83 research outputs found

    Weak normality of families of meromorphic mappings and bubbling in higher dimensions

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    Design of a high-torque machine with two integrated motors axes reducing the electric vehicle consumption

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    The motorization of electric vehicle needs to work at a constant power on a wide range of speed. In order to be able to satisfy these requirements, we describe in this paper a solution, which consists in modifying of a simple structure of a permanent magnet motor by a double rotor structure integrating two motor axes into the same machine. This article describes, then, a design methodology of a permanent magnet motor with double rotor, radial flux, and strong starting torque for electric vehicles. This work consists on the analytical dimensioning of the motor by taking into account several operation constraints followed by a modelling by the finite elements method. This study is followed by the comparison between this motor and a motor with one rotor. A global model of the motor- converter is developed for the purpose to answer several optimisation problem

    Does Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Determine Soil Microbial Functionality in Nutrient-Limited Mediterranean Arid Ecosystems?

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    Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are determinant for the performance of plant communities and for the functionality of terrestrial ecosystems. In natural ecosystems, grazing can have a major impact on mycorrhizal fungi and consequently on plant growth. The objective of this study was to evaluate the statements referred above in Mediterranean arid areas in Tunisia. Root samples and rhizosphere soils of five dominant herbaceous plants were studied at six distinct arid sites differing on soil proprieties and grazing intensity. At each site, chemical and dynamic properties of the soil were characterized as well as the AMF colonization intensity and the soil functionality. Results showed that the mycorrhizal frequency and intensity and spore density, varied between plants in the same site and, for each plant, between sites and evidenced a positive effect of mycorrhized plants on soil microbial activity. Grazing and soil properties strongly affected AMF composition and the soil microbial and biochemical dynamics, which presented the lowest values at the sites with the highest grazing intensities. In conclusion, these results demonstrate that AMF improve soil biological properties, supporting the hypothesis that mycorrhiza and grazing compete for plant photosynthates, and highlight the importance of mycorrhizal symbiosis towards soil functionality under arid conditions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Comparative Study of Permanent Magnet Motor Cost Minimization Dedicated to Electric Traction JES Journal of Electrical Systems

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    In this paper, we present a permanent magnet motor cost minimization dedicated to the electric traction based on a genetic algorithms (GAs) method. Our objective is to minimize this cost by taking account of certain constraints. The choice of a suitable coding is a critical element which depends largely on the genetic algorithm effectiveness. That is why we present a comparative study between two types of genetic algorithms i.e. a binary coded genetic algorithm (BCGA) and a real coded genetic algorithm (RCGA)

    Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in soil, roots and rhizosphere of Medicago truncatula: diversity and heterogeneity under semi-arid conditions

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    Mycorrhizal symbioses are considered indicators of ecosystem biodiversity. However, their diversity and relevance in arid and semi-arid ecosystems are poorly understood. This study addressed this subject, the main objective being to evaluate arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) diversity and heterogeneity in a semi-arid region. Samples of bulk and rhizosphere soil and fine roots of Medicago truncatula were collected at four different sites with the same aridity index (6.1), in Bou-Hedma National Park, Tunisia, a semi-arid ecosystem. AMF taxa were assessed by 454- pyrosequencing and identified by BLAST matching of operational taxonomic units (OTUs) against the MaarjAM database, targeting AMF SSU rRNA gene diversity. Roots were the hotspots of AMF diversity (107 OTUs out of a total of 138). Of the 138 OTUs, 113 found correspondence in the MaarjAM database, with 32 AMF virtual taxa (VTX),19 Site-exclusive (SE) and 13 common to at least two sites (Non-site exclusive, NSE); the remaining 25 OTUs grouped in 16 putative new AMF taxa (pNTX), each one consisting of OTUs sharing pairwise distances not higher than 3%. We found a high diversity and heterogeneity of AMF across the four sites, which showed, in a regression analysis, significant relation to six out of the eight environmental parameters evaluated: grazing activity and soil texture, electrical conductivity, organic matter, total phosphorus and total nitrogen. AMF colonization of plants also presented significant differences among the four sites, as well as spore density, microbial biomass and several enzymatic activities (dehydrogenase, β-glucosidase and phosphatase) evaluated in rhizosphere soils. The four sites clustered in two groups in a hierarchical clustering evaluation based on their AMF diversity (total numbers of OTU, VTX and pNTX) and the parameters referred above. The crucial role of abiotic factors, other than aridity index, on AMF community composition, was evidenced by the high heterogeneity found between AMF communities across sites under identical aridity conditions

    PET/MRI attenuation estimation in the lung: A review of past, present, and potential techniques

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    Positron emission tomography/magnetic resonance imaging (PET/MRI) potentially offers several advantages over positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT), for example, no CT radiation dose and soft tissue images from MR acquired at the same time as the PET. However, obtaining accurate linear attenuation correction (LAC) factors for the lung remains difficult in PET/MRI. LACs depend on electron density and in the lung, these vary significantly both within an individual and from person to person. Current commercial practice is to use a single-valued population-based lung LAC, and better estimation is needed to improve quantification. Given the under-appreciation of lung attenuation estimation as an issue, the inaccuracy of PET quantification due to the use of single-valued lung LACs, the unique challenges of lung estimation, and the emerging status of PET/MRI scanners in lung disease, a review is timely. This paper highlights past and present methods, categorizing them into segmentation, atlas/mapping, and emission-based schemes. Potential strategies for future developments are also presented

    Intergroup contact and social change: Implications of negative and positive contact for collective action in advantaged and disadvantaged groups

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    Previous research has shown that (1) positive intergroup contact with an advantaged group can discourage collective action among disadvantaged-group members and (2) positive intergroup contact can encourage advantaged-group members to take action on behalf of disadvantaged outgroups. Two studies investigated the effects of negative as well as positive intergroup contact. Study 1 (N = 482) found that negative but not positive contact with heterosexual people was associated with sexual-minority students’ engagement in collective action (via group identification and perceived discrimination). Among heterosexual students, positive and negative contact were associated with, respectively, more and less LGB activism. Study 2 (N = 1,469) found that only negative contact (via perceived discrimination) predicted LGBT students’ collective action intentions longitudinally while only positive contact predicted heterosexual/cisgender students’ LGBT activism. Implications for the relationship between intergroup contact, collective action, and social change are discussed
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