526 research outputs found

    Povezanost pristupa usmerenog na porodicu i zadovoljstva roditelja participacijom dece sa cerebralnom paralizom u kućnom okruženju i u okruženju zajednice

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    This descriptive and exploratory study aimed to examine the relationship between family-centeredness of service delivery and home and community participation of children with cerebral palsy. It was hypothesized that there would be a significant association between family-centeredness of service delivery and parental satisfaction with home and community participation in the group of school-aged children with cerebral palsy. A convenience sample included 110 children with cerebral palsy, aged 7-18 years (55% males; M age = 12.7 years, SD = 3.41). The Measure of Processes of Care (MPOC-20) was used to assess the extent to which parents of children with cerebral palsy perceived health and rehabilitation services they had been receiving as being family-centered. Overall parental satisfaction with their child's home and community participation was evaluated by the Participation and Environment Measure for Children and Youth (PEM-CY). Analyses were performed using Spearman's rank correlation test. Only two out of 10 tested correlations reached the level of statistical significance, both in home environment. Parents who had higher overall satisfaction with their child's current home and community participation perceived certain aspects of health and rehabilitation services as being family-centered to a greater extent (general and specific information). The fulfilment of parents' needs by presenting them general and child-related information could have a positive effect on their satisfaction with their child's home participation. The findings suggest insufficient representation of the concept of participation and family-centered work principles in service planning and the evaluation of outcomes of the applied programs.Cilj ove deskriptivne i eksplorativne studije je bio da se ispita odnos između usmerenosti na porodicu u pružanju usluga i participacije dece s cerebralnom paralizom u kućnom okruženju i okruženju zajednice. Postavljena je hipoteza prema kojoj postoji statistički značajna povezanost između usmerenosti na porodicu u pružanju usluga i roditeljskog zadovoljstva participacijom u kućnom okruženju i okruženju zajednice u grupi dece s cerebralnom paralizom školskog uzrasta. Prigodan uzorak je obuhvatio 110 dece s cerebralnom paralizom starosti 7-18 godina (55% muškog pola; prosečnog uzrasta 12,7 godina, SD = 3.41). Za procenu obima u kojem roditelji dece sa cerebralnom paralizom doživljavaju dobijene zdravstvene i rehabilitacione usluge kao usmerene na porodicu korišćena je skala Merenje procesa nege (Measure of Processes of Care - MPOC-20). Sveukupno roditeljsko zadovoljstvo participacijom deteta u kućnom okruženju i okruženju zajednice procenjeno je primenom Testa za procenu participacije i okruženja - Deca i mladi (Participation and Environment Measure for Children and Youth - PEM-CY). Analize su izvršene pomoću koefcijenata Spirmanove korelacije ranga. Samo dve od 10 testiranih korelacija dostigle su nivo statističke značajnosti, obe u kućnom okruženju. Roditelji koji su izrazili veće sveukupno zadovoljstvo trenutnom participacijom svog deteta u kućnom okruženju i okruženju zajednice doživljavali su određene aspekte zdravstvenih i rehabilitacionih usluga kao usmerene na porodicu u većem obimu (opšte i posebne informacije). Pružanjem opštih informacija i informacija o detetu ispunjavaju se roditeljske potrebe što može imati pozitivan uticaj na njihovo zadovoljstvo participacijom dece u kući. Nalazi ukazuju na nedovoljnu zastupljenost koncepta participacije i principa rada usmerenog na porodicu u planiranju usluga i evaluaciji rezultata primenjenih programa

    Drying of immobilized yeast cells in a spouted bed dryer with a moving draft tube

