125 research outputs found

    Multi-Level Crash Prediction Models Considering Influence of Adjacent Zonal Attributes

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    This study investigates factors affecting accidents across transport facilities and modes, using micro and macro levels variables simultaneously while accounting for the influence of adjacent zones on the accidents occurrence in a zone. To this end, 15968 accidents in 96 traffic analysis zones of Tehran were analyzed. Adverting to the multi-level structure of accidents data, the present study adopts a multilevel model for its modeling processes. The effects of the adjacent zones on the accidents which have occurred in one zone were assessed using the independent variables obtained from the zones adjacent to that specific zone. A Negative Binomial (NB) model was also developed, and results show that the multilevel model that considers the effect of adjacent zones shows a better performance compared to the multilevel model that does not consider the adjacent zones’ effect and NB model. Moreover, the final models show that at intersections and road segments, the significant independent variables are different for each mode of transport. Adopting a comprehensive approach to incorporate a multi-level, multi-resolution (micro/macro) model accounting for adjacent zones’ influence on multi-mode, multi-segment accidents is the contribution of this paper to accident studies

    Risikovurdering ved antikoagulasjonsbehandling hos pasienter med atrieflimmer : Implementering av HAS-BLED i tillegg til CHA₂DS₂-VASc ved Hjerteavdelingen på AHUS

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    Tema/problemstilling: Temaet for oppgaven er å gjøre en bedre vurdering av blødningsrisiko ved hjelp av HAS-BLED-scoring før igangsetting av oral antikoagulasjonsbehandling ved nyoppdaget atrieflimmer. Vi planlegger å gjennomføre prosjektet i samarbeid med hjertemedisinsk avdeling på Ahus. Kunnskapsgrunnlaget: HAS-BLED er det beste standardiserte prediksjonsverktøyet for vurdering av blødningsrisiko og er blitt validert gjennom en omfattende svensk kohortstudie. HAS-BLED er implementert i UpToDate-retningslinjene, i ESC sine nyeste retningslinjer og i kanadiske retningslinjer. Det forventes også at HAS-BLED vil inkluderes i de nye norske retningslinjene for antikoagulasjonsbehandling som publiseres i løpet av 2013. Dagens praksis og indikatorer: Dagens praksis ved hjertemedisinsk avdeling baserer seg i hovedtrekk på en klinisk, skjønnsmessig vurdering av blødningsrisiko. Vi har definert ulike struktur-, prosess- og resultatindikatorer for å registrere, monitorere og evaluere endring. Prosjektet krever i utgangspunktet lite investering og strukturelle endringer. Endringene vi foreslår går ut på å fasilitere endring og gjøre ressurser tilgjengelig. For å måle graden av måloppnåelse foreslår vi først og fremst å bruke epikriser som kilde. Prosess, ledelse og organisering: Som en mal for prosessen bak å innføre HAS-BLED har vi tatt utgangspunkt i Kotters åtte punkter for en forandringsprosess. Disse åtte punktene kan i tillegg deles inn i fem ulike faser; initiativfasen, oppstartsfasen, planleggingsfasen, gjennomføringsfasen og avslutningsfasen. Vi har også kartlagt forventet motstand mot innføringen av HAS-BLED. Diskusjon/ konklusjon: Vi anser prosjektet å være aktuelt og relevant i arbeidet med kvalitetsforbedring av helsetjenestene. Bruk av HAS-BLED vil både gi en bedre vurdering av risikofaktorer for blødning og gjøre det enklere å påvirke risikofaktorer som det er mulig å endre. Samtidig som det er et spennende prosjekt, ser vi noen svakheter i kunnskapsgrunnlaget og mulige utfordringer knyttet til gjennomføringen av prosjektet. Vi vil allikevel konkludere med at vi anbefaler å innføre HAS-BLED på hjertemedisinsk avdeling, med forbehold om at man begrenser ressursbruken

    Examining the relation between affective intelligence and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB)

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    This study is to examine the relation between affective intelligence and organizational citizenship behavior of Torbat Jam primary school teachers. The study is descriptive-correlative and its goal is applicable. The sample includes all primary schools teachers in Torbat Jam; they are 280 ones according to Morgan Table and sampling was stratifid. Two questionnaires were used: standard emotional intelligence questionnaire of Bar-On and Organ's OCB questionnaire was used to measure organizational citizenship behavior in Torbat Jam. Regression test, regression uni-variance analysis and Pearson correlation test were used to test the study hypotheses including one main hypothesis and four other secondary ones. The findings indicate there is significant and positive relation between affective intelligence with four variables including self-awareness, self-direction, social awareness and communications management and Torbat Jam primary school teachers' organizational citizenship behavior

    Development of safety improvement method in city zones based on road network characteristics

