El periodismo local reinventa estrategias. Decálogo para los desafíos en tiempos de inteligencia artificial [Local journalism reinvents strategies. Decalogue for the challenges in times of artificial intelligence]


Local and hyperlocal journalism is experiencing times of great change. It is reinventing and reinforcing strategies to survive in a scenario where news deserts have increased, many local media have disappeared and many news projects are finding it difficult to keep up with the pace of production and innovation imposed by the digital ecosystem. The digital transition has led to the appearance of many native media, especially due to the reduction of procedures and the ease of creating a platform on the web, but few had solid projects. Now, with the massive arrival of Artificial Intelligence (AI), many of these media outlets that have resisted the onslaught of adaptation, are convinced that they must review their strategies and look back at their audiences, who have not always been known in depth or understood their needs and demands, despite the multiple metrics that exist to monitor media consumption

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