19 research outputs found

    Los cibermedios hiperlocales en la comunidad y su función de socialización en las redes sociales : el caso español de somos Malasaña

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    En la última década, la información de proximidad se renueva con los cibermedios hiperlocales. Estos no solo constituyen espacios de comunicación local en la red, sino que su orientación geográfica y de compromiso social con la comunidad refuerza la relación entre sus individuos, implicándolos en los acontecimientos de su barrio, región o ciudad. En su función de socialización, las redes sociales son uno de los canales principales de confluencia e interacción entre periodistas y lectores. Por todo ello, esta investigación75 persigue el objetivo de estudiar la función de los cibermedios hiperlocales como espacio de socialización de la comunidad en internet. Más concretamente, se analiza la presencia, las estrategias de difusión, la participación y la interacción de los lectores en las redes sociales del medio Somos Malasaña, uno de los primeros y más consolidados hiperlocales en España. Para un análisis integrador de Somos Malasaña en su comunidad hiperlocal, la investigación parte de un estudio exploratorio por el que se identifican los perfiles sociales de los medios de comunicación, las entidades gubernamentales y académicas, así como las asociaciones vecinales y otras organizaciones relevantes en la comunidad. Con un marcado carácter descriptivo, se aplica un análisis cuantitativo para medir las estrategias de publicación de contenidos y los indicadores de participación de los usuarios, empleando herramientas gratuitas de software de analítica social para la extracción de los datos de la muestra. El estudio en profundidad de la función de socialización de Somos Malasaña se consigue con un análisis cualitativo complementario, que estudia los objetivos y las características de su discurso, así como las de los comentarios e interacciones de los usuario

    A Decade of Research on Hyperlocal Media: An International Approach to a New Media Model

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    The growth of hyperlocal media has rekindled the ecosystem of local media in recent years. An international phenomenon, it has already been the subject of much study in the academy, despite it being a recent occurrence. This article deals with the literature review of scientific articles published during the first decade of hyperlocal media research. The results show the keen interest that researchers had early on in this new media model, especially in the United States, United Kingdom, Sweden and Australia where it was studied more intensely. The works published from 2010 to 2020 exhibit an interest in the study of the transformation of the media ecosystem, the mapping and analysis of the characteristics of the media, their organizational and business models, as well as their informative production and the relationship with the audienceThis article has been developed within the research project “Digital Native Media in Spain: Storytelling Formats and Mobile Strategy” (RTI2018–093346-B-C33) funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities and cofunded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)S

    Blurring boundaries between journalists and tiktokers: journalistic role performance on TikTok

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    This article is part of the issue “New Narratives for New Consumers: Influencers and the Millennial and Centennial Generations” edited by Luis M. Romero‐Rodríguez (Rey Juan Carlos University), Santiago Tejedor (Autonomous University of Barcelona), and Inmaculada Berlanga (International University of La Rioja)In recent years, media has adapted to the logic of each new social network to respond to renewed consumption habits and journalists have developed new roles on these platforms. TikTok is an emerging platform with its own influencer culture and in which the main audiences are the millennial and centennial generations. The main objective of this study is to analyze the presence of journalists on TikTok through the type of content and strategies used in adapting to this platform. The research is based on methodological triangulation. First, a database of journalists on TikTok (n1 = 212) was developed and the profiles were reviewed. Second, a questionnaire survey (n2 = 63) was developed. Finally, a content analysis (n3 = 520) of profiles exceeding 100,000 followers was conducted. This research provides a first description of the activity of journalists on TikTok, where a variety of roles, usages, and strategies are identified, beyond those of their profession. They join the of-the-moment platform with different purposes (to inform, entertain, or introduce themselves) and targets (new audiences, young people, fans). Journalists adapt their presence to the TikTok social media logic, seeking a space of influence on a platform that is the natural habitat of younger generationsThis work was supported by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Government of Spain) and the ERDF structural fund within the research project Digital Native Media in Spain: Storytelling Formats and Mobile Strategy (RTI2018–093346‐B‐C33)S

    Let’s dance the news! How the news media are adapting to the logic of TikTok

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    The influence of TikTok has reached the news media, which has adapted to the logic of the platform, in a context marked by the incidental consumption of news, virality and the intermediation of technology in access to information. The popularity of this social network invites news outlets to address a young audience on a platform characterized by visual and short content and dynamics defined by algorithmic recommendations, trending hashtags and challenges. Based on an exploratory search of news media and programmes on TikTok from around the world, we selected 234 accounts and conducted a content analysis of the 19 news media and programmes identified with a verified profile and general thematic scope. The results point to a progressive incorporation of the media since 2019, with the purpose of informing, positioning their brand and adapting to the logic of TikTok in a new approach to journalism for younger generations.This work was supported by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Government of Spain) and the ERDF structural fund within the research project “Digital Native Media in Spain: Storytelling Formats and Mobile Strategy” (RTI2018–093346-B-C33).S

