38 research outputs found

    V krajině slov a metafor Josefa Šafaříka

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    Text se bude zaměřovat na „rekonstrukci“ toho, jak by bylo možné se dívat na Šafařík epistemologii, byť sám Šafařík by nikdy o své práci takto nehovořil a označil by nejspíše „epistemologii“ za „pojem“ a ne „slovo“. Příspěvek se tak právě bude zabývat rozlišením „slova“ a „pojmu“ u Šafaříka a využívání metafor v jeho tvorbě, které tvoří „definice z těžkého kovu“. A snad se pokusíme poukázat i na to, co bylo pro Šafaříka „za krajinou slova“, které tak mistrně ovládal. Tedy toho, kde zdánlivě Cestou k Poslednímu končí a nemůže již pokračovat, protože podle slov Šafaříka v této oblasti je již nekompetentní. Naštěstí „opravdové Nebe“ je vtělené do Č/člověka a skrze „bytostné hodnoty“ je člověk může nacházet a objevovat.Text se bude zaměřovat na „rekonstrukci“ toho, jak by bylo možné se dívat na Šafařík epistemologii, byť sám Šafařík by nikdy o své práci takto nehovořil a označil by nejspíše „epistemologii“ za „pojem“ a ne „slovo“. Příspěvek se tak právě bude zabývat rozlišením „slova“ a „pojmu“ u Šafaříka a využívání metafor v jeho tvorbě, které tvoří „definice z těžkého kovu“. A snad se pokusíme poukázat i na to, co bylo pro Šafaříka „za krajinou slova“, které tak mistrně ovládal. Tedy toho, kde zdánlivě Cestou k Poslednímu končí a nemůže již pokračovat, protože podle slov Šafaříka v této oblasti je již nekompetentní. Naštěstí „opravdové Nebe“ je vtělené do Č/člověka a skrze „bytostné hodnoty“ je člověk může nacházet a objevovat.The text will focus on the "reconstruction" of how it would be possible to watch Šafařík epistemology, though himself would never Šafařík about their work and spoke thus described would probably "epistemology" for "term" and not "word". This paper will deal so just resolution "words" and "concept" at Safarik and the use of imagery in his work, which are the "definition of heavy metal". And perhaps we will try to point out what was for Safarik "in landscape words" that so masterfully handled. So that, where seemingly the way to the last extremity, can no longer continue because the words Safarik in this area is already incompetent. Fortunately, the "true Heaven" is embodied in the H/human and through the "intrinsic value" one can find and discover

    Zkušenostně reflektivní učení a komfortní zóna

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    Článek pojednává o problematice zkušenostně reflektivního učení. Předně sevzaměřuje v této problematice na diskuzi týkající se konceptu komfortní zóny. Překračuje obvyklý rámec tuzemského vymezení konceptu komfortní zóny a reflektuje jej z pohledu zkušenostně reflektivního učení ve světě. Na závěr poukazuje na možné paralely konceptu komfortní zóny a teorií Lewina. Celkově se článek soustřeďuje na témata, která pomáhají rozšířit a prohloubit pohled na problematiku komfortní zóny.Článek pojednává o problematice zkušenostně reflektivního učení. Předně sevzaměřuje v této problematice na diskuzi týkající se konceptu komfortní zóny. Překračuje obvyklý rámec tuzemského vymezení konceptu komfortní zóny a reflektuje jej z pohledu zkušenostně reflektivního učení ve světě. Na závěr poukazuje na možné paralely konceptu komfortní zóny a teorií Lewina. Celkově se článek soustřeďuje na témata, která pomáhají rozšířit a prohloubit pohled na problematiku komfortní zóny.The article deals with the issue of experiential reflective learning. Firstly it aims to discuss the concept of comfort zone in this area. It goes beyond the usual definition of the domestic comfort zone and it reflects in terms of experiential reflective learning in the world. The conclusions point to possible parallels with the concept of comfort zones and K. Lewin theory. Overall, the article focuses on topics that help to expand the view on the issue of comfort zone

    Second Person Interview: Psycho-phenomenology, Descriptive Sampling Method and Clean Language Interviewing

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    Přednáška představovala vybrané metody v oblasti zkoumání lidského vědomí z pozice druhé osoby v kognitivních vědách. Předně se soustředila na představení psycho-fenomenologie (Varela, Petitmengin), dále na expoziční rozhovory v rámci popisné metody vzorkování zkušenosti (Hurlburt) a nakonec na čisté dotazování.Přednáška představovala vybrané metody v oblasti zkoumání lidského vědomí z pozice druhé osoby v kognitivních vědách. Předně se soustředila na představení psycho-fenomenologie (Varela, Petitmengin), dále na expoziční rozhovory v rámci popisné metody vzorkování zkušenosti (Hurlburt) a nakonec na čisté dotazování.Lecture Presented basic method for researching of human consciousness from second person position. Author focused on introduction to psycho-phenomenology (Varela, Petitmengin), followed by Expositional Interview within Descriptive Experience Sampling Method (Hurlburt) and finally we discussed Clean Language Interviewing

