403 research outputs found

    Nucleosynthesis in accretion disks around black holes

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    Nucleosynthesis is the mechanism which produces new elements in nuclear reactions. Nuclear reaction rates are highly temperature dependant, and nuclear reactions take place in very hot environments. Current theories predict that the light elements such as hydrogen and helium were produced during the Big Bang. On the other hand, the core of stars produce heavier elements through nuclear fusion. These new elements are then released to the interstellar medium through stellar winds, enriching the gas which will form later generations of stars. Black hole accretion disks also can contain material of high temperatures generated by high accretion rates, allowing nuclear fusion to take place. Nucleosynthesis products can be expelled in winds driven by a super-Eddington accretion, and enrich the interstellar medium. I wrote a computer program 1 integrating a nuclear burning network in a black hole accretion disk for various ranges of black hole mass and accretion rates. I found that the accretion rate needed for nucleosynthesis to take place increases with the black hole mass. The highest temperatures are located in the inner disk, and the black hole event horizon increases linearly with its mass, preventing the disk from attaining high temperatures. For a stellar mass black hole, highly super-Eddington accretion rates allow nuclear burning and powerful winds. Such accretion rates can be supplied by unstable mass transfer during the disruption of a white dwarf. The alpha chain reactions, involving captures of helium nuclei, structure the disk composition radially, with isotope abundances dominating at specific radii. Assuming a given fraction of the disk material is expelled in winds due to Super-Eddington accretion, and knowing the rate at which such events happen in the Galaxy allowed me to compute upper limits of the contribution of accretion disks to the interstellar medium enrichment. Comparing this production to combined stellar yields from stars, I find that black hole–white dwarf accretion disks produce at most 10 −4 times the amount of the same elements that stars produce. This result shows that such a small contribution can be neglected to the overall content of the Galaxy. But the nucleosynthesis involved in general may perhaps play a role in observing these systems, for example a light curve emitted by radioactive elements produced in these short-lived black hole accretion disks.La nuclĂ©osynthĂšse dans les disques d'accrĂ©tion autour de trous noirs. "Nous sommes faits de poussiĂšres d'Ă©toiles", comme le dĂ©crit Hubert Reeves, reprenant, dans son magnifique ouvrage sur la synthĂšse des Ă©lĂ©ments dans l'Univers, l'idĂ©e de Carl Sagan. Cela signifie que les Ă©lĂ©ments qui nous compensent ajourd'hui, carbone, oxygĂšne, calcium, etc., ont Ă©tĂ© fabriquĂ©s Ă  partir de l'hydrogĂšne et de l'hĂ©lium hĂ©ritĂ©s du Big Bang, dans les denses coeurs brĂ»lants des Ă©toiles. Mais est-ce lĂ  la fin de