4,565 research outputs found

    Genomic selection in white lupin

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    Genomic selection in white lupi

    Update On The Code Intercomparison and Benchmark For Muon Fluence and Absorbed Dose Induced By An 18-GeV Electron Beam After Massive Iron Shielding

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    In 1974, Nelson, Kase and Svensson published an experimental investigation on muon shielding around SLAC high-energy electron accelerators. They measured muon fluence and absorbed dose induced by 14 and 18 GeV electron beams hitting a copper/water beamdump and attenuated in a thick steel shielding. In their paper, they compared the results with the theoretical models available at that time. In order to compare their experimental results with present model calculations, we use the modern transport Monte Carlo codes MARS15, FLUKA2011 and GEANT4 to model the experimental setup and run simulations. The results are then compared between the codes, and with the SLAC data.Comment: 14 pp. Presented paper at the 13th Meeting of the task-force on Shielding aspects of Accelerators, Targets and Irradiation Facilities (SATIF-13), HZDR, October 10-12, 2016, Dresden, Germany. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1502.0168

    Longitudinal change in hip fracture incidence after starting risedronate or raloxifene: an observational study

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    This study examined patients' risk profiles and adherence to treatment in relation to the effect of risedronate and raloxifene on hip fracture incidence. Administrative billing data were used to follow two cohorts of women aged 65 and older after starting therapy with either risedronate (n=86,735) or raloxifene (n=37,726). The fracture risk profile was described using a 6-month history period before starting therapy. Effectiveness of each therapy was evaluated by comparing the incidence of hip fractures during the first 3months with the subsequent 12months among women adherent (medication possession ratio >80%) compared with those non-adherent to treatment. At the start of therapy, the raloxifene cohort was younger than the risedronate cohort (median age 73 vs. 76years) and had fewer prior fractures (p<0.01 for both). In the first 3months of therapy, hip fracture incidence was lower in the raloxifene group (0.51 per 100 person-years) compared with the risedronate group (0.94 per 100 person-years). In the subsequent 12months, the incidence of hip fractures decreased among patients adherent to the risedronate regimen [relative risk (RR) 0.70, 95% CI 0.59-0.84, p<0.01] and did not change significantly among patients adherent to the raloxifene regimen (RR 1.02, 95% CI 0.73-1.44). In poorly adherent patients, neither drug decreased hip fracture risk. Risedronate treatment in adherent patients rapidly decreased the risk of hip fractures, whereas raloxifene treatment did no

    Candidatus Phytoplasma brasiliense associated with hibiscus witches' broom in the State of São Paulo-Brazil

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    Plantas de hibisco com superbrotamento e definhamento seguido de morte têm sido observadas nos municípios de São Paulo, Campinas e Piracicaba. Como os sintomas são sugestivos daqueles induzidos por fitoplasmas, o presente trabalho buscou identificar o possível fitoplasma associado com a doença. Assim, 14 plantas sintomáticas de hibisco foram coletadas em Piracicaba (SP) e submetidas ao PCR duplo com os primers P1/Tint-R16F2n/R2 e ao exame em microscópio eletrônico de transmissão. A identificação foi realizada por análise de RFLP com as enzimas de restrição BfaI, DraI, HaeIII, HhaI, HpaII, MboI, MseI, RsaI e TaqI. Testes de transmissão foram conduzidos com enxertia de ramos e uso de Cuscuta subinclusa. Os resultados de nested-PCR revelaram a presença consistente de fitoplasmas em todas as plantas sintomáticas e foram confirmados pela observação de corpúsculos pleomórficos no floema, através da microscopia eletrônica. A análise de RFLP mostrou que o fitoplasma encontrado em hibisco pertence ao grupo 16SrXV, o mesmo grupo do Candidatus Phytoplasma brasiliense. O fitoplasma foi transmitido de planta doente para sadia, tanto pela enxertia como pela C. subinclusa, demonstrando ser o agente do superbrotamento do hibisco.Ornamental hibiscus have been affected by shoot proliferation and decline followed by death in several cities in São Paulo State, especially São Paulo, Campinas and Piracicaba. As the symptoms are suggestives of those induced by phytoplasmas, the present work aimed to identify the possible phytoplasma associated with the disease. Fourteen symptomatic hibiscus were sampled in Piracicaba, submitted to nested-PCR with the primers P1/Tint-R16F2n/R2 and processed by transmission electron microscopy. The identification was made by RFLP analyses with the restriction enzymes BfaI, DraI, HaeIII, HhaI, HpaII, MboI, MseI, RsaI, and TaqI. Transmission assays were performed by grafting and Cuscuta subinclusa. The presence of phytoplasma was always detected by molecular technique and electron microscopy in all samples. The RFLP analyses showed that the phytoplasma belongs to group 16SrXV, the same group of the Candidatus Phytoplasma brasiliense. It was experimentally transmitted by C. subinclusa to periwinkle and by grafting to hibiscus in which it reproduced the original symptoms. This indicates that the studied phytoplasma is the causal agent the disease

