733 research outputs found

    Impact of Uranium Mine on Health Of Tribal People: A Study of Jadugoda Region

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    The present study revolves around the impact of Uranium Mining on Health of the tribal people of the Jadugoda region. There is general mindfulness amongst the tribal group with respect to conceivable destructive impacts of radiation on wellbeing and prosperity of people. There are number of health related issues that exists in the uranium mining areas which needs maximum attention. There are questions which are needed to be enquired, for instance, the influence of uranium mining on the health of the local community and to explore the impact of uranium mining on employees of the mining companies Vis-a- Vis non-employee. The study has both qualitative and quantitative techniques of data collection to achieve the objectives of the study. Three villages were selected for the study based on random selection. Uranium Corporation of India Limited, a uranium mining company is operating in these villages

    Sama Chakeva : A Worthy Celebration Amid some unanswered Questions

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    India is a country feasting on festivities All of its 29 states have their distinct culture and traditional occasion of celebration Sama Chakeva is one such festival in folk tradition of India It is celebrated in Bihar which is an eastern state situated in Gangetic plane The mythological and religious story of this festival traces back to lord Krishna and his family The festival of Sama Chakeva cherishes the love between brother and sister In this festival people show regards towards environment by welcoming winter migratory birds Brother is presented as a redeemer of sister but there are many questions shielded under festivity of Sama Chakeva Who decides the purity of a girl s character she herself or the society Has patriarchy given her any power to defend herself This story also points towards the basic structure of Indian society in which women sexuality has no expression In a civilized society bourgeois women represent domesticated side of nature Negation of sexual needs of a woman is the basic foundation of patriarchal mindset in the whole world In addition to explaining story and rituals of Sama chakeva I have tried to analyze the story of Sama from feminist perspectiv

    Dichotomy of the Centre and Margin in LaxminarayanTripathi’s Me Hijra, Me Laxmi

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    Though the Supreme Court of India on 15th April 2014 accorded legal recognition to the third gender community in India yet even today they continue to face discrimination. The politics of gender and sexuality in contemporary India is essentially constructed on the notion of the ‘normative’ and the ‘alternative’. In such context the alternative identities are rendered invisible and pushed to a marginal existence. However, refusing to remain in closet LaxminarayanTripathi in her autobiography Me Hijra, Me Laxmi transgresses the boundaries of normative gender and asserts her identity as a hijra. It is a narrative that attempts to dismantle and challenge the stereotypes that aids in providing legitimacy to the normative discourse of gender identity. It interrogates the ways in which mainstream society allows only those bodies to be comfortable which have been legitimized through narratives and in the process naturalised. It is through her writing and activism that Laxmi disrupts the normative boundaries and creates a centre even in the peripheral space bridging the gap between the centre and periphery. This proposed paper attempts to analyse the experiences of marginalisation of the third gender community due to the antipathetic attitude of the mainstream society. The paper will examine how certain bodies at the margin can become a site of resistance. It will also examine the ways ‘deviant’ bodies are coerced to confirm to the norm of the society and how the same bodies through resistance can create a space even in the peripheral space

    What is India speaking: The "Hinglish" invasion

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    While language competition models of diachronic language shift are increasingly sophisticated, drawing on sociolinguistic components like variable language prestige, distance from language centers and intermediate bilingual transitionary populations, in one significant way they fall short. They fail to consider contact-based outcomes resulting in mixed language practices, e.g. outcome scenarios such as creoles or unmarked code switching as an emergent communicative norm. On these lines something very interesting is uncovered in India, where traditionally there have been monolingual Hindi speakers and Hindi/English bilinguals, but virtually no monolingual English speakers. While the Indian census data reports a sharp increase in the proportion of Hindi/English bilinguals, we argue that the number of Hindi/English bilinguals in India is inaccurate, given a new class of urban individuals speaking a mixed lect of Hindi and English, popularly known as "Hinglish". Based on predator-prey, sociolinguistic theories, salient local ecological factors and the rural-urban divide in India, we propose a new mathematical model of interacting monolingual Hindi speakers, Hindi/English bilinguals and Hinglish speakers. The model yields globally asymptotic stable states of coexistence, as well as bilingual extinction. To validate our model, sociolinguistic data from different Indian classes are contrasted with census reports: We see that purported urban Hindi/English bilinguals are unable to maintain fluent Hindi speech and instead produce Hinglish, whereas rural speakers evidence monolingual Hindi. Thus we present evidence for the first time where an unrecognized mixed lect involving English but not "English", has possibly taken over a sizeable faction of a large global population.Comment: This paper has been withdrawan as the model has now been modified and the existing model has some error

