17 research outputs found
The Quiet Ego and Its Predictors in Turkish Culture
Although high self-esteem has been seen as a panacea for all sorts of personal and social problems for a long time, recent research has shown its potential negative effects. The concept of quiet ego, defined as a balanced integration with others by turning down the volume of the ego (Bauer & Wayment, 2008), has been coined as a plausible alternative that can mitigate negative effects of fragile high self-esteem. This study aims to examine psychometric properties of the Quiet Ego Scale in Turkish culture, and to investigate its correlates related to personality traits, culture, and well-being. A total of 254 Turkish university students completed the measures of the Quiet Ego Scale, Big Five Personality, happiness, self-esteem, and individualism-collectivism. Factor analyses on the items of the Quite Ego measure supported its construct validity among Turkish participants. As expected, quiet ego was positively associated with the indicators of well-being and certain personality traits. Regression analyses indicated that openness to experience among the personality traits and horizontal collectivism among the cultural orientations were the strongest predictors of quiet ego. Results were discussed considering cultural values and previous findings on quite ego
Güvensiz bağlanma neden yaygın? Bir erken uyarı ve uzaklaşma sistemi olarak güvensiz bağlanma (Why is insecure attachment prevalent? Insecure attachment as an early alarm and escape system)
Bağlanma yazininin güvenli bağlanmanin yararlarini, güvensiz bağlanmanin ise olumsuz sonuçlarini gösteren araş-tirma bulgulariyla dolu olmasina karşin, bütün kültürlerde hem çocuklarin hem de yetişkinlerin neredeyse yarisinin güvensiz bağlandiği bilinmektedir. Bu durum bağlanma paradoksu olarak adlandirilmiştir. Bağlanmayi evrimsel açidan ele alan ve birbirini tamamlayan iki yaklaşim, güvensiz bağlanma yönelimlerinin farkli çevresel koşullar altinda ayirt edici ve uyumu kolaylaştiran bir işlev üstlendiğini öne sürerek bu paradoksu açiklamiştir. Bağlanmanın yaşam geçmişi modelleri, güvensiz bağlanmanin sert ekolojilerde artan üreme uygunluğuna vesile olabileceğini öne sürerken, sosyal savunma kuramı güvensiz bağlanmanin öngörülemeyen tehdit durumlarinda grubun hayatta kalma şansini arttirdiği varsayimina dayanir. Bu derlemenin amaci güvensiz bağlanmanin hangi koşullar altinda uyumlayiciolabileceğini savlayan bu iki yaklaşimi ve bu kapsamda yapilan araştirmalari derlemek ve Türkçe yazina kazandir-maktir
Anne ve babaların ortak ebeveynlik davranış ve algılarının romantik bağlanma ile ilişkisi (The relationship between romantic attachment and coparenting behaviors and perceptions)
Ortak ebeveynlik, anne ve babaların çocuk yetiştirmeyle ilgili sorumlulukları paylaşmaları, birbirlerini desteklemeleri ve aile içindeki dinamikleri birlikte yönetmeleri olarak tanımlanır (McHale, “Coparenting and Triadic…” 985). Mevcut çalışmada, gözlemlenen ve algılanan ortak ebeveynliğin, bağlanma kaygısı ve bağlanma kaçınması olarak iki boyutta ölçülen romantik bağlanma ile ilişkisi incelenmiştir. Çalışmaya üç aylık bebek (Ort. = 103.78 günlük) sahibi 45 anne-baba bebekleriyle birlikte katılmıştır. Ev ziyaretleri yapılarak ve Lozan Üçlü Oyun Paradigması (Fivaz-Depeursing ve Corboz- Warnery 1) kullanılarak, anne-babalardan bebekleriyle 10'ar dakikalık yarıyapılandırılmış etkileşimlerde bulunmaları istenmiş ve etkileşimler videoya kaydedilmiştir. Kaydedilen ortak ebeveynlik davranışları, “Ortak Ebeveynlik ve Aile Değerlendirme Sistemi” (McHale ve diğerleri, “The Transition to Coparenthood…” 711) kullanılarak araştırmacılar tarafından kodlanmıştır. Algılanan ortak ebeveynlik ve romantik bağlanma değişkenleri, sırasıyla “Ebeveynlik İşbirliği Ölçeği” (Abidin ve Brunner 31) ve “Yakın İlişkilerde Yaşantılar Envanteri-II” (Fraley, Waller ve Brennan 350) ölçekleri ile öz bildirim yöntemiyle değerlendirilmiştir. Bulgular, hem gözlemlenen hem de algılanan olumlu ortak ebeveynliğin, romantik bağlanma boyutları ile olumsuz yönde ilişkili olduğunu göstermiştir. Bağlanma kaygısı ve kaçınması yükseldikçe anne ve babaların bebekleriyle birlikte etkileşimde bulunurken daha az işbirliği gösterdikleri gözlemlenmiştir. Algılanan ortak ebeveynlik ise, hem anneler hem de babalar için sadece bağlanma kaçınması ile (kaygısı ile değil) ilişkili bulunmuş, bu bulgu da ilişkisel Türkiye kültüründe bağlanma kaygısının görece daha işlevsel olduğunu gösteren diğer çalışmaları desteklemiştir
Are men universally more dismissing than women? Gender differences in romantic attachment across 62 cultural regions
The authors thank Susan Sprecher (USA), Del
Paulhus (Canada), Glenn D. Wilson (England), Qazi
Rahman (England), Alois Angleitner (Germany),
Angelika Hofhansl (Austria), Tamio Imagawa
(Japan), Minoru Wada (Japan), Junichi Taniguchi
(Japan), and Yuji Kanemasa (Japan) for helping with
data collection and contributing significantly to the
samples used in this study.Gender differences in the dismissing form of adult romantic attachment were investigated as part of the International Sexuality Description Project—a survey study of 17,804 people from 62 cultural regions. Contrary to research findings previously reported in Western cultures, we found that men were not significantly more dismissing than women across all cultural regions. Gender differences in dismissing romantic attachment were evident in most cultures, but were typically only small to moderate in magnitude. Looking across cultures, the degree of gender differentiation in dismissing romantic attachment was predictably associated with sociocultural indicators. Generally, these associations supported evolutionary theories of romantic attachment, with smaller gender differences evident in cultures with high–stress and high–fertility reproductive environments. Social role theories of human sexuality received less support in that more progressive sex–role ideologies and national gender equity indexes were not cross–culturally linked as expected to smaller gender differences in dismissing romantic attachment.peer-reviewe
Attachment Factors, Autobiographical Memory and Accepting the Past
