66 research outputs found


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    The goal of this paper is to analyse the relationships and differences among volleyball teams, participants of the 2018 World Cup in Japan, divided into three categories by their final standings (1st to 4th place, 5th to 8th place and others), based on the elements of situation-based efficiency. For the purposes of this paper, information from the official match reports (p 2 report) related to the way of winning points in the match was used, and these data were analysed using the program Volleyball Information System (VIS). The data obtained were analysed in relation to the team category and the outcome of the match. The data were obtained using descriptive and comparative statistical procedures. The survey sample includes all the womenā€™s volleyball championship games played in Japan in 2018. Based on the final standings, the teams were divided into three groups: 1) the teams who reached the 3rd stage of the tournament (6 teams, from 1st to 6th place); 2) the teams that finished the competition in phase 2 (10 national teams, ranking 7th to 16th); 3) national teams that finished the competition in phase 1 (8 national teams, ranking 17th to 24th). The results obtained indicate that the teams had an equally good performance of the block and serve game elements; statistically these were not significant for the match outcome, but they rather serve as an aid for the overall game and for the final outcome of the match. The results of this research also highlight the spike as the key element affecting the positive end result of the match. It is important to emphasize that the opponent errors are a factor that depends exclusively on the opponent, but they also determine the overall score of the winning team

    AntropomorfoloŔki profil studentkinja KPA i različito treniranih sportistkinja - multicentriodni model

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    The aim of the study was to compare the anthropomorphological (AM) statuses of female students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies (ACP students) and female athletes with different training regimens. The task was to position the AM space of the ACP students in relation to female athletes with an extended systematic training experience. The study involved a total of 106 subjects, divided into four subsamples as follows: 25 water polo players, 34 volleyball players, 11 karateists, and 36 ACP students. The AM status was assessed according to eleven (11) variables, and the results underwent multivariate discriminant analysis. The results were used to define the model of AM characteristics of the ACP students located in relation to the athletes. Three characteristic functions of the studied space were discriminated and defined as: 1) general indicators of the body constitution; 2) general indicators of the subcutaneous fatty tissue; and 3) the indicator of the local distribution of the fatty tissue in the upper arm. The results obtained indicate that the AM status of the ACP students generally (75.0%) corresponds to the profiled project standards of the effects of Special Physical Education. However, it should be pointed out that as many as 9 (25.0%) of the ACP students belonged to the water polo player model, i.e. the group with most pronounced characteristics of body fat, while the total of mere 6 (4+2; 16.7%) belonged to the volleyball player and karateist model, i.e., the group with the professionally most desirable anthropomorphological characteristics.U Å”irem kontekstu, Specijalno fizičko obrazovanje (SFO) se kao nastavna disciplina bavi i izučava problematiku opÅ”te, usmerene i specifične profesionalnoradne pripremljenosti, antropo-morfoloÅ”kim karakteristikama i fizičkim sposobnostima pripadnika Ministarstva unutraÅ”njih poslova. U odnosu na značaj i predmet SFO njegov uticaj je definisan i u odnosu na pozitivno i preventivno delovanje na zdravstveni status pripadnika službe, pozitivno delovanje na razvoj potrebnih profesionalnih karakteristika pripadnika službe, razvoj i održavanje morfoloÅ”kog statusa date populacije, kao i usklađivanje nivoa motoričkih sposobnosti sa individualnim karakteristikama pojedinaca u funkciji zahteva posla. U ovom radu predstavljeno je istraživanje čiji je cilj bio da uporedi antropo-morfoloÅ”kog status (A-M) studentkinja KPA i populacije različito treniranih sportistkinja, a zadatak da se u A-M prostoru lociraju studentkinje KPA u odnosu na sportistkinje koje sistematski viÅ”egodiÅ”nje treniraju. Do sada je takva vrsta uporednih analiza realizovana u odnosu na populaciju muÅ”karaca i to sa aspekta određenih motoričkih sposobnosti, ali adekvatna istraživanja kod populacije devojaka joÅ” uvek nisu rađena. U istraživanju prikazanom u ovom radu učestvovalo je ukupno 106 ispitanica, podeljenih na četiri subuzorka i to: 25 vaterpolistkinja, 34 odbojkaÅ”ica, 11 karatistkinja i 36 studentkinja KPA. Upotrebljen skup od jedanaest (11) varijabli kojima je procenjen A-M status. Rezultati su analizirani primenom multiple diskriminantne analize. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata definisan je model antropo-morfoloÅ”kih karakteristika studentkinja KPA koji je lociran u odnosu na sportistkinje. Izdvojene su tri karakteristične funkcije merenog prostora definisane kao: 1). opÅ”ti pokazatelji konstitucije tela, 2). pokazatelji količine potkožnog masnog tkiva na generalnom telesnom nivou, i 3). pokazatelj lokalne distribuiranosti masnog tkiva nadlakta - ruke. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da je A-M status ispitivanih studentkinja KPA, generalno u skladu sa profilisanim projektnim standardima efekata nastave SFO. Međutim, mora se naglasiti da čak 9 (25.0%) studentkinja KPA, ipak, pripadaju modelu vaterpolistkinja, odnosno grupi sa najizraženijim karakteristikama masne telesne komponente, dok ukupno samo 6 (4+2; 16.7%) pripadaju grupi odbojkaÅ”ica i karatistkinja, odnosno grupi sa profesionalno najpoželjnijim antropo-morfoloÅ”kim karakteristikama


