316 research outputs found

    Four Flats Correspondence

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    Letter detailing the business of the Four Flats joining World Vision, 1956.https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/fourflats_papers/1054/thumbnail.jp

    Conservação de áreas naturais em São Paulo

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    The central argument of this paper is the connection between environmentally protected areas, its importance in the context of a world metropolis and the conflicts arising from growth of the metropolitan population. In cities like Sao Paulo, the presence of vegetation is an asset, an indicator of quality of life taken into account by real estate market. Thus the first aim of this paper is to analyze the territorial perspective of environmental protection referring to if the legal frame of the great metropolis and its territorial planning. In view of these elements the second part analyzes the territorial restructuring strategies adopted in public policies and its relationship with the international level (biosphere reserve of the green belt Sao Paulo and the biosphere reserve of the Atlantic). The third section analyzes the state and urban parks within the territorial politics .O argumento central deste texto é a conexão entre as áreas ambientalmente protegidas, sua importância no contexto de uma metrópole mundial e os conflitos decorrentes do crescimento da população metropolitana. Em cidades como São Paulo, a presença de vegetação é um patrimônio, um indicador de qualidade de vida levado em conta pelo mercado imobiliário. Assim, o primeiro objetivo deste texto é analisar a perspectiva territorial da proteção ambiental, referindo-se ao ordenamento interno da grande metrópole e às ações coletivas de valorização territorial. Em vista desses elementos, analisamos, na segunda parte, as estratégias de reestruturação territorial adotada em políticas públicas locais, metropolitanas e sua relação com as internacionais (reserva da biosfera do cinturão verde de São Paulo e reserva da biosfera da Mata Atlântica). A terceira seção analisa os parques estaduais e urbanos ante as políticas territoriais


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    The replacement of the Atlantic Forest for other uses has been taking place for more than five centuries. There were developed the major metropolitan areas and agglomerations just as important economic activities for the country were also concentrated. Very little of its original features remains  pointing out the inevitable process of destruction. However,  a number of social and governament initiatives aim at conservation measures, such as the Biosphere Reserve, among other areas of conservation, recovery and appropriation by the local population. The text is chained together by  analysing the historic occupation process by highlighting the first half of the 20th century and the near disappearance of the Atlantic Forest due to metropolisation and industry as of which  inquiries about priority biodiversity conservation actions in the context of the Reserve and argues on the ability to get a new cycle in the region started.   Key-words: Atlantic rainforest. Occupation. Metropolization. Biosphere Reserve.A substituição da Mata Atlântica por distintos usos vem ocorrendo a mais de cinco séculos. Aí se desenvolveram as principais metrópoles e aglomerações assim como se concentraram atividades econômicas importantes para o país. Muito pouco resta de suas características originais, apontando como inevitável o processo de destruição. Diversas iniciativas sociais e governamentais, no entanto, apontam para ações de conservação – como a Reserva da Biosfera, entre outras unidades de conservação, de recuperação e de sua apropriação pela população residente. O texto encadeia-se pela análise do processo histórico de ocupação, destacando a primeira metade do século XX e o quase desaparecimento da Mata Atlântica pela metropolização e pelas indústrias, a partir das quais se indaga sobre ações prioritárias de conservação da biodiversidade no contexto da Reserva e argumenta-se sobre a capacidade de se iniciar um novo ciclo na região.   Palavras-chave: Mata Atlântica. Ocupação. Metropolização. Reserva da Biosfera

    A Semiotic Approach to Conflict Transformation: Can Signs and Symbols Help Make Peace?

