28 research outputs found

    The Evangelistic and Developmental Importance of Creation of Anglican Dioceses in Igboland (1864-2009)

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    The Church Missionary Society (CMS) which is the missionary society that brought Anglican mission into Igboland believed that Christian mission must be done in the context of a Diocese. The purpose of this paper is to attempt a historical exploration of the history of creation of Anglican Dioceses in Igboland and to critically examine the evangelistic and developmental importance of the system in the Igbo society from inception till the year 2009 when the last set of Anglican Dioceses were created in Igboland sequel to an official embargo placed on creation of Dioceses by the Primate of Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) the same year. This study essentially adopted descriptive phenomenology for data collection and analysis.  In the process, it was discovered that the first Anglican Diocese in Igboland was created in 1864 and that between 1864 and 2009 about 50 Dioceses were created in Igboland. The analysis also showed that the Anglican Diocesan system did not only constitute a religious factor in the Igbo society but also a factor of human and social development. Keywords: Anglican church, Dioceses, Evangelicalism, Development, Importance

    Adult Education in Malta: Challenges and Prospects

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    Lifelong learning has long been a topic of discussion in Malta but, as this article shows, barriers to participation continue to exist. This article outlines the historical and economic changes that have led Malta to its present situation where adult education largely focuses on employment skills. Although available through a variety of channels, challenges still need to be met to ensure the participation of groups such as women, older people and immigrants. This article advocates a national strategy for adult education within which a balance is struck between learning for employment and learning as a public good.peer-reviewe

    Spatial and seasonal variation of microphytoplankton community and the correlation with environmental parameters in a hypereutrophic tropical estuary - MaranhĂŁo - Brazil

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    O estuĂĄrio do rio Bacanga apresenta um comportamento hidrodinĂąmico com fluxo de marĂ©s limitado por uma barragem. Ele Ă© considerado como um ambiente hipereutrĂłfico que recebe diariamente altas cargas de esgoto domĂ©stico sem tratamento. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a variação espaço-sazonal da comunidade fitoplanctĂŽnica e suas relaçÔes com parĂąmetros ambientais. Amostragens bimestrais foram realizadas em seis pontos fixos entre 2012 e 2013, obtendo valores dos parĂąmetros fĂ­sico-quĂ­micos e biolĂłgicos (clorofila a, composição e abundĂąncia do fitoplĂąncton) para realização das anĂĄlises estatĂ­sticas. Os resultados indicam que a comunidade fitoplanctĂŽnica Ă© representada por diatomĂĄceas, sendo Skeletonema costatum a espĂ©cie dominante responsĂĄvel por pulsos de floraçÔes em abril e junho de 2012. O predomĂ­nio dessa espĂ©cie estĂĄ relacionado aos elevados teores de silicato, pH e turbidez da ĂĄgua. Outros eventos de floraçÔes como da Euglena gracilis e Chlamydomonas sp. foram registrados em fevereiro de 2013, quando os teores de fĂłsforo total estiveram elevados e as taxas de oxigĂȘnio dissolvido foram superiores. Os dinoflagelados, cianobactĂ©rias e a diatomĂĄcea Thallassiosira sp. apresentaram ampla distribuição no perĂ­odo de estiagem e estĂŁo altamente correlacionados com a salinidade, transparĂȘncia da ĂĄgua e nutrientes. Desta forma, a distribuição da comunidade fitoplanctĂŽnica Ă© mais definida sazonalmente que espacialmenteThe Bacanga River Estuary has a hydrodynamic behavior and its tidal flow is limited by a dam. It is considered as a hypertrophic environment that receives daily high loads of domestic sewage without treatment. This study aimed to evaluate the spatial and temporal variation of phytoplankton community and its relationship with environmental parameters. Bi-monthly sampling campaigns were carried out at six fixed sites between 2012 and 2013. Physical-chemical and biological parameters were collected (chlorophyll a, phytoplankton composition and abundance) to perform the statistical correlations. The results indicate that phytoplankton community is mostly represented by diatoms, with Skeletonema costatum being the dominant species responsible for bloom in April and June of 2012. The dominance of this species is related to the high silicate concentrations, pH and turbidity. Other blooms events as well as the Euglena gracilis and Chlamydomonas sp. were recorded in February 2013, when the total phosphorus concentrations were high and the dissolved oxygen concentrations were higher. Dinoflagellates, cyanobacteria and diatom Thallassiosira sp. were widely distributed in the dry period and highly correlated with salinity, water transparency and nutrients. Hence, the distribution of phytoplankton community is more defined seasonally, rather than spatially

    UHF propagation measurements for future CDMA systems

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre-DSC:DXN007390 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    Revisiting the concept of inculturation in a modern Africa: A reflection on salient issues

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    This article revisited the concept of ‘Inculturation’ in modern Africa. Through the use of a historical phenomenological method, the article averred that Inculturation of Christianity in modern Africa is a herculean task that demands absolute caution. Hence, the article discussed some salient issues such as the evolutionary nature of African culture; the unity of the Christendom; and the Christian ecological concern, which should be put into serious consideration in the entire process of inculturation in Africa to safeguard the essence of the gospel of Christ and to meet contemporary challenges

    Preparing them from home: A discourse on Christian parental responsibility towards ecological crisis

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    Few studies have discussed the roles of parents towards addressing ecological crisis. Yet, discourses on these roles have always been approached from a secular perspective. To this end, this paper critically discusses the roles of parents towards ecological crisis from the Christian or biblical perspective of their responsibilities towards their children. Using a hermeneutic phenomenological method of analysis, the article argues that ecological disasters of tomorrow could be prevented today through effective ecologically centred Christian parenting

    Knowledge and support for political restructuring among youths in Nigeria: Are there ethnic and religious differences?

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    Agitations for political restructuring have come from virtually all age groups, socio-ethnic and political configurations in Nigeria. However, little or nothing is known about the ethnic and religious differences in the entire agitations especially among the youths. This study examined ethnic and religious differences in the knowledge and support for political restructuring among the youths in Nigeria. Participants were 575 youths (372 males, 180 females, M = 25.62, SD = 5.51) drawn from Nigeria’s six geopolitical zones. Data were collected using questionnaires assessing knowledge and support for political restructuring. One-way ANOVA was used to analyze the data. Results showed that youths from minority ethnic groups reported higher knowledge and support for political restructuring. For the various religious groups, Muslims have more knowledge and support for political restructuring. Relying on the issue-specific motivator model, the study highlighted the implications of these findings for research and policy