608 research outputs found

    Cooperative Business Development: Winnipeg Pilot Project Summative Evaluation Report

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    This report is an evaluation of the Cooperative Business Development: Winnipeg Pilot Project. The primary goal of the Project was to help facilitate the evolution of co-operative businesses, including creation, expansion, re-development and stabilization. The essence of the Project model was to facilitate business self-assessments and then to facilitate actions intended to plug capacity gaps. Special attention was paid to human capacity, assessed in terms of zeal, skill and knowledge, in relation to the different aspects of particular businesses. Technical support providers and mentors were used to cultivate increases in internal capacity. They were drawn from co-operatives, other community based businesses, business support agencies, individuals with business experience, and the Pilot’s own part- time staff. The object was to facilitate commercial self-reliance within co-operative, community-oriented businesses. The Pilot also attempted to encourage co-operatives and other community-oriented businesses to collaborate in sharing busi

    Anisotropic Hc2H_{c2} determined up to 92 T and the signature of multi-band superconductivity in Ca10_{10}(Pt4_{4}As8_{8})((Fe1−x_{1-x}Ptx_{x})2_{2}As2_{2})5_{5} superconductor

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    The upper critical fields, Hc2H_{c2}(TT), of single crystals of the superconductor Ca10_{10}(Pt4−δ_{4-\delta}As8_{8})((Fe0.97_{0.97}Pt0.03_{0.03})2_{2}As2_{2})5_{5} (δ\delta ≈\approx 0.246) are determined over a wide range of temperatures down to TT = 1.42 K and magnetic fields of up to μ0H\mu_{0}H ≃\simeq 92 T. The measurements of anisotropic Hc2H_{c2}(TT) curves are performed in pulsed magnetic fields using radio-frequency contactless penetration depth measurements for magnetic field applied both parallel and perpendicular to the \textbf{ab}-plane. Whereas a clear upward curvature in Hc2∥cH_{c2}^{\parallel\textbf{c}}(TT) along \textbf{H}∥\parallel\textbf{c} is observed with decreasing temperature, the Hc2∥abH_{c2}^{\parallel\textbf{ab}}(TT) along \textbf{H}∥\parallel\textbf{ab} shows a flattening at low temperatures. The rapid increase of the Hc2∥cH_{c2}^{\parallel\textbf{c}}(TT) at low temperatures suggests that the superconductivity can be described by two dominating bands. The anisotropy parameter, γH\gamma_{H} ≡\equiv Hc2∥ab/Hc2∥cH_{c2}^{\parallel\textbf{ab}}/H_{c2}^{\parallel\textbf{c}}, is ∼\sim7 close to TcT_{c} and decreases considerably to ∼\sim1 with decreasing temperature, showing rather weak anisotropy at low temperatures.Comment: 4pages, 3figures, accepted PRB Rapid Communicatio

    Moral pride:benefits and challenges of experiencing and expressing pride in one’s moral achievements

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    Pride is a positive emotion experienced following the recognition of one’s status or achievements. Here, we review the psychological literature that exists on pride, its expression and outcomes. We distinguish pride based on individual, competence-based achievements from moral pride where others benefit from a person’s efforts. We propose that pride is a highly social emotion experienced when appraising the social merit of one’s actions. Pride’s motivational function may be to promote continued effort towards achieving, yet there are several distinct challenges to experiencing and expressing pride. First, we consider the conditions in which pride might serve to promote perseverance versus licensing effects, that is, continuance versus discontinuance towards desirable goals. Two important moderating factors we consider are the extent to which the achievement is considered to be self-diagnostic, and the extent that agent is held socially accountable. Second, we consider whether there might be greater social costs associated with expressing pride in moral achievements than expressing pride in competence-based achievements. For one, expressing pride in moral achievements may serve to cancel the perceived selfless motive of the act, while this may not be true for competence achievements. Furthermore, expressing pride in moral achievements may be more likely to pose an identity threat to audience members than when expressing pride in one’s skills. Thus, regulation of moral pride may be of critical importance to social functioning. Throughout the chapter we highlight a number of outstanding questions on the psychology of moral pride

    Spin coherent quantum transport of electrons between defects in diamond

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    The nitrogen-vacancy color center in diamond has rapidly emerged as an important solid-state system for quantum information processing. While individual spin registers have been used to implement small-scale diamond quantum computing, the realization of a large-scale device requires development of an on-chip quantum bus for transporting information between distant qubits. Here we propose a method for coherent quantum transport of an electron and its spin state between distant NV centers. Transport is achieved by the implementation of spatial stimulated adiabatic Raman passage through the optical control of the NV center charge states and the confined conduction states of a diamond nanostructure. Our models show that for two NV centers in a diamond nanowire, high fidelity transport can be achieved over distances of order hundreds of nanometres in timescales of order hundreds of nanoseconds. Spatial adiabatic passage is therefore a promising option for realizing an on-chip spin quantum bus

