1,931 research outputs found

    Intelligent system for associative pattern identification in data

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    Mestrado em Gestão de Sistemas de InformaçãoOs resultados das ferramentas estatísticas são baseados em resultados numéricos onde a interpretação e compreensão do que está gerado passa pelo intérprete que está a analisar os resultados. Esta tarefa de compreensão é muitas vezes complicada por vários fatores sendo um dos quais o facto do intérprete não conseguir captar dos resultados o que é relevante para avaliar o modelo formulado, não conseguindo avalia-lo como válido ou não, o que poderá levar à utilização de modelos que podem ser descabidos e sem fundamento. Com esta ideia em consideração foi desenvolvido, em ambiente Linux, um pequeno sistema com técnicas de data mining de carácter associativo. Neste sistema é gerado um relatório por cada modelo, onde são analisados os fatores mais relevantes para a criação de modelos, guiando desta forma o intérprete a decidir validar e utilizar o modelo criado ou a rejeitá-lo. O objetivo deste trabalho passou pela aprendizagem da linguagem Python aplicado a dados, uma aprendizagem aprofundada sobre data mining, as técnicas e métodos existentes e uma verificação das ferramentas de machine learning, de modo a criar como produto final um sistema com algumas técnicas. Foi possível a realização do trabalho proposto com a criação do sistema. Foram formulados métodos para produzir um modelo de regressão linear múltipla, regressão logística, um modelo de correlação linear e um modelo de regras de associação. Para três modelos foram gerados métodos tendo por base bibliotecas e machine learning. Para as regras de associação foi criado um método de raiz baseado no algoritmo FP-Growth.For many people statistics is a difficult task to be done, where the output that is given from the analytic tools can be complicated to understand. With this idea it was investigated the possibility of creation of a system that provides the creation some models to the users where is provided some guidelines about the most important values to take care for each model. The goals of this project are the development of the knowledge about Data Mining, learn how to use Python to produce data analysis, verify the existent machine learning applied to data for Python and use some data mining techniques to create a small system for associative models. The system is capable to perform a Linear Regression, a Logistic Regression, a Correlation Coefficient and an Association Rule Mining algorithm. For each method is provided an output that contains the numerical results of the method and it was produce some guidelines with general ideas, assumptions of each method and it is interpreted the most important statistical values to facilitate the understanding of all the methods. The system was developed in Python. Three methods were created are based on machine learning algorithms. The association rule mining algorithm was created from the beginning. The association rule mining algorithm developed was FP-growth. The system was ready to run in Linux.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Synchronized events in mobile systems physically nearby

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    The advances and convergence of information technology and communication technologies in mobile devices, enables the creation of ubiquitous applications for these devices. In this paper, we propose a system capable of producing a certain coordinate effect between the mobile devices of the spectators present at an event


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    El objetivo del estudio fue determinar el coeficiente de rendimiento (CR) de las acciones de juego del voleibol master. El estudio fue compuesto por 15 partidos del voleibol master masculino de la categoría de 35 años o más. El análisis del partido se practicó de 4 partidos del equipo de voleibol 1° y 2° lugar del Campeonato Carioca y de 12 partidos del equipo de voleibol 3° a último lugar. Los datos fueron recogidos con la cámara en el gimnasio. Después de la recolección de datos, el investigador practicó el match analysis con un scout elaborado en el Excel®. La prueba U de Mann Whitney (U = 8329, p = 0,0002) detectó diferencia estadística del CR de la defensa entre el equipo de voleibol 1° y 2° lugar (PC of 1,86±1,01) versus el equipo de voleibol 3° a último lugar (PC of 1,37±1,01). La nueva estadística de Cumming (2014) detectó diferencia estadística de la defensa, Overlap = -0,35, p = 0,001. En conclusión, el estudio de las habilidades del voleibol master masculino de la categoría de 35 años o más es importante para guiar al entrenador durante la prescripción de entrenamiento.The objective of the study was to determine the performance coefficient (PC) of the male master volleyball skills according to the classification. The study was composed by 15 matches of the male master volleyball of the category 35 years or more. The match analysis was practiced of 4 matches of the volleyball team 1st and 2nd place of the Carioca Championship and of 12 matches of the volleyball team 3th to last place. The data were collected with the camera in gymnasium. After the data collect, the researcher practiced the match analysis with a scout prepared in the Excel®. Mann Whitney U test (U = 8329, p = 0,0002) detected statistical difference of the PC of the defense between the volleyball team 1st and 2nd place (PC of 1,86±1,01) versus the volleyball team 3rd to last place (PC of 1,37±1,01). The new statistic of Cumming (2014) detected statistical difference of the defense, Overlap = -0,35, p = 0,001. In conclusion, the study of the volleyball skills of the male master volleyball of the category 35 years or more is important for guide the coach during the training prescription


