783 research outputs found

    Hydration status and fluid balance of elite European youth soccer players during consecutive training sessions

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    The objective of the study was to investigate the hydration status and fluid balance of elite European youth soccer players during three consecutive training sessions. Fourteen males (age 16.9 ± 0.8 years, height 1.79 ± 0.06 m, body mass (BM) 70.6 ± 5.0 kg) had their hydration status assessed from first morning urine samples (baseline) and pre- and post-training using urine specif-ic gravity (USG) measures, and their fluid balance calculated from pre- to post-training BM change, corrected for fluid intake and urine output. Most participants were hypohydrated upon waking (USG >1.020; 77% on days 1 and 3, and 62% on day 2). There was no significant difference between first morning and pre-training USG (p = 0.11) and no influence of training session (p = 0.34) or time (pre- vs. post-training; p = 0.16) on USG. Significant BM loss occurred in sessions 1-3 (0.69 ± 0.22, 0.42 ± 0.25, and 0.38 ± 0.30 kg respectively, p < 0.05). Mean fluid intake in sessions 1-3 was 425 ± 185, 355 ± 161, and 247 ± 157 ml, respectively (p < 0.05). Participants replaced on average 71.3 ± 64.1% (range 0-363.6%) of fluid losses across the three sessions. Body mass loss, fluid intake, and USG measures showed large inter-individual variation. Elite young European soccer players likely wake and present for training hypohydrat-ed, when a USG threshold of 1.020 is applied. When training in a cool environment with ad libitum access to fluid, replacing ~71% of sweat losses results in minimal hypohydration (<1% BM). Consumption of fluid ad libitum throughout training ap-pears to prevent excessive (≥2% BM) dehydration, as advised by current fluid intake guidelines. Current fluid intake guide-lines appear applicable for elite European youth soccer players training in a cool environment

    Platelet transfusions: trigger, dose, benefits, and risks

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    Over the last half century, platelet transfusion has been an effective therapy for the prevention and treatment of bleeding, particularly in patients with hematologic malignancies. Recent randomized trials have demonstrated that current practices may be suboptimal in a number of ways. The rationale for parsimony in the use of this powerful therapy includes previously described severe and fatal adverse outcomes (including refractoriness, hemolysis from ABO-mismatched transfusions, acute lung injury, and bacterial sepsis), newly described serious potential risks (including thrombosis and earlier leukemic recurrence), difficulty in maintaining adequate supplies of platelets, the need to place volunteer donors on cell separators to provide the product, and cost. Recent findings demonstrate that the platelet count threshold for prophylactic transfusion can be as low as 10,000/µL, and a therapeutic rather than a prophylactic strategy of transfusion for bleeding manifestations only may be equally safe for most patients. Another recently completed study suggests that very low doses of platelet transfusions (the equivalent of half a unit of apheresis platelets or two to three units of whole blood-derived platelets) are as effective at preventing bleeding as much higher doses. One question for which there are no randomized trial data is at what threshold prophylactic platelet transfusion should be given before invasive procedures or major surgery. The typically recommended threshold of 50,000/µL is based only on expert opinion, and substantial observational data indicate that this threshold leads to many transfusions that are likely unnecessary and therefore represent risk with little or no additional benefit

    Selector function of MHC I molecules is determined by protein plasticity

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    The selection of peptides for presentation at the surface of most nucleated cells by major histocompatibility complex class I molecules (MHC I) is crucial to the immune response in vertebrates. However, the mechanisms of the rapid selection of high affinity peptides by MHC I from amongst thousands of mostly low affinity peptides are not well understood. We developed computational systems models encoding distinct mechanistic hypotheses for two molecules, HLA-B*44:02 (B*4402) and HLA-B*44:05 (B*4405), which differ by a single residue yet lie at opposite ends of the spectrum in their intrinsic ability to select high affinity peptides. We used <em>in vivo</em> biochemical data to infer that a conformational intermediate of MHC I is significant for peptide selection. We used molecular dynamics simulations to show that peptide selector function correlates with protein plasticity, and confirmed this experimentally by altering the plasticity of MHC I with a single point mutation, which altered <em>in vivo</em> selector function in a predictable way. Finally, we investigated the mechanisms by which the co-factor tapasin influences MHC I plasticity. We propose that tapasin modulates MHC I plasticity by dynamically coupling the peptide binding region and {\alpha}<sub>3</sub> domain of MHC I allosterically, resulting in enhanced peptide selector function

    ALMA 1.3 Millimeter Map of the HD 95086 System

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    Planets and minor bodies such as asteroids, Kuiper-belt objects and comets are integral components of a planetary system. Interactions among them leave clues about the formation process of a planetary system. The signature of such interactions is most prominent through observations of its debris disk at millimeter wavelengths where emission is dominated by the population of large grains that stay close to their parent bodies. Here we present ALMA 1.3 mm observations of HD 95086, a young early-type star that hosts a directly imaged giant planet b and a massive debris disk with both asteroid- and Kuiper-belt analogs. The location of the Kuiper-belt analog is resolved for the first time. The system can be depicted as a broad (ΔR/R\Delta R/R \sim0.84), inclined (30\arcdeg±\pm3\arcdeg) ring with millimeter emission peaked at 200±\pm6 au from the star. The 1.3 mm disk emission is consistent with a broad disk with sharp boundaries from 106±\pm6 to 320±\pm20 au with a surface density distribution described by a power law with an index of --0.5±\pm0.2. Our deep ALMA map also reveals a bright source located near the edge of the ring, whose brightness at 1.3 mm and potential spectral energy distribution are consistent with it being a luminous star-forming galaxy at high redshift. We set constraints on the orbital properties of planet b assuming co-planarity with the observed disk.Comment: accepted for publication in A

