20 research outputs found

    Effect of Source of Dietary Energy and Energy Restriction During Lactation on Sow and Litter Performance

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    The effects of source of energy and energy restriction during lactation on sow and litter performance were investigated in an experiment with 90 primiparous sows. At parturition, the sows were randomly assigned to diets containing either tallow or cornstarch as a major energy source

    The general fault in our fault lines

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    Pervading global narratives suggest that political polarization is increasing, yet the accuracy of such group meta-perceptions has been drawn into question. A recent US study suggests that these beliefs are inaccurate and drive polarized beliefs about out-groups. However, it also found that informing people of inaccuracies reduces those negative beliefs. In this work, we explore whether these results generalize to other countries. To achieve this, we replicate two of the original experiments with 10,207 participants across 26 countries. We focus on local group divisions, which we refer to as fault lines. We find broad generalizability for both inaccurate meta-perceptions and reduced negative motive attribution through a simple disclosure intervention. We conclude that inaccurate and negative group meta-perceptions are exhibited in myriad contexts and that informing individuals of their misperceptions can yield positive benefits for intergroup relations. Such generalizability highlights a robust phenomenon with implications for political discourse worldwide

    Shiga Toxin and Lipopolysaccharide Induce Platelet-Leukocyte Aggregates and Tissue Factor Release, a Thrombotic Mechanism in Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome

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    BACKGROUND: Aggregates formed between leukocytes and platelets in the circulation lead to release of tissue factor (TF)-bearing microparticles contributing to a prothrombotic state. As enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) may cause hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), in which microthrombi cause tissue damage, this study investigated whether the interaction between blood cells and EHEC virulence factors Shiga toxin (Stx) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) led to release of TF. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The interaction between Stx or LPS and blood cells induced platelet-leukocyte aggregate formation and tissue factor (TF) release, as detected by flow cytometry in whole blood. O157LPS was more potent than other LPS serotypes. Aggregates formed mainly between monocytes and platelets and less so between neutrophils and platelets. Stimulated blood cells in complex expressed activation markers, and microparticles were released. Microparticles originated mainly from platelets and monocytes and expressed TF. TF-expressing microparticles, and functional TF in plasma, increased when blood cells were simultaneously exposed to the EHEC virulence factors and high shear stress. Stx and LPS in combination had a more pronounced effect on platelet-monocyte aggregate formation, and TF expression on these aggregates, than each virulence factor alone. Whole blood and plasma from HUS patients (n = 4) were analyzed. All patients had an increase in leukocyte-platelet aggregates, mainly between monocytes and platelets, on which TF was expressed during the acute phase of disease. Patients also exhibited an increase in microparticles, mainly originating from platelets and monocytes, bearing surface-bound TF, and functional TF was detected in their plasma. Blood cell aggregates, microparticles, and TF decreased upon recovery. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: By triggering TF release in the circulation, Stx and LPS can induce a prothrombotic state contributing to the pathogenesis of HUS

    Effect of Source of Dietary Energy and Energy Restriction During Lactation on Sow and Litter Performance

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    The effects of source of energy and energy restriction during lactation on sow and litter performance were investigated in an experiment with 90 primiparous sows. At parturition, the sows were randomly assigned to diets containing either tallow or cornstarch as a major energy source

    Hemodynamic force analysis is not ready for clinical trials on HFpEF

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    Hemodynamic force analysis has been proposed as a novel tool for early detection of subclinical systolic dysfunction in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF). Here we investigated the ability of hemodynamic forces to discriminate between healthy subjects and heart failure patients with varying degrees of systolic dysfunction. We studied 34 controls, 16 HFpEF patients, and 25 heart failure patients with mid-range (HFmrEF) or reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) using cardiac magnetic resonance with acquisition of cine images and 4D flow at 1.5 T. The Navier-Stokes equation was used to compute global left ventricular hemodynamic forces over the entire cardiac cycle. Forces were analyzed for systole, diastole, and the entire heartbeat, with and without normalization to left ventricular volume. Volume-normalized hemodynamic forces demonstrated significant positive correlation with EF (r2 = 0.47, p 0.34). Non-normalized forces displayed no differences between controls and HFpEF (p > 0.24 for all analyses) and did not correlate with EF (p = 0.36). Left ventricular hemodynamic force analysis, whether indexed to LV volumes or not, is not ready for clinical trials on HFpEF assessment

    Actively Open-Minded Thinking, Bullshit Receptivity, and Susceptibility to Framing: Evaluating the Dual-Process Account in North America and Bulgaria (2021)

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    The framing effect occurs when different presentations of the same problem lead to predictably different preferences. The dual-process framework of higher cognition assumes that the effect violates rational principles, but alternative accounts and recent evidence have contested this interpretation. Contributing to this debate, we tested the dual-process assumption by investigating associations between susceptibility to framing and the willingness and ability to think in line with rational norms, conceptualized as actively open-minded thinking and pseudo-profound bullshit receptivity, or the tendency to uncritically accept meaningless statements as profound. We conducted two online studies among North American (N = 259) and Bulgarian (N = 248) university students and administered several framing problems within subjects, presumably a necessary condition for the associations to appear. Confirmatory factor analyses showed that susceptibility to framing was associated with decreased actively open-minded thinking and increased bullshit receptivity in both sites. Exploratory multi-group analyses demonstrated partial strong invariance and showed that the negative association between actively open-minded thinking and susceptibility to framing was stronger among Bulgarians than North Americans. These results support the dual-process account of the framing effect. Our study further contributes to adapting existing measures to a novel setting and expanding the findings across borders and populations