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    We consider classical and quantum dynamics of a tachyonic system described by a DBI type Lagrangian and inverse cosh potential. This investigation is partially motivated by the string theory and D-brane dynamics, but mostly by their application in cosmological in ation. A formalism for describing dynamics of spatially homogenous tachyon scalar eld with this kind of potentials is developed. Classical actions and corresponding quantum propagators in the Feynman path integral approach, both on real and nonarchimedean spaces, are calculated. Possibilities for a quantum adelic generalization of these models are noticed. Cosmological applications are pointed out and discussed

    Forensic Fractal Nature Applications

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    Fractals are fragmented geometric shapes based on each or parts self-similarity. Fractal dimension (FD) is the most important characteristics in fractal nature analysis. There are many fractals applications including the forensic photography. The fractals image reconstruction is very important for modern forensic science. Here we demonstrate the very new original fractal applications in forensic sciences. This is a quite new application in crime investigations specifically in latent fingerprinting within biometric analysis. All of these open a new frontier in falsificates, financial and generally economic crime scene areas

    Uticaj nivoa nerazgradivog proteina na svarljivost hranljivih materija kod jagnjadi u tovu

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    Results of the investigation of the effect of the level of nondegradable protein in concentrate mixtures on digestibility of nutritive substances in fattening lambs are presented in this paper. Physiological research included 18 male lambs crosses Pirot Pramenka x WĆ¼rttemberg x Ile de France, average body mass of approx. 35,0 kg, divided into three groups. Lambs were fed iso-protein concentrate mixtures which differed in relation to share of protein non-degradable at the rumen level: 43% (I), 51% (II) and 58% (III). Trial results indicate that the level of protein adoption was not under the influence of investigated treatment, considering that digestibility coefficients were: 52,58% : 51,30% : 55,12%. With the increase of share of nondegradable protein in concentrate mixtures (43: 51: 58%), also tendency of increase of fat digestibility was observed: 76,13 : 77,98 : 87,17%, but decrease of degree of cellulose digestion: 67,40 : 45,87: 22,39% and NFE: 83,87 : 76,05 : 82,96%.FizioloÅ”ka istraživanja su obavljena na eksperimentalnoj farmi ovaca Instituta za stočarstvo Beograd-Zemun. Ogledom je bilo obuhvaćeno 18 muÅ”ke jagnjadi meleza F1 generacije : pirotska pramenka x virtemberg x Ile de France, prosečne telesne mase oko 35,0 kg, raspoređenih u tri grupe. Ishrambeni tretman je podrazumevao ispitivanje efekata različitih nivoa na svarljivost hranljivih materija. Dobijeni podaci su obrađeni standardnom statističkom analizom. Prosečni koeficijenti svarljivosti ukupnih proteina kod jagnjadi na tretmanima I:II:III su iznosili: 52,58% : 51,30% : 55,12%; masti: 76,13: 77,98: 87,17%; celuloze: 67,40 : 45,87: 22,39% i BEM-a: 83,87 : 76,05 : 82,96%. Ova istraživanja su pokazala da su sa aspekta svarljivosti hranljivih materija, najpovoljnije rezultate ostvarila jagnjad na tretmanu sa 58% nerazgradivog proteina