l'histoire ? La synthĂšse des Ă©lĂ©ments nĂ©cessite des conditions extrĂȘmes de tempĂ©ratures et densitĂ©s. Ces conditions sont atteignables dans les disques formĂ©s par le le gas qui se fait avaler par les trous noirs, objets si denses que mĂȘme la lumiĂšre ne peut s'en Ă©chapper. Du gas orbitant un trou noir chauffe par friction, permettant Ă  des rĂ©actions nuclĂ©aires d'avoir lieu. Si une partie des Ă©lĂ©ments produits peu s'Ă©chapper, Ă  l'aide de vents par exemple, alors peut-ĂȘtre que les disques d'accrĂ©tion autour des trous noirs jouent un rĂŽle dans la synthĂšse des Ă©lĂ©ments nous composant. Seulement, les tempĂ©ratures ne sont suffisantes que dans de rares conditions qui mettent en jeu la destruction d'objets compacts, tels que les naines blanches et les Ă©toiles Ă  neutrons, qui sont respectivement les restes de vies d'Ă©toiles lĂ©gĂšres, et massives. Le travail dĂ©crit dans ce mĂ©moire se concentre sur les rĂ©actions nuclĂ©aires dans les disques d'accrĂ©tion provenant de ma destructions d'une naine blanche par un trou noir. Comme ces Ă©vĂ©nements sont trĂšs rares, leur contribution Ă  la synthĂšse des Ă©lĂ©ments qui nous cmposent aujourd'hui est nĂ©gligeable comparĂ©e Ă  tout ce que les nombreuses Ă©toiles de notre galaxie produisent. En revanche, le cas des Ă©toiles Ă  neutrons n'a pas dit son dernier mot et est toujours un sujet de recherche actuel. Quoi qu'il en soit, les cas les plus prometteurs de synthĂšse des Ă©lĂ©ments dans les disques d'accrĂ©tion autour des trous noirs mettent en jeu des Ă©toiles, donc il est bien vrai, nous sommes des poussiĂšres d'Ă©toiles.Nukleosynthes i ackretionsskrivor kring svarta hĂ„l. Hur bildas atomerna som bygger upp oss mĂ€nniskor - till exempel atomer av kol, syre eller kalcium? Den idag gĂąllande teorin Ă€r att lĂ€ttare atomer sĂ„som vĂ€te, helium och litium skapades vid "Big Bang", medan en supernova frĂ„n en döende stjĂ€rna producerade och frigjorde bland annat kol, syre, kalcium och jĂ€rn. Det som stjĂ€rnnor och Big Bang har gemensamt i sin förmĂ„ga att fungera som kĂ€rnreaktorer Ă€r att de utmĂ€rks av vĂ€ldigt hög vĂ€rme och en hög densitet. Ett svart hĂ„l som muycket snabbt fĂ„ngar gaser frĂ„n en omgivande ansamlingsskiva, som vi kallar ackretionsskiva, skapar ocksĂ„ mycket hög vĂ€rme och hög densitet. Detta tillstĂ„nd har ocksĂ„ alla fĂŽrutsĂ€ttningar att fungera som en kĂ€rnreactor och att skapa nya tyngre grundĂ„mnen. I mitt examenarsbete har jag undersökt kĂ€rnreaktioner i sĂ„dana ackretionsskivor kring svarta hĂ„l. Temperaturen och densiteten blir tillrĂ„ckligt hög endast om infĂ„ngningen av gaser sker mycket hastigt. Detta kan intrĂ€ffa om ansamlingsskivan kommer frĂ„n en vit dvĂ€rg, vilken ökar i storlek nĂ€r den kastat ut massa. Jag har skrivit ett program som berĂ€knar hur mycket av nua tyngre atomer som skapas och frigörs. JĂ€mfört med stjĂ€rnor Ă€r produktionen av nya grundĂ€mnen betydligt mindre förekommande. Eftersom en vit dvĂ€rg utgör slutprodukten frĂ„n en död stjĂ€rna, kan vi alltid sĂ€ga att vi mĂ€nniskor har erhĂ„llit vĂ„ra byggstenar frĂ„n stjĂ€rnstoft

