIC7668647: a 14 day beaming sdB+WD binary with a pulsating subdwarf

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    The recently discovered subdwarf B (sdB) pulsator KIC7668647 is one of the 18 pulsating sdB stars detected in the Kepler field. It features a rich g-mode frequency spectrum, with a few low-amplitude p-modes at short periods. We use new ground-based low-resolution spectroscopy, and the near-continuous 2.88 year Kepler lightcurve, to reveal that KIC7668647 consists of a subdwarf B star with an unseen white-dwarf companion with an orbital period of 14.2d. An orbit with a radial-velocity amplitude of 39km/s is consistently determined from the spectra, from the orbital Doppler beaming seen by Kepler at 163ppm, and from measuring the orbital light-travel delay of 27 by timing of the many pulsations seen in the Kepler lightcurve. The white dwarf has a minimum mass of 0.40 M_sun. We use our high signal-to-noise average spectra to study the atmospheric parameters of the sdB star, and find that nitrogen and iron have abundances close to solar values, while helium, carbon, oxygen and silicon are underabundant relative to the solar mixture. We use the full Kepler Q06--Q17 lightcurve to extract 132 significant pulsation frequencies. Period-spacing relations and multiplet splittings allow us to identify the modal degree L for the majority of the modes. Using the g-mode multiplet splittings we constrain the internal rotation period at the base of the envelope to 46-48d as a first seismic result for this star. The few p-mode splittings may point at a slightly longer rotation period further out in the envelope of the star. From mode-visibility considerations we derive that the inclination of the rotation axis of the sdB in KIC7668647 must be around ~60 degrees. Furthermore, we find strong evidence for a few multiplets indicative of degree 3 <= L <= 8, which is another novelty in sdB-star observations made possible by Kepler.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1206.387

    Impact of European Integration on the Functioning of the Insurance Market in Poland

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    The transformation process, that has begun 20 years ago, generated significant changes in the structure and organization of Polish economy. It stimulated development of particular market's segments, especially of the insurance sector. Poland's accession to the European Union required conformity to Its regulations, fulfillment of several conditions connected with the membership in the European Community. The purpose of this article is to present the main consequences of Poland's integration with EU in the field of insurance market. Joining the common market was an important challenge for this sector in our country.Rok 1990 stanowił początek procesu transformacji systemu społeczno - gospodarczego i ustrojowego. Ostatnie 20 lat to okres intensywnych przemian o charakterze strukturalnym i organizacyjnym, w wyniku których ukształtowały się warunki rozwoju poszczególnych segmentów systemu finansowego państwa, zwłaszcza sektora ubezpieczeń. Przystąpienie Polski do Unii Europejskiej wymagało wprowadzenia szeregu zmian, dostosowujących polski porządek prawny do uregulowań wspólnotowych regulujących funkcjonowanie rynku ubezpieczeń. Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie szans i zagrożeń, jakie wynikają dla tego segmentu gospodarki z przystąpienia Polski do UE. Niewątpliwie proces integracji stanowił poważne wyzwanie dla polskiego rynku ubezpieczeń

    Age and Growth of Sand Seatrout (Cynoscion arenarius) in the Estuarine Waters of the Eastern Gulf of Mexico

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    Sand seatrout, Cynoscion arenarius, support a large recreational fishery in Florida, but information on the population characteristics of the species is lacking. Sand seatrout were collected incidentally during random sampling conducted by a fisheries-independent monitoring program in three Florida estuaries from Oct. 2001 through Sept. 2003. The collection gear included a 183-m haul seine (38- mm stretch mesh), a 183-m purse seine (51-mm stretch mesh), and a 6.1-m otter trawl (3-mm mesh liner). The sample was supplemented in one estuary with fish captured by hook and line. For aging, otoliths were extracted and sectioned from specimens greater than 90 mm standard length. This is the first comprehensive study of this species\u27 age and growth characteristics derived from otoliths. A total of 1,080 sand seatrout were captured from the estuarine areas of Cedar Key, Tampa Bay, and Charlotte Harbor. Annulus counts had a high level of agreement between readers. Most disagreements between readers on the number of annuli present were whether zero or one annulus was present. Marginal-increment analysis indicated that annuli had been formed in most individuals by March. Otoliths had up to five annuli and estimated ages extended to nearly 6 yr. Observed mean length-at-age for fish of a given sex was similar across all estuaries. Length-at-age of females was greater than that of males in all estuaries. Von Bertalanffy growth models were significantly different for females and males (P \u3c 0.01). Length: weight and length:length relationships are provided

    Orbital Magnetism and Current Distribution of Two-Dimensional Electrons under Confining Potential

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    The spatial distribution of electric current under magnetic field and the resultant orbital magnetism have been studied for two-dimensional electrons under a harmonic confining potential V(\vecvar{r})=m \omega_0^2 r^2/2 in various regimes of temperature and magnetic field, and the microscopic conditions for the validity of Landau diamagnetism are clarified. Under a weak magnetic field (\omega_c\lsim\omega_0, \omega_c being a cyclotron frequency) and at low temperature (T\lsim\hbar\omega_0), where the orbital magnetic moment fluctuates as a function of the field, the currents are irregularly distributed paramagnetically or diamagnetically inside the bulk region. As the temperature is raised under such a weak field, however, the currents in the bulk region are immediately reduced and finally there only remains the diamagnetic current flowing along the edge. At the same time, the usual Landau diamagnetism results for the total magnetic moment. The origin of this dramatic temperature dependence is seen to be in the multiple reflection of electron waves by the boundary confining potential, which becomes important once the coherence length of electrons gets longer than the system length. Under a stronger field (\omega_c\gsim\omega_0), on the other hand, the currents in the bulk region cause de Haas-van Alphen effect at low temperature as T\lsim\hbar\omega_c. As the temperature gets higher (T\gsim\hbar\omega_c) under such a strong field, the bulk currents are reduced and the Landau diamagnetism by the edge current is recovered.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figure