    Stories of teachers’ identity: Between personal and professional experience

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    Teacher identity is one of the key factors influencing the form and quality of educational processes. The aim of our literature review is an analysis of research on teachers' narrative identity in primary and secondary education. We used the Web of Science database and selected studies from 2010–2020 in English. The analysis shows that the area of teacher identity can be viewed from the points of personal and professional identity and their interplay. The data about teacher identity were collected mostly as narratives showing teachers' experience of their profession and their selves. Professional identity is investigated in terms of diversity in classroom discourse, curriculum, and professional development. Research on a teachers' personal identity focuses primarily on gender, parenting, sexual orientation, ethnicity, culture, political orientation, and national identity. The study illustrates an interplay of professional and personal identity.Teacher identity is one of the key factors influencing the form and quality of educational processes. The aim of our literature review is an analysis of research on teachers' narrative identity in primary and secondary education. We used the Web of Science database and selected studies from 2010–2020 in English. The analysis shows that the area of teacher identity can be viewed from the points of personal and professional identity and their interplay. The data about teacher identity were collected mostly as narratives showing teachers' experience of their profession and their selves. Professional identity is investigated in terms of diversity in classroom discourse, curriculum, and professional development. Research on a teachers' personal identity focuses primarily on gender, parenting, sexual orientation, ethnicity, culture, political orientation, and national identity. The study illustrates an interplay of professional and personal identity

    Zhodnocení neogenních sedimentů oblasti Vizovických vrchů na základě podpovrchových dat

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    Neogene (Karpatian, Lower Badenian) deposits of the Carpathian Foredeep were evaluated based on available subsurface data (well logs, cores) in the area of Vizovice Hills. Seven facies and their dominant depositional environments were identified. Depositional environment of the Karpatian deposits ranges from fluvial to clastic coast (barrier islands, lagoon, tidal flats, etc.) and shallow marine (proximal and distal shelf) ones. Depositional environment of the Lower Badenian deposits ranges form coarse grained delta to basinal and shallow marine ones

    Student-centered teacher responses to student behavior in the classroom: A systematic review

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    IntroductionEffective communication skills are essential for successful behavior management in the classroom. Teachers who can respond proactively and in a student-centered manner can create a positive and productive learning environment. However, the empirical support for student-centered communication practices in behavior management is limited.MethodsTo address this gap, a systematic literature review was conducted to identify the characteristics of student-centered behavior management strategies that lead to lower behavior problems and increased student engagement. The review utilized a PRISMA protocol to ensure the rigor of the study selection process.ResultsFive main categories were identified that characterize student-centered behavior management responses. A table of 24 communication strategies was presented based on the findings of the review. The study also discussed the further impact of these strategies on student motivation, learning outcomes, responsibility, and interpersonal classroom climate.DiscussionThe findings of this study highlight the importance of effective communication skills in behavior management and provide valuable insights for teachers to improve their practice. By implementing these student-centered communication strategies, teachers can manage the classroom effectively, creating a more positive and productive learning environment and supporting students in achieving better learning outcomes


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    Miocene sediments were studied on the basis well logs, cores from drill holes and seismic reflection profiles in the southern part of the Carpathian Foredeep in the Moravia. Well logs are very important for destination of the lithology of strata, cores are necessary for the verification of interpretation. Interpretated lithofacies could be the basic of lithostratigraphic units

    Směřování ke kvalitě 2016–2020 v pedagogicko-psychologické přípravě budoucích učitelů na PdF MU

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    Title in English: Towards the quality 2016–2020 in pedagogical-psychological preparation of future teachers at the Faculty of Education MU. The aim of this publication is to introduce the Department of Education of the Faculty of Education, Masaryk University and its results of evaluation at the end of the three-year implementation period of the newly accredited pedagogical-psychological module of teacher education. The publication presents the mission and vision of the workplace, its planned curriculum, theoretical foundations and achievements in research, creative and project areas. The main part is formed by the evaluation of the practical implementation of the new curriculum in practice


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    Three outcrops of the Lower Badenian marginal sediments Kletná, Stachovice (near Suchdol nad Odrou) and Střítež nad Ludinou (near Hranice) have been documented by sedimentological, petrological and micropaleontological methods. The coarse-grained sandstones and fine-grained conglomerates with clasts of metamorphosed rocks, Culmian sediments and quartz pebbles prevail in the studiying profiles. Two lithofacies were recognised in the outcrop Kletná: Gt – channel fill conglomerates; Gh – horizontally laminate conglomerates. Only one lithofacie Gi – very coarse sandstones to granules with layers of medium-grained conglomerates – was found on the locality Stachovice. Lithofacies Gt and Gm documenting amalgamated conglomerate beds were described in the outcrop Střítež nad Ludinou. Sediments of the localities Střítež nad Ludinou and Kletná we can interpret as a sediments of terrestrial environments whereas the sediments of locality Stachovice as a sediments of Gilbert-type delta

    Fluviální sedimenty mezi Jinačovicemi a Kuřimí

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    Artificial outcrops made in the area of the Brno golf course between Jinačovicemi a Kuřim allow us to study areally widespread sandy and gravelly deposits. Sedimentological and micropaleontological studies reveal their fluvial origin and Ottnangian age. Coarse grained river transported the material originated from N and NW geological units (Moravicum, Bohemian Cretaceous basin and Boskovice Furrow) generally towards the south. These deposits are unusually thick (more than 80 m) in the area of Jinačovice depression