    Forward Modelling the Secular Evolution of the Milky Way Disk

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    We know precisely the position of the Sun in our Galaxy. Yet, like for most stars, we cannot tell where it was born. Stars undergo dynamical memory loss: their orbits evolve, because the Milky Way, like many galaxies, has non-axisymmetric structures (e.g. bar, spirals) that shuffle stellar orbits. My thesis quantifies the strength of that process to answer: How (much) do stars change orbit? Can we still infer their birth places, to constrain the formation of the Milky Way disk? I have combined data from the large stellar surveys APOGEE and Gaia, and developed a method to extract the information they contain on the Galactic disk evolution. I forward-modelled the formation of the stellar disk, the stars’ elemental abundances and their subsquent orbital diffusion, which then informs us about their birth radii through ’weak chemical tagging’. I have found that stars can change orbits by large amounts, and most of this evolution is cold (the orbits stay near- circular). Secular evolution determines how the Milky Way disk is structued. If the Milky Way is typical this explain what drives disk galaxies in general to their typical exponential disk density profiles

    Anosov flows in dimension 3 from gluing building blocks with quasi-transverse boundary

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    We prove a new result allowing to construct Anosov flows in dimension 3 by gluing building blocks. By a building block, we mean a compact 3-manifold with boundary PP, equipped with a C1C^1 vector field XX, such that the maximal invariant set ∩t∈RXt(P)\cap_{t \in \mathbb{R}} X^t (P) is a saddle hyperbolic set, and the boundary ∂P\partial P is quasi-transverse to XX, i.e. transverse except for a finite number of periodic orbits contained in ∂P\partial P. Our gluing theorem is a generalization of a recent result of F. B\'eguin, C. Bonatti, and B. Yu who only considered the case where the block does not contain attractors nor repellers, and the boundary ∂P\partial P is transverse to XX. The quasi-transverse setting is much more natural. Indeed, our result can be seen as a counterpart of a theorem by Barbot and Fenley which roughly states that every 3-dimensional Anosov flow admits a canonical decomposition into building blocks (with quasi-transverse boundary). We will also show a number of applications of our theorem.Comment: 160 pages, 98 figure

    The evolutionary trends of noun class systems in Atlantic languages

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    Physique des métamorphoses de la neige sÚche : de la microstructure aux propriétés macroscopiques

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    The main objective of the thesis is to improve our knowledge about dry snow metamorphismand its physical description, at the microscopic (ice grains and pores) andmacroscopic (snow layer) scales. First, the homogenization method of multiple scaleexpansions is applied for the first time to the physics involved in dry snow metamorphism.This way, we present the equivalent macroscopic descriptions of heat and vaportransfers derived from the physical description at micro-scale. We consider at the grainscale diffusion, conduction, and forced convection, coupled to phase changes (sublimationand deposition). Second, the effective properties of transport arising in the macroscopicdescriptions (effective thermal conductivity, effective coefficient of vapor diffusion, andintrinsic permeability) are estimated from 3D images of snow spanning the whole range ofdensity and snow types. Finally, the monitoring of metamorphism with time is considered.The relationship between the microstructure and the effective properties of a snow layerare investigated during temperature gradient metamorphism using 3D images. We presentthen a new cryogenic cell that we developed to monitor the grain to grain evolution of asnow sample by time-lapse tomography during the metamorphism, and which operates atroom temperature.L’objectif gĂ©nĂ©ral de la thĂšse est de contribuer Ă  l’amĂ©lioration de nos connaissances sur les mĂ©tamorphoses de la neige sĂšche et sur sa description physique, Ă  l’échelle microscopique (grains de glace et pores) et macroscopique (couche de neige). Dans un premier temps,la mĂ©thode d’homogĂ©nĂ©isation basĂ©e sur les dĂ©veloppements asymptotiques Ă  Ă©chelles multiples est appliquĂ©e Ă  la physique des mĂ©tamorphoses de la neige sĂšche. On prĂ©sente ainsi les descriptions macroscopiques Ă©quivalentes du transport de vapeur et de chaleur dĂ©rivĂ©es Ă  partir de la description de la physique Ă  micro-Ă©chelle. On considĂšre Ă  l’échelle des grains la diffusion, la conduction, et la convection forcĂ©e, couplĂ©es aux changements de phase (sublimation et dĂ©position). Dans un second temps, les propriĂ©tĂ©s effectives de transport impliquĂ©es dans les descriptions macroscopiques (conductivitĂ© thermique effective, coefficient effectif de diffusion de vapeur et permĂ©abilitĂ© intrinsĂšque) sont estimĂ©es Ă  l’aide d’images 3D de neige couvrant toute la gamme de masse volumique et de types de neige. Enfin, on s’intĂ©resse au suivi temporel des mĂ©tamorphoses. Les liens entre la microstructure et les propriĂ©tĂ©s effectives d’une couche de neige sont mis en Ă©vidence au cours d’une mĂ©tamorphose de gradient de tempĂ©rature en utilisant des images 3D.On prĂ©sente ensuite une cellule cryogĂ©nique que nous avons mise au point pour le suivi grains Ă  grains par tomographie des Ă©volutions d’un Ă©chantillon de neige au cours des mĂ©tamorphoses, et qui s’utilise Ă  tempĂ©rature ambiante

    Analyse de la relation entre l’exposition aux rayonnements ionisants lors d’examens de scanographie et la survenue de pathologie tumorale, au sein de la cohorte « Enfant Scanner »