    Cost and outcomes associated with participating in the community fireguard program: experiences from the Black Saturday bushfires in Victoria, Australia

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    There is increasing recognition of the importance of shared responsibility between community and government in supporting community preparedness in disaster risk reduction programs. However, there is limited evidence to support decision making about how best to allocate resources. This paper presents an economic analysis of the Community Fireguard Program coordinated by the Country Fire Authority in Victoria, Australia. The economic analysis evaluates the costs and benefits of the Community Fireguard program (estimated in 2012 Australian dollars) to determine the efficiency of the program in terms of its outcomes of loss of life and property loss in the event of a bushfire. We take a societal perspective, including all costs and benefits regardless of who bears the costs, who receives the benefits or who provides the resources. The analysis uses data from a previous review of the program and estimates of costs and benefits over ten years, assuming each region faces a 10-year risk of major bushfire and the CFG group learnings would last ten years. Totalled over ten years, the cost per Fireguard Group for the program is 10,884,witharangeof10,884, with a range of 2697-19,071,andintheeventofamajorbushfirethepredictedsavingsfromreducedpropertylossis19,071, and in the event of a major bushfire the predicted savings from reduced property loss is 732,747 and from reduced fatality 1.4million.Eveniftheriskofmajorbushfireeventinaregionwereonein100years,theestimatedcostsavingsina100−yearperiodis1.4 million. Even if the risk of major bushfire event in a region were one in 100 years, the estimated cost savings in a 100-year period is 217,116 per group. The value of the psychosocial impacts was not calculated, as quantitative data are currently not available

    Noninvasive Assessment of Left Ventricular Pressure-Volume Relations : Inter- and Intraobserver Variability and Assessment Across Heart Failure Subtypes

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    A novel method to derive pressure-volume (PV) loops noninvasively from cardiac magnetic resonance images has recently been developed. The aim of this study was to evaluate inter- and intraobserver variability of hemodynamic parameters obtained from noninvasive PV loops in healthy controls, subclinical diastolic dysfunction (SDD), and patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, mildly reduced ejection fraction, and reduced ejection fraction. We included 75 subjects, of whom 15 were healthy controls, 15 subjects with SDD (defined as fulfilling 1 to 2 echocardiographic criteria for diastolic dysfunction), and 15 patients with preserved ejection fraction, 15 with mildly reduced ejection fraction, and 15 with reduced ejection fraction. PV loops were computed using time-resolved left ventricular volumes from cardiac magnetic resonance images and a brachial blood pressure. Inter- and intraobserver variability and intergroup differences of PV loop-derived hemodynamic parameters were assessed. Bias was low and limits of agreement were narrow for all hemodynamic parameters in the inter- and intraobserver comparisons. Interobserver difference for stroke work was 2 ± 9%, potential energy was 4 ± 11%, and maximal ventricular elastance was -4 ± 7%. Intraobserver for stroke work was -1 ± 7%, potential energy was 3 ± 4%, and maximal ventricular elastance was 1 ± 5%. In conclusion, this study presents a fully noninvasive left ventricular PV loop analysis across healthy controls, subjects with SDD, and patients with heart failure with preserved or impaired systolic function. In conclusion, the method for PV loop computation from clinical-standard manual left ventricular segmentation was rapid and robust, bridging the gap between clinical and research settings

    Kinetic energy of left ventricular blood flow across heart failure phenotypes and in subclinical diastolic dysfunction

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    BACKGROUND: Kinetic energy (KE) of intracardiac blood flow reflects myocardial work spent on accelerating blood and provides a mechanistic window into diastolic filling dynamics. Diastolic dysfunction may represent an early stage in the development of heart failure (HF). Here we evaluated the hemodynamic effects of impaired diastolic function in subjects with and without HF, testing the hypothesis that left ventricular KE differs between controls, subjects with subclinical diastolic dysfunction (SDD), and HF patients.METHODS: We studied 77 subjects (16 controls, 20 subjects with SDD, 16 HFpEF, 9 HFmrEF, and 16 HFrEF patients, age- and sex-matched at the group level). Cardiac magnetic resonance at 1.5T included intracardiac 4D flow and cine imaging. Left ventricular KE was calculated as 0.5*m*v 2. RESULTS: Systolic KE was similar between groups (p>0.4), also after indexing to stroke volume (p=0.25), and was primarily driven by ventricular emptying rate (p0.18), correlating with inflow conditions (E-wave velocity, p<0.0001, R 2=0.24) and end-diastolic volume (p=0.0003, R 2=0.17) but not with average e' (p=0.07). CONCLUSIONS: Diastolic KE differs between controls and heart failure, suggesting more work is spent filling the failing ventricle, while systolic KE does not differentiate between well-matched groups with normal ejection fraction even in the presence of relaxation abnormalities and heart failure. Mechanistically, KE reflects the acceleration imparted on the blood and is driven by variations in ventricular emptying and filling rates, volumes, and heart rate, regardless of underlying pathology