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    It is known that physical activity undoubtedly exhibits positive effects, decreasing the incidence of many chronic diseases. But, at present, physical activity is consider a pre-analytical factor/error related to the sampling process. Namely, different types of physical activity as well as its different intensity may influence a broad array of laboratory variables. The amount of extracellular release and clearance from blood of most of these biomarkers is markedly influenced by the biological characteristics of the molecule(s), level of training, type, intensity and duration of exercise, and time of recovery after training. It is therefore noteworthy to have the anamnestic information about these specific characteristics of physical activity and to understand the "physiologic" effects of exercise on laboratory results and when the threshold to pathological effects has been crossed. There are a lot of research data about the influence of physical activity on laboratory test results, but the accessible results are scattered and inconsistent since variations in type, duration, and intensity of exercise, sample size, and biological, behavioral, and experimental variables are not always adequately controlled. In this study we put an effort to summarize the most often changes in laboratory results that occur as a result of physical activity and to explain these changes in accordance with their biochemical, physiological and metabolic features

    Efekti koriŔćenja sirove soje u obrocima krava u prvih 100 dana laktacije

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    The results of using ground soybean grain in feeding lactating cows were shown. The inclusion of 1-2 kg ground soybean grain in diets for cows increased milk amount for 1.76 kg/cow per day and 636 kg/cow per year. The results show that the crude soybean grain has positive influence on milk production and hasn't negative influence on health status cows. .U radu su prikazani rezultati koriŔćenja prekrupljenog sirovog zrna soje u ishrani krava u laktaciji. Uključivanjem 1-2 kg (zavisno od količine mleka) prekrupljenog sirovog zrna soje u obrok krava doÅ”lo je do povećanja količine mleka za 1,76 kg/krava dnevno, odnosno za 639 kg/krava godiÅ”nje. Rezultati pokazuju da prekrupljeno sirovo zrno soje ima pozitivan uticaj na produkciju mleka i pri tome nema negativnog uticaja na zdravstveno stanje krava.

    Uticaj mineralnog adsorbenta 'Minazel' na smanjenje rezidua zearalenona i njegovih metabolita u mleku krava

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    The results of the use of mineral adsorbent - Minazel, preparation based on the natural zeolite, in the prevention of mycotoxicoses and avoidance of zearalenone and its metabolites transfer into cowĀ“s milk were described in this paper. Using mineral adsorbent Minazel at the concentration of 0,5% of concentrate mixture the transfer of zearalenone from feeds to milk was prevented.U radu su prikazani rezultati koriŔćenja adsorbenta mikotoksina - Minazel preparata na bazi prirodnog zeolita, u prevenciji mikotoksikoza i sprečavanju prelaska (akumuliranja) zearalenona i njegovih metabolita u mleku krava. MikotoksikoloÅ”kim analizama mleka utvrđeno je da je prisustvo zearalenona u mleku (0,053; 0,019 i 0,004 mg/kg) opadalo sa povećanjem količine Minazela u koncentratu (0; 0,2; 0,5), Å”to uz ostvareno povećanje proizvodnje mleka opravdava njegovo koriŔćenje

    Synthesis, characterization and photocatalytic properties of LaNiO3-based powders

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    Lanthanum nickelate (LaNiO3, LNO) belongs to the group of materials with perovskite-type structure and it crystallizes in rhombohedrally distorted perovskite lattice. This material exhibits interesting electrical, magnetic, optical and catalytic properties and it is suitable for various applications. Still, the preparation of single phase LNO is difficult, because at temperatures above 850 Ā°C it decomposes into the lower oxides with formula Lan+1NinO3n+1 (n = 3, 2, 1) and NiO. In this work we present the synthesis of pure and Nb doped LNO powders, LaNi1-xNbxO3 (x = 0.000, 0.005, 0.010) prepared from mechanochemically activated oxide precursors ā€“ La2O3, NiO and Nb2O5. For this experiment, precursor powders homogenized in isopropyl alcohol were dried and mechanochemically activated in the planetary ball mill for 3 h. As-prepared powders were calcined at 700 Ā°C for 3 h in air and further analyzed by X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and UV-Vis spectroscopy. Photocatalytic activity in visible light was investigated. The XRD analysis of undoped LNO revealed the existence of rhombohedral LaNiO3 and small amount of NiO phase. The doped samples, apart from LNO, contained products of thermal decomposition ā€“ layered oxides and NiO. TEM and HRTEM analyses of undoped LNO revealed the presence of agglomerated particles with single particle size being in the range of 20ā€“40 nm. Doping with Nb led to decrease of agglomeration process and allowed better dispersion between particles of LNO based powders. Calculated band gaps were 1.12 eV, 0.89 eV and 0.87 eV for x = 0.00, 0.005, 0.010. The absorption spectra indicated photocatalytic degradation of Reactive Orange 16, textile dye used as a model in these experiments
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