115 research outputs found

    Caracterización zoométrica de una manada de caballos criollos parameros de la parroquia Chorocopte del cantón Cañar

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    En la Parroquia Chorocopte, Cantón Cañar, se efectuó la caracterización de 48 caballos, yeguas, potros y potras criollos, de los cuales se analizaron las medidas zoométricas, índices zoométricos, variables fanerópticas, el estudio tuvo una duración de 120 días, cuyos datos se analizaron mediante estadística descriptiva. Reportando en equinos machos y potros una alzada de la cruz, longitud de la cabeza, largo del cuerpo, diámetro bicostal, alzada a la grupa, índice cefálico, toracico de 137,02 y 131,74 cm; 54,44 y 43,16 cm; 142,94 y 134,9 cm; 39,28 y 33,22 cm; 137,88 y 133,14 cm; 36,19 y 39,24 cm; 59,32 y 53,21 en su orden. En yeguas y potras una alzada a la cruz, longitud de la cabeza, largo del cuerpo, longitud de la grupa, anchura de la grupa, índice torácico de 128,28 y 124,62 cm; 54,46 y 49,58 cm; 137,41 y 134,59 cm; 41,9 y 41,78 cm; 46,85 y 40,99 cm; 57,2 y 70,36; respectivamente. El color de capa que prevalece es el moro (46%); el perfil cefálico es de forma rectilínea (78 %), dándole una esbeltez a los animales, el perfil dorso lumbar nos demuestra que el 75 % de animales no presentaron anomalías en su columna; el perfil ventral se destaca con el 78 % un vientre normal y no abultado y la pigmentación fue del 74 % de pezuñas de color negro; por lo tanto, determinamos que el caballo paramero por sus características demuestra su importancia en la zona para su uso en trabajo.The characterization of 48 moorland criollo horses, mares, colts and fillies was made in the Parish of Chorocopte, Canton Cañar, of which the zoometric measures, zoometric indexes , phanaeroptical variables were examined, the study took place over a period of 120 days whose data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Reporting in male equines and coalts a wither height, head length, body length, bicostal diameter, croup height , cephalic and thoracic index, of 137.02 and 131,74 cm; 54,44 and 43,16 cm; 142,94 and 134,9 cm; 39,28 and 33,22 cm; 137,88 and 133,14 cm; 36,19 and 39,24 cm; 59,32 and 53,21 respectively. In mares and fillies a wither height, head length, body length,croup length, croup width , thoracic index of 128,28 and 124,62 cm; 54,46 and 49,58 cm; 137,41 and 134,59 cm; 41,9 and 41,78 cm; 46,85 and 40,99 cm; 57,2 and 70,36; respectively. The color of the coat that prevails is the gray (46%); the cephalic profile is rectilinear (78 %), giving a slenderness to the animals, the lumbar back profile shows that 75% of animals did not show abnormalities in their backbone; the ventral profile stands out with 78% a normal and not bulging belly and pigmentation was 74% of hooves black; therefore, it is determined that the moorland horse for its features demonstrates its importance in the area for its use at work

    Agua y Suero Fisiológico para Prevenir la Formación de Paracloroanilina

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scielo.ABSTRACT: This study determined if p-chloroaniline (PCA) can be minimized by using distilled water and physiological saline solution following sodium hypochlorite but before chlorhexidine. Hypochlorite 5%, 0.5%, 0.05%, 0.005% and 0.0005% dissolved in 0.9% NaCl and in distilled water were mixed with 2% chlorhexidine for the formation of PCA. The PCA was determined using UV-VISIBLE spectrometry, with spectral curve was determined the wavelength of maximum absorption of PCA. Formed PCA absorbance was measured between 0.025%, 0.02%, 0.015%, 0.01%, 0.005% and 0.0025% hypochlorite and 2% chlorhexidine. 2% chlorhexidine and hypochlorite with physiological saline form a white precipitate which prevents the measurement of PCA. Colored PCA is formed with 0.05%, 0.005% hypochlorite aqueous dilutions and 2% chlorhexidine. The lwavelength of maximum absorption obtained was 470 nm and absorbance of PCA showed a linear decrease. 0.005% NaClO produces the least amount of PCA. The best solvent to prevent the formation of PCA during the interaction of sodium hypochlorite with chlorhexidine is distilled water.Este estudio determinó si la p-cloroanilina (PCA) puede ser minimizada mediante el uso de agua destilada y solución salina fisiológica seguido de la aplicación de hipoclorito de sodio, previo a la aplicación de clorhexidina. Hipoclorito al 5%, 0,5%, 0,05%, 0,005% y 0,0005% fue disuelto en 0,9% de NaCl y en agua destilada se mezcló con 2% de clorhexidina para la formación de PCA. El PCA se determinó mediante espectrometría UV-Visible, y con curva espectral se determinó la longitud de onda máxima del PCA. La absorbancia del PCA formado se midió con 0,025%, 0,02%, 0,015%, 0,01%, 0,005% y 0,0025% de hipoclorito y 2% de clorhexidina. La combinación de 2% de clorhexidina e hipoclorito en solución salina fisiológica forman un precipitado blanco que impide la medición del PCA. El PCA coloreado es formado con 0,05%, 0,005% diluciones acuosas de hipoclorito y 2% de clorhexidina. La longitud de onda máxima obtenida fue de 470 nm y la absorbancia del PCA mostró una disminución lineal. NaClO al 0,005% produce menor cantidad de PCA. El mejor disolvente para evitar la formación de PCA durante la interacción de hipoclorito de sodio con clorhexidina es agua destilada.http://ref.scielo.org/2kpw6