    A Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for Breast Cancer Detection

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    Now a day, cancer is one of most common and internecine disease among all disease present in the world. A cancer disease is classified into different types based on the body location like breast cancer, kidney cancer, liver cancer etc. but breast cancer is one of the most common cancer in woman and 8% of woman were diagnosed breast cancer in 2016. It is found that if the cancer is diagnosed in the early stage than the probability of the survival is higher. Now a day, Machine learning play a vital role in order to detect cancer in the early stage. Lots of work has been done previously which uses machine learning approach like support vector machine, Naïve Bayes, logistic regression etc. In this paper w proposed hybrid approach for detecting cancer in the early stage. This hybrid approach is the combination of Support vector machine and Naïve Bayes approach. In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed approach uses Wisconsin Breast Cancer (WBC) which is downloaded from the UCI machine learning repository. Performance of the proposed approach is measured in term of accuracy, F- value. Experiment results shows that proposed approach gives better result as compare to the competitive approach

    Zrównoważone źródła utrzymania Fundacji Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich jako droga do zrównoważonego rozwoju

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    The primary objective of this study is to evaluate and analyse the significance of the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach (SLA) and its application to rural development projects and policies. A literature review is conducted, with the primary focus being on the primary components of the SLA. The researchers noted that the SLA effectively interrogates the livelihoods of the poor and the various mechanisms in the approach. These mechanisms include all forms of capital, the vulnerability aspect, livelihood strategies, and outcomes, as well as the different laws and regulations governing the access and use of resources. The research also noted that the SLA effectively addresses the poor’s vulnerabilities. Scholarly heavy hitters like Chambers and Scoones (1992) have pointed out that this method is all-encompassing and hierarchical. The methodology has demonstrated in a theoretical sense that it is beneficial in understanding the livelihoods problem of the less fortunate in rural communities. It is strongly suggested that the government and its development partners adopt and incorporate the SLA into their policies to ensure sustainable livelihoods leading to sustainable development.Głównym celem tego badania jest ocena i analiza znaczenia zrównoważonych źródeł utrzymania (SLA) i ich zastosowania w projektach i politykach rozwoju obszarów wiejskich. Przegląd literatury skupia się przede wszystkim na głównych składnikach umowy SLA. Zauważono, że SLA skutecznie bada źródła utrzymania ubogich i różne mechanizmy w tym podejściu. Mechanizmy te obejmują wszystkie formy kapitału, aspekt podatności na zagrożenia, strategie utrzymania i wyniki, a także różne prawa i regulacje regulujące dostęp do zasobów i korzystanie z nich. W badaniu zauważono również, że umowa SLA skutecznie eliminuje słabe punkty biednych. Badacze, tacy jak Chambers i Scoones (1992), zwrócili uwagę, że ta metoda obejmuje całość problematyki i jest hierarchiczna. Od strony teoretycznej wykazano, że jest ona korzystna dla zrozumienia problemu środków do życia osób mniej szczęśliwych w społecznościach wiejskich. Stanowczo zaleca się, aby rząd i jego partnerzy rozwojowi przyjęli i włączyli umowę SLA do swoich polityk w celu zapewnienia zrównoważonych źródeł utrzymania prowadzących do zrównoważonego rozwoju

    Examining the Need of Digital Citizenship Education for Adolescents in the Current Digital Landscape

