36 research outputs found

    Integrating Distributed Data Over Their Semantic Identity

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    In this paper, we present a method that integrates distributed data managed by a variety of DBMSs. We focus on an infrastructure designed to assist business modelling and requirements analysis. ERA method that describes the enterprise\u27s structure provides metamodels which are stored in the SIS semantic repository. The infrastructure suggested uses the semantics of the database information which are acquired by the application of a database re-engineering method and depicted in a EER model. We explain the framework and we describe the structure of our approach and the mechanisms that accomplish the data integratio

    Specification of Non-Functional Requirements for Contract Specification in the NGOSS Framework for Quality Management and Product Evaluation

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    The community of operation support systems (OSS) for telecom applications defined a set of fundamental principles, processes, and architectures for developing the next generation OSS through the TeleManagement Forum TMF. At the heart of NGOSS lies the notion of a contract which embodies the specification of services offered by an OSS component for quality management and product evaluation. However, TMF does not provide any method (or process) for specification of the non-functional part in the NGOSS contract specification. In this paper, we develop a systematic approach for specifying non-functional requirements of telecom OSS applications for contracts in the NGOSS framework for quality management and evaluation. Specifically, two categories of non-functional specification techniques are explored: qualitative and quantitative. Furthermore, we introduce two quantitative non-functional requirements specification methods: crisp and elastic to expand the capability of the current NGOSS contract specification method since only qualitative non-functional specification is currently available from TMF

    Towards a framework for network management applications based on peer-to-peer paradigms

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    The Madeira project addresses a novel approach for the management of network elements of increasing number, heterogeneity and transience. As next-generation networks exhibit major challenges for today's centralized network management systems, we investigate the fesability of a peer-to-peer (P2P) approach, facilitating self-management and dynamic behaviour of elements within networks. In this short paper we give an overview of the system architecture developed in Madeira and descirbe the key conceptts, like Madeira platform services, Adaptive Management Components and poicies that provide the base for building distributed network management applications. Keywords - P2P technologies, self-managing networks, policy based management, Model Driven Architecture (MDA

    User experience evaluation of human representation in collaborative virtual environments

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    Human embodiment/representation in virtual environments (VEs) similarly to the human body in real life is endowed with multimodal input/output capabilities that convey multiform messages enabling communication, interaction and collaboration in VEs. This paper assesses how effectively different types of virtual human (VH) artefacts enable smooth communication and interaction in VEs. With special focus on the REal and Virtual Engagement In Realistic Immersive Environments (REVERIE) multi-modal immersive system prototype, a research project funded by the European Commission Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013), the paper evaluates the effectiveness of REVERIE VH representation on the foregoing issues based on two specifically designed use cases and through the lens of a set of design guidelines generated by previous extensive empirical user-centred research. The impact of REVERIE VH representations on the quality of user experience (UX) is evaluated through field trials. The output of the current study proposes directions for improving human representation in collaborative virtual environments (CVEs) as an extrapolation of lessons learned by the evaluation of REVERIE VH representation

    CELTIC Initiative Project Madeira: A P2P Approach to Network Management

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    The vision of the Celtic-Initiative project Madeira is to provide novel technologies for a logically meshed Network Management System that facilitates self-management and dynamic behaviour of nodes within networks. These approaches should enable adaptable services and the management of network elements of increasing number, heterogeneity and transience, thereby reducing OPEX. In this paper, we set the scope for investigations within the project and give an outline of our approach. We present a scenario that challenges today’s state of the art in Network Management and upon which we are building our case study for a detailed investigation of feasibility. Finally, we describe a preliminary conceptual system architecture and application data model, and give an insight into the expected final project results

    Network service orchestration standardization:a technology survey

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    Network services underpin operator revenues, and value-added services provide income beyond core (voice and data) infrastructure capability. Today, operators face multiple challenges: a need to innovate and offer a wider choice of value-added services, whilst increasing network scale, bandwidth and flexibility. They must also reduce operational costs, and deploy services far faster - in minutes rather than days or weeks. In the recent years, the network community, motivated by the aforementioned challenges, has developed production network architectures and seeded technologies, like Software Defined Networking, Application-based Network Operations and Network Function Virtualization. These technologies enhance the highly desired properties for elasticity, agility and cost-effectiveness in the operator environment. A key requirement to fully exploit the benefits of these new architectures and technologies is a fundamental shift in management and control of resources, and the ability to orchestrate the network infrastructure: coordinate the instantiation of high-level network services across different technological domains and automate service deployment and re-optimization. This paper surveys existing standardization efforts for the orchestration - automation, coordination, and management - of complex set of network and function resources (both physical and virtual), and highlights the various enabling technologies, strengths and weaknesses, adoption challenges for operators, and areas where further research is required