    Un análisis de la regulación prudencial en el caso colombiano y propuestas para reducir sus efectos procíclicos

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    Éste es un estudio de caso para Colombia, con recomendaciones de política de regulación bancaria para otorgar mayor estabilidad a la disponibilidad de crédito, evitando fluctuaciones crediticias que tienden a agudizar los ciclos económicos. A este propósito, dos son los temas cruciales que descansan en la regulación bancaria estrictamente prudencial: el tratamiento del margen de solvencia y el tratamiento de las provisiones que los créditos malos generan, revisándose el impacto de la segunda regla sobre la aplicación de la primera. Para tal efecto, se ha dividido el trabajo en siete capítulos, destinándose el primero de ellos a la investigación de la literatura básica que se realizó sobre el ciclo económico y la disponibilidad de crédito, con referencia a los estudios empíricos disponibles en Colombia sobre el particular. En el segundo capítulo, se revisa la literatura existente sobre capacidad de pago de los deudores, toda vez que las reglas prudenciales relativas a la calificación de créditos descansan en dicho concepto. A continuación, se examinan las reglas sobre capital adecuado que están vigentes en el país, con referencia a las recomendaciones del Comité de Basilea, y se presentan los aspectos sustanciales del Nuevo Acuerdo, discutiéndose las implicaciones procíclicas de esta institución. Luego, en el cuarto capítulo, se describe la regulación sobre calificación y clasificación de la cartera actual de créditos en Colombia, para establecer sus elementos procíclicos. Con la misma perspectiva, también se analiza el impacto de las regulaciones de calificación de cartera de créditos sobre la base de capital adecuado. El debate respecto a los enfoques teóricamente óptimos para corregir el carácter procíclico de la regulación bancaria y sus limitaciones prácticas para convertirse en instrumentos regulatorios da origen al quinto capítulo. Sobre esa base, se presenta el sistema de provisiones estadísticas adoptado recientemente por el Banco de España como un factible segundo mejor criterio regulatorio. Un aspecto fundamental de discusión sobre las llamadas provisiones estadísticas atañe al criterio que debe emplearse para su conformación y al tratamiento contable que debe dárseles. Al respecto, se sugiere un tratamiento sui generis, como una reserva contracíclica para la protección contra créditos malos. Además, se examina el procedimiento que debiera utilizarse con esa reserva, en materia de capital adecuado, para que la misma no tenga un carácter procíclico. En el sexto capítulo, se presenta la evidencia empírica y los resultados relevantes de la medición del comportamiento de la cartera de los establecimientos de crédito a partir de 1990, se analiza su conducta frente al ciclo del producto y se discuten las implicaciones regulatorias de los hallazgos estadísticos presentados. El capítulo final se refiere a las conclusiones y recomendaciones de política de regulación bancaria para el caso de Colombia.