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    Religion has always had the ability to play a major role in peacemaking and conflict transformation. But over the years, the power of religion to engender peace and to have an active voice in community issues has been lost on many secular theorists who see religion as one of the major reasons for lack of peace in the world. So, reclaiming the voice of religion in a pluralistic world is needed. Religious voices could have a positive impact in transforming conflict and bringing peace. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are monotheistic religions that are also the Abrahamic faiths. This is a designation that captures the essence of these faiths, most notably their shared affirmation of a single God. “They characteristically proclaim God as the creator and the sovereign ruler of the universe—its past, present, and future. God not only transcends human understanding, but also uses human language to reveal God’s will and ways to us. These religions also proclaim that God speaks through the prophets and set forth the holy books as the treasure chest of their revelations. Not only a belief in one God but faith in the creator God, binds together the Abrahamic religions.” In the context of today’s spiritual need and conflicts, the Abrahamic faiths should unite towards peacemaking, setting aside any competition with one another. They must work in harmony, cooperating in the genuine spirit of service to humanity given the common understanding of being heirs of Abraham. Only then can they influence the opinions of the masses and truly educate the people toward peacemaking. Their religious instructions and beliefs continue to remain the lifeblood of society’s moral ethos. “Not only do these religions teach virtue, but they also have been a bedrock for moral action.” As a result, “religion plays an essential role in society and should give attention to the role of being peacemakers. It is certain that Christians, Jews, and Muslims will readily agree that God alone is sovereign;” however, relinquishing the idea of sovereignty to other religions is a bit more complex. For the sake of humanity and the cause of peace, guided by a genuine feeling of love and brotherhood, religious leaders from each of the Abrahamic faiths have to stretch out their hands in friendship to one another and the people of Rockford, Illinois, irrespective of race or creed, with a desire to work for peace in Rockford. Like other cosmopolitan cities in America and around the world, Rockford’s Abrahamic faiths coexist side by side. Much work has been done in Rockford so that they not only coexist, but have taken to making religion a vehicle for peacemaking. Rockfordians did not seek individual or group protection through ironclad religious identities, but have chosen to enjoy a variety of spiritual gifts, focusing on goals, not creeds. While the individual beliefs of each faith are important, one rule—based on the understanding that no one may attack another religion—is honored. Unity exists for the sake of peace. Such understanding fuels our hopes for working together as diverse religious groups. We might not otherwise have done so since each religion exclusively claims to be the conduit to peacemaking. The Christian tradition makes Abraham the patriarch and recipient of the original covenant from God, whereas Jesus is seen as the one who makes the second covenant possible. In the Islamic culture and religion, the same Abraham is regarded as a prophet and a messenger of God who had an unwavering faith and steadfast monotheism. Jews attest to the Israelites as the descendants of Abraham, according to their scriptures. In response to these differences, a Rockford unity group coordinated by the Center for Nonviolence and Conflict Transformation (CNCT) called for a rally that began with Muslims, Christians, and Jews sharing stories from their religious traditions on how peacemaking takes place. These acts of storytelling and listening to each other’s stories opened up new vistas for attendees to understand each other. The storytelling sessions went from one house of worship to the other—mosques, churches, and synagogues alike—with several speakers from the diverse backgrounds of these faiths. It culminated in a resolve to work together toward peacemaking and conflict transformation that is backed up by actionable steps. According to the New York Times in November 2016, nationally there has been 67 percent increase in hate crimes against Muslims and Jews. The focus of the unity group is to defeat discrimination against minority groups. The rallies provided the platform for an interface aimed at showing support to all groups that felt threatened, and brought them together regardless of race, ethnicity, or creed

    Meio ambiente, globalização e políticas públicas

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    Avanços conceituais e institucionais marcam as relações entre o meio ambiente global e as políticas públicas nacionais, desde meados do século XX ao inicio do XXI. O meio ambiente inseriu-se na agenda política em decorrência de pressões e acordos mútuos entre diferentes atores e em diferentes arenas, assim como as novas racionalidades de políticas públicas. Adotando uma perspectiva ambiental, minhas reflexões abordam Estado (globalizado), território e política pública (e sua gestão) analisando suas relações e influências mútuas, observando-os em seus novos papéis. Estabeleço, dessa maneira, uma interconexão da relação sociedade-território-Estado, com a esfera prática das políticas e ação públicas territoriais ambientais, pois considero que a relação entre os atores globais e nacionais e entre globais e locais (ou regionais) influencia na abrangência temática, espacial e social de cada política. Estas reflexões serão discutidas em três esferas: a globalização ambiental, as políticas públicas e o patrimônio amazônico. As interações em escalas internacionais, nacionais e locais que convergem de tais reflexões permitem concluir como os processos se reproduzem na Amazônia e o papel do Estado e da própria sociedade brasileira

    Politiques environnementales brésiliennes : intentions et réalités

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    Cet article constitue une réflexion sur les politiques environnementales élaborées et implantées ces quinze dernières années, et en particulier celles sur la conservation de la biodiversité, le changement climatique et la Loi sur les Forêts (ancien Code Forestier). Les contradictions, les avancées et les reculs dans la politique environnementale des gouvernements Lula et Dilma sont visibles sur la scène nationale et les risques pour l´environnement continuent à augmenter. Certains plans et programmes spécifiques (en particulier sur le déboisement de l´Amazonie) et la politique sur les changements climatiques ont permis des progrès. D´autres ont fini par aggraver une situation déjà assez précaire, comme ce fut le cas de la Loi sur les Forêts. Notre analyse montrera les évolutions et les continuités des politiques publiques en vigueur.This article is a reflection on the environmental policies elaborated and implemented over the last fifteen years, in particular those on biodiversity conservation, climate change and the Law on Forests (former Forestry Code). The contradictions, advances and setbacks in the environmental policy of the Lula and Dilma governments are visible on the national scene and environmental risks continue to increase. Some specific plans and programs (particularly on deforestation in Amazonia) and climate change policy have made progress. Others have worsened a rather precarious situation, as was the case with the Forest Act. Our analysis will show the evolutions and continuities of current public policies


