85 research outputs found
Finite-element analysis of contact problems in thermoelasticity. The semi-coercive case
AbstractNumerical analysis of the Signorini problem with friction in two-dimensional quasi coupled linear thermoelasticity is investigated. Piecewise linear finite elements on the triangulation of the given domain Ω⊂R2 with polygonal boundary ∂Ω are used. In this contribution we establish the rate of convergence of the finite-element approximate solution uh, provided the exact solution is smooth enough. In general the problem represents the model problem of a great number of branches, such as the model problem of a high-level radioactive waste disposal system as well as the model problem of geodynamcis and biomechanics, etc
Finite element approximation of a coupled contact Stefan-like problem arising from the time discretization in deformation theory of thermo-plasticity
AbstractIn the paper we draw on the mathematical formulation of the coupled contact Stefan-like problem in deformation theory of plasticity, which arises from the discretization in time. The problem leads to solving the system of variational inequalities, which is approximated by the FEM. Numerical analysis of the problem is made
On the FEM solution of a coupled contact—two-phase Stefan problem in thermo-elasticity. Coercive case
AbstractIn the paper a semi-implicit discretization in time of the weak formulation of the coupled signorini type contact—two-phase Stefan Problem is numerically analyzed. The problem leads to coupled elliptic variational inequalities, which are approximated by the FEM
Představení projektu icompose - integrované řízení sdruženého pohonu a duálního zdroje energie u plně elektrických vozidel
This paper introduces the current state of research project related to novel comprehensive energy management system for different drivetrain configurations (with single or multiple electric motors, 1 or 2 energy storage systems), which improves energy efficiency, driveability, safety and comfort of FEVs. This subject is currently investigated within the European Union (EU) funded Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) consortium iCOMPOSE, focused on the development and experimental testing of novel control strategies. Project is solved by consortium research public and private institutions/companies Kompetenzzentrum - Das virtuelle Fahrzeug ,Forschungsgesellschaft mbH; Univerzita v Surrey; Lotus Cars Limited; ŠKODA AUTO a.s., Flanders' Drive; Hutchinson SA, AVL List GmbH, Infineon Technologies AG; Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung E.V.Tento příspěvek přináší stručné představení výzkumného projektu iCOMPOSE financovaného 7. rámcovým programem Evropského společenství jako součást evropské Iniciativy za zelené automobily. Cílem projektu je vytvořit jednotný koncept kontrolního systému řízení spotřeby energie pro různé konfigurace pohonného systému (s jedním nebo více elektromotory a jedním či dvěma systémy skladování energie), což umožňuje zvýšit energetickou účinnost, jízdní vlastnosti, bezpečnost a pohodlí FEV. Projekt je řešen konsorciem partnerských společností a výzkumných institucí Kompetenzzentrum - Das virtuelle Fahrzeug ,Forschungsgesellschaft mbH; Univerzita v Surrey; Lotus Cars Limited; ŠKODA AUTO a.s., Flanders' Drive; Hutchinson SA, AVL List GmbH, Infineon Technologies AG; Fraunhofer- Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung E.V
Detection of Extracellular Phosphatase Activity of Heterotrophic Prokaryotes at the Single‐Cell Level by Flow Cytometry
Monitoring cell activity using substrates, which turn fluorescent due to biological activity, allows observing the presence and dynamics of sub‐populations, and provides a very valuable insight in ecological studies. The phosphatase substrate ELF97 phosphate (ELF‐P) is a useful tool to detect and quantify phosphatase activity (PA) of microorganisms at the single‐cell level. Most of the studies dealing with PA at the single‐cell level focus on autotrophic cells and only few concern heterotrophic prokaryotes (referred as bacteria in the text). While flow cytometry is a promising tool to assess the single‐cell analysis, only microscopy tools have been used until now to measure the ELF labeling associated with bacteria expressing PA. Therefore, we have developed a new protocol that enables the detection of ELF alcohol (ELFA), the product of ELF‐P hydrolysis, making possible the specific identification of bacteria showing PA using flow cytometry
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Lake water acidification and temperature have a lagged effect on the population dynamics of Isoëtes echinospora via offspring recruitment