    Joint beamforming and Viterbi equalizer in wireless communications

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    The presence of a sequence detector in the baseline architecture for base stations for mobile communications has become a standard. Also the use of coding allows the baseband detector to work at very low signal to noise ratios. When spatial diversity is included in the front-end, the joint design of the beamformer, matched filter and the desired impulse response DIR of the Viterbi equalizer VE is mandatory. This work describes the joint design of these stages when the matched DIR response has priority in the maximization of the signal to noise plus interferences ratio at the input of the VE.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    GSLC architecture for sequence detectors using spatial diversity

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    The role of advanced front-ends including spatial diversity, has been considered as an independent part of peak-distortion equalizers, Wiener and Viterbi equalizers. This involves that the optimum processing to remove point or distributed sources, together with inner and outer intersymbol interference is analyzed independently at the beamformer and at the equalizer stages. Recently, based on extensions of the works performed with forward equalizers and optimal combining in communications systems with spatial diversity, several solutions to the joint design of sequence detectors and spatial combiners have been reported. All these solutions have in common the principle that the optimum design holds the constraint of matching the spatial response of the combiner to the DIR (Desired Impulse Response) of the sequence detector. This work enhances the matched DIR concept with the Generalized Sidelobe Canceller architecture; proving that, for stationary Intersymbol Interference (ISI) for the desired user, the GLSC represents a suitable spatial processing. The GSLC allows continuous updating of the combiner either in order to reject late arrivals and co-channel interferers, without requiring the presence of training sequence or to maximize the effective SNR.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Optimal array combiner for sequence detectors

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    The use of spatial diversity at the receiver front-end together with a sequence detector implies a joint design problem of the spatial combiner and the sequence detector impulse response. This joint design is usually faced under the constraint that the impulse response of the sequence detector is matched to the channel plus combiner response. This procedure maximizes the signal to noise ratio at the input of the detector but does not guarantee that the so-called effective signal to noise ratio is maximized. This work presents a procedure that, starting from the matched criteria, faces directly the maximization of the effective signal to noise ratio, yet preserving all the features of the spatial processor in terms of co-channel and high order intersymbol interference rejection.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Joint array combining and MLSE for single-user receivers in multipath Gaussian multiuser channels

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    The well-known structure of an array combiner along with a maximum likelihood sequence estimator (MLSE) receiver is the basis for the derivation of a space-time processor presenting good properties in terms of co-channel and intersymbol interference rejection. The use of spatial diversity at the receiver front-end together with a scalar MLSE implies a joint design of the spatial combiner and the impulse response for the sequence detector. This is faced using the MMSE criterion under the constraint that the desired user signal power is not cancelled, yielding an impulse response for the sequence detector that is matched to the channel and combiner response. The procedure maximizes the signal-to-noise ratio at the input of the detector and exhibits excellent performance in realistic multipath channels.Peer Reviewe

    Spatial processing for frequency diversity schemes

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    A novel technique to obtain optimum blind spatial processing for frequency diversity spread spectrum (FDSS) communication systems is introduced. The sufficient statistics for a linear combiner, which prove ineffective due to the interferers frequency characteristics, are modified to yield improved detection under partial jamming in the spectral domain. Robustness to partial time jamming is achieved by extending the notion of replicas over the frequency axis to a repetition over the time variable. Analysis and simulations are provided, showing the advantages of using FDSS with spatial diversity to combat the interference when it is confined to a narrow frequency band or short time interval relative to the desired signal extent in either domain.Peer Reviewe

    Influence of Small Quantities of Water on the Physical Properties of Alkylammonium Nitrate Ionic Liquids

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    This paper presents a comprehensive study of two alkylammonium nitrate ionic liquids. As part of this family of materials, mainly ethylammonium nitrate (EAN) and also propylammonium nitrate (PAN) have attracted a great deal of attention during the last decades due to their potential applications in many fields. Although there have been numerous publications focused on the measurement of their physical properties, a great dispersion can be observed in the results obtained for the same magnitude. One of the critical points to be taken into account in their physical characterization is their water content. Thus, the main objective of this work was to determine the degree of influence of the presence of small quantities of water in EAN and PAN on the measurement of density, viscosity, electrical conductivity, refractive index and surface tension. For this purpose, the first three properties were determined in samples of EAN and PAN with water contents below 30,000 ppm in a wide range of temperatures, between 5 and 95 °C, while the last two were obtained at 25 °C. As a result of this study, it has been concluded that the presence of water is critical in those physical properties that involve mass or charge transport processes, resulting in the finding that the absolute value of the average percentage change in both viscosity and electrical conductivity is above 40%. Meanwhile, refractive index (≤0.3%), density (≤0.5%) and surface tension (≤2%) present much less significant changesThis research was funded by the Spanish MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND COMPETITIVENESS, grant numbers MAT2017-89239-C2-1-P and MAT2017-89239-C2-2-P. D. Ausín thanks the funding support of Fundación Segundo Gil Dávila. J.J. Parajó thanks the funding support of I2C postdoctoral program of Xunta de GaliciaS