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    Adolescents are growing up in a digital era, and the increasing role of technology in our lives presents both challenges and opportunities. A survey study was conducted to address the need for Digital Citizenship Education (DCE) in school-going adolescents, as they need to learn how to make sound judgments when navigating the digital world. The study found that 79% of students have digital access at home, 83% purchase products online, and 73% have social media accounts, with 24% talking to strangers online. However, only 21% use the internet at school, and 78% are unaware of the term DCE. The survey also revealed that many students lack awareness of cyber laws, struggle to determine the reliability of online information, and believe everything they see online is true. This research emphasizes the importance of developing a customized DCE curriculum for adolescents to participate safely, ethically, effectively, and responsibly in the digital community

    Abiotic Stress Management in Vegetable Crops

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    Vegetables are highly sensitive in nature thus affected by various biotic and abiotic stress. Any adverse effect of non-living elements on living things in a particular habitat is known as abiotic stress. The production and productivity of vegetable crops got highly effected by the extreme event of climate change i.e, heat stress, water stress, drought, heavy rainfall, salinity etc. Vegetables are full of various nutrients which help in lowering the risk of various diseases such as cancer, heart disease, blood pressure, diabetes etc. Most of the vegetables contain more than 90% of water thus highly sensitive to climate change. Sudden change in climatic factors like in temperature affects all stages of plant growth, pollination, flowering and fruiting which directly reduces the yields and quality of major vegetables. Vegetable crops like beans or tomatoes may lose some of their blossoms at such high temperatures, especially in dry or windy conditions, which will lead to a poor fruit set. High temperatures may harm sweet corn pollination and result in inadequately filled ears of corn. Few fruits are produced because cucurbits (the family that includes pumpkins and squash) typically develop mostly male flowers when temperatures are high

    Human relationship in the Novels of Nayantara Sahgal

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    Nayantara Sahgal is an Indian writer in English. She was one of the first female Indian writers in English to receive wide recognition. Her concern for women is based more on humanism rather than that of feminism. Her feminism does not go beyond treating women as an individual. During 1950's period, Nayantara Sahgal emerged as one of the most significant voices among women writers in the contemporary Indian writing in English. Nayantara Sahgal is a prolific writer who has eight novels to her credit, two biographies, two political commentaries and a large number of articles in various newspapers and magazines. She is a recipient of the prestigious `Sahitya Akademi Award' for her novel ‘Rich Like Us’ (1985), the `Sinclair Award' and the 'Common Wealth Award for Eurasia' for her novel ‘Plans For Departure’ (1986). Her fiction is closely interwoven with the fabric of interpersonal relationships not in the political and social milieu of India. Various dimensions of human relationships, man-woman particularly are the main thesis, we do find in all her novels. Man-Woman relationship holds a vital place in these relationships and the novelist deals with this dimension of relationship with full concern and broad perspective


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      Background: USG-guided FNAC is a good preoperative screening technique when compared to FNAC and USG done separately for the diagnosis of a thyroid lesion. However, there is little evidence in the literature that emphasizes the importance of USG-guided FNAC as the first step in the investigation of thyroid lesions. Aim: Our study aims to see the sensitivity and specificity, adequacy, and diagnostic accuracy of USG-guided FNAC taking histopathology as a gold standard. Methods: This Hospital-based prospective observational study was carried out on patients who attended the OPD and/or IPD and underwent surgery in the Department of Otorhinolaryngology. Results: The sensitivity, specificity, and diagnostic accuracy of ultrasound-guided FNAC for thyroid lesions were 58.82%, 98.18%, and 88.89% respectively taking Bethesda categories 1 to 3 as benign and categories 4 to 6 as malignant. The positive likelihood ratio and negative likelihood ratio are 32.32 and 0.42 respectively. Positive predictive value and negative predictive value were 90.91% and 88.52%. The diagnostic accuracy of USG-guided FNAC for thyroid lesions in the present study is 88.89% and adequacy is 93.05%. Conclusion: Further study of a larger number of cases is desirable. US-FNAC is an expensive procedure as compared to palpable FNAC. Recommendation: We recommend the application of USG guide FNAC as the first step in the investigation of thyroid lesions along with a detailed interdepartmental correlation to make the diagnosis before surgery