248 research outputs found

    Aspects of the relationship of general and vocational education

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    The article discusses the importance of the relationship of general and vocational education in the preparation of professional personnel. We consider the components of the content of education as a system component relationships are revealed: fundamental, applied, methodological meta-knowledge of the content of education, relationship of general and vocational education is defined as the ratio of basic educational facilities (OLF) and the content of disciplines, from which the information makes senseВ статье рассматривается значение взаимосвязи общего и профессионального образования в процессе подготовки профессиональных кадров. Рассмотрены компоненты содержания образования как системы. Выявлены компоненты взаимосвязи: фундаментальные, прикладные, методологические знания метапредметного содержания образования, взаимосвязь общего и профессионального образования определена как отношение фундаментальных образовательных объектов (ФОО) и содержания дисциплин, в результате которого информация обретает смыс

    Information based learning in vocational education

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    The article presents the aspects of the information basis of training in the system of vocational education, in the process of teaching the discipline "Innovative educational technologies" at the UniversityВ статье представлены аспекты информационной основы обучения в системе профессионального образования, в процессе преподавания дисциплины «Инновационные образовательные технологии» в вуз


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    These are all issues that need to be discussed. The digital world is already around us, and it will stay with us. A new era has begun. We face a difficult task: to develop the principles of education of children in the age of the Internet. We need to think about everything and formulate a number of clear rules that will help in the education of children, as well as ensure their safety and health.If you want to teach a child something, you have to learn it yourself. Only years of parental experience allowed me to understand the wisdom of this approach. We open the world to them. Therefore, we must understand and understand ourselves before teaching our children. Все это вопросы, которые нужно обсуждать. Цифровой мир уже вокруг нас, и он останется с нами. Началась новая эпоха. Перед нами стоит трудная задача: выработать принципы воспитания детей в эпоху интернета. Нам нужно все обдумать и сформулировать ряд четких правил, которые помогут в воспитании детей, а также обеспечат их безопасность и здоровье.Если хотите чему-то научить ребенка, вы должны освоить это сами. Лишь многолетний родительский опыт позволил мне понять мудрость такого подхода. Мы открываем для них мир. Поэтому мы должны сами разобраться и вникнуть, прежде чем учить своих детей.

    Gender-marked metaphors: influence of grammatical gender and frequency on referential choice of metaphorical name of the person in the Russian language

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    AbstractThe paper aims to discuss the results of the experimental research into the correlation between the influence of language (the gender of the noun) and speech (frequency of using words in speech) on the referential choice of a metaphorical name of a person. As a result, we prove a significant influence of grammatical gender on solving the problem of figurative reference to the name of a man or woman.The interaction between linguistic factors (the grammatical gender) and speech (frequency) is manifested in the fact that the frequency factor is significant in functionally weak areas where there is a conflict between the problem being solved and grammatical gender of the word (for example, the problem to determine the reference of feminine words to a male)


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    The influence of pregnancy hormone estriol (E3) on the natural killer T (NKT) cells percentage was studied in multiple sclerosis patients (MSP) and healthy donors (HD). It was shown that NKT level was initially higher in MSP in comparison with HD. E3 reduced the percentage of the cells in MSP and HD. So, amelioration of MS symptoms at pregnancy may be due to E3 influence

    Phagocytosis and oxidative activity of neutrophils after interaction with uropathogenic <i>Escherichia coli</i> biofilms

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    Recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs) are associated primarily with the ability of Escherichia coli to form biofilms. The interaction of neutrophils, factors of innate immunity, with microorganisms in biofilms is difficult compared to planktonic forms due to the lack of direct contact, as well as due to the antiphagocytic action of the extracellular matrix of biofilms. The purpose of this study was evaluation of neutrophils phagocytic and oxidative activity during interaction with biofilms of uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) DL82 and R44. Peripheral blood neutrophils from healthy men were isolated using ficoll-urographin double gradient, incubated for 1 h with bacterial cells from biofilms or their supernatants, then leukocytes functional activity was evaluated. Phagocytic activity of neutrophils was determined by the degree of bioluminescence inhibition of bioluminescent strain E. coli K12 TG1 lux+ (pXen) upon their absorption by neutrophils. Production of extracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) was analyzed by the intensity of luminol-dependent chemiluminescence in spontaneous and stimulated by E. coli K12 variants. Significance of differences was determined using Student’s t-test at p &lt; 0.05. It was found that neutrophils interaction with UPEC biofilm cells or supernatants did not affect the phagocytic activity. E. coli DL82 supernatants reduce neutrophils spontaneous ROS production compared to control and biofilm cells. E. coli R44 supernatants with a low virulence potential did not affect ROS production, while biofilm cells stimulated it. When assessing stimulated ROS production, exposure to R44 strain supernatants did not cause a decrease in neutrophils activation in response to an external stimulus (E. coli K12 cells). Preliminary contact of neutrophils with E. coli R44 bacteria resulted in a high and prolonged level of ROS production compared to the control. Neutrophils interaction with DL82 cells resulted in a higher level of ROS compared to supernatants, however a subsequent rapid depletion of neutrophils oxidative potential was observed. Thus, cells and supernatants of UPEC biofilms can determine the activation of neutrophils

