967 research outputs found

    Four Scalable Models of Experiential Learning at NSU University School K-12

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    We will discuss our experience in taking internships to the next level by adding reflections, cohorts, collaboration, and more. We will discuss challenges, obstacles, and leg-work that come with the logistics of setting up these meaningful experiences. We will explain our process digitizing and simplifying the reflection and communication steps. These experiences are all about creating real connections to learning with community partners in classrooms. We will also give examples of how we have implemented research-based professional development such as digital resource commons and faculty showcases

    Purification and Characterization of a Novel Selenocysteine Lyase from Enterococcus faecalis

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    A previous study identified Enterococcus faecalis as one of two bacteria known to have the selD gene and other selenium related genes without having the genes necessary to make selenocysteine or selenouridine. EF2570, a gene in the cluster, was later shown to be upregulated during biofilm formation and also responsible for a selenite- and molybdate-dependent increase in biofilm formation in vitro. The protein encoded was identified as a selenium dependent molybdenum hydroxylase (SDMH), enzymes that contain a labile selenium atom required for activity. While the process of inserting selenocysteine into a protein is well known, the process by which a SDMH acquires a labile selenium atom has not yet been described. To begin unraveling this pathway, the nifS-like EF2568 from the gene cluster will be characterized. Some NifS-like proteins have been shown to have selenocysteine lyase activity, providing a source of selenium for selenophosphate synthetase, the selD gene product. Study of EF2568 has shown that it specifically reacts with L-selenocysteine to form selenide and alanine with L-cysteine inhibiting the reaction. Guided by homology to the well-characterized human and E. coli NifS-like proteins, mutants of the active site and substrate discerning residues were also characterized for activity with L-selenocysteine and L-cysteine. While mutation of the residue at position 112 thought to be responsible for substrate specificity did not affect reactivity of the enzyme with L-cysteine, it did affect reactivity with L-selenocysteine. Studying the characteristics of this novel group II selenocysteine lyase will provide a foundation for studying the remaining pathway

    Getting Started with Home Visits: Recommendations for Serving Families of Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing

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    The successful implementation of newborn hearing screening programs across the United States has facilitated timely diagnosis of hearing loss and referral to early intervention (EI) services for families of children who are deaf or hard of hearing (DHH), thus increasing the potential for improved language development outcomes. As new parents engage in EI services that involve professionals entering their home, the effectiveness of the early interventionists’ engagement, knowledge, coaching skills, and ability to provide emotional support can substantially influence families’ experiences. This article provides graduate students and new early interventionists an overview of key concepts related to home-based EI services, including (a) establishing the parent-professional partnership, (b) the parent coaching model, (c) auditory development priorities, and (d) goal-oriented services. Tables containing websites, assessments, and other materials and intervention resources are provided to support content depth and service delivery competence in each concept area. The final section outlines the flow of a typical home visit. An example of a completed Family Session Planning Guide and a hypothetical example of dialogue between the parents and the EI provider as they establish the child and family goals and identify strategies for meeting those goals. Also included is a Family Session Planning Guide template

    Are Long-Term Non-Progressors Very Slow Progressors? Insights from the Chelsea and Westminster HIV Cohort, 1988–2010

