42 research outputs found

    Characterization of cationic lipid DNA transfection complexes differing in susceptability to serum inhibition

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    BACKGROUND: Cationic lipid DNA complexes based on DOTAP (1,2-dioleoyl-3-(trimethyammonium) propane) and mixtures of DOTAP and cholesterol (DC) have been previously optimized for transfection efficiency in the absence of serum and used as a non-viral gene delivery system. To determine whether DOTAP and DC lipid DNA complexes could be obtained with increased transfection effciency in the presence of high serum concentrations, the composition of the complexes was varied systematically and a total of 162 different complexes were analyzed for transfection efficiency in the presence and absence of high serum concentrations. RESULTS: Increasing the ratio of DOTAP or DC to DNA led to a dose dependent enhancement of transfection efficiency in the presence of high serum concentrations up to a ratio of approximately 128 nmol lipid/μg DNA. Transfection efficiency could be further increased for all ratios of DOTAP and DC to DNA by addition of the DNA condensing agent protamine sulfate (PS). For DOTAP DNA complexes with ratios of ≤ 32 nmol/μg DNA, peak transfection efficiencies were obtained with 4 μg PS/μg DNA. In contrast, increasing the amount of PS of DC complexes above 0.5 μg PS /μg DNA did not lead to significant further increases in transfection efficiency in the presence of high serum concentrations. Four complexes, which had a similar high transfection efficiency in cell culture in the presence of low serum concentrations but which differed largely in the lipid to DNA ratio and the amount of PS were selected for further analysis. Intravenous injection of the selected complexes led to 22-fold differences in transduction efficiency, which correlated with transfection efficiency in the presence of high serum concentrations. The complex with the highest transfection efficiency in vivo consisted of 64 nmol DC/ 16 μg PS/ μg DNA. Physical analysis revealed a predicted size of 440 nm and the highest zeta potential of the complexes analyzed. CONCLUSIONS: Optimization of cationic lipid DNA complexes for transfection efficiency in the presence of high concentrations of serum led to the identification of a DC complex with high transduction efficiency in mice. This complex differs from previously described ones by higher lipid to DNA and PS to DNA ratios. The stability of this complex in the presence of high concentrations of serum and its high transduction efficiency in mice suggests that it is a promising candidate vehicle for in vivo gene delivery

    The microbial mimic poly IC induces durable and protective CD4+ T cell immunity together with a dendritic cell targeted vaccine

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    CD4+ Th1 type immunity is implicated in resistance to global infectious diseases. To improve the efficacy of T cell immunity induced by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) vaccines, we are developing a protein-based approach that directly harnesses the function of dendritic cells (DCs) in intact lymphoid tissues. Vaccine proteins are selectively delivered to DCs by antibodies to DEC-205/CD205, a receptor for antigen presentation. We find that polyriboinosinic: polyribocytidylic acid (poly IC) independently serves as an adjuvant to allow a DC-targeted protein to induce protective CD4+ T cell responses at a mucosal surface, the airway. After two doses of DEC-targeted, HIV gag p24 along with poly IC, responder CD4+ T cells have qualitative features that have been correlated with protective function. The T cells simultaneously make IFN-γ, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, and IL-2, and in high amounts for prolonged periods. The T cells also proliferate and continue to secrete IFN-γ in response to HIV gag p24. The adjuvant role of poly IC requires Toll-like receptor (TLR) 3 and melanoma differentiation-associated gene-5 (MDA5) receptors, but its analog poly IC 12U requires only TLR3. We suggest that poly IC be tested as an adjuvant with DC-targeted vaccines to induce numerous multifunctional CD4 + Th1 cells with proliferative capacity

    Dendritic cell targeted HIV gag protein vaccine provides help to a DNA vaccine including mobilization of protective CD8+ T cells