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    Computed tomography (CT) is a powerful imaging technique that provides great benefits for diagnosis and medical management of patients. Nonetheless, the widespread use of this procedure raises many concerns about the potential adverse effects induced by X-rays exposure, both in clinical practice and in terms of public health. First epidemiological studies have suggested an increased risk of cancer associated with CT scan exposures in childhood or adolescence. The interpretation of these results is, however, controversial, and evidence about radiation-induced risks of cancer is still limited at this level of exposure and during childhood.In France, the "Enfant Scanner" cohort was set up by IRSN to study the incidence of cancer among more than 100,000 children who received CT scans before the age of 10 in 21 university hospitals. This study is part of the European Epi-CT project – coordinated by the International Agency for Research on Cancer – which includes nine national cohorts set up on the basis of a common protocol. The current thesis, based on the French cohort, focuses on characterizing the exposure of children receiving diagnostic CT scans and quantifying the risk of cancer associated with these exposures.Dosimetric assessment was performed from the radiological protocols used in paediatrics between 2000 and 2011 in the participating hospitals. This study presents the evolution of the exposures during the period and the variability of practices in the radiology departments. The results show that there is a leeway for optimizing the procedures and limiting the exposure of patients, especially for scans of the head that account for most of the examinations in paediatrics.From these exposure measurements, a quantitative assessment of cancer risk potentially induced by CT scans in paediatrics was performed – on the basis of estimates of risk in other contexts of ionizing radiation exposure. The results show that each CT scan could be associated with an excess risk of tumours of the central nervous system, breast cancer, thyroid cancer or leukaemia ranging from 0.01‰ to 5‰. Cancer risks may be up to 7 times higher for patients aged 1 year compared to 10 year olds. Uncertainties attached to these risk predictions were quantified by simulations.From the follow-up of cancer incidence in the cohort, the dose-response relation was studied between the risk of tumors of the central nervous system, leukaemia and lymphoma, and cumulative X-ray doses to the organs of interest from CT scans. No significant increased risk was observed. Indeed, in 2011, the duration of the follow-up, i.e. 4 years on average, was very short. The analyzes have nevertheless characterized the impact of (acquired or hereditary) immunodeficiencies and other genetic factors predisposing to cancer on the risk estimates, and highlighted the importance of considering the indication of examinations in studies on CT scans.The follow-up of the cohort should be extended to provide more robust risk estimates. Extension of this study as well as expected results from other cohorts, particularly within the Epi-CT project, would provide, in the next 5 years, significant progresses on the issue of the potential adverse effects of CT. To date, risk predictions from quantitative risk assessment are still uncertain, especially for cerebral tumours, but should help to guide the use of CT. In addition, efforts for optimizing the radiological procedures are still needed to reduce the doses delivered in paediatrics and the potential associated risks.La scanographie est une technique d’imagerie mĂ©dicale performante offrant des bĂ©nĂ©fices considĂ©rables pour le diagnostic et le suivi mĂ©dical des patients. NĂ©anmoins, la question des effets adverses potentiels induits par l’exposition aux rayons-X se pose, tant au niveau individuel qu’en termes de santĂ© publique du fait de la frĂ©quence du recours Ă  cette procĂ©dure. Des premiĂšres Ă©tudes Ă©pidĂ©miologiques suggĂšrent une augmentation du risque de cancer associĂ©e Ă  l’exposition Ă  la scanographie durant l’enfance ou l’adolescence. NĂ©anmoins, l’interprĂ©tation de ces rĂ©sultats reste controversĂ©e et les connaissances