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    Define and identify long-term non-progressors (LTNP) and HIV controllers (HIC), and estimate time until disease progression. LTNP are HIV-1+ patients who maintain stable CD4+ T-cell counts, with no history of opportunistic infection or antiretroviral therapy (ART). HIC are a subset of LTNP who additionally have undetectable viraemia. These individuals may provide insights for prophylactic and therapeutic development. Records of HIV-1+ individuals attending Chelsea and Westminster Hospital (1988–2010), were analysed. LTNP were defined as: HIV-1+ for >7 years; ART-naïve; no history of opportunistic infection and normal, stable CD4+ T-cell counts. MIXED procedure in SAS using random intercept model identified long-term stable CD4+ T-cell counts. Survival analysis estimated time since diagnosis until disease progression. Subjects exhibiting long-term stable CD4+ T-cell counts with history below the normal range (<450 cells/µl blood) were compared to LTNP whose CD4+ T-cell count always remained normal. Within these two groups subjects with HIV-1 RNA load below limit of detection (BLD) were identified. Of 14,227 patients, 1,204 were diagnosed HIV-1+ over 7 years ago and were ART-naïve. Estimated time until disease progression for the 20% (239) whose CD4+ T-cell counts remained within the normal range, was 6.2 years (IQR: 2.0 to 9.6); significantly longer than 4.0 years (IQR: 1.0 to 7.3) for patients with historical CD4+ T-cell count below normal (Logrank chi-squared = 21.26; p<0.001). Within a subpopulation of 312 asymptomatic patients, 50 exhibited long-term stable CD4+ T-cell counts. Of these, 13 were LTNP, one of whom met HIC criteria. Of the remaining 37 patients with long-term stable low CD4+ T-cell counts, 3 controlled HIV-1 RNA load BLD. Individuals with stable, normal CD4+ T-cell counts progressed less rapidly than those with low CD4+ T-cell counts. Few LTNP and HIC identified in this and other studies, endorse the need for universal definitions to facilitate comparison

    ATP-induced reversed thermal sensitivity of O2 binding in both major haemoglobin polymorphs of the non-endothermic Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua.

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    Atlantic cod is a species that is affected by climate change, with some populations being exposed to higher temperatures than others. The two polymorphs of its major haemoglobin type (HbI) show an inverse change in frequency along a latitudinal temperature cline in the North East Atlantic, which has been associated with differences in population performance and behavioural traits. An earlier study at the northern distribution limit of the species reported differential temperature sensitivities of red blood cell oxygen (O2) affinity between the northern cold-water HbI-2 polymorph and its southern, warm-water HbI-1 counter-part, which has since widely been held as adaptive for the species across its distributional range. The present study critically re-examined this hypothesis by comparing the thermal sensitivity of O2 binding in both purified HbI polymorphs from the southern, high-temperature distribution limit of the species under controlled conditions of allosteric modifiers of Hb function. Contrary to the prevailing view, the O2 affinity of the major HbI polymorphs did not differ from each other under any of the tested conditions. Depending on pH and ATP concentration, the temperature-sensitive and temperature-insensitive Hb–O2 affinity phenotypes – previously exclusively ascribed to HbI-1 and HbI-2, respectively – could be induced in both HbI polymorphs. These results are the first to establish a molecular mechanism behind a reversed temperature dependence of red blood cell O2 affinity in a non-endotherm fish and lay the basis for future studies on alternative mechanisms behind the differences in distribution, performance and behavioural traits associated with the different HbI polymorphs of Atlantic cod

    Review of the analysis of 234Th in small volume (2–4 L) seawater samples: Improvements and recommendations

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    The short-lived radionuclide 234Th is widely used to study particle scavenging and transport from the upper ocean to deeper waters. This manuscript optimizes, reviews and validates the collection, processing and analyses of total 234Th in seawater and suggests areas of further improvements. The standard 234Th protocol method consists of scavenging 234Th from seawater via a MnO2 precipitate, beta counting, and using chemical recoveries determined by adding 230Th. The revised protocol decreases sample volumes to 2 L, shortens wait times between steps, and simplifies the chemical recovery process, expanding the ability to more rapidly and safely apply the 234Th method

    Deletion rescue resulting in segmental homozygosity: A mechanism underlying discordant NIPT results