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    O presente artigo analisa algumas características dos problemas urbanos brasileiros, com foco na Amazônia, utilizando informações estatísticas disponíveis em instituições governamentais e considera, especialmente, alguns indicadores relacionados à capacidade operativa dos governos locais: De um modo geral, estes indicadores refletem parcialmente as disparidades existentes no país. Contextualiza, portanto, a questão urbana nas ultimas décadas, destacando suas direções e tendências. O mapeamento de variáveis selecionadas serviu tanto como analise da base de vetores de política publica e de sua capacidade de execução, bem como se pode concluir acerca das consequências sobre a organização do espaço e ações publicas que surgem destas dinâmica


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    O artigo analisa algumas características específicas do desenvolvimento local a partir de informações estatísticas (IBGE, Perfil dos Municípios Brasileiros) considerando-as como indicadores da capacidade de funcionamento dos governos municipais e refletindo criticamente a respeito das disparidades no território brasileiro. Deste modo, contextualiza-se a problemática do desenvolvimento local nas ultimas décadas, destacando as direções do mesmo e suas tendências (1). O mapeamento de algumas variáveis servira como fundamento da analise dos vetores de políticas públicas (2) e em seguida, analisam-se as consequências sobre organização do espaço e as ações públicas decorrentes destas dinâmicas (3).This article analyses some specific characteristics of local development from statistics (IBGE Perfil dos Municípios Brasileiros) considering them as indicators of the operating capacity of municipal governments and reflecting critically about disparities in Brazil. Thus, it contextualizes the issue of local development in recent decades, highlighting directions and trends (1). The mapping of some variables served as the basis of analysis of public policy vectors (2) and finally we analyse the consequences on the organization of space and public actions arising from these dynamics (3)

    Um Programa de Colaboração Científica Internacional Exemplar: o projeto USP-COFECUB PICE&LEF

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    ste artigo faz um balanço do projeto CAPES-COFECUB sobre Políticas Públicas e Impactos das Mudanças Climáticas na Escala Regional e Local em Espaços Frágeis, codirigido por Neli de Mello-Théry de 2011 até 2014. Lembramos que este projeto faz parte do uma cooperação maior entre Neli e Rennes 2, que começou em 2000 e continuou até 2021. As missões, seminários, numerosas publicações e co-orientações conjuntas mostram a riqueza e exemplaridade desta cooperação internacional que deve muito à sua personalidade.Este artículo hace un balance del proyecto CAPES-COFECUB sobre Políticas públicas e impactos del cambio climático a escala regional y local en espacios frágiles, codirigido por Neli de Mello-Théry entre 2011 y 2014. Recordamos que este proyecto forma parte de una cooperación más amplia entre Neli y Rennes 2, que comenzó en 2000 y continuará hasta 2021. Las misiones, los seminarios, las numerosas publicaciones y las orientaciones conjuntas muestran la riqueza y la ejemplaridad de esta cooperación internacional que debe mucho a su personalidade.Cet article fait le bilan du projet CAPES-COFECUB sur les Politiques publiques et Impacts des Changements climatiques à l'Echelle régionale & Locale sur les Espaces Fragiles, co-dirigé par Neli de Mello-Théry de 2011 à 2014. Il rappelle que ce projet s’intègre dans une coopération plus vaste entre Neli et Rennes 2, qui a commencé dès 2000 et s’est prolongé jusqu’en 2021. Les missions, séminaires, les nombreuses publications et co-orientations communes montrent la richesse et l’exemplarité de cette coopération internationale qui doit beaucoup à sa personnalité.This article makes the balance of the CAPES-COFECUB project on Public Policies and Impacts of Climate Change at the Regional & Local Scale on Fragile Spaces, co-directed by Neli de Mello-Théry from 2011 to 2014. It recalls that this project is part of a larger cooperation between Neli and Rennes 2, which began in 2000 and continued until 2021. The missions, seminars, numerous publications and joint co-orientations show the richness and exemplary nature of this international cooperation which owes a lot to her personality