    Magnetic hexamers interacting in layers in the (Na,K)2_2Cu3_3O(SO4)3_4)_3 minerals

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    Magnetic properties and underlying magnetic models of the synthetic A2_2Cu3_3O(SO4)3_4)_3 fedotovite (A = K) and puninite (A = Na) minerals, as well as the mixed euchlorine-type NaKCu3_3O(SO4)3_4)_3 are reported. We show that all these compounds contain magnetic Cu6_6 hexamer units, which at temperatures below about 100 K act as single spin-1 entities. Weak interactions between these magnetic molecules lead to long-range order below TNT_N = 3.4 K (A = Na), 4.7 K (A = NaK), and about 3.0 K (A = K). The formation of the magnetic order is elucidated by ab initio calculations that reveal two-dimensional inter-hexamer interactions within crystallographic bcbc planes. This model indicates the presence of a weakly distorted square lattice of S=1S=1 magnetic ions and challenges the earlier description of the A2_2Cu3_3O(SO4)3_4)_3 minerals in terms of Haldane spin chains.Comment: published version, re-worked compared to the initial submissio

    Microbial inactivation:gaseous or aqueous ozonation

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    [Image: see text] For decades, ozone has been known to have antimicrobial properties when dissolved or generated in water and when utilized in its gaseous form on different substrates. This property (the ability to be used in air and water) makes it versatile and applicable to different industries. Although the medium of ozonation depends on the specific process requirements, some industries have the inherent flexibility of medium selection. Thus, it is important to evaluate the antimicrobial efficacy in both media at similar concentrations, an endeavor hardly reported in the literature. This study provides insights into ozone’s efficacy in air and water using two Gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli NTCC1290 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa NCTC10332), two Gram-positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus ATCC25923 and Streptococcus mutans), and two fungi (Candida albicans and Aspergillus fumigatus). For gaseous ozonation, we utilized a custom-made ozone chamber (equipped with ultraviolet lamps), whereas an electrolysis oxygen radical generator was applied for ozone generation in water. During gaseous ozonation, the contaminated substrates (fabric swatches inoculated with bacterial and fungal suspensions) were suspended in the chamber, whereas the swatches were immersed in ozonated water for aqueous ozone treatment. The stability of ozone nanobubbles and their resulting impact on the aqueous disinfection efficiency were studied via dynamic light scattering measurements. It was observed that ozone is more effective in air than in water on all tested organisms except Staphylococcus aureus. The presented findings allow for the adjustment of the treatment conditions (exposure time and concentration) for optimal decontamination, particularly when a certain medium is preferred for ozonation

    Melatonin in Th17/Treg differentiation: the contribution of the hormone's own production by T lymphocytes

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    The hormone melatonin is involved in regulation of functioning of almost all organs and systems of the organism. In the immune system, T lymphocytes are an important target of melatonin: they express specific melatonin receptors with different affinities – membrane MT1 and MT2 and nuclear RORa, as well as intracellular molecules that nonspecifically bind melatonin at high concentrations. Moreover, many in vitro studies reveal their own production of melatonin by T lymphocytes in response to polyclonal activation and its involvement as autocrine or paracrine factor in the induction of IL-2 and IL-2 receptor (IL-2R) synthesis by T cells, with melatonin receptors involvement in implementation of these effects. Since IL-2/IL-2R-dependent signal is a key event in T lymphocytes proliferative response induction, intrinsic melatonin seems to be directly involved at least in the clonal expansion of these cells. In this work, we investigated the contribution of T cells’ melatonin to regulation of the next stage of T lymphocyte activation, namely, the differentiation of T helper populations Th17 and Treg. It was shown that blockade of both membrane and nuclear melatonin receptors did not cause statistically significant changes in Th17 differentiation, although the trend was fixed for a decrease. Simultaneously, CD4+FoxP3+Т cells level decreased under the nonselective blockade of membrane hormone receptors, and Treg-associated cytokine TGF-b concentration in activated cultures supernatants decreased both in case of MT1/MT2 nonselective blockade and MT2 selective blockade. The data indicate that melatonin produced by T lymphocytes in culture can contribute to the control of naive CD4+T cell differentiation into Treg in vitro, and the hormone effects are mediated by membrane melatonin receptors. The presence of a large number targets with different affinities for melatonin in T lymphocytes determines the key role of the hormone concentration in its effects on these cells. And when interpreting data on melatonin-dependent regulation of Treg, it is important to take into account the hormone’s own production by lymphocytes, since T cells’ melatonin can mask the exogenous hormone effects or interfere with its action due to competitive binding to hormone receptors

    Соntent of the heavy metal in the organism of brown frogs of the city zone of Kiev

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    Досліджено рівні накопичення та розподілу важких металів (Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu, Cr) в органах та тканинах двох видів жаб (Rana temporaria та R. arvalis) із біотопів, безпосередньо прилеглих до деяких водойм міської зони Києва.Исследованы уровни накопления и распределения тяжелых металлов (Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu, Cr) в органах и тканях двух видов лягушек (Rana temporaria и R. arvalis) из биотопов, непосредственно прилегающих к некоторым водоемов городской зоны Киева.The content and distribution of heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu, Cr) in organs and tissues of Rana temporaria and R. arvalis from biotopes near some reservoirs in the city zone of Kyiv are studied