170 research outputs found

    Long-Term Demographic Trends in Prehistoric Italy: Climate Impacts and Regionalised Socio-Ecological Trajectories

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    The Italian peninsula offers an excellent case study within which to investigate long-term regional demographic trends and their response to climate fluctuations, especially given its diverse landscapes, latitudinal range and varied elevations. In the past two decades, summed probability distributions of calibrated radiocarbon dates have become an important method for inferring population dynamics in prehistory. Recent advances in this approach also allow for statistical assessment of spatio-temporal patterning in demographic trends. In this paper we reconstruct population change for the whole Italian peninsula from the Late Mesolithic to the Early Iron Age (10,000–2800 cal yr BP). How did population patterns vary across time and space? Were fluctuations in human population related to climate change? In order to answer these questions, we have collated a large list of published radiocarbon dates (n = 4010) and use this list firstly to infer the demographic trends for the Italian peninsula as a whole, before addressing each of five sub-regions in turn (northern, central, and southern Italy, Sicily, Sardinia). We also compare population fluctuations with local paleoclimate proxies (cave, lake, marine records). At a pan-regional scale, the results show a general rapid and substantial increase in population in the Early Neolithic with the introduction of farming at around 8000 cal yr BP and further dramatic increases during the Bronze and Iron Age (~ 3800–2800 cal yr BP). However, different regional demographic trajectories exist across different regions of Italy, suggesting a variety of localised human responses to climate shifts. Population and climate appear to have been more closely correlated during the early–mid Holocene (Mesolithic–Neolithic), while later in the Holocene (Bronze–Iron Ages) they decouple. Overall, across the Holocene the population dynamics varied by region and depended on the long-term socio-ecological dynamics prevailing in a given area. Finally, we include a brief response to the paper ‘Radiocarbon dated trends and central Mediterranean prehistory’ by Parkinson et al. (J Word Prehist 34(3), 2021)—synchronously published by Journal of World Prehistory but wholly independently developed—indicating how our conclusions accord with or differ from one another

    Computerized clinical decision support for the early recognition and management of acute kidney injury: a qualitative evaluation of end-user experience

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    Background - Although the efficacy of computerized clinical decision support (CCDS) for acute kidney injury (AKI) remains unclear, the wider literature includes examples of limited acceptability and equivocal benefit. Our single-centre study aimed to identify factors promoting or inhibiting use of in-patient AKI CCDS. Methods - Targeting medical users, CCDS triggered with a serum creatinine rise of ≥25 μmol/L/day and linked to guidance and test ordering. User experience was evaluated through retrospective interviews, conducted and analysed according to Normalization Process Theory. Initial pilot ward experience allowed tool refinement. Assessments continued following CCDS activation across all adult, non-critical care wards. Results - Thematic saturation was achieved with 24 interviews. The alert was accepted as a potentially useful prompt to early clinical re-assessment by many trainees. Senior staff were more sceptical, tending to view it as a hindrance. ‘Pop-ups’ and mandated engagement before alert dismissal were universally unpopular due to workflow disruption. Users were driven to close out of the alert as soon as possible to review historical creatinines and to continue with the intended workflow. Conclusions - Our study revealed themes similar to those previously described in non-AKI settings. Systems intruding on workflow, particularly involving complex interactions, may be unsustainable even if there has been a positive impact on care. The optimal balance between intrusion and clinical benefit of AKI CCDS requires further evaluation

    Collective Re-Excavation and Lost Media from the Last Century of British Prehistoric Studies

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    There are thousands of forgotten archaeological archives hidden away in repositories all over the world, lost worlds where many scholars have toiled away for years, trying to record every detail and bit of information available about rare and precious archaeological objects in an attempt to bring order and understanding to an almost incomprehensible past. This paper discusses how these archives can be approached through Huhtamo's definition of media archaeology as a 'historically-attuned enterprise' that involves 'excavating forgotten media-cultural phenomena', focusing on the MicroPasts digitization project. It is shown that greater utilization of digital media simply changes and extends the terms of engagement, accessibility, and flow of information from antiquated archaeological archives to the community and back again

    Crowd-sourced Archaeological Research: The MicroPasts Project

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    This paper offers a brief introduction to MicroPasts, a web-enabled crowd-sourcing and crowd-funding project whose overall goal is to promote the collection and use of high quality research data via institutional and community collaborations, both on- and off-line. In addition to introducing this initiative, the discussion below is a reflection of its lead author’s core contribution to the project and will dwell in more detail on one particular aspect of MicroPasts: its relevance to research and practice in public archaeology, cultural policy and heritage studies

    Acute kidney injury electronic alerts: mixed methods Normalization Process Theory evaluation of their implementation into secondary care in England

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    Objective Around one in five emergency hospital admissions are affected by acute kidney injury (AKI). To address poor quality of care in relation to AKI, electronic alerts (e-alerts) are mandated across primary and secondary care in England and Wales. Evidence of the benefit of AKI e-alerts remains conflicting, with at least some uncertainty explained by poor or unclear implementation. The objective of this study was to identify factors relating to implementation, using Normalization Process Theory (NPT), which promote or inhibit use of AKI e-alerts in secondary care. Design Mixed methods combining qualitative (observations, semi-structured interviews) and quantitative (survey) methods. Setting and participants Three secondary care hospitals in North East England, representing two distinct AKI e-alerting systems. Observations (>44 hours) were conducted in Emergency Assessment Units (EAUs). Semi-structured interviews were conducted with clinicians (n=29) from EAUs, Vascular or General Surgery, or Care of the Elderly. Qualitative data were supplemented by NoMAD surveys (n=101). Analysis Qualitative data were analysed using the NPT framework, with quantitative data analysed descriptively and using Chi Square and Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test for differences in current and future normalization. Results Participants reported familiarity with the AKI e-alerts but that the e-alerts would become more normalized in the future (p<0.001). No single NPT mechanism led to current (un)successful implementation of the e-alerts, but analysis of the underlying sub-constructs identified several mechanisms indicative of successful normalization (internalization, legitimation) or unsuccessful normalization (initiation, differentiation, skill set workability, systematization). Conclusions Clinicians recognised the value and importance of AKI e-alerts in their practice, though this was not sufficient for the e-alerts to be routinely engaged with by clinicians. To further normalize the use of AKI e-alerts, there is a need for tailored training on use of the e-alerts and routine feedback to clinicians on the impact that e-alerts have on patient outcomes

