2,033 research outputs found

    Giant radiation heat transfer through the micron gaps

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    Near-field heat transfer between two closely spaced radiating media can exceed in orders radiation through the interface of a single black body. This effect is caused by exponentially decaying (evanescent) waves which form the photon tunnel between two transparent boundaries. However, in the mid-infrared range it holds when the gap between two media is as small as few tens of nanometers. We propose a new paradigm of the radiation heat transfer which makes possible the strong photon tunneling for micron thick gaps. For it the air gap between two media should be modified, so that evanescent waves are transformed inside it into propagating ones. This modification is achievable using a metamaterial so that the direct thermal conductance through the metamaterial is practically absent and the photovoltaic conversion of the transferred heat is not altered by the metamaterial.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Proximity effect of vanadium on spin-density-wave magnetism in Cr films

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    The spin-density wave (SDW) state in thin chromium films is well known to be strongly affected by proximity effects from neighboring layers. To date the main attention has been given to effects arising from exchange interactions at interfaces. In the present work we report on combined neutron and synchrotron scattering studies of proximity effects in Cr/V films where the boundary condition is due to the hybridization of Cr with paramagnetic V at the interface. We find that the V/Cr interface has a strong and long-range effect on the polarization, period, and the N\'{e}el temperature of the SDW in rather thick Cr films. This unusually strong effect is unexpected and not predicted by theory.Comment: 7 figure

    Fast reactor BREST-300

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    This paper describes the nearest future of nuclear power engineering in terms of fast reactor - BREST-300. The article shows its design, characteristics and benefits of fast reactors. Even modern reactors with slow neutrons have high energy rates, but there are some problems such as rarity of Uranium -235 and large amounts of waste. The Russian development of BREST-300 is able to solve some of the problems. Key words: BREST-300, fast reactor(FR), loop, fuel assembly (FA), closed nuclear fuel cycle (CFC), thermal power, electric power, fuel lifetime

    A review of the pesticide MCPA in the land-water environment and emerging research needs

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    peer-reviewedDue to its high solubility and poor adsorption to the soil matrix, the postemergence herbicide 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid (MCPA) is susceptible to transport into surface and groundwater bodies, where it can result in compromised water quality and breaches of legislative standards. However, there is still poor understanding of catchment scale dynamics and transport, particularly across heterogeneous hydrogeological settings. While it is known that MCPA degrades under aerobic conditions, negligible breakdown can occur in anaerobic environments, potentially creating a legacy in saturated soils. Fast runoff pathways post application are likely transport routes, but the relative contribution from the mobilization of legacy MCPA from anaerobic zones has yet to be quantified, making the delineation of MCPA sources encountered during monitoring programs challenging. While ecotoxicological effects have been examined, little is known about the interaction of MCPA (and its degradation products) with other pesticides, with nutrients or with colloids, and how this combines with environmental conditions to contribute to multiple stressor effects. We examine the state of MCPA knowledge, using case study examples from Ireland, and consider the implications of its widespread detection in waterbodies and drinking water supplies. Research themes required to ensure the sustainable and safe use of MCPA in an evolving agricultural, social and political landscape are identified here. These include the need to identify mitigation measures and/or alternative treatments, to gain insights into the conditions governing mobilization and attenuation, to map pathways of migration and to identify direct, synergistic and antagonistic ecotoxicological effects

    Multiplicities of secondaries in interactions of 1.8 GeV/nucleon Fe-56 nuclei with photoemulsion and the cascade evaporation model

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    A nuclear photographic emulsion method was used to study the charge-state, ionization, and angular characteristics of secondaries produced in inelastic interactions of Fe-56 nuclei at 1.8 GeV/nucleon with H, CNO, and AgBr nuclei. The data obtained are compared with the results of calculations made in terms of the Dubna version of the cascade evaporation model (DCM). The DCM has been shown to satisfactorily describe most of the interaction characteristics for two nuclei in the studied reactions. At the same time, quantitative differences are observed in some cases

    Target fragments in collisions of 1.8 GeV/nucleon Fe-56 nuclei with photoemulsion nuclei, and the cascade-evaporation model

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    Nuclear photographic emulsion is used to study the dependence of the characteristics of target-nucleus fragments on the masses and impact parameters of interacting nuclei. The data obtained are compared in all details with the calculation results made in terms of the Dubna version of the cascade-evaporation model (DCM)

    Solar dynamo model with nonlocal alpha-effect

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    The first results of the solar dynamo model that allows for the diamagnetic effect of inhomogeneous turbulence and the nonlocal alpha-effect due to the rise of magnetic loops are discussed. The nonlocal alpha-effect is not subject to the catastrophic quenching related to the conservation of magnetic helicity. Given the diamagnetic pumping, the magnetic fields are concentrated near the base of the convection zone, although the distributed-type model covers the entire thickness of the convection zone. The magnetic cycle period, the equatorial symmetry of the field, its meridional drift, and the polar-to-toroidal field ratio obtained in the model are in agreement with observations. There is also some disagreement with observations pointing the ways of improving the model.Comment: To appear in Astronomy Letters, 10 pages, 5 figure

    Multiplicities of secondaries in nuclear interactions, induced by Ne-20, Ar-40 and Fe-56 nuclei at 0.1-0.5 GeV/nucleon

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    Multiplicities of various species of charged secondaries produced in inelastic interactions of Ne-20, Ar-40, and Fe-56 nuclei with emulsion nuclei, at 0.1-0.5 GeV/nucleon have been measured. The data obtained are compared with the results for interactions of higher energy nuclei with emulsion nuclei. The dependences of the nucleus-nucleus interaction parameters on masses and energies of colliding nuclei are examined