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    To improve the efficacy of T cell-based vaccination, we pursued the principle that CD4+ T cells provide help for functional CD8 + T cell immunity. To do so, we administered HIV gag to mice successively as protein and DNA vaccines. To achieve strong CD4+ T cell immunity, the protein vaccine was targeted selectively to DEC-205, a receptor for antigen presentation on dendritic cells. This targeting helped CD8+ T cell immunity develop to a subsequent DNA vaccine and improved protection to intranasal challenge with recombinant vaccinia gag virus, including more rapid accumulation of CD8+ T cells in the lung. The helper effect of dendritic cell-targeted protein vaccine wasmimicked by immunization with specificMHCII binding HIV gag peptides but not peptides from a disparate Yersinia pestis microbe. CD4+ helper cells upon adoptive transfer allowed wild-type, but not CD40-/-, recipient mice to respond better to the DNA vaccine. The transfer also enabled recipients to more rapidly accumulate gagspecific CD8+ T cells in the lung following challenge with vaccinia gag virus. Thus, complementary prime boost vaccination, in which prime and boost favor distinct types of T cell immunity, improves plasmid DNA immunization, including mobilization of CD8+ T cells to sites of infection

    Dendritic cell targeting of survivin protein in a xenogeneic form elicits strong CD4+ T cell immunity to mouse survivin

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    To determine whether strong CD4+ T cell immunity could be induced to a nonmutated self protein that is important for tumorigenesis, we selectively targeted the xenogencic form of survivin, a survival protein overexpressed in tumors, to maturing dendritic cells in lymphoid tissues. Dendritic cell targeting via the DEC205 receptor in the presence of anti-CD40 and poly(I:C) as maturation stimuli, induced strong human and mouse survivin-specific CD4+ T cell responses, as determined by IFN-γ, TNF-α, and IL-2 production, as well as the development of lytic MHC class II-restricted T cells and memory. Immunity was enhanced further by depletion of CD25+foxp3+ cells before vaccination. anti-DEC205-human survivin was superior in inducing CD4+ T cell responses relative to other approaches involving survivin plasmid DNA or survival peptides with adjuvants. However, we were unable to induce CD8 + T cell immunity to survivin by two doses of DEC205-targeted survivin or the other strategies. Therefore, significant CD4+ T cell immunity to a self protein that is overexpressed in most human cancers can be induced by DEC205 targeting of the Ag in its xenogeneic form to maturing DCs

    The efficacy of DNA vaccination is enhanced in mice by targeting the encoded protein to dendritic cells

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    DNA vaccines promote an immune response by providing antigen-encoding DNA to the recipient, but the efficacy of such vaccines needs improving. Many approaches have considerable potential but currently induce relatively weak immune responses despite multiple high doses of DNA vaccine. Here, we asked whether targeting vaccine antigens to DCs would increase the immunity and protection that result from DNA vaccines. To determine this, we generated a DNA vaccine encoding a fusion protein comprised of the vaccine antigen and a single-chain Fv antibody (scFv) specific for the DC-restricted antigen-uptake receptor DEC205. Following vaccination of mice, the vaccine antigen was expressed selectively by DCs, which were required for the increased efficacy of MHC class I and MHC class II antigen presentation relative to a control scFv DNA vaccine. In addition, a DNA vaccine encoding an HIV gag p41-scFv DEC205 fusion protein induced 10-fold higher antibody levels and increased numbers of IFN-γ-producing CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. After a single i.m. injection of the DNA vaccine encoding an HIV gag p41-scFv DEC205 fusion protein, mice were protected from an airway challenge with a recombinant vaccinia virus expressing the HIV gag p41, even with 1% of the dose of nontargeted DNA vaccine. The efficacy of DNA vaccines therefore may be enhanced by inclusion of sequences such as single-chain antibodies to target the antigen to DCs

    Enhancement of the priming efficacy of DNA vaccines encoding dendritic cell-targeted antigens by synergistic toll-like receptor ligands