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    Brewery yeast cells immobilized in Ca-alginate were dried in a laboratory scale spouted bed with a draft tube.The experiment was conducted under variable temperatures and air flow rates. The temperature and air velocity at the bottom of the column have been varied in the range from 30 to 60 °C and from 6 to 10 m/s in a duration of 60 min. The moisture of dryied particles was in the interval of 10.00 to 21.00 g/g, while the water activity was in the range of 0.40 to 0.45 what ensures the preservation of immobilized yeast as a starter and provides the biological activity of dried particles. A rehidration process of dryied particles proved that dried particles could completely restore their original shape and starting volume, while the mechanical resistance is somewhat reduced. The cells preserved in this way completely restore their catalytical activity after the rehidration

    Sušenje imobilisanih ćelija pivskog kvasca u sušioniku sa fontanskim slojem i pokretnom centralnom cevi

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    Brewery yeast cells immobilized in Ca-alginate were dried in a laboratory scale spouted bed with a draft tube. The experiment was conducted under variable temperatures and air flow rates. The temperature and air velocity at the bottom of the column have been varied in the range from 30 to 60 °C and from 6 to 10 m/s in a duration of 60 min. The moisture of dried particles was in the interval of 10.00 to 21.00 g/g, while the water activity was in the range of 0.40 to 0.45 what ensures the preservation of immobilized yeast as a starter and provides the biological activity of dried particles. A rehidration process of dried particles proved that dried particles could completely restore their original shape and starting volume, while the mechanical resistance is somewhat reduced. The cells preserved in this way completely restore their catalytical activity after the rehidration.Imobilisane ćelije pivskog kvasca u Ca-alginatu su sušene u laboratorijskoj sušnici sa konicnoim fontanskim slojem. Eksperiment je izvođen pri različitim temperaturama i protocima ulaznog vazduha. Temperatura je menjana u intervalu od 30 do 60 °C, a brzina vazduha na ulazu u kolonu je menjana od 6 do 10 m/s, pri konstantnom vremenu sušenja u svim eksperimentima u trajanju od 60 min. Početna vlažnost čestica koje su sušene, kretala se u intervalu od 10,00 do 21,00 g vlage/g suve materije, dok je aktivnost vode bila u opsegu od 0,40 do 0,45, koja obezbeđuje korišćenje osušenih čestica kao starter kultura, uz istovremeno sprečavanje bioloških procesa u osušenim imobilisanim česticama. Nakon rehidratacije, osušene čestice su vraćale svoju prvobitnu zapreminu i oblik, dok je njihova mehanička otpornost smanjena u odnosu na čestice pre sušenja. Ćelije, sačuvane na ovaj način su, nakon rehidratacije, zadržavale svoju katalitičku aktivnost. Dobijeni rezultati u ovom radu su polazni parametri za projektovanje pilot sušionika

    Tehnologija imobilisanih ćelija u proizvodnji piva - dosadašnja iskustva i rezultati