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    Background and Objective: Extensive studies have so far been carried out on developing safety models. Despite the extensive efforts made in identifying independent variables and methods for developing models, little research has been carried out in providing amendatory solutions for enhancing the level of safety. Thus, the present study first developed separate accident frequency prediction models by transportation modes, and then in the second phase, a development of safety improvement method (DSIM) was proposed. Materials and Methods: To this end, the data related to 14,903 accidents in 96 traffic analysis zones in Tehran, Iran, were collected. To evaluate the effect of intra-zone correlation, a multilevel model and a negative binomial (NB) model were developed based on both micro- and macro-level independent variables. Next, the DSIM was provided, aiming at causing the least change in the area under study and with attention to the defined constraints and ideal gas molecular movement algorithm. Results: Based on a comparison of the goodness-of-fit measures for the multilevel model with those of the NB model, the multilevel models showed a better performance in explaining the factors affecting accidents. This is due to considering the multilevel structure of the data in such models. The final results were obtained after 200 iterations of the optimization algorithm. Thus, to decrease accidents by 30 and cause the least change in the area under study, the independent variable of vehicle kilometer traveled per road segment underwent a considerable change, while little change was observed for the other variables. Conclusions: The final results of the DSIM showed that the ultimate solutions derived from this method can be different from the final solutions derived from the analysis of the results from the safety models. Hence, it is necessary to develop new methods to propose solutions for increasing safety

    Examining the relation between affective intelligence and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB)

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    This study is to examine the relation between affective intelligence and organizational citizenship behavior of Torbat Jam primary school teachers. The study is descriptive-correlative and its goal is applicable. The sample includes all primary schools teachers in Torbat Jam; they are 280 ones according to Morgan Table and sampling was stratifid. Two questionnaires were used: standard emotional intelligence questionnaire of Bar-On and Organ's OCB questionnaire was used to measure organizational citizenship behavior in Torbat Jam. Regression test, regression uni-variance analysis and Pearson correlation test were used to test the study hypotheses including one main hypothesis and four other secondary ones. The findings indicate there is significant and positive relation between affective intelligence with four variables including self-awareness, self-direction, social awareness and communications management and Torbat Jam primary school teachers' organizational citizenship behavior

    Examining the relation between affective intelligence and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB)

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    This study is to examine the relation between affective intelligence and organizational citizenship behavior of Torbat Jam primary school teachers. The study is descriptive-correlative and its goal is applicable. The sample includes all primary schools teachers in Torbat Jam; they are 280 ones according to Morgan Table and sampling was stratifid. Two questionnaires were used: standard emotional intelligence questionnaire of Bar-On and Organ's OCB questionnaire was used to measure organizational citizenship behavior in Torbat Jam. Regression test, regression uni-variance analysis and Pearson correlation test were used to test the study hypotheses including one main hypothesis and four other secondary ones. The findings indicate there is significant and positive relation between affective intelligence with four variables including self-awareness, self-direction, social awareness and communications management and Torbat Jam primary school teachers' organizational citizenship behavior

    Relational model of science performance based on epistemological beliefs with the mediating role of motivation and attitude to learning science: structural equation modeling analysis

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    The purpose of this study was to develope a Causal Model of science performance based on epistemological beliefs with the mediating role of motivation and attitude to learning science. The method of the research was a descriptive correlational and structural equation model. The statistical population of study includes all students of middle schools in Malekshahi. Using cluster random sampling method, the sample size of 230 people was selected. The research instruments were questionnaires of epistemological beliefs, motivation to learn science and attitude to learning science. The results of data analysis using Pearson correlation statistical tests and structural equations showed that epistemological beliefs, motivation to learn science and attitude to learning science have a positive and significant effect on students' science performance. Epistemological beliefs also have a positive and significant effect on motivation and attitude toward learning science. Finally, epistemological beliefs have a positive and significant indirect effect on science performance with the mediating role of motivation and attitude to learning science. In general, it is concluded that the conceptual model of science performance based on epistemological beliefs with the mediating role of motivation and attitude to learning science fits with the experimental model

    A Case Study of Water Quality Modeling of the Gargar River, Iran

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    Human activities in the recent years have considerably increased the rate of water pollution in many regions of the world. In this case study, the main sources of wastewater discharging into the Gargar River were identified. Using river and point source flow rates and water quality parameters measured along the river, the river water quality was simulated using a commonly used, one-dimensional water quality model, the QUAL2K model. Simulated values of DO, CBOD, NH4-N and NO3-N demonstrated the accuracy of the model and despite a significant data shortage in the study area, QUAL2K model was found to be an acceptable tool for the assessment of water quality. Still, for this case study, it was found that the model was most sensitive to river and point source flows and moderate to fast CBOD oxidation, and nitrification rates