    Conceptualizing and investigating mathematics teacher learning of practice

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    Researchers and teacher educators have made advances in describing mathematics instruction that can support all students in developing conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, strategic competence, adaptive reasoning, and productive dispositions toward mathematics. Some scholars have described teaching toward these goals as ambitious teaching – teaching that attends and responds to all students as they engage in intellectually rigorous mathematical activity. To further specify this broad vision, core practices of ambitious teaching are being unpacked and identified so that teachers can learn to enact these practice to support student learning. To support teacher learning, teacher educators have increasingly engaged prospective teachers in rehearsing core practices in less complex settings to learn the skills and purpose for enacting these practices. Emerging research on rehearsals has demonstrated its value in aiding prospective teachers in beginning to enact ambitious teaching practices prior to entering the profession. While interest in a core practice approach to teaching and teacher learning has grown, scholars have noted that a shared conceptual model of practice might further the field in making progress in accumulating knowledge and building theory of teacher learning of practice. Additionally, others posit that a core practice approach may also support teachers in professional development, yet to this point there has been little conceptual and empirical efforts attending to teacher learning of core practices. This study addresses these gaps in the literature by investigating a conceptual model of teaching and a teacher educator pedagogy, rehearsal, to advance efforts promoting mathematics teacher learning of ambitious teaching. Three manuscripts collectively illustrate progress on these ideas, drawing upon data and analyses from two years of research in a practice-based professional development for secondary mathematics teachers. The first manuscript develops and investigates a conceptual model of teaching to improve design and research efforts for teacher learning of ambitious teaching. This conceptual paper addresses a set of design considerations and learning tensions inherent in a core practice approach and examines hierarchical modularity as a way to conceptualize teaching to reconcile these challenges. The second manuscript brings together this conceptual model with a social theory of learning and reports on a retrospective analysis of four teachers’ attempts to enact core practices in their classrooms to explore the ways teachers recompose practices over time toward more ambitious forms of teaching. Findings from an analysis of 5,300 instructional moves teachers used over 20 lessons, highlight that small changes in teachers’ use of instructional moves that press students to justify their reasoning and orient students to one another’s mathematical ideas, supported corresponding changes in teachers’ enactments of larger practices of teaching. The third manuscript describes a design for rehearsals for teacher learning of core practices in professional development. It details our design process, describes the ways teachers engaged in rehearsals, and offers evidence of how two teachers engagement in rehearsals corresponded to changes in their classroom practices. The conceptual arguments in the first manuscript furthers the fields efforts to conceptualize practice to explore teacher learning using a core practice approach. The empirical analysis in the second manuscript provides new ways to explore how learning can be evidenced and investigated across teachers enactments of core practices in their teaching. The design of rehearsals discussed in the third manuscript provides the field with ways to envision and repurpose pedagogies of practice from teacher development to support teacher learning of ambitious teaching. Together, the three manuscripts identify areas for continued inquiry and effort for the design and implementation of practice-based professional development and research on teacher learning of practice

    Multi-contrast imaging and digital refocusing on a mobile microscope with a domed LED array

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    We demonstrate the design and application of an add-on device for improving the diagnostic and research capabilities of CellScope--a low-cost, smartphone-based point-of-care microscope. We replace the single LED illumination of the original CellScope with a programmable domed LED array. By leveraging recent advances in computational illumination, this new device enables simultaneous multi-contrast imaging with brightfield, darkfield, and phase imaging modes. Further, we scan through illumination angles to capture lightfield datasets, which can be used to recover 3D intensity and phase images without any hardware changes. This digital refocusing procedure can be used for either 3D imaging or software-only focus correction, reducing the need for precise mechanical focusing during field experiments. All acquisition and processing is performed on the mobile phone and controlled through a smartphone application, making the computational microscope compact and portable. Using multiple samples and different objective magnifications, we demonstrate that the performance of our device is comparable to that of a commercial microscope. This unique device platform extends the field imaging capabilities of CellScope, opening up new clinical and research possibilities

    Are baby animals less appetizing?:Tenderness towards baby animals and appetite for meat

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    Three studies investigated whether thoughts and feelings generated by baby animals might oppose appetite for meat. A prestudy established babyness as an important factor predicting moral concern for farmed animals. Study 1 showed that presenting images of baby animals, versus adult animals, as the source of meat reduced appetite for meat, but this effect was weak and found exclusively among women. Study 2 replicated and extended Study 1 using a larger sample and two new animal sources. Study 3 included a no animal comparison condition, and found greatest levels of reduced appetite for meat when the meat source was presented as a baby animal, as opposed to an adult animal or no visual indication of the animal source. A meta-analysis of the results using Bayes factors revealed considerable cumulative evidence in favor of the hypothesis that images of baby animals temporarily reduce women’s appetite for meat. In contrast, the evidence for men was less strong. Our results highlight a tension within some omnivores between caring for baby animals and appetite for meat
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