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    Immobilized cell technology (ICT) has been attracting continual attention in the brewing industry over the past 30 years. Some of the reasons are: faster fermentation rates and increased volumetric productivity, compared to those of traditional beer production based on freely suspended cells, as well as the possibility of continuous operation. Nowadays, ICT technology is well established in secondary fermentation and alcohol- free and low-alcohol beer production. In main fermentation, the situation is more complex and this process is still under scrutiny on both the lab and pilot levels. The paper outlines the most important ICT processes developed for beer brewing and provides an overview of carrier materials, bioreactor design and examples of their industrial applications, as well as some recent results obtained by our research group. We investigated the possible applications of polyvinyl alcohol in the form of LentiKats®, as a potential porous matrices carrier for beer fermentation. Given are the results of growth studies of immobilized brewer's yeast Saccharomyces uvarum and the kinetic parameters obtained by using alginate microbeads with immobilized yeast cells and suspension of yeast cells as controls. The results indicate that the immobilization procedure in LentiKat® carriers has a negligible effect on cell viability and growth. The apparent specific growth rate of cells released in medium was comparable to that of freely suspended cells, implying preserved cell vitality. A series of batch fermentations performed in shaken flasks and an air-lift bioreactor indicated that the immobilized cells retained high fermentation activity. The full attenuation in green beer was reached after 48 hours in shaken flasks and less than 24 hours of fermentation in gas-lift bioreactors.Industrija piva već 30 godina pokazuje zanimanje za primenu tehnologije imobilisanih ćelija. Najvažniji razlozi su: veća brzina i produktivnost fermentacije u poređenju sa tradicionalnom proizvodnjom piva na bazi suspendovanih ćelija, kao i mogućnost kontinualnog rada. Danas je ova tehnologija već konvencionalno primenjena u naknadnom vrenju i proizvodnji niskoalkoholnih i bezalkoholnih piva. Glavno vrenje, međutim, još uvek je ostalo nerešen problem. Zbog svoje kompleksnosti, uprskos mnogobrojnim eksperimentalnim rezultatima na laboratorijskom i poluindustrijskom nivou još nije realizovano na industrijskom. U radu su prikazani najvažniji dosad razvijeni procesi, nosači i bioreaktorski sistemi na bazi imobilisanih ćelija, primenjeni u različitim fazama fermentacije piva, kao i najnoviji sopstveni eksperimentalni rezultati. Ispitivana je mogućnost primene polivinil alkohola u obliku LentiKats®, kao potencijalnog nosača za fermentaciju piva. Dati su rezultati ispitivanja kinetike rasta pivskog kvasca Saccharomyces uvarum imobilisanog na LentiKats i alginatnom nosaču i upoređene sa vrednostima dobijenim za slobodne suspendovane čestice. Utvrđeno je da postupak imobilizacije na LentiKat® nosaču ima zanemarljiv uticaj na vitalnost i rast čestica. Specifična brzina rasta čestica koje se oslobađaju u medijum odgovarala je vrednosti dobijenoj u slučaju slobodnih suspendovanih čestica. Ogledi u šaržnim fermentacijama u tikvicama po Erlenmajeru i gas-lift bioreaktoru pokazali su da imobilisane ćelije zadržavaju veliku fermentativnu aktivnost. Potpuna prevrelost mladog piva u tikvicama po Erlenmajeru dostignuta je nakon 48 časova i za manje od 24 časa u gas-lift bioreaktoru

    Kvantitativna analiza rezultata dobijenih funkcionalnim ispitivanjem uz pomoć Swayᵀᴹ aplikacije za procenu ravnoteže u odnosu na norme prema odgovarajućem polu i godinama života