    Code intercomparison and benchmark for muon fluence and absorbed dose induced by an 18-GeV electron beam after massive iron shielding

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    In 1974, Nelson, Kase, and Svenson published an experimental investigation on muon shielding using the SLAC high energy LINAC. They measured muon fluence and absorbed dose induced by a 18 GeV electron beam hitting a copper/water beam dump and attenuated in a thick steel shielding. In their paper, they compared the results with the theoretical mode ls available at the time. In order to compare their experimental results with present model calculations, we use the modern transport Monte Carlo codes MARS15, FLUKA2011 and GEANT4 to model the experimental setup and run simulations. The results will then be compared between the codes, and with the SLAC data.Comment: 10 pp. Presented paper at the 12th Workshop on Shielding Aspects of Accelerators, Targets and Irradiation Facilities, SATIF-12, Fermilab, April 28-30, 201

    Evolução natural das estenoses nas artérias ilíacas em pacientes com claudicação intermitente submetidos a tratamento clínico

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    PURPOSE: Inspite of the long experience with the treatment of intermittent claudication, little is known about the natural history of stenotic lesions in the iliac segment. With the advent of endovascular treatment, this knowledge has become important. METHODS: Fifty-two stenosis, diagnosed using arteriography, in 38 claudicant patients were analyzed. After a minimum time interval of 6 months, a magnetic resonance angiography was performed to determine whether there was arterial occlusion. The primary factors that could influence the progression of a stenosis were analyzed, such as risk factors (smoking, hypertension, diabetes, sex, and age), compliance with clinical treatment, initial degree of stenosis, site of the stenosis, and length of follow-up. RESULTS: The average length of follow-up was 39 months. From the 52 lesions analyzed, 13 (25%) evolved to occlusion. When occlusion occurred, there was clinical deterioration in 63.2% of cases. This association was statistically significant (P = .002). There was no statistically significant association of the progression of the lesion with the degree or site of stenosis, compliance with treatment, or length of follow-up. Patients who evolved to occlusion were younger (P = .02). The logistic regression model showed that the determinant factors for clinical deterioration were arterial occlusion and noncompliance with clinical treatment. CONCLUSIONS: The progression of a stenosis to occlusion, which occurred in 25% of the cases, caused clinical deterioration. Clinical treatment was important, but it did not forestall the arterial occlusion. Prevention of occlusion could be achieved by early endovascular intervention or with the development of drugs that might stabilize the atherosclerotic plaque.OBJETIVO: Apesar da longa experiência com o tratamento da Claudicação Intermitente, pouco se sabe sobre a evolução natural das estenoses nas artérias ilíacas. Com o advento do tratamento endovascular, esse conhecimento tornou-se importante. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliadas cinqüenta e duas estenoses, diagnosticadas por arteriografia, em 38 pacientes com claudicação intermitente acompanhados clinicamente. Após um intervalo de tempo mínimo de 6 meses, os pacientes foram submetidos a uma angioressonância para determinar se houve oclusão arterial. Principais medidas de avaliação: Foram avaliados os principais fatores que poderiam influenciar a progressão da estenose, como os fatores de risco (tabagismo, hipertensão, diabete, sexo, idade), a aderência ao tratamento clínico,o grau de estenose inicial, sua localização e o tempo de observação. RESULTADOS: O período médio de observação foi de 39 meses. Das 52 lesões analisadas, 13 (25%) evoluíram para oclusão. Quando houve oclusão, ocorreu piora clínica na maioria dos casos (63,2%), sendo esta associação estatisticamente significante (p=0,002). O grau de estenose inicial, sua localização, a aderência ao tratamento e o tempo de observação não apresentaram relação com a progressão da lesão. Os pacientes que evoluíram para oclusão eram mais jovens (p=0,02). Pelo teste de regressão logística, os fatores determinantes da piora clínica foram a oclusão do vaso e a não aderência ao tratamento clínico. CONCLUSÕES: A progressão da estenose para oclusão, que ocorre em 25% dos casos, gera piora clínica. O tratamento clínico, apesar de importante, não preveniu a oclusão arterial, que poderá ser alcançada com o desenvolvimento de drogas que possam estabilizar a placa aterosclerótica ou com intervenções endovasculares precoces