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    With the increasing capabilities of non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT), detection of sub-chromosomal deletions and duplications are possible. This case series of deletion rescues resulting in segmental homozygosity helps provide a biological explanation for NIPT discrepancies and adds to the dearth of existing literature surrounding segmental UPD cases and their underlying mechanisms. In the three cases presented here, NIPT reported a sub-chromosomal deletion (in isolation or as part of a complex finding). Diagnostic testing, however, revealed segmental homozygosity or UPD for the region reported deleted on NIPT. Postnatal placental testing was pursued in two cases and confirmed the NIPT findings. This discordance between the screening and diagnostic testing is suggestive of a corrective post-zygotic event, such as telomere capture and/or deletion rescue, ultimately resulting in segmental homozygosity and fetoplacental mosaicism. Imprinted chromosomes and autosomal recessive disease genes make homozygosity an important clinical consideration. Amniocentesis with SNP microarray is particularly useful in determining both copy number and UPD issues alike

    ORBIT: a new paradigm for genetic engineering of mycobacterial chromosomes [preprint]

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    Current methods for genome engineering in mycobacteria rely on relatively inefficient recombination systems that require the laborious construction of a long double-stranded DNA substrate for each desired modification. We combined two efficient recombination systems to produce a versatile method for high-throughput chromosomal engineering that obviates the need for the preparation of double-stranded DNA recombination substrates. A synthetic targeting oligonucleotide is incorporated into the chromosome via homologous recombination mediated by the phage Che9c RecT annelase. This oligo contains a site-specific recombination site for the directional Bxb1 integrase (Int), which allows the simultaneous integration of a payload plasmid that contains a cognate recombination site and selectable marker. The targeting oligo and payload plasmid are co-transformed into a RecT- and Int- expressing strain, and drug-resistant homologous recombinants are selected in a single step. A library of reusable target-independent payload plasmids is available to generate knockouts and promoter replacements, or to fuse the C-terminal-encoding regions of target genes with tags of various functionalities. This new system is called ORBIT (Oligo-mediated Recombineering followed by Bxb1 Integrase Targeting) and is ideally suited for the creation of libraries consisting of large numbers of deletions, insertions or fusions in a target bacterium. We demonstrate the utility of ORBIT by the construction of insertions or deletions in over 100 genes in M. tuberculosis and M. smegmatis. The report describes the first genetic engineering technique for making selectable chromosomal fusions and deletions that does not require the construction of target- or modification-specific double-stranded DNA recombination substrates

    Psychological responses to acute aerobic, resistance, or combined exercise in healthy and overweight individuals: A systematic review

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    Introduction: Psychological distress and depression are risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD). As such, a reduction in psychological distress and increase in positive well-being may be important to reduce the risk for future development of CVD. Exercise training may be a good strategy to prevent and assist in the management of psychological disorders. The psychological effects of the initial exercise sessions may be important to increase exercise adherence. The aims of this systematic review were (a) to examine whether acute aerobic, resistance, or a combination of the 2 exercises improves psychological well-being and reduces psychological distress in individuals with healthy weight and those who are overweight/obese but free from psychological disorders, and (b) if so, to examine which form of exercise might yield superior results. Methods: The online database PubMed was searched for articles using the PICO (patient, intervention, comparison, and outcome) framework for finding scientific journals based on key terms. Results: Forty-two exercise studies met the inclusion criteria. A total of 2187 participants were included (age: 18-64 years, body mass index [BMI]: 21-39 kg/m 2 ). Only 6 studies included participants with a BMI in the overweight/obese classification. Thirty-seven studies included aerobic exercise, 2 included resistance exercise, 1 used a combination of aerobic and resistance, and 2 compared the effects of acute aerobic exercise versus the effects of acute resistance exercise. The main findings of the review were that acute aerobic exercise improves positive well-being and have the potential to reduce psychological distress and could help reduce the risks of future CVD. However, due to the limited number of studies, it is still unclear which form of exercise yields superior psychological benefits. Conclusions: Obese, overweight, and healthy weight individuals can exhibit psychological benefits from exercise in a single acute exercise session, and these positive benefits of exercise should be used by health professionals as a tool to increase long-term participation in exercise in these populations
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