    Interactive documentary contributions to the renewal of journalistic narratives: realities and challenges

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    Introducción: El ciberperiodismo encuentra en la no ficción interactiva un lugar adecuado para el desarrollo de los relatos. Los medios adoptan las nuevas formas interactivas e híbridas para enfrentarse al desafío de Internet y dar respuesta a las necesidades de unas audiencias más activas y permanentemente conectadas. Metodología: En este artículo, se presentan los resultados del análisis cualitativo de diez documentales interactivos publicados entre los años 2010 y 2016. Al mismo tiempo, se identifican tendencias en la renovación del periodismo junto a la propuesta de parámetros basados en la caracterización de esta forma narrativa. Resultados y conclusiones: El documental interactivo se encuentra en una fase de diversificación, ya consolidado en países como Francia, Estados Unidos y Canadá. En referencia a las características del género, se percibe un notable desarrollo y un destacado potencial, en contraste con el reto que supone un contexto en cambioIntroduction: Online journalism finds in interactive nonfiction an appropriate place for the development of stories. The media adopt new interactive and hybrid forms to face the challenge of the Internet and to respond to the needs of more active and permanently connected audiences. Methodology: In this article, the results of the qualitative analysis of ten interactive documentaries published by international media between the years 2010 and 2016 are presented. At the same time, renewal trends in journalism are identified along with the proposal of parameters based on the characterization of this narrative form. Results and conclusions: Interactive documentary is in a diversification phase, already consolidated in countries like France, the United States and Canada. With reference to the features of the genre, a notable development and an outstanding potential have been perceived, in contrast to the challenge that represents a changing contextThis article has been developed within the research project Uses and informative preferences in the new media map in Spain: journalism models for mobile devices (Reference: CSO2015-64662-C4-4-R) funded by Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Government of Spain) and co-funded by the ERDF structural fund, as well as it is part of the activities promoted through the International Research Network of Communication Management – XESCOM (Reference: ED341D R2016/019), supported by Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria of Xunta de GaliciaS

    Intersections between TikTok and TV: Channels and programmes thinking outside the box

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    The rise of the TikTok social network has caused the media to confront the younger generation. The platform, which hosts dances, challenges, and funny short videos, has unique features that force a reinvention of social networking strategies. Television has become social and has expanded to new platforms, while young people are abandoning the consumption of traditional television. In this study, we explore—for the first time—the presence of television channels and programmes on TikTok and an analysis of the main strategies shown in the 133 found profiles. The results describe a first exploratory phase that lacks specific strategies in most cases, while examples adapted to the logic of the social network emerge: content with a fun and simple tone, with participation in challenges and trends of the moment, as well as a positioning of the brand to—gradually—approach its future potential audiencesThis research has been developed within the research project “Digital Native Media in Spain: Storytelling Formats and Mobile Strategy” (RTI2018–093346-B-C33), funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Government of Spain) and the ERDF structural fundS

    La innovación multimedia e interactiva en el ciberperiodismo argentino

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    Los cibermedios argentinos han seguido las tendencias internacionales en su trayectoria digital y han asumido los constantes cambios en el ecosistema mediático innovando con la producción de formatos multimedia e interactivos pensados para la red, así como iniciativas de tipo tecnológico como la realidad virtual. Desde el punto de vista organizacional, la convergencia de redacciones y la creación de laboratorios son algunos de los rasgos identificados. En este artículo se elabora un estudio de caso de La Nación, La Capital, La Voz del Interior y Clarín, identificando sus elementos innovadores y entrevistando a profesionales del área digital. A nivel global, los medios periodísticos de Argentina muestran un carácter innovador, aunque inestable. La búsqueda de un modelo sostenible, la dotación de medios económicos, tecnológicos y humanos para el área digital y una apuesta estratégica de las empresas pueden aportar lo necesario para garantizar su consolidación en la redArgentinean online media have followed international trends in their digital trajectory and they have taken on the constant changes in the media ecosystem by innovating with the production of multimedia and interactive formats designed for the Internet, as well as technological initiatives such as virtual reality. From the organizational point of view, the convergence of newsrooms and the creation of labs are some of the identified features. In this article, a case study of La Nación, La Capital, La Voz del Interior and Clarín is developed, identifying its innovative elements and interviewing digital professionalsEste artículo está elaborado en el marco del proyecto Usos y preferencias informativas en el nuevo mapa de medios en España: modelos de periodismo para disposi-tivos móviles (Referencia: CSO2015-64662-C4-4-R), del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, cofinan-ciado por el fondo estructural FEDER, así como forma parte de las actividades promovidas a través de la Red Internacional de Gestión de la Comunicación – XESCOM (Referencia: ED341D R2016/019), apoyada por la Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria de la Xunta de Galicia. El autor Jorge Vázquez-Herrero es beneficiario del programa de Formación do Profesorado Universitario financiado por el Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (Gobierno de España)S

