97 research outputs found


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    Immigrants originating from »traditional« societies go through a transformation of culture and language of intimacy in Denmark. Many first and second generation Turkish immigrants either use Danish words or shift totally to Danish when speaking about sexual and intimate matters in Turkish. Turkish males make use of the new possibilities for sexual and intimate gratification with Danish women, while trying to preserve the original ethnic culture, especially in areas pertaining to women's control over their bodies and sexualities. Research on immigrants should take into account both the willingness and resistance to change among immigrants and avoid cultural patronizing.Immigrants originating from »traditional« societies go through a transformation of culture and language of intimacy in Denmark. Many first and second generation Turkish immigrants either use Danish words or shift totally to Danish when speaking about sexual and intimate matters in Turkish. Turkish males make use of the new possibilities for sexual and intimate gratification with Danish women, while trying to preserve the original ethnic culture, especially in areas pertaining to women's control over their bodies and sexualities. Research on immigrants should take into account both the willingness and resistance to change among immigrants and avoid cultural patronizing

    Jihadi Kitsch: The Promesse de Bonheur of Islamist Terrorism

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    Elaborating on conceptualizations of kitsch in the realm of art and sociology in the context of ISIS propaganda and culture, this article introduces the concept of jihadi kitsch. Kitsch is characterized by a compulsion to escape from the banality of daily reality and lack of coherent meaning in modern society through, in the words of the philosopher and sociologist Theodor Adorno, a self-made and futile promesse de bonheur, i.e. promise of happiness. The article explicates and illustrates seven distinct aspects of jihadi kitsch: (1) escape from daily life, (2) eroticization of power and “pornokitsch,” (3) “kitsch of death”: romanticized and trivialized violence and death, (4) purity and filth, (5) moral collapse, (6) simplism: an easily accessible worldview, (7) nostalgia: looking back with longing to an authentic past. Capturing the kitsch aspect of jihadi propaganda and culture, the article contributes a new theoretical approach to the existing literature discussing the attractions of jihadism, and ends with a discussion on how the concept of jihadi kitsch can potentially contribute to combating Islamist terrorism through humor

    Larmende Tavshed

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    Der er en del felter i forbindelse med etniske minoriteter i Danmark, som en række forskere og debattører ønsker at forbigå i tavshed. Man mener tilsyneladende, at videnskabelige undersøgelser og teoretisering samt en åben, offentlig debat om kontroversielle emner risikerer at sætte nydanskere i dårligt lys. I denne artikel diskuterer jeg kun to af disse områder, overkriminalitet og æresdrab. Artiklen bygger på en kritisk læsning af de pågældende forskeres og debattørers argumenter og synspunkter, som fremkommer enten i en videnskabelig form eller som artikler eller udtalelser i pressen. Yderligere inddrager jeg en del data fra Danmarks Statistik. Med hensyn til den eventuelle overkriminalitet blandt nydanskere handler tavsheden dels om at ignorere den videnskabelige debat om forskellige måder at korrigere rå data på, dels om at undgå at forholde sig til spørgsmålet om, hvorvidt den eventuelle overkriminalitet har at gøre med de etniske gruppers kulturelle baggrund. I denne sammenhæng ses der ofte bort fra de store forskelle mellem etniske minoritetsgrupper. Angående æresdrab fremfører man, at forklaringer, som inddrager kulturen som et hovedelement, er essentialistisk og kulturalistisk, og i stedet præsenterer man enten psykologiserende og partikularistiske eller generaliserende og universalistiske fortolkninger. I debatten om æresdrab har man eksempelvis flere gange påstået, at der ikke er væsentlige forskelle mellem æresdrab og jalousidrab. Jeg præsenterer til sidst en række mulige forklaringer på, hvorfor man prøver på at undgå kultur som en forklaringsfaktor, og argumenterer for, at man ikke nødvendigvis bliver kulturfundamentalist eller -determinist, blot fordi man bruger kultur som forklaringsfaktor i forbindelse med et negativt fæno- men. Man kan nemlig have en procesorienteret tilgang, der har blik både for kontinuiteten og forandringen. Søgeord: tavshed, kriminalitet, æresdrab, kultur, essentialisme, indvandrer- forskning There are certain issues concerning ethnic minorities in Denmark, which a number of scholars and public figures wish to pass over in silence. They appear to believe that scientific investigations, and open public debate on controversial topics risk throwing a negative light on ethnic minorities. In this article, I take up two of these topics: the overrepresentation of ethnic minorities in criminal statistics, and so-called honour killing among some ethnic communities. The article builds on a critical reading of the arguments and views of the researchers and public figures in question, which are put forward in scientific articles and in the media. In presenting my critique, I also draw on data from official Danish statistics. Regarding the possible overrepresentation of ethnic minorities in criminality, the silence is about ignoring the scientific debate about the different methods of statistical adjustment of data, and about avoiding the question of whether the overrepresentation in criminality has to do with the cultural backgrounds of ethnic groups. In this context, the major differences among ethnic groups are overlooked. With regard to the phenomenon of honour killing, the scholars and public figures in question claim that explanations which include culture as a main element are essentialising and culturalising; instead, they present psychologising and particularistic or generalising and universalistic interpretations. For instance, it has been claimed that there are no fundamental differences between honour killings and “crimes of passion”. Finally, I present some possible explanations why the concept of culture is avoided as an explanatory factor, and argue that a scholar does not become a cultural fundamentalist or determinist, merely because s/he uses culture as an explanatory element in relation to a social and cultural phenomenon. Rather, culture as an explanatory concept permits a process-orientated approach, which encompasses both continuity and change. Keywords: Silence, criminality, honor killing, culture, essentialism, immigrant research