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    The Balance Error Scoring System (BESS) is a common balance test relying on assessment tools such as the Sway TM Balance application for IOS mobile, encompassing the tri-axial accelerometers and movement sensors to measure bodily sway. Given that age and gender are important factors when using this methodology, suitable normative score sets were determined. The main aim of this study was a quantitative analysis of the ability of healthy, 21-year-old participants of both genders to maintain postural balance using the aforementioned normative values. The postural balance scoring was done by the co-application of the modified BESS test and Sway TM Balance software during a protocol organized in three-week double-scoring sessions. In order to assess the participants' age-and gender-dependent abilities, the average balance score medians were contextualized with the appropriate normative values. All of the participants showed average results, with scores ameliorating during the procedure, and the female participants showed generally better results than the males. Focusing solely on the first-session scores revealed, however, that men had scored at the low average cutoff point, while women scored below average age-and sex-dependent cutoff points. However, in the last session both genders scored deeply within the average. This study showed average abilities of the studied participants according to the normative values, as well as a generally better performance of the women compared to the men, but it has also pointed out that, due to subject adaptation, the chosen combination of protocol and technology is of limited usefulness for balance assessment in the general population, indicating the need for protocol adjustments in future studies.Sistem za ocenjivanje grešaka u ravnoteži (prema engl. Balance Error Scoring System-BESS) je uobičajen test ravnoteže koji se zasniva na alatima za procenu poput Swayᵀᴹ Balance aplikacije za IOS mobilne operativne sisteme, koja obuhvata triosne akcelerometre i senzore kretanja za merenje njihanja tela. S obzirom da su uzrast i pol važni faktori prilikom primene ove metodologije utvrđeni su odgovarajući setovi normativnih skorova. Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je kvantitativna analiza sposobnosti zdravih 21-godišnjih učesnika oba pola da održe posturalnu ravnotežu koristeći gore navedene normativne vrednosti. Ocenjivanje posturalne ravnoteže izvršeno je primenom modifikovanog BESS testa i Swayᵀᴹ Balance softvera tokom protokola organizovanog u tronedeljnim sesijama i sa dvostrukim bodovanjem. Da bi se procenile sposobnosti prema uzrastu i polu prosečni medijani rezultata ravnoteže su kontekstualizovani odgovarajućim normativnim vrednostima. Svi učesnici su pokazali prosečne rezultate sa skorovima koji se poboljšavaju tokom procedure dok su žene pokazale bolje rezultate od muškaraca. Fokusiranjem isključivo na rezultate prve sesije utvrđeno je međutim da su muškarci zabeležili nisku prosečnu tačku prekida (tzv. cut-off point) dok su žene zabeležile ispod prosečne tačke prekida u odnosu na starost i pol. Međutim, tokom poslednje sesije ispitanici oba pola ostvarili su prosečne rezultate. Ovo istraživanje je pokazalo prosečne sposobnosti ispitivanih učesnika, u odnosu na normativne vrednosti, kao i uopšteno bolje performanse ispitanica u odnosu na ispitanike. Istraživanje je takođe, ukazalo da je zbog adaptacije ispitanika, izabrana kombinacija protokola i tehnologije bila od ograničene koristi u proceni ravnoteže opšte populacije, što ukazuje na potrebu za prilagođavanjem protokola u budućim istraživanjima

    Urban form and planning in the information age: Lessons from literature

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    This paper focuses on the relationship between information and communication technologies (ICT) and urban form, and on urban planning response to spatial and economic consequences of ICT. It starts with literature-based review of how urban environments in the United States change with technological advances and explanations of the relationship between ICT and urban form. The paper also includes a discussion of the manner in which ICT impact is handled by urban planning. The literature review points to insufficient attention to the dynamics between ICT and urban planning and increasing gap between physical and economic development implications of ICT. It is the role of urban planners to balance the consideration of the physical and economic aspects against the prospects and opportunities offered by ICT.

    Integration of Technical and Situation Efficacy into the Morphological System in Young Female Volleyball Players

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    The aim of the study was to identify morphological structures of young female volleyball players according to age, and to assess the impact of these morphological structures on technical and situation efficacy. A set of 13 morphological measures as predictor variables, a set of 6 technique elements, and assessment of performance quality as criterion variables were employed in a sample of 246 female volleyball players. The sample consisted of 32 players aged 12–13, 147 players aged 14–15, 50 players aged 16–17, and 17 players aged 18–19. Analysis of variance showed the female volleyball players of various age groups to differ significantly according to the variables assessing the longitudinal skeleton dimensionality, and body mass and volume, as well as in all tests used on volleyball technique evaluation. Factor analysis of morphological measures applied across all age groups generally yielded two morphological structures: the one determined by skeleton development, i.e. longitudinal and transverse bone growth, and another one determined by soft tissue development, i.e. muscle and adipose tissue growth. Results of regression analysis revealed the longitudinal skeleton dimensionality to significantly determine the block technique performance across all age groups, and to a lesser extent performance of the spike technique in the 14–15 and 16–17 age groups. Regression correlation analysis also showed the developed skeleton based on the predominance of longitudinality to be a significant positive predictor of situation performance in all age groups