sur le risque de cancer radio-induit Ă  ce niveau d’exposition et pendant l’enfance demeurent limitĂ©es.En France, la cohorte « Enfant Scanner » est mise en place par l’IRSN pour Ă©tudier l’incidence de cancer dans une population de prĂšs de 110 000 enfants ayant reçu des examens par scanographie avant l’ñge de 10 ans dans 21 centres hospitaliers universitaires. Cette Ă©tude participe au projet europĂ©en Epi-CT, coordonnĂ© par le Centre International de Recherche sur le Cancer, intĂ©grant neuf cohortes nationales sur la base d’un protocole commun. A partir de la cohorte française, cette thĂšse s’intĂ©resse Ă  caractĂ©riser les expositions des enfants recevant des examens diagnostiques par scanographie et Ă  fournir des Ă©lĂ©ments de quantification du risque de cancer associĂ©.Une Ă©valuation dosimĂ©trique est rĂ©alisĂ©e Ă  partir des protocoles radiologiques utilisĂ©s en pĂ©diatrie entre 2000 et 2011 dans les services hospitaliers participant. Cette Ă©tude prĂ©sente l’évolution des expositions au cours de la pĂ©riode ainsi que la variabilitĂ© des pratiques dans les services. Les rĂ©sultats montrent l’existence d’une marge d’optimisation des protocoles utilisĂ©s pour limiter l’exposition des patients, en particulier pour des explorations de la tĂȘte qui sont les examens les plus frĂ©quents en pĂ©diatrie.Une Ă©valuation du risque de cancer potentiellement induit par des actes de scanographie pĂ©diatrique a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e, sur la base d’estimations de risque obtenues pour d’autres contextes d’exposition aux rayonnements ionisants. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que chaque examen pourrait ĂȘtre associĂ© Ă  un excĂšs de risque de tumeur du systĂšme nerveux central (SNC), de cancer du sein, de la thyroĂŻde ou de leucĂ©mies compris entre 0,01‰ et 5‰. Le risque de cancer serait jusqu’à 7 fois supĂ©rieur pour des patients ĂągĂ©s de 1 an par rapport Ă  des enfants de 10 ans. Les incertitudes attachĂ©es Ă  ces prĂ©dictions de risque ont Ă©tĂ© quantifiĂ©es par simulations.A partir du suivi d’incidence de la cohorte, la relation dose-rĂ©ponse a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©e entre le risque de tumeurs du SNC, de leucĂ©mies et de lymphome, et les doses cumulĂ©es aux organes d’intĂ©rĂȘt reçues lors d’examens par scanographie. Aucune augmentation significative de risque n’a Ă©tĂ© mise en Ă©vidence. En 2011, le suivi dans la cohorte – 4 ans en moyenne– Ă©tait en effet trĂšs court. Les analyses ont nĂ©anmoins caractĂ©risĂ© l’impact de syndromes d’immunodĂ©ficiences et d’autres facteurs gĂ©nĂ©tiques de prĂ©disposition au cancer sur les estimations de risque, et mis en Ă©vidence l’importance de prendre en compte l’indication des examens dans ce type d’étude.Le suivi de la cohorte doit ĂȘtre poursuivi afin de fournir des estimations de risque plus robustes. L’extension de la durĂ©e de suivi de cette population ainsi que les rĂ©sultats attendus Ă  partir d’autres Ă©tudes, notamment dans le cadre du projet Epi-CT, devraient constituer, dans les 5 prochaines annĂ©es, une avancĂ©e tout Ă  fait significative sur la question des risques associĂ©s Ă  la scanographie. A ce jour, les prĂ©dictions rĂ©alisĂ©es dans le cadre d’évaluations de risque demeurent incertaines, en particulier pour les tumeurs du SNC, mais constituent une aide pour orienter le recours Ă  la scanographie. Des efforts d’optimisation des procĂ©dures radiologiques demeurent, par ailleurs, encore nĂ©cessaires pour rĂ©duire les doses dĂ©livrĂ©es en pĂ©diatrie ainsi que les risques possiblement associĂ©

    Agnes Korn, Andrej Malchukov (eds.). Ditransitive constructions in a cross-linguistic perspective

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    Cet ouvrage regroupe des articles de diffĂ©rents auteurs issus d’une sĂ©lection d’exposĂ©s et de posters prĂ©sentĂ©s lors l’atelier “Ditransitive constructions in a cross-linguistic perspective” du colloque Syntax of the World’s Languages VI (2014). Il contribue Ă  la documentation des constructions ditransitives dans des langues rares ou peu dĂ©crites, tout en relevant des problĂšmes typologiques majeurs concernant ces constructions. La majoritĂ© des articles de cet ouvrage utilise le terme ‘construc..