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    Abstract Background Targeting of protein antigens to dendritic cells (DC) via the DEC205 receptor enhances presentation of antigen-derived peptides on MHC-I and MHC-II molecules and, in the presence of costimulatory signals, antigen-specific immune responses. The immunogenicity and efficacy of DNA vaccination can also be enhanced by fusing the encoded antigen to single chain antibodies directed against DEC205. To further improve this strategy, we evaluated different toll-like receptor ligands (TLR) and CD40 ligands (CD40L) as adjuvants for DNA vaccines encoding a DEC205-single-chain antibody fused to the ovalbumin model antigen or HIV-1 Gag and assessed the priming efficacy of DNA in a DNA prime adenoviral vector boost immunization regimen. Results Mice were primed with the adjuvanted DEC-205 targeted DNA vaccines and boosted with adenoviral vectors encoding the same antigens. CD8+ T cell responses were determined after the adenoviral booster immunization, to determine how well the different DNA immunization regimens prime for the adenoviral boost. In the absence of adjuvants, targeting of DNA-encoded ovalbumin to DCs suppressed CD8+ T-cell responses after the adenoviral booster immunization. CD8+ T-cell responses to the DEC205 targeted DNA vaccines increased only slightly by adding either the TLR-9 ligand CpG, the TLR-3 ligand Poly I:C, or CD40 ligand expression plasmids. However, the combination of both TLR-ligands led to a strong enhancement of CD8+ T-cell responses compared to a non-targeted DNA vaccine. This finding was confirmed using HIV Gag as antigen. Conclusion Although DNA prime adenoviral vector boost immunizations belong to the strongest inducers of cytotoxic T cell responses in different animal models and humans, the CD8+ T cell responses can be further improved by targeting the DNA encoded antigen to DEC205 in the presence of synergistic TLR ligands CpG and Poly I:C

    Natural Killer Cells Phenotype in Antiretroviral Naïve HIV-1 Infected People Living in Cameroon

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    The impact of antiretroviral naïve HIV-1 infection on the modulation of Natural Killer (NK) cells phenotype has not been fully assessed. This study aimed to define the phenotype of NK cell in the context of antiretroviral naïve HIV-1 infection. A total of 85 ARV naïve HIV-1 infected and 55 healthy individuals were included in the study. Purified NK cells alongside bulk Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMC) were surface stained with fluorochrome conjugated antibodies and samples were acquired using a BD FACS canto II flow cytometer. A down-regulation of CD56 + /CD16 - and CD56 + /CD16 + NK cells (p= 0.003), and a significant expansion (p= 0.03) of CD56 - /CD16 + NK cells subset was observed in ARV naïve HIV-1 infection. The high expression of both CD38 (p= 0.02) and HLA-DR (p=0.001) in the CD56-/CD16+ NK cells subset, shows the activation status of NK cells from HIV-1 infected people. A reduced expression of activating markers NKp44 and NKp30 and the down regulation of NKG2A was observed  in CD56+/CD16- and CD56+/CD16+ NK cells from HIV-1 infected people (p= 0.006, p= 0.009, respectively).  Antiretroviral naive HIV-1 infected people living in Cameroon show a differential modulation of NK cell phenotype relative to HIV negative controls

    Uniqueness of RNA Coliphage Qβ Display System in Directed Evolutionary Biotechnology

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    Phage display technology involves the surface genetic engineering of phages to expose desirable proteins or peptides whose gene sequences are packaged within phage genomes, thereby rendering direct linkage between genotype with phenotype feasible. This has resulted in phage display systems becoming invaluable components of directed evolutionary biotechnology. The M13 is a DNA phage display system which dominates this technology and usually involves selected proteins or peptides being displayed through surface engineering of its minor coat proteins. The displayed protein or peptide’s functionality is often highly reduced due to harsh treatment of M13 variants. Recently, we developed a novel phage display system using the coliphage Qβ as a nano-biotechnology platform. The coliphage Qβ is an RNA phage belonging to the family of Leviviridae, a long investigated virus. Qβ phages exist as a quasispecies and possess features making them comparatively more suitable and unique for directed evolutionary biotechnology. As a quasispecies, Qβ benefits from the promiscuity of its RNA dependent RNA polymerase replicase, which lacks proofreading activity, and thereby permits rapid variant generation, mutation, and adaptation. The minor coat protein of Qβ is the readthrough protein, A1. It shares the same initiation codon with the major coat protein and is produced each time the ribosome translates the UGA stop codon of the major coat protein with the of misincorporation of tryptophan. This misincorporation occurs at a low level (1/15). Per convention and definition, A1 is the target for display technology, as this minor coat protein does not play a role in initiating the life cycle of Qβ phage like the pIII of M13. The maturation protein A2 of Qβ initiates the life cycle by binding to the pilus of the F+ host bacteria. The extension of the A1 protein with a foreign peptide probe recognizes and binds to the target freely, while the A2 initiates the infection. This avoids any disturbance of the complex and the necessity for acidic elution and neutralization prior to infection. The combined use of both the A1 and A2 proteins of Qβ in this display system allows for novel bio-panning, in vitro maturation, and evolution. Additionally, methods for large library size construction have been improved with our directed evolutionary phage display system. This novel phage display technology allows 12 copies of a specific desired peptide to be displayed on the exterior surface of Qβ in uniform distribution at the corners of the phage icosahedron. Through the recently optimized subtractive bio-panning strategy, fusion probes containing up to 80 amino acids altogether with linkers, can be displayed for target selection. Thus, combined uniqueness of its genome, structure, and proteins make the Qβ phage a desirable suitable innovation applicable in affinity maturation and directed evolutionary biotechnology. The evolutionary adaptability of the Qβ phage display strategy is still in its infancy. However, it has the potential to evolve functional domains of the desirable proteins, glycoproteins, and lipoproteins, rendering them superior to their natural counterparts