    Procena ravnoteže kod dece sa intelektualnom ometenošću mlađeg školskog uzrasta

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    In children, balance develops in everyday activities through play and exercise. It is essential for learning, and participation in educational work and physical activities. The aim of this study was to evaluate the balance abilities of younger children with typical development and children with moderate intellectual disability. The survey was conducted on a sample of 38 male children (23 with typical development and 15 with moderate intellectual disability). To assess the balance we used Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency, 2nd edition-BOT 2 (Bruininks & Bruininks, 2005), subtest 5. The results show that the total average achievement of children with typical development for all the tasks was 31.07, and 11.34 for children with intellectual disability. A statistically significant difference was achieved on 6 of the 9 tasks (p lt 0.05). Compared to the norms, children with typical development are within the average range, while participants with moderate intellectual disabilities are below average on a balance test. The obtained results of this study can be used as a basis for further research in the field of (special) education and rehabilitation. They can be used to create programs of preventive and corrective work in order to support and assist students in school activities as well.Kod dece, balans se razvija u svakodnevnim aktivnostima kroz igru i vežbanje. Od suštinskog je značaja za učenje, i učešće u obrazovnom radu i fizičkim aktivnostima. Cilј ovog istraživanja je bio da se proceni balans kod dece mlađeg uzrasta tipičnog razvoja i kod dece sa umerenom intelektualnom ometenošću. Istraživanje je sprovedeno u novembru 2014. godine, na uzorku od 38 dečaka (23 tipičnog razvoja i 15 sa umerenom intelektualnom ometenošću). Za procenu balansa korišćen je Bruininks - Oseretski Test motoričkih sposobnosti, drugo izdanje - BOT 2 (Bruininks & Bruininks, 2005), i to subtest 5. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je ukupno prosečno postignuće dece tipičnog razvoja na svim zadacima 31.07 poena, dok kod dece sa intelektualnom ometenošću iznosi 11.34. Statistički značajna razlika ostvarena je na 6 od 9 zadataka (p lt 0.05). U poređenju sa normama, deca tipičnog razvoja se nalaze bliže proseku, dok su ispitanici sa umerenom intelektualnom ometenošću ispod proseka na balans testu. Dobijeni rezultati ove studije, mogu se koristiti kao osnova za dalјa istraživanja u oblasti (specijalne) edukacije i rehabilitacije. Takođe, mogu se koristiti za kreiranje programa preventivnog i korektivnog rada u cilјu podrške i pomoći učenicima u školskim aktivnostima

    The Influence of Wheat Malt Quality on Final Attenuation Limit of Wort

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    This paper aimed to investigate the influence of certain wheat and wheat malt quality indicators on limit of attenuation of wort (LAT). The experiment was conducted using wheats that have been proven to display the best malting properties with heightened total and soluble N and very good viscosity. Standard micromalting and brewing processes and analysis were applied. The obtained results showed that the quality of analyzed malts was satisfying. Statistical analysis determined no significant correlation between the limit of attenuation of wort and any of the other analyzed quality indicators. The lack of close correlations between indicators is probably due to the extremely complex intertwine of factors influencing the LAT, pointing to the fact that this particular indicator should be observed as separate and mainly variety-dependent

    Some types of distance functions and fuzzy measures with application in imageprocessing

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    Doktorska disertacija izučava primenu fazi operacija, prvenstveno agregacionih operatora na funkcije rastojanja i metrike. Originalan doprinos teze je u konstrukciji novih funkcija rastojanja i metrika primenom agregacionih operatora na neke polazne funkcije rastojanja i metrike. Za neke tipove agregacionih operatora i polaznih funkcija rastojanja i metrika su ispitane osobine ovako konstruisanih funkcija rastojanja i metrika. Za neke od njih su ispitane performanse pri primeni u segmentaciji slike „Fuzzy c-means“ algoritmom.This thesis studies application of fuzzy operations, especially aggregation operators, on distance functions and metrics. The contribution of the thesis is construction of new distance functions and metrics by application of aggregation operators on some basic distance functions and metrics. For some types of aggregation operators and basic distance functions and metrics, properties of distance functions and metrics constructed in this way are analyzed. For some of them, performances in application in Fuzzy c-means algorithm are analyzed