    Larmende Tavshed

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    Der er en del felter i forbindelse med etniske minoriteter i Danmark, som en række forskere og debattører ønsker at forbigå i tavshed. Man mener tilsyneladende, at videnskabelige undersøgelser og teoretisering samt en åben, offentlig debat om kontroversielle emner risikerer at sætte nydanskere i dårligt lys. I denne artikel diskuterer jeg kun to af disse områder, overkriminalitet og æresdrab. Artiklen bygger på en kritisk læsning af de pågældende forskeres og debattørers argumenter og synspunkter, som fremkommer enten i en videnskabelig form eller som artikler eller udtalelser i pressen. Yderligere inddrager jeg en del data fra Danmarks Statistik. Med hensyn til den eventuelle overkriminalitet blandt nydanskere handler tavsheden dels om at ignorere den videnskabelige debat om forskellige måder at korrigere rå data på, dels om at undgå at forholde sig til spørgsmålet om, hvorvidt den eventuelle overkriminalitet har at gøre med de etniske gruppers kulturelle baggrund. I denne sammenhæng ses der ofte bort fra de store forskelle mellem etniske minoritetsgrupper. Angående æresdrab fremfører man, at forklaringer, som inddrager kulturen som et hovedelement, er essentialistisk og kulturalistisk, og i stedet præsenterer man enten psykologiserende og partikularistiske eller generaliserende og universalistiske fortolkninger. I debatten om æresdrab har man eksempelvis flere gange påstået, at der ikke er væsentlige forskelle mellem æresdrab og jalousidrab. Jeg præsenterer til sidst en række mulige forklaringer på, hvorfor man prøver på at undgå kultur som en forklaringsfaktor, og argumenterer for, at man ikke nødvendigvis bliver kulturfundamentalist eller -determinist, blot fordi man bruger kultur som forklaringsfaktor i forbindelse med et negativt fæno- men. Man kan nemlig have en procesorienteret tilgang, der har blik både for kontinuiteten og forandringen. Søgeord: tavshed, kriminalitet, æresdrab, kultur, essentialisme, indvandrer- forskning There are certain issues concerning ethnic minorities in Denmark, which a number of scholars and public figures wish to pass over in silence. They appear to believe that scientific investigations, and open public debate on controversial topics risk throwing a negative light on ethnic minorities. In this article, I take up two of these topics: the overrepresentation of ethnic minorities in criminal statistics, and so-called honour killing among some ethnic communities. The article builds on a critical reading of the arguments and views of the researchers and public figures in question, which are put forward in scientific articles and in the media. In presenting my critique, I also draw on data from official Danish statistics. Regarding the possible overrepresentation of ethnic minorities in criminality, the silence is about ignoring the scientific debate about the different methods of statistical adjustment of data, and about avoiding the question of whether the overrepresentation in criminality has to do with the cultural backgrounds of ethnic groups. In this context, the major differences among ethnic groups are overlooked. With regard to the phenomenon of honour killing, the scholars and public figures in question claim that explanations which include culture as a main element are essentialising and culturalising; instead, they present psychologising and particularistic or generalising and universalistic interpretations. For instance, it has been claimed that there are no fundamental differences between honour killings and “crimes of passion”. Finally, I present some possible explanations why the concept of culture is avoided as an explanatory factor, and argue that a scholar does not become a cultural fundamentalist or determinist, merely because s/he uses culture as an explanatory element in relation to a social and cultural phenomenon. Rather, culture as an explanatory concept permits a process-orientated approach, which encompasses both continuity and change. Keywords: Silence, criminality, honor killing, culture, essentialism, immigrant research

    The nexus between transparency reports and soft skills training in audit firms

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    Purpose: This study aims to identify and discuss educational practices of a selected set of audit firms operating in Turkey within the scope of corporate transparency reports. Methodology: To address the basic research question, a sample of 52 audit firm disclosures in transparency reports are examined, and statistical analyses are conducted through SPSS. Results: Audit firms affiliated with international bodies provide comparatively longer periods of non-technical or soft skills education in-house. Transparency reports published in Turkey are yet to be standardized, and audit firms are to systematically plan and enrich their education programs with a particular emphasis on soft skills. Conclusion: Audit firms would gain from investing in the development of non-technical skills, which is not only limited by monetary concerns but also by other factors yet to be considered. The study also attempts to uncover any similarity/difference among audit firms’ educational initiatives identified in transparency reports, and understand whether these initiatives translate into some meaningful relationships and outcomes