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    The objective of the study was to determine of the male master volleyball the performance of the type of serve and the effect of the serve in the reception zone. The study was composed by 15 matches of the male master volleyball of the category 35 years or more. The volleyball matches were filmed and after was analyzed with the scout. The significance p and new statistic detected statistical difference of the serve continuity in two comparisons (16.87±8.92 of the overhand float serve versus 3.85±2.28 of the jump power serve, 14.07±6.47 of the jump float serve versus the jump power serve). Other result the significance p and new statistic detected statistical difference of the serve continuity in the reception zone in four comparisons (1.20±0.44 of the zone 2 versus 10.67±3.79 of the zone 5, zone 2 versus 13.67±5.36 of the zone 6, 2.87±3.39 of the zone 3 versus zone 5 and zone 3 versus zone 6). In conclusion, serve performance is important for the volleyball coach guides the player during the training and during the volleyball match

    Combining similarity functions and majority rules for multi-building, multi-floor, WiFi positioning

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    Fingerprint is one of the most widely used methods for locating devices in indoor wireless environments and we have witnessed the emergence of several positioning systems aimed for indoor environments based on this approach. However, additional efforts are required in order to improve the performance of these systems so that applications that are highly dependent on user location can provide better services to its users. In this work we discuss some improvements to the positioning accuracy of the fingerprint-based systems. Our algorithm ranks the information about the location in a hierarchical way by identifying the building, the floor, the room and the geometric position. The proposed fingerprint method uses a previously stored map of the signal strength at several positions and determines the position using similarity functions and majority rules. In particular, we compare different similarity functions to understand their impact on the accuracy of the positioning system. The experimental results confirm the possibility of correctly determining the building, the floor and the room where the persons or the objects are at with high rates, and with an average error around 3 meters. Moreover, detailed statistics about the errors are provided, showing that the average error metric, often used by many authors, hides many aspects on the system performance.This work was supported by the FEDER program through the COMPETE and the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT), within the context of projects SUM – Sensing and Understanding human Motion dynamics (PTDC/EIA-EIA/113933/2009) and TICE.Mobilidade (COMPETE 13843)

    Inclusão no mercado de trabalho de jovens provindos de Projeto Social

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    Trabalho apresentado no 31º SEURS - Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul, realizado em Florianópolis, SC, no período de 04 a 07 de agosto de 2013 - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.Motivados pela crescente demanda e exigência do mercado de trabalho por jovens qualificados e com conhecimento básico em aplicativos computacionais utilizados no dia a dia de empresas, bem como, do ambiente operacional Windows©, foi estabelecida a parceria ente UTFPR - Câmpus Medianeira e Sanem. Na Sanem (Sociedade de Amparo ao Necessitado Medianeirense) desenvolve-se o PROJOVEM adolescente, que é uma parceria do Governo Federal e Prefeitura Municipal, que visa auxiliar famílias beneficiadas pelo programa Bolsa Família. Este trabalho tem como objetivo, analisar o resultado deste projeto por meio da inclusão no mercado de trabalho, dos jovens que participaram do projeto de inclusão digital. Observou-se que os resultados obtidos foram relevantes e satisfatórios, porém, investimentos, principalmente em novos equipamentos e tecnologias, são essenciais para se manter ou melhorar os resultados

    Mobility and Dissemination of COVID-19 in Portugal: Correlations and Estimates from Google’s Mobility Data

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    The spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has important links with population mobility. Social interaction is a known determinant of human-to-human transmission of infectious diseases and, in turn, population mobility as a proxy of interaction is of paramount importance to analyze COVID-19 diffusion. Using mobility data from Google’s Community Reports, this paper captures the association between changes in mobility patterns through time and the corresponding COVID-19 incidence at a multi-scalar approach applied to mainland Portugal. Results demonstrate a strong relationship between mobility data and COVID-19 incidence, suggesting that more mobility is associated with more COVID-19 cases. Methodological procedures can be summarized in a multiple linear regression with a time moving window. Model validation demonstrate good forecast accuracy, particularly when we consider the cumulative number of cases. Based on this premise, it is possible to estimate and predict future evolution of the number of COVID-19 cases using near real-time information of population mobilityinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O cinema do terceiro mundo e a hegemonia política:: o papel social do cinema

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    O cinema é mais um dos variados modos de expressão cultural da sociedade industrial e tecnológica contemporânea. Desde os seus primórdios, produtores e diretores de cinema o consideravam como uma poderosa ferramenta para instrução, educação e reflexão humanas. O empenho em impressionar a plateia pode ser entendido inclusive como uma operação de caráter ideológico. Destacamos no comentário quanto o cinema pode ser e é político, através da análise de três momentos na produção cinematográfica: a propaganda ideológica feita pela mídia tendo orientação ideológica, tanto nazista, do Partido Nazista de 1934, em Nuremberg, quanto socialista russa de 1929; os filmes produzidos de forma maciça por Hollywood; o embate de dois institutos de pesquisa brasileiros, o CPC e o IPES, às vésperas do golpe militar de 1964 no Brasil.Cinema is one more of the various modes of cultural expression of contemporary industrial and technological society. From its earliest days, film producers and directors considered it a powerful tool for human instruction, education and reflection. The efforttoimpresstheaudience canevenbeunderstood as an operation of ideological nature. We highlight in the commentary how much cinema can be and is political through the analysis of three moments in cinematographic production: the ideological propaganda made by the media having ideological orientation, both Nazi, of the Nazi Party of 1934, in Nurenberg, and Russian Socialist of 1929; the massively produced Hollywood films; the clash between two research Brazilian institutes, CPC andIPES, on the eve of the 1964 military coup in Brazil
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