    Trust and childhood maltreatment: evidence of bias in appraisal of unfamiliar faces

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    Background: Child maltreatment is associated with poorer social functioning and increased risk of mental health problems in adolescence and adulthood, but the processes underlying these associations remain unclear. Although crucial for establishing and maintaining relationships, trust judgements have not been experimentally investigated in children who have experienced abuse and neglect. Methods: A community-based sample of 75 children aged 8– 16 years with maltreatment documented on the basis of social services records, and a group of 70 peers matched on age, gender, cognitive ability, socioeconomic status, and ethnicity took part in the study. Children completed a trustworthiness face-judgement task in which they appraised the trustworthiness of unfamiliar facial stimuli varying along a computationally modelled trustworthiness dimension. Results: In line with clinical observations that childhood maltreatment is associated with an atypical pattern of trust processing, children with maltreatment experience were significantly less likely than their peers to rate unfamiliar faces as trustworthy. Moreover, they were more variable in their trust attributions than their peers. Conclusions: The study provides compelling experimental evidence that children with documented maltreatment perceive others as less trustworthy than their peers and are less consistent in their estimates of trustworthiness in others. Over time, alterations in trust processing may disrupt the development of social bonds and contribute to ‘social thinning’ (a reduction in the extent and quality of social relationships), leaving children more vulnerable to environmental stressors, increasing risk of mental health difficulties

    The Absolute Magnitudes of Type Ia Supernovae in the Ultraviolet

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    We examine the absolute magnitudes and light-curve shapes of 14 nearby(redshift z = 0.004--0.027) Type Ia supernovae (SNe~Ia) observed in the ultraviolet (UV) with the Swift Ultraviolet/Optical Telescope. Colors and absolute magnitudes are calculated using both a standard Milky Way (MW) extinction law and one for the Large Magellanic Cloud that has been modified by circumstellar scattering. We find very different behavior in the near-UV filters (uvw1_rc covering ~2600-3300 A after removing optical light, and u ~3000--4000 A) compared to a mid-UV filter (uvm2 ~2000-2400 A). The uvw1_rc-b colors show a scatter of ~0.3 mag while uvm2-b scatters by nearly 0.9 mag. Similarly, while the scatter in colors between neighboring filters is small in the optical and somewhat larger in the near-UV, the large scatter in the uvm2-uvw1 colors implies significantly larger spectral variability below 2600 A. We find that in the near-UV the absolute magnitudes at peak brightness of normal SNe Ia in our sample are correlated with the optical decay rate with a scatter of 0.4 mag, comparable to that found for the optical in our sample. However, in the mid-UV the scatter is larger, ~1 mag, possibly indicating differences in metallicity. We find no strong correlation between either the UV light-curve shapes or the UV colors and the UV absolute magnitudes. With larger samples, the UV luminosity might be useful as an additional constraint to help determine distance, extinction, and metallicity in order to improve the utility of SNe Ia as standardized candles.Comment: 59 pages, accepted for publication in Ap

    Targeting the undruggable in pancreatic cancer using nano-based gene silencing drugs

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    Pancreatic cancer is predicted to be the second leading cause of cancer-related death by 2025. The best chemotherapy only extends survival by an average of 18 weeks. The extensive fibrotic stroma surrounding the tumor curbs therapeutic options as chemotherapy drugs cannot freely penetrate the tumor. RNA interference (RNAi) has emerged as a promising approach to revolutionize cancer treatment. Small interfering RNA (siRNA) can be designed to inhibit the expression of any gene which is important given the high degree of genetic heterogeneity present in pancreatic tumors. Despite the potential of siRNA therapies, there are hurdles limiting their clinical application such as poor transport across biological barriers, limited cellular uptake, degradation, and rapid clearance. Nanotechnology can address these challenges. In fact, the past few decades have seen the conceptualization, design, pre-clinical testing and recent clinical approval of a RNAi nanodrug to treat disease. In this review, we comment on the current state of play of clinical trials evaluating siRNA nanodrugs and review pre-clinical studies investigating the efficacy of siRNA therapeutics in pancreatic cancer. We assess the physiological barriers unique to pancreatic cancer that need to be considered when designing and testing new nanomedicines for this disease

    ALMA High-frequency Long Baseline Campaign in 2017:Band-to-band Phase Referencing in Submillimeter Waves

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    In 2017, an Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) high-frequency long baseline campaign was organized to test image capabilities with baselines up to 16 km at submillimeter (submm) wavelengths. We investigated image qualities using ALMA receiver Bands 7, 8, 9, and 10 (285-875 GHz) by adopting band-to-band (B2B) phase referencing in which a phase calibrator is tracked at a lower frequency. For B2B phase referencing, it is expected that a closer phase calibrator to a target can be used, comparing to standard in-band phase referencing. In the first step, it is ensured that an instrumental phase offset difference between low- and high-frequency Bands can be removed using a differential gain calibration in which a phase calibrator is certainly detected while frequency switching. In the next step, comparative experiments are arranged to investigate the image quality between B2B and in-band phase referencing with phase calibrators at various separation angles. In the final step, we conducted long baseline imaging tests for a quasar at 289 GHz in Band 7 and 405 GHz in Band 8 and complex structure sources of HL Tau and VY CMa at ~670 GHz in Band 9. The B2B phase referencing was successfully applied, allowing us to achieve an angular resolution of 14x11 and 10x8 mas for HL Tau and VY CMa, respectively. There is a high probability of finding a low-frequency calibrator within 5.4 deg in B2B phase referencing, bright enough to use an 8 s scan length combined with a 7.5 GHz bandwidth.Comment: 61 pages, 17 figures, 8 table