    Map and characteristics of local and hyperlocal digital media in Spain

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    Durante las dos últimas décadas, el modelo mediático tradicional de la prensa local ha sufrido una profunda crisis que, unida a la económica, ha derivado en el cierre de cabeceras y recortes de personal. La creciente necesidad de una oferta informativa local veraz y la adversa realidad laboral en el sector comunicativo han motivado a muchos periodistas a fundar sus propios medios locales e hiperlocales al amparo de la red. En esta investigación se realiza un estudio exploratorio para elaborar el primer mapa de cibermedios locales e hiperlocales activos en España, con el objetivo de conocer la presencia de este tipo de medios en el Estado. Posteriormente, estos cibermedios se someten a un análisis de contenido para identificar sus características básicas y tendencias de desarrollo. Los resultados evidencian un crecimiento relevante de los cibermedios locales e hiperlocales en el país, así como unos rasgos que reflejan la búsqueda de nuevos modelos informativos desde la proximidadDuring the last two decades, the traditional media model of the local press has suffered a deep crisis which, together with the economic one, has led to the closure of many newspapers and staff cuts. The growing need for a truthful local news offer and the adverse labor reality in the communication sector have motivated many journalists to found their own local and hyperlocal media in the network. In this research, an exploratory study is carried out to elaborate the first map of local and hyperlocal online media in Spain, with the objective of knowing the presence of this type of media in the State. Sub sequently, these online media are subjected to a content analysis to identify their basic characteristics and development trends. The results show a relevant growth of local and hyperlocal online media in the country, and their features reflect the search for new information models from proximityEste artículo se ha elaborado en el marco del proyecto “Cibermedios nativos digitales en España: formatos narrativos y estrategia móvil” (Referencia RTI2018-093346-B-C33), del Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, cofinanciado por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)S

    Cibermeios hiperlocais ibéricos: o nascimento de uma nova rede de proximidade

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    Durante la última década, el ecosistema comunicativo ha experimentado una profunda transformación desde la proximidad con la proliferación de los cibermedios hiperlocales. En este artículo se exploran las iniciativas que han nacido en España y Portugal y se evidencia la existencia de una nueva red de medios de proximidad. El estudio comparado de distintos elementos propios de la producción informativa se aplica a cinco cibermedios con diferentes modelos organizativos y de gestión. Los resultados muestran tendencias comunes en cuanto a los espacios y temas de cobertura, participación activa de los ciudadanos u orientación a la comunidad propia de los hiperlocalesDuring the last decade, the communication ecosystem has undergone a profound transformation in the areas of proximity, due to the proliferation of hyperlocal online media. In this article, we explore the initiatives born in Spain and Portugal, and we show the existence of a new media network in the areas of proximity. This study compares different elements of information production of five online media with different organizational and management models. The results show common trends in terms of spaces and coverage issues, active participation of citizens or orientation to the community of the hyperlocal mediaAo longo da última década, o ecossistema comunicativo tem sofrido uma profunda transformação em relação à proximidade com a proliferação dos cibermeios hiperlocais. Este artigo descreve as iniciativas que nasceram na Espanha e em Portugal e mostra a existência de uma nova rede de meios de proximidade. O estudo comparativo de diferentes elementos da produção de informações aplica-se a cinco cibermeios com diferentes modelos de organização e de gestão. Os resultados mostram tendências comuns em relação a espaços e temas de cobertura, participação activa dos cidadãos ou orientação para a própria comunidade dos hiperlocaisEste texto forma parte de la difusión de resultados del proyecto de investigación del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad titulado Innovación y desarrollo de los cibermedios en España. Arquitectura de la interactividad periodística en dispositivos múltiples: formatos de información, conversación y servicios (Referencia: CSO2012-38467-C03-03) y de los trabajos exploratorios para el marco contextual y referencial del proyecto de investigación Usos y preferencias informativas en el nuevo mapa de medios en España: modelos de periodismo para dispositivos móviles (Referencia: CSO2015-64662-C4-4-R)S

    El periodismo local reinventa estrategias. Decálogo para los desafíos en tiempos de inteligencia artificial [Local journalism reinvents strategies. Decalogue for the challenges in times of artificial intelligence]

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    Local and hyperlocal journalism is experiencing times of great change. It is reinventing and reinforcing strategies to survive in a scenario where news deserts have increased, many local media have disappeared and many news projects are finding it difficult to keep up with the pace of production and innovation imposed by the digital ecosystem. The digital transition has led to the appearance of many native media, especially due to the reduction of procedures and the ease of creating a platform on the web, but few had solid projects. Now, with the massive arrival of Artificial Intelligence (AI), many of these media outlets that have resisted the onslaught of adaptation, are convinced that they must review their strategies and look back at their audiences, who have not always been known in depth or understood their needs and demands, despite the multiple metrics that exist to monitor media consumption