    Citizen Archaeologists. Online Collaborative Research about the Human Past

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    Archaeology has a long tradition of volunteer involvement but also faces considerable challenges in protecting and understanding a geographically widespread, rapidly dwindling and ever threatened cultural resource. This paper considers a newly launched, multi-application crowdsourcing project called MicroPasts that enables both community-led and massive online contributions to high quality research in archaeology, history and heritage. We reflect on preliminary results from this initiative with a focus on the technical challenges, quality control issues and contributors motivations

    Ubiquitylation activates a peptidase that promotes cleavage and destabilization of its activating E3 ligases and diverse growth regulatory proteins to limit cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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    The characteristic shapes and sizes of organs are established by cell proliferation patterns and final cell sizes, but the underlying molecular mechanisms coordinating these are poorly understood. Here we characterize a ubiquitin-activated peptidase called DA1 that limits the duration of cell proliferation during organ growth in Arabidopsis thaliana. The peptidase is activated by two RING E3 ligases, Big Brother (BB) and DA2, which are subsequently cleaved by the activated peptidase and destabilized. In the case of BB, cleavage leads to destabilization by the RING E3 ligase PROTEOLYSIS 1 (PRT1) of the N-end rule pathway. DA1 peptidase activity also cleaves the deubiquitylase UBP15, which promotes cell proliferation, and the transcription factors TEOSINTE BRANCED 1/ CYCLOIDEA/PCF 15 (TCP15) and TCP22, which promote cell proliferation and repress endoreduplication. We propose that DA1 peptidase activity regulates the duration of cell proliferation and the transition to endoreduplication and differentiation during organ formation in plants by coordinating the destabilization of regulatory proteins

    The integrated LIM-peptidase domain of the CSA1-CHS3/DAR4 paired immune receptor detects changes in DA1 peptidase inhibitors in Arabidopsis

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    White blister rust, caused by the oomycete Albugo candida, is a widespread disease of Brassica crops. The Brassica relative Arabidopsis thaliana uses the paired immune receptor complex CSA1-CHS3/DAR4 to resist Albugo infection. The CHS3/DAR4 sensor NLR, which functions together with its partner, the helper NLR CSA1, carries an integrated domain (ID) with homology to DA1 peptidases. Using domain swaps with several DA1 homologs, we show that the LIM-peptidase domain of the family member CHS3/DAR4 functions as an integrated decoy for the family member DAR3, which interacts with and inhibits the peptidase activities of the three closely related peptidases DA1, DAR1, and DAR2. Albugo infection rapidly lowers DAR3 levels and activates DA1 peptidase activity, thereby promoting endoreduplication of host tissues to support pathogen growth. We propose that the paired immune receptor CSA1-CHS3/DAR4 detects the actions of a putative Albugo effector that reduces DAR3 levels, resulting in defense activation

    Crowd-sourced archaeological research. The MicroPasts project. Open Access: http://www.ai-journal.com/article/view/ai.1705

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    This paper offers a brief introduction to MicroPasts, a web-enabled crowd-sourcing and crowd-funding project whose overall goal is to promote the collection and use of high quality research data via institutional and community collaborations, both on- and off-line. In addition to introducing this initiative, the discussion below is a reflection of its lead author’s core contribution to the project and will dwell in more detail on one particular aspect of MicroPasts: its relevance to research and practice in public archaeology, cultural policy and heritage studies

    Using Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) to predict the protein and energy digestibility of lupin kernel meals when fed to rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss

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    This study examined the potential of using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to predict the nutrient composition, energy density and the digestible protein and digestible energy values of lupin kernel meals when fed to rainbow trout. A series of 136 lupin kernel meals were assessed for their protein and energy digestibilities using the diet-substitution approach in a series of 10 experiments over a 6-year period from 2002 to 2008. Two reference diets were also included in each experiment. Minimal variance in the digestibility parameters of both reference diets was observed among the experiments ensuring that there was a high degree of robustness in the across-experiment evaluations. The same lupin kernel meal samples were also scanned using a diode array near infrared spectrophotometer (DA-NIRS). The spectra obtained by the DA-NIRS were chemometrically calibrated against both the chemical composition and the digestible value data using multivariate analysis software. The cross validation tests used in this study provide a valid indication of the potential to predict the nutrient composition, energy value and digestible protein and energy values of the lupin kernel meals as used in diets for rainbow trout. That the standard errors of cross validation (SECV) of the parameters investigated were generally commensurate with the cross trial variation seen in the reference sample indicating robust calibrations for the two target parameters of digestible protein and digestible energy. Therefore this study demonstrates that within one raw material type that not only does significant variability in the digestible value of the raw materials exist, but that it is possible to use NIRS technology to provide rapid estimates of the digestible value of those raw materials in near real-time. &copy; 2014 John Wiley &amp; Sons Ltd
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