1,871 research outputs found

    Kooperace obchodních a B2B marketingových činností v průmyslové firmě

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    The organizational arrangement of departments in Czech industrial companies is very often subject to conservative tendencies, and new elements are accepted with skepticism. Industrial B2B marketing is a functional area that was not contained in company structures for decades of years. Although consumer marketing (B2C) has already been established in enterprises, its B2B antipode still tries to find its place and is apprehended insufficiently. It has been fighting a battle with sales departments, even though their functions should complement each other and activities should be mutually cooperated. This article tries to find a system in the content of marketing and sales activities and derives their optimal integration in the structure of an industrial company.Organizační uspořádání podnikových útvarů podléhá v českých průmyslových firmách velmi často konzervativním tendencím a skepticky jsou přijímány nové prvky. Průmyslový B2B marketing je funkční oblast, která po desítky let nebyla v podnikových strukturách obsažena. Přestože marketing spotřebitelský (B2C) si své místo v podnicích již vybojoval, jeho B2B protipöl stále hledá svou pozici a je chápán nedostatečně. O své místo svádí boj s útvary obchodními, byť jejich funkce by se měly doplňovat a činnosti vzájemně kooperovat. Tento článek hledá systém v náplni marketingových a obchodních aktivit a vyvozuje jejich optimální začlenění ve struktuře průmyslové firmy

    A Summary of the Current State of the Use of CNG in the Czech Republic

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    Import 02/11/2016Práce se zaměřuje na využívání stlačeného zemního plynu v automobilovém průmyslu. V první části práce jsem se zaměřil na zemní plyn obecně, jak se přepravuje, těží a jaké jsou světové zásoby. Druhá část práce se věnuje stlačenému zemnímu plynu. Popsal jsem jeho složení, využívání a současný stav v České Republice. Dále jsem se zaměřil na plnící stanice a bezpečnost vozidel poháněných tímto palivem. Poslední část obsahuje srovnání CNG, ropy a LPG na základě produkce spalin. V závěru práce jsem s pomocí dotazníku, zhodnotil povědomí české veřejnosti v oblasti pohonných hmot a současného stavu využívání CNG.The thesis focuses on the use of compressed natural gas in automotive industry. In first part of thesis I focused on natural gas generally, how to transport, extract and how large are the world’s natural gas reserves. The second part of thesis focuses on compressed natural gas. I described its composition, uses and current state in Czech Republic. Then I focused on filling stations and safety of vehicles powered by this fuel. Another part contains comparison of CNG, petroleum and LPG according to flue gas production. At last part I evaluated awareness of czech population in the field of fuel and the current state of the use of CNG, according to questionnaire.361 - Katedra energetikyvýborn

    Photon Mapping

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    V rámci této práce byla provedena praktická implementace algoritmu photon mapping. Pro dosažení kvalitnějšího výstupu byly zkoumány některé základní a pokročilejší metody globálního osvětlení. Tyto náročné algoritmy jsou často prakticky nepoužitelné a je nutná jejich optimalizace. Základem praktické implementace je optimalizace raytraceru. Vzorky nepřímého difuzního osvětlení počítané metodou Monte Carlo je možné mezi sebou interpolovat s použitím vhodné techniky.This thesis deals with practical implementation of photon mapping algorithm. To achieve better results some basic and some more advanced methods of global illumination has been examined. These time demanding algorithms are often practically unusable and their further optimization is necessary. Optimized ray tracer is essential for practical implementation. Computing diffuse interreflection by Monte Carlo sampling is also very time demanding operation. Therefore it is appropriate to use it along with proper interpolation.

    High energy rate forming

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    Odborná práce vypracovaná v rámci bakalářského studia přestavuje literární studii problematiky současných výrobních metod uplatňujících vysoké rychlosti deformace. Práce dále prezentuje moderní postupy a výrobní procesy metod, jako jsou explozivní tváření, elektrohydraulické impulzivní tváření, magneticko-impulzivní tváření, a to s příklady vyráběných dílců včetně obrázkové dokumentace a popisem jejich výhod a nevýhod při užití v praxi.The thesis elaborated in frame of bachelor studies represents literary studies about current production methods applying high energy rate forming. The thesis also presents modern methods and manufacturing processes of methods, e.g. explosive forming, electrohydraulic forming and magneto-impulsive forming, with examples of manufactured components including image documentation and description of their advantages and disadvantages when used in practice.

    Self-consistent autocorrelation for finite-area bias correction in roughness measurement

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    Scan line levelling, a ubiquitous and often necessary step in AFM data processing, can cause a severe bias on measured roughness parameters such as mean square roughness or correlation length. This work exploits the observation that the bias of autocorrelation function (ACF) is expressed in terms of the function itself, permitting a self-consistent formulation of the problem. Using this formulation, two correction approaches are proposed, both with the aim to obtain convenient formulae which can be applied to practical correction. The first modifies standard analytical models of ACF to incorporate, in expectation, the bias and thus match the bias of the data the models are used to fit. The second inverts the relation between true and estimated ACF to realise a model-free correction.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    Entropy compactification of the transonic flow

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    Entrepreneurship of a Commercial Insurance Company, its risks and regulation

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    Purpose of the article: The main purpose of the article is to define the term “entrepreneurship of a comercial insurance company” and consider whether the legal definition of insurance activity can be identified with this term. For this purpose, this hypothesis is formulated: “Entrepreneurship of a commercial insurance company can be wholly and solely relate to the definition of insurance activity and activities related to insurance activity under the Insurance Act.” Methodology/methods: The methods of description, analysis, deduction and induction will be used in the article. The research part is based on a qualitative basis. It combines three methods of qualitative research, interviews with experts, a structured interview with open questions, a questionnaire with open questions. Its subject is a managed conversation with leading experts in the field of insurance and related branches. Evaluation of interviews was done by method of interview analysis, respectively thematic analysis and subsequent synthesis based on respondents’ answers. Synthesis was used as a method of gaining new knowledge. The conclusions are the basis for discussion for the theory completion in the case of the term mentioned above and for statements to other contexts that are defined in the objectives of the article. Synthetic approach is applied in the formulation of conclusions of the research. Significant findings for the theory are obtained by abstraction, as derived from observations of the issues, i.e. entrepreneurship of a commercial insurance company. The evaluation also includes a summary of significant matters and it reflects the opinion of the author devised throughout literature and based on interviews. Scientific aim: Article aims to define on the theoretical level the insurance activity of a commercial insurance company (by law) and on the basis of research to determine whether it is possible to identify it with this definition of entrepreneurship of a commercial insurance company. Definition of “entrepreneurship of a commercial insurance company” is the main scientific aim of the article. The article also aims to define risks of entrepreneurship of a commercial insurance company, to verify their importance and to assess the regulation level of the insurance industry. Findings: Among the findings the formulation of the term of entrepreneurship of a commercial insurance company can be included, as specified in the article text. In terms of risks of commercial insurance company’s entrepreneurship these risks were identified as the most significant ones: financial risks, as well as regulatory risk and credit risk of reinsurers. From the field of internal risks the operational risk was mentioned, especially its two forms – human error and failure in the IT field. Conclusions: Although the Insurance Act precisely defines the insurance activity, it is not clear whether it is possible to equate this activity with the entrepreneurship of a commercial insurance company. This ambiguity was attempted to clarify the above formulated hypothesis. The result was negative, which supports the argument considering the definition of insurance activity “only” a pragmatic tool for gripping and setting operation of a commercial insurance company, which does not aim to provide a global view on its entrepreneurship

    Validation of movement over a belt conveyor drum

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    This paper presents the use of new modern methods for the research of movement of material on a belt conveyor. One of the innovative methods is Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV), which was used to scan and assess the two-dimensional vector field of speed of particles on the belt conveyor. Outputs from PIV were compared to simulations of the same transport process. These simulations were performed using the Discrete Element Method (DEM). Four transport speeds of material were assessed for a real and simulative belt conveyor model. Software tracking of particle movement was used to determine and compare the trajectories of paths of particles leaving the belt conveyor drum. Validation of the DEM simulation of material movement over a belt conveyor drum using PIV provided acceptable results in the area of particle speed fields. Comparison of the particle path trajectory corresponds to the preliminary hypothesis which leads to calibration of the DEM simulation. The results and assessment of this paper were created based on validation.Web of Science11212411