    Lacanyen Tanıda Psikoz: Tetiklenmemiş Psikozun Klinik bir Vakada Tartışılması

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    Lacanyen teoride klinik bir tanı olan psikoz, psikotik kırılma kavramının ötesini içermekte ve bu klinik durumu kişinin Başka ile ilişkileri kapsamında değerlendirmektedir. Psikozun temel mekanizması olan Babanın Adı’nın (baş gösteren) hesaptan düşmesi psikotik klinik yapıyı belirlemektedir. Baş gösterenin hesaptan düşmesi kişinin simgesel düzene geçmesini engellemekte ve bu durum psikozda dil bozukluklarının meydana gelmesinin temel nedeni olarak nitelendirilmektedir. Kişi simgesel düzenin yokluğunda geriye kalan imgesel ve gerçek düzenlerini birleştirecek bir araca sahip değildir. Baş gösterenin yokluğunda kişi, imgesel özdeşleşmeler bularak bir nevi telafi etme mekanizmasına başvurmuş olur. Sanrıların ve hezeyanların tetiklenmesinden önce kişi, telafi etme mekanizmasını ancak bu bahsi geçen imgesel özdeşleşimlerle anlam bulabilme çabası içerisinde belirleyebilir. Bu makalede, öncelikle psikozun Lacanyen teorideki başlıca ögeleri sıralanmış, sonrasında tetiklenmemiş psikoz kavramı, imgesel özdeşleşmeleri ve dil bozuklukları mevcut olan, ancak sanrı ve hezeyan bulgusu saptanmamış bir vaka örneği çerçevesinde tartışılmış ve psikozdaki psikoterapi sürecinin nevrozdaki psikoterapiden farklılaşan yanları da ele alınarak psikoz Lacanyen yaklaşımın ışığında incelenmiştir.Publisher's Versio

    Annual Research Review: ‘There, the dance is – at the still point of the turning world’ – dynamic systems perspectives on coregulation and dysregulation during early development

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    During development we transition from coregulation (where regulatory processes are shared between child and caregiver) to self-regulation. Most early coregulatory interactions aim to manage fluctuations in the infant's arousal and alertness; but over time, coregulatory processes become progressively elaborated to encompass other functions such as sociocommunicative development, attention and executive control. The fundamental aim of coregulation is to help maintain an optimal ‘critical state’ between hypo- and hyperactivity. Here, we present a dynamic framework for understanding child–caregiver coregulatory interactions in the context of psychopathology. Early coregulatory processes involve both passive entrainment, through which a child's state entrains to the caregiver's, and active contingent responsiveness, through which the caregiver changes their behaviour in response to behaviours from the child. Similar principles, of interactive but asymmetric contingency, drive joint attention and the maintenance of epistemic states as well as arousal/alertness, emotion regulation and sociocommunicative development. We describe three ways in which active child–caregiver regulation can develop atypically, in conditions such as Autism, ADHD, anxiety and depression. The most well-known of these is insufficient contingent responsiveness, leading to reduced synchrony, which has been shown across a range of modalities in different disorders, and which is the target of most current interventions. We also present evidence that excessive contingent responsiveness and excessive synchrony can develop in some circumstances. And we show that positive feedback interactions can develop, which are contingent but mutually amplificatory child–caregiver interactions that drive the child further from their critical state. We discuss implications of these findings for future intervention research, and directions for future work

    Investigating the effect of recycled cotton included fabrics on the thermal behaviour by using a female thermal manikin

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    In recent years, with the increase in global awareness of environmental problems, the term “sustainability” became more important for apparel manufacturers and consumers. Therefore, recycling of wastes plays a significant role in environmental sustainability by converting the wastes into raw materials. This study focused on recycled cotton-included fabrics, to evaluate the effect of these fabrics on thermal comfort properties. In this context, first, the 45% recycled cotton/55% polyester blended yarns and 50% virgin cotton/50% blended yarns were obtained. Afterwards, single jersey and rib-structured fabrics were knitted using these yarns. The thermal comfort tests were performed on the fabrics and four long sleeve rounded neck shirts then were manufactured using these fabrics to test by the thermal manikin method. Results showed that the yarns including recycled cotton led to a decrease in the values in air permeability of the fabrics and in the effective clothing insulation of the garments. In contrast, it was observed that, including recycled cotton increased the thermal resistance values of the fabrics.The authors also would like to thank Kempaş İplik Tekstil Ürünleri San. ve Tic. A.Ş. for supplying the yarns and Sun Holding A.Ş. for knitting the fabricThe authors gratefully acknowledge the funding by the project 15-MUH-035 of Ege University funded by Scientific Research Projects Coordination as well as the funding by the project UIDB/00264/2020 of 2C2T – University of Minho, Center for Textile Science and Technology, funded by National Founds through FCT/MCTES