The purpose of the present study is to investigate the relationships between attachment dimensions (i.e., attachment anxiety and avoidance), autobiographical memory, and accepting the past. University students (N = 222, women = 127, men = 95) participated to the study. The relationships between attachment anxiety, avoidance, and autobiographical memory were examined within the context of the phenomenological properties of the autobiographical memory. Results revealed that attachment anxiety significantly predicted visceral reactions, vividness, negative valence, and social aspect of autobiographical memory. Results also indicated that attachment anxiety was a reliable predictor of accepting the past. Attachment avoidance significantly predicted recollection. Furthermore, the interaction between attachment anxiety and avoidance significantly predicted specificity, vividness, and social aspect of autobiographical memories. The patterns of the interaction effect suggested that those with fearful attachment pattern reported higher levels of specificity, vividness, and social components of the recalled memories than those with dismissive attachment. Findings indicated that attachment anxiety, but not avoidance, has a consistent effect on the affective aspects of autobiographical memory
Asymmetric relationship between driving and safety skills
We hypothesized that the combination of self reported high ratings of driving skills and low ratings of safety skills creates a serious risk for road accident involvement. This study was aimed at investigating the asymmetric interplay between driving and safety skills among Turkish drivers (N= 785) using the Driving Skills Inventory [Lajunen, T., Summala, H., 1995. Driver experience, personality, and skill and safety motive dimensions in drivers' self-assessments. Pers. Indiv. Differ. 19, 307-318]. The assumed asymmetric interactions were tested on a number of outcome variables representing risky driving using moderated regression analyses. The results revealed that driving skills moderated the effects of safety skills on six out of the eight outcome variables including the number of accidents, tickets, overtaking tendencies, speed on motorways, and aggressive driving style. Results suggested that high levels of safety skills buffer the negative effect of overconfidence resulting from exaggerated ratings of self-reported driving skills
Do Employees Leave Just Because They Can? Examining the Perceived Employability-Turnover Intentions Relationship
The relationship between perceived employability and turnover intentions seems much more complicated than what the common sense would suggest. Based on the reviewed literature, it was expected that job satisfaction, affective commitment, and perceived job security would moderate this relationship. Using a sample of working individuals from different occupations and sectors (N = 721), it was found that employees who perceived themselves as highly employable were more likely to have turnover intentions when their affective commitment was low and perceived job security was high; and the relationship was negative for employees with shorter tenures. Understanding the conditions under which perceived employability is associated with turnover intentions may help organizations design human resource policies that allow them to retain an educated and competent workforc
Effect of video-feedback intervention on Turkish mothers' sensitivity and physical intrusiveness: a randomized control trial
We examined the effectiveness of the video-feedback Intervention to Promote Positive Parenting-Sensitive Discipline (VIPP-SD) in enhancing maternal sensitivity and decreasing maternal physical intrusive behaviors among Turkish mothers. Mothers (N = 68; M-age = 29.29, SD = 5.20) with their children (M-age = 20.04 months, SD = 6.62) participated in a randomized controlled trial with pre-, post-, and follow-up assessments (N-intervention = 40, N-control = 28). Maternal sensitivity was assessed using the Ainsworth Sensitivity Scale. A coding schema was developed and used to assess maternal physical intrusiveness. The results indicated that mothers in intervention group benefited from the VIPP-SD in both increasing their global sensitivity (d = 0.51, p =.016) and decreasing the frequency of physical intrusive behaviors (d = 0.56, p =.007) compared to mothers in the control group. Overall, the VIPP-SD program appears to decrease the level of physical intrusiveness, in addition to promoting maternal sensitivity among Turkish mothers
Symmetric Relationship Between Self and Others in Aggressive Driving Across Gender and Countries
Objective: It was hypothesized that the combination of self-reported aggressive behaviors committed by the driver himself/herself (oselfo scale) and perceiving himself/herself as an object of other drivers' aggressive acts (oothero scale) increases road accident involvement risk across gender and countries. The aim of this study was, therefore, to investigate this symmetric relationship between aggressive driving of self and other and its relationship on accident involvement among British, Dutch, Finnish, and Turkish drivers. Methods: Survey studies of 3673 drivers were carried out in four countries; that is in Finland, Great Britain, The Netherlands, and Turkey. Analyses were conducted separately for men and women. Results: Overall, the interaction among aggressive warnings, hostile aggression, and revenge factors indicated that aggressive warnings might have a potential to release anger and escalate aggression both owithin driverso and obetween drivers.o Symmetric interpersonal aggression between aggressive warnings and hostile aggression and revenge factors of self and others created a serious risk for road accident involvement in every country except among British male and Finnish female drivers. Conclusions: The other driver's aggressive behavior is significantly associated with increased accidents, except for Turkish male drivers. It seems that another driver's aggressive behavior can be important in predicting crasheseven more important than aggressive behavior on the part of the driver him- or herself