The aquatic quillwort, Isoëtes echinospora, survived the strong water acidification during 1960s–1990s in Plešné Lake (Bohemian Forest, Central Europe), but failed to reproduce. We studied the relationships between a recent population recovery and an improvement of lake water quality. We used correlation analysis to evaluate lagged seasonal effects of lake water quality on population dynamics during the past decade, and factor analysis to determine the independent factors responsible for population recovery. We also provided a water-quality-based reconstruction of population growth from the beginning of the lake recovery two decades ago, using a partial least squares regression (PLSR) model of population growth. We identified three independent controlling factors: nutrients (nitrate, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium), stressors (pH, ionic aluminium) and temperature. Of these, nutrient availability did not limit the quillwort growth, but annual mean pH and winter mean concentrations of toxic ionic aluminium influenced population growth through negative effects on sporeling establishment until the age of one year, while cumulative temperature in spring and summer controlled the later plant growth. Thus, water quality in the acidified Plešné Lake mainly controls recruitment success rather than adult survival of Isoëtes echinospora. This study provides the first in situ evidence that the recruitment success, namely the annual increment in the adult quillwort population, indicates the degree of recovery from acidification, however further extensive investigation is required to more accurately quantify, and therefore understand, the relationships between recruitment, water quality and other factors
Runes from Lany (Czech Republic) - The oldest inscription among Slavs. A new standard for multidisciplinary analysis of runic bones
When Roman administration and legions gradually withdrew from the outer provinces after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, they created a power void filled by various groups. The dynamic Migration Period that followed is usually considered to have ended when the Germanic Lombards allegedly left Central Europe and were replaced by Slavs. Whether or how Slavic and Germanic tribes interacted, however, is currently disputed. Here we report the first direct archaeological find in support of a contact: a bone fragment dated to similar to 600 AD incised with Germanic runes but found in Lany, Czechia, a contemporaneous settlement associated with Slavs. We documented and authenticated this artifact using a combined approach of use-wear analysis with SEM microscopy, direct radiocarbon dating, and ancient DNA analysis of the animal bone, thereby setting a new standard for the investigation of runic bones. The find is the first older fuark inscription found in any non-Germanic context and suggests that the presumed ancestors of modern Slavic speakers encountered writing much earlier than previously thought.Když se římská správa a legie po pádu Západořímské říše postupně stáhly z vnějších provincií, vytvořilo se mocenské vakuum vyplněné různými skupinami. Dynamické období migrace, které následovalo, se obvykle považuje za ukončené v okamžiku, když germánští Longobardi údajně opustili střední Evropu a byli nahrazeni Slovany. Zda nebo jak na sebe vzájemně působily slovanské a germánské kmeny, se v současné době diskutuje. Zde publikujeme první přímý archeologický nález na podporu kontaktu: fragment kosti datovaný okolo roku 600 n.l. s vyrytými germánskými runami, který však byl nalezen v na sídlišti v Lánech (jižní Morava), na sídlišti spojeném se Slovany. Tento artefakt jsme dokumentovali a ověřili pomocí kombinace různých metod: tafonomie s mikroskopií SEM, datování radiokarbonovou metodou a analýzou aDNA zvířecí kosti, čímž jsme stanovili nový standard pro výzkum runových kostí. Nález je prvním nápisem staršího futharku nalezeným v jiném než germánském kontextu, což naznačuje, že se předkové slovansky mluvících obyvatel střední Evropy setkali s písmem mnohem dříve, než se dříve myslelo.When Roman administration and legions gradually withdrew from the outer provinces after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, they created a power void filled by various groups. The dynamic Migration Period that followed is usually considered to have ended when the Germanic Lombards allegedly left Central Europe and were replaced by Slavs. Whether or how Slavic and Germanic tribes interacted, however, is currently disputed. Here we report the first direct archaeological find in support of a contact: a bone fragment dated to similar to 600 AD incised with Germanic runes but found in Lany, Czechia, a contemporaneous settlement associated with Slavs. We documented and authenticated this artifact using a combined approach of use-wear analysis with SEM microscopy, direct radiocarbon dating, and ancient DNA analysis of the animal bone, thereby setting a new standard for the investigation of runic bones. The find is the first older fuark inscription found in any non-Germanic context and suggests that the presumed ancestors of modern Slavic speakers encountered writing much earlier than previously thought
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