    Merging genotyping-by-sequencing data from two ex situ collections provides insights on the pea evolutionary history

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    Pea (Pisum sativum L. subsp. sativum) is one of the oldest domesticated species and a widely cultivated legume. In this study, we combined next generation sequencing (NGS) data referring to two genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) libraries, each one prepared from a different Pisum germplasm collection. The selection of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) loci called in both germplasm collections caused some loss of information; however, this did not prevent the obtainment of one of the largest datasets ever used to explore pea biodiversity, consisting of 652 accessions and 22 127 markers. The analysis of population structure reflected genetic variation based on geographic patterns and allowed the definition of a model for the expansion of pea cultivation from the domestication centre to other regions of the world. In genetically distinct populations, the average decay of linkage disequilibrium (LD) ranged from a few bases to hundreds of kilobases, thus indicating different evolutionary histories leading to their diversification. Genome-wide scans resulted in the identification of putative selective sweeps associated with domestication and breeding, including genes known to regulate shoot branching, cotyledon colour and resistance to lodging, and the correct mapping of two Mendelian genes. In addition to providing information of major interest for fundamental and applied research on pea, our work describes the first successful example of integration of different GBS datasets generated from ex situ collections - a process of potential interest for a variety of purposes, including conservation genetics, genome-wide association studies, and breeding

    Escala Brasileira de Burnout (EBB): Estrutura Interna e Controle de Aquiescência

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    When used for clinical purposes, self-report scales can be susceptible to the influence of response biases. Acquiescent responding can create artifactual additional factors in self-report assessments of clinical symptoms in factor analysis studies, then biasing the resulting scores. Most of these instruments do not offer the appropriate resources for the control of response biases. Thecurrent study was to investigate the internal structure of the Brazilian Burnout Scale (BBS) while also controlling for acquiescence. Participants were 854 workers. After controlling for acquiescence, the best fitting model was a bifactor model containing two substantive factors (Emotional Exhaustion and Frustration, and Depersonalization/Distancing) plus a response bias factor. The BBS can be useful for the research on and the screening of burnout symptoms.Escalas de autorrelato no contexto clínico são suscetíveis a vieses de resposta. A aquiescência pode superestimar uma dimensão geral em estudos fatoriais com esses instrumentos e enviesar os escores dos participantes. A maior parte dos instrumentos clínicos de autorrelato não dispõe de ferramentas para controle de vieses. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a estrutura interna com o controle da aquiescência, da Escala Brasileira de Burnout (EBB). Fizeram parte da amostra 854 trabalhadores. Após o controle da aquiescência, a melhor solução foi um modelo bifactor com dois fatores teóricos (Exaustão Emocional e Frustração Profissional, e Despersonalização/Distanciamento) e um fator geral de viés. A EBB pode ser útil em pesquisas e no rastreio dos sintomas de burnout