    Inequities in incidence, morbidity and expenditures on prevention and treatment of malaria in southeast Nigeria

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Malaria places a great burden on households, but the extent to which this is tilted against the poor is unclear. However, the knowledge of the level of the burden of malaria amongst different population groups is vital for ensuring equitable control of malaria. This paper examined the inequities in occurrence, economic burden, prevention and treatment of malaria.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study was undertaken in four malaria endemic villages in Enugu state, southeast Nigeria. Data was collected using interviewer-administered questionnaires. An asset-based index was used to categorize the households into socio-economic status (SES) quartiles: least poor; poor; very poor; and most poor. Chi-square analysis was used to determine the statistical significance of the SES differences in incidence, length of illness, ownership of treated nets, expenditures on treatment and prevention.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>All the SES quartiles had equal exposure to malaria. The pattern of health seeking for all the SES groups was almost similar, but in one of the villages the most poor, very poor and poor significantly used the services of patent medicine vendors and the least poor visited hospitals. The cost of treating malaria was similar across the SES quartiles. The average expenditure to treat an episode of malaria ranged from as low as 131 Naira (1.09)toashighas348Naira(1.09) to as high as 348 Naira (2.9), while the transportation expenditure to receive treatment ranged from 26 Naira to 46 Naira (both less than $1). The level of expenditure to prevent malaria was low in the four villages, with less than 5% owning untreated nets and 10.4% with insecticide treated nets.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Malaria constitutes a burden to all SES groups, though the poorer socio-economic groups were more affected, because a greater proportion of their financial resources compared to their income are spent on treating the disease. The expenditures to treat malaria by the poorest households could lead to catastrophic health expenditures. Effective pro-payment health financing and health delivery methods for the treatment and prevention of malaria are needed to decrease the burden of the disease to the most-poor people.</p

    Targeting Antibody Responses to the Membrane Proximal External Region of the Envelope Glycoprotein of Human Immunodeficiency Virus

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    Although human immunodeficiency type 1 (HIV-1) infection induces strong antibody responses to the viral envelope glycoprotein (Env) only a few of these antibodies possess the capacity to neutralize a broad range of strains. The induction of such antibodies represents an important goal in the development of a preventive vaccine against the infection. Among the broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibodies discovered so far, three (2F5, Z13 and 4E10) target the short and hidden membrane proximal external region (MPER) of the gp41 transmembrane protein. Antibody responses to MPER are rarely observed in HIV-infected individuals or after immunization with Env immunogens. To initiate antibody responses to MPER in its membrane-embedded native conformation, we generated expression plasmids encoding the membrane-anchored ectodomain of gp41 with N-terminal deletions of various sizes. Following transfection of these plasmids, the MPER domains are displayed on the cell surface and incorporated into HIV virus like particles (VLP). Transfected cells displaying MPER mutants bound as efficiently to both 2F5 and 4E10 as cells transfected with a plasmid encoding full-length Env. Mice immunized with VLPs containing the MPER mutants produced MPER-specific antibodies, the levels of which could be increased by the trimerization of the displayed proteins as well as by a DNA prime-VLP boost immunization strategy. Although 2F5 competed for binding to MPER with antibodies in sera of some of the immunized mice, neutralizing activity could not be detected. Whether this is due to inefficient binding of the induced antibodies to MPER in the context of wild type Env or whether the overall MPER-specific antibody response induced by the MPER display mutants is